Drink (82 page)

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Authors: Iain Gately

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431 “when the pubs closed, the streets filled”:
“Drinking the Good Life: Australia, 1880-1980,” Diane Erica Kirkby, in Holt, p. 210.
431 “there are evils associated”:
Ibid., p. 216.
432 “a sort of feminine substitute for beer”:
” Ibid., p. 217.
432 “big, full-bodied wine”:
Max Schubert A.M., “The Story of Grange”—paper delivered to the Australian National University Wine Symposium, Canberra, 1979.
432 Consumption statistics for France, Italy, UK, Germany: w
ww.eurocare .org/pdf/profiles.
432 French regulations:
Oxford Companion to Wine,
Jancis Robinson,. ed, Oxford, 1999.
432 Medical discoveries re alcohol:
Bacchic Medicine,
Harry W. Paul, Editions Rodopi, Amsterdam—New York, 2001.
433 “I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence”:
introduction to
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,
Hunter S. Thompson, Harper Perennial Modern Classics edition, 2005.
434 “Americans are always drinking in crossroads saloons”:
On the Road,
Jack Kerouac (1957) Penguin, London, p. 89.
434 “I drank sixty glasses of beer”:
Ibid., p. 231.
435 “There are no hippy bars”:
“The Hashbury is the Capital of the Hippies,” Hunter S. Thompson (From the
New York Times Magazine,
May 14, 1967) in
The Great Shark Hunt,
Picador London, 1980, pp. 407-08.
436 “The big market, these days, is in Downers”:
Fear and Loathing,
p. 202.
438 “We aim to make good and goddammit sure”:
Michael Herr, Picador, London, 2004, p. 12.
438 “Now and then, to help slice the monotony”:
If I Die in a Combat Zone,
Tim O’Brien (1969), Flamingo Modern Classic edition, London, 1995, p. 179.
440 “enthralled . . . with what I had tasted,”:
California Wine,
p. xxxii.
441 “As they swirled, sniffed, sipped, and spat”:
magazine, June 7, 1976.
Californian Wine
: “The Volstead Act, Rebirth and Boom, Ruth Teiser and Catherine Harroun,
California Wine,
pp. 50-81.
Consumption statistics:
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism:
444 “Japanese culture, Japanese food”:
“In the Shadow of Mount Fuji,” David Broom,
Whisky Magazine,
Issue 57.
445 mizu shobai
“Drinking Country, Flows of Exchange in a Japanese Valley,” Brian Moeran, in
Drinking Cultures,
Ed. Thomas M. Wilson, Berg, New York, 2005, p. 26.
446 “sweetness, sourness, pungency”:
Ibid., p. 37.
447 “Kanpai!”:
Ibid., p. 31.
447 “part of a (threatened) underclass rural population”:
Ibid., p. 38.
448 huang jiu”:
“Cognac, Beer, Red Wine or Soft Drinks? Hong Kong Identity and Wedding Banquets,” Josephine Smart, in Berg, pp. 107-128.
449 Snake wine—
Author’s observations.
450 “The Chinese associate the grape with hot foods”:
, “Where the VSOP Goes Down ASAP,” Barbara Basler,
New York Times,
October 28, 1992.
450 “No businessman here would”:
450 “Nuerhong (Red Daughter) or Nujui (Daughter’s Wine)”:
Berg, p. 115.
452 “highly combustible rice wine”:
“With Nixon in China: A Memoir,”
Dirck Halstead
Digital Journalist
; January 2005.
Fusion drinking:
Drinking Occasions, Comparative Perspectives on Alcohol and Culture,
Dwight B. Heath, Brunner-Routledge, New York and London, 2000.
Consumption trends
: WHO Global Status Report on Alcohol, 2004, Country Profiles: Japan, China.
Japanese youth drinking:
“Young People’s Drinking Behavior in Japan,” Susumu Higuchi, MD, Ph.D., Kenji Suzuki, MD, Sachio Matsushita, MD, Yoneatsu Osaki, MD, Ph.D., text at:
Hong Kong Drinking:
“Alcohol—Is There or Will There Be a Drinking Problem in Hong Kong?,” S.P.B. Donnan,
Journal of the Hong Kong Medical Association,
Vol. 11, No. 1, 1989. “Cultural Aspects of Drinking Patterns and Alcohol Controls in China,” Ian Newman,
2002 Issue 1, online at
453 “easily crosses the placenta”:
“Liquor and Babies,”
Time Magazine,
July 14 1975.
