Druid Surrender (A Druid Quest Novel Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Druid Surrender (A Druid Quest Novel Book 1)
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His warmth invited her closer, and she hugged the edge of the bed, terrified to move lest she accidently touch him. He didn’t have any such qualms. He gathered her close, his arousal pressed intimately against her. She fought her blush and didn’t dare move, fearing that if she did, it would be toward him. To her relief, his breathing evened out, and his nearness lulled her to sleep.

Brighid woke in a haze of pleasure. She lifted her head and found herself plastered against Wyatt, as if she’d been unable to resist him even in her sleep, and crawled all over him. Wondering if she would be able to sneak out of bed with any dignity intact, she turned toward him and found his eyes locked on her.


No dignity at all.

His usual gray-green eyes were completely green, the hunger in them devouring her. He held himself rigid, no emotions cracking his face, and a shiver of pure lust struck her at his evident desire. She found herself inching closer, craving just one taste.

“If you don’t move away in the next minute, I cannot be held accountable for my actions.” His lips barely moved while he issued those husky words.

Heat scalded her cheeks as she scrambled off him. She hugged her legs to her chest as he left the bed and stripped. He seemed unconcerned about his nakedness, and Brighid couldn’t stop staring at his sculpted body, admiring the view as tanned muscles rippled whenever he moved. Saliva pooled in her mouth at the masculine display.

“If you continue to look at me like that, our talk will be delayed a few hours.”

The dark as sin tone of his voice sent her stomach tumbling, and she desperately wanted to touch him. If she took this step, there would be no turning back…if it wasn’t already too late.

“Talk.” The command came out as a croak, and she turned away from temptation. When she glanced up again, he wore a robe that covered him from neck to foot.

She heard his sigh of disappointment at her choice.

Despite him being covered, the tension didn’t dissipate.

“Angelica will be moving to London to stay with my aunt.”

Brighid studied every nuance of his face, but couldn’t detect any signs of regret. Any niggling doubt that hovered at the back of her mind slowly vanished. “This is horrible of me, but I’m glad she’ll be gone.”

When Wyatt didn’t return her smile, her own faded, and a curl of unease spread through her. “Wyatt?”

“I have to deliver her to my aunt.”

“I know.” Brighid ducked her head. Even though she expected it, something inside her crumbled at his admission.

It was foolish to feel that he was choosing Angelica over her when he was only fulfilling what he considered his responsibility. Doing her best to suppress the bitter chill that spread like frost through her chest, Brighid was determined to use the time he was gone to set a trap of her own and eliminate the threat to Wyatt once and for all.

His eyes narrowed dangerously at her silence, and she feared he’d read her expression. If he knew what she planned, he would never leave.

“You will not do anything foolish while I’m gone. You will be here when I return, even if I have to lock you up myself, or I promise you that I will spend the rest of my life hunting you down. You’re mine.” He stalked toward her, placing his hands on either side of her head, forcing her to lean back until she was sprawled across his bed. “Do I make myself clear?”

He gripped her jaw, the touch both a threat and a caress. Her blood heated at his passionate declaration, melting the ice that had frosted over her heart.

She surprised herself by slipping her hands into his hair and pulled him closer. Only an inch separated them when she looked up at him. “Promise?”

He groaned and captured her lips in the kiss so full of hunger that it demolished the last of her resistance. Craving more of him, she pulled him close, winding her legs around his, whimpering when he resisted. He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers. “We have to get dressed or we won’t leave this bed for a week.”

Chapter 25

s Wyatt made
his way downstairs, a satisfied smile flickered across his face as images of a disheveled Brighid lying across his bed flashed through his mind. She looked good there. Like she belonged. He entered the dining room and found Aaron already eating.

He nodded a greeting, struggling to get his head out of his pants. It took a moment for him to notice Aaron had spoken. “Sorry, what?”

“Angelica left for London with the note to your aunt clutched in her hand.”

His first thought was relief, immediately followed by the impulse to head back upstairs and finish what he started with his wife and begin the day properly. He wanted to prove to her that she was his, even if he had to do it over and over.

Then the implications of what Aaron said turned his mood nasty. “Alone?”

“The servants reported Michael rode alongside. They left before dawn in order to make the early train.”

“Thank God.” The sting of disquiet at being forced to leave Brighid eased, and his churning stomach finally settled.

Aaron laughed. “You’re not going to miss the incessant chattering and groping hands?”

Wyatt picked up a roll and tossed it at Aaron’s head. “I’m not sure why women put up with us, if that’s how we act around them.”

The man promptly caught the bread and took a bite. “I don’t know about you, but I have a certain charm that they find irresistible.”

Wyatt snorted, the last of the tension dissipating as he finished his meal. He stood with a whistle on his lips and left in search of Brighid, intent to steal a few more of those intoxicating kisses.

* * *

, you have to help me.” Brighid barged into the countess’s room, leaving the door open a crack so she could peer down the hall. Only when she was sure that she wasn’t followed did she plop down in the chair, sprawling in a most unladylike manner.

“With what, dear?” Beth’s eyes gleamed in anticipation of a challenge.

“Wyatt.” Brighid tipped back her head and closed her eyes. “He’s been dogging my footsteps for the past three days, ever since Angelica left.” She cracked one eye open and glared at Beth. “If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he ordered the servants to keep watch and report back to him. I can’t enter any room without him showing up in a matter of minutes.” She spread her arms wide in defeat.

Images from last night took shape behind her eyes. Every evening, he would follow her into her room, strip, then watch her while she prepared for bed. And every evening, he kept his hands to himself except to hold her close.