454 “She’s very, very small”:
“An argument That Goes Back to the Womb: The Demedicalisation of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, 1973-1992,” Janet Golden,
Journal of Social History
33 (1999) 269-98.
454 “the dangers of drinking during pregnancy”:
454 “eight to ten drinks or more per day”:
455 The actual drinking habits of American:
Ruth C. Engs, and David J. Hanson, “The Drinking Patterns and Problems of College Students: 1983,”
Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education.
31(1):65-84, 1985.
456 “We’ve lost more than a quarter of a million”:
Ronald Reagan, Radio Address to the Nation on Drunk Driving, December 17, 1983;
456 “Now, some feel that my decision”:
Ronald Reagan, speech, June 20, 1984 River Dell High School, Oradell, New Jersey.
458 “More and more it seems”:
“The Evolution of U.S. Temperance Movements Since Repeal: A Comparison of Two Campaigns to Control Alcohoic Beverage Marketing, 1950s and 1980s,” Pamela Pennock,
The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs
20 (2005) 14-65.
459 “a climate in which dangerous attitudes”:
“Alcohol Advertising: A Call for Congressional Action.” Statement of Jean Kilbourne, Ph.D., to the Committee on Governmental Affairs of the United States Senate, June 29, 1988.
459 “paid for about 10 percent of all”:
“Are We Addicted to Alcohol Advertising? (1989), Christine Lubinski,
460 “To blame advertising”:
465 “your office should proceed with caution”:
“BAFT out of Hell,” Jacob Sullum,
May 1994.
465 “varying ages, both genders”:
“The Conflict Between Public Health Goals and the Temperance Mentality,” Stanton Peele,
American Journal of Public Health,
83:803-10, 1993.
466 “reached the age that”:
Ben Sherwood,
Washington Monthly,
Consumption trends:
“A 10-Year National Trend Study of Alcohol Consumption, 1984-1995: Is the Period of Declining Drinking Over?” Thomas K. Greendfield Ph.D, Lorraine T. Midanik, Ph.D., John Rodgers, MA,
American Journal of Public Health,
Vol. 90, No. 1, January 2000.
Consumption statistics:
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism:
Standard drinks for various countries:
International Center for Alcohol Policies:
UK Safe Limits:
Sensible Drinking: The Report of an Inter-Departmental
Working Group, Department of Health, December 1995.
Alcohol absorption rates:
“Alcohol in the Body,” Alex Paton,
Vol. 330, January 8, 2005.
Safe Limits:
“Current Weekly Limits Too Mean,” J. C Duffy,
1994; 308:270-271.
468 “Those limits were really plucked”:
Richard Smith, reported on
Sky News,
October 20, 2007.
472 “Idler: What’s it like not drinking?”:
“Conversations,” Jeffrey Bernard,
The Idler,
February 8, 1995.
474 “surprisingly, it appears that nearly half”:
Alcohol—Can the NHS Afford It?
A Report of a Working Party of the Royal College of Physicians, February 2001.
475 “My mum has drunk nothing but a single cream sherry”:
Bridget Jones’s Diary,
Helen Fielding, Picador, London, 1996, p. 47.
475 “gastro-anomie”:
“Consuming Wine in France, the ’Wandering’ Drinker and the Vin-anomie,” Marion Demossier, in Berg, pp. 129-154.
476 “Each bottle of American and Australian wine”:
“Wine War,”
September 3, 2001.
477 “Languedoc-Roussillon is still the biggest wine-producing”:
“South of France Wine Brand Gets Green Light,” Chris Mercer,
, July 20, 2006.
478 “We thought we were the king of carrots”:
“Too Much of a Good Thing, Peter Gumbel,
Time Europe,
October 30, 2006, Vol. 168, No. 19.
478 “a ridiculous way to use taxpayers’ money”:
“Brussels Tells Winemakers to Face Up to New World Challenge,” David Rennie,
Daily Telegraph,
June 23, 2006.