She was about ready to die of frustration.

She knew he wanted her, because his arousal pressed against her every night like a brand.

And no matter how much she tried to tempt him, he persisted in being a gentleman.

The bastard.

“Men like Wyatt are addicted to the adventure and chase. You’re irresistible to him. If you want my advice…stop running.”

Brighid’s eyes popped open. The suggestion was innocent enough, but Beth’s smile was anything but. Brighid traced a pattern on the chair with her fingertips, the velvet fabric cool to her touch. “Can you not assign him a task for the fair? Just until I can find that damn painting. If he had a job to keep him occupied, he’d leave me in peace”

“Unlikely.” Beth chuckled with genuine amusement. “I believe he’s already found a project…you.”

Brighid heaved a sigh, but a dangerous thrill surged through her at the thought of being the center of his attention. It was totally foolhardy, the last thing she should be feeling.

“But I can try.”

“Thank you.” The heartfelt response caused Beth to giggle.

“There you are.” Wyatt pushed open the door, and she jerked upright. She did a mental calculation, then rolled her eyes. She’d managed a whole thirty-seven minutes by herself before he’d found her.

“Stop following me.” She’d repeated the same refrain many times over the past few days, and every time, it was as if she hadn’t spoken. She had begun to wonder if only she could hear her voice. A strand of hair escaped her clips, and he pushed the stray curl behind her ear, his finger trailing down the side of her neck before he moved safely out of reach.

Against her will, her heart thumped at the simple touch.

She craved more.

Wyatt smiled innocently. “I don’t know what you mean. I came to visit Mother.”

A growl prickled the back her throat. Why did she bother?

Beth snorted at the obvious lie. “Sit. With so much time on your hands, you can help plan the fair.”

Wyatt raised a brow. “I thought everything has been decided.”

“Not yet. You’ll be in charge of the children. The fair will be held outdoors. You need to plan games to keep them entertained.”

Wyatt rubbed his hands together and turned to Brighid. “When do we start?”

“Oh, no you don’t. This is your job. I am going to find Trudy and Paul.” Brighid bolted to her feet, ready to escape.

“Good idea, they’ll be able to give us their perspective.” His arm snaked around her waist, pulling her against the hard length of his body as he escorted her from the room. His sandalwood scent curled around her, and she found herself leaning closer to catch another whiff. Memories of them in bed, him holding her tight, made her breath catch. Her body tingled as she imagined his hands sliding over her breasts.

She was almost used to him touching her all the time.


She tried to limit her body’s reaction to him, but a simple look from him set her stomach fluttering.

There were only three days left before the fair, and she didn’t know how much longer she could resist his silent assault on her senses. She had to make a logical decision about her future, not be seduced.

Brighid feared it might already be much too late.

She couldn’t help peeking at him from the corner of her eye, and admire the way the sunshine highlighted the blond streaks in his brown hair. Her fingers twitched to sink into the thick waves. When he caught her staring, he winked, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. She flushed, turning her face away to avoid his too-knowing gaze.

“Come here, you little stinker.” Trudy’s voice rang in the hallway, and Brighid picked up her pace.

Safety in numbers.

She entered the nursery and sat on the floor, the farthest she could get from Wyatt, but within five minutes, she found herself plastered to his side with no idea how she got there. She wiggled away, managing to put a foot of space between them, when he spun around and laid his head in her lap.

She shouldn’t be charmed.

She shouldn’t touch him.

But somehow, her fingers found her way in his hair, and she gave a faint smile.

After an hour, Brighid’s nerves were shattered. “Enough. We have the three-legged race, the halfpenny hunt, the pie eating contest, the barrel race, the ring toss, and the hoop rolling contest. And Wyatt has offered to pay a shilling to each of the winners.” Brighid struggled to her feet, pretending she hadn’t seen Wyatt’s outstretched hand. No way was she going to be tricked into touching him again. Last time he took her hand, he refused to relinquish it.

“If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll take a nap.”

Wyatt smiled and rubbed his hands together. “Sounds like a good idea.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Alone.”

She slammed the door to the playroom shut behind her. Not waiting for him to follow, she picked up her skirts and sprinted down the hall. He would be only moments behind her. She hesitated outside her room…it would be the first place he’d search. She backed away like it was a trap and whirled for the stairs.

His study.

The last place he’d look.

Halfway down the stairs, she spotted Aaron at the front door, and she rushed up, cursing her breathlessness, which had more to do with the possibility of being caught than any physical effort, and latched onto his arm before he could disappear. “I don’t suppose you could use some company?”

“What do you have in mind?” Nothing showed on his face but a polite, uninterested expression, yet something in his eyes sharpened to razor points that left her feeling dissected.

When she replayed back her question, her eyes widened in horror, and she swatted him. “Not that.”

“Oh, thank God.” A gusty sigh escaped him, and he grinned at her. “You’re a beautiful woman, but if Wyatt thought you’ve even looked at me sideways, it wouldn’t end well. I’ve grown rather fond of certain parts of my anatomy.” He gave her a wicked grin. “Where do you want to go?”

“Anywhere but here. Preferably now.”

Aaron raised a brow and glanced at her gown. “I’m heading to the stables to help them ready for the fair.”

It wasn’t a no. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, anxious to be off. “That sounds like heaven.”

“Does Wyatt know where you’re going?”

She bit her lip and nodded. “Yes?”

“Liar.” He cracked a smile and tapped her nose. “If you want to escape, you’d best hurry.”

A pinch of guilt kept her from shoving him out the door. “I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

He winked at her. “I’m not averse to helping a fair damsel