Drunk driving, France:
“Alcohol is the Main Factor in Excess Traffic Accident Fatalities in France, Michel Reynaud, Patrick Le Breton, Bertrand Gilot, Françoise Vervialle, and Bruno Falissard,
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
. 26(12): 1833-39, December 2002. “France’s Wine Industry Encourages Drinking and Driving,” Associated Press, November 17, 2003.
479 “I drank straight from the bottle”:
Moscow Stations,
Venedict Yerofeev, Trans. Stephen Mulrine, Faber & Faber, London, 1997, p. 27.
479 “it’s weird, nobody in Russia knows”:
Ibid., p. 48.
479 “Dog’s giblets, the drink that puts all others in the shade!”:
Ibid., p. 50.
000 Russian drinking crisis:
“Kicking the Vodka Habit,” M. Lawrence Schrad,
St. Petersburg Times,
November 7, 2006.
480 “not a mean drunk”:
The Russia Hand: A Memoir of Presidential Diplomacy,
Strobe Talbot, Random House, 2002.
482 “for is not the life of man simply the soul’s sidelong glance?”:
Yerofeev, p. 123.
482 9/11 effect:
“Prevalence of binge drinking and heavy drinking among adults in the United States, 1990-2004,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, online at:
483 “Frequent heavy drinking”:
“Exposure of African American Youth to Alcohol Advertising, 2003 to 2004,” Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth, Georgetown University, available at
483 “equipoise and serenity”:
“Hip Hop Fridays: How Rap Music Saved Cognac,” John Carreyrou and Christopher Lawton,
Wall Street Journal,
July 2003.
484 “we can’t forbid people from buying it”:
“Bubbles and bling,” Gideon Rachman,
The Economist,
Summer 2006.
484 “ancient origins”:
Beer Institute Advertising and Marketing Code, online at:
www.beeresponsible.com/advertising/AdAndMarketingCode. html.
485 Alcohol Advertising and youth:
“Alcohol Advertising: What Makes It Attractive to Youth?” Chen, et al.,
Journal of Health Communication,
10: 553-65, 2005. Online at:
487 Craft brewing statistics:
487 Senate resolution for craft brewing:
490 “a potential problem with alcohol”:
“Substance Abuse in the Deployment Environment,”
Iraq War Clinician Guide,
R. Gregory Lande, DO FACN, Barbara A. Marin, Ph.D., and Josef I Ruzek, Ph.D., p. 79, XII.
490 “Going to a bar is not an opportunity to get drunk”:
“Texas Police Look in Bars for Signs of Drunkenness,” Hugh Aynesworth,
Washington Times,
March 29, 2006.
491 “Moderate alcohol consumption may have beneficial health”:
U.S. dietary guidelines online:
492 “I have been to AA meetings and they have left me cold.”:
A Million Little Pieces,
James Frey, Hodder Headline, London, 2004, p. 90.
493 “studies of the relationship between alcohol and stress”:
“Does Drinking Reduce Stress?” Michael A. Sayette, Ph.D., Alcohol Research and Health, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 250, 255.
494 “Fat-related deaths dropped 31 percent”:
“Wine Extract Keeps Mice Fat and healthy,” Seth Borenstein, Associated Press, 2006.
494 “self-reported drinkers earn 10-14 percent more than abstainers”:
“No Booze? You May Lose: Why Drinkers Earn More Money Than Nondrinkers,” Bethany L. Peters, Edward Stringham, Reason Foundation, Policy Brief 44, September 2006.
495 Judgement of Paris
: “Judgement of Paris Revisited: California in Pole Position Yet Again,” Jane Anson,
Decanter Magazine,
October 24, 2006.
496 “I had heard about ‘dry counties’”:
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell,
Tucker Max, Penguin Books, London, 2006.
497 “We’re not looking for development . . .”:
A State’s Last Dry Town Asserts a Right to Hold On to Tradition, William Yardley,
New York Times
December 26, 2005.
497 “Here’s to a new tradition in Westerville”:
“Dry Capital of the World No More,”
Chicago Sun-Times,
January 15, 2006.

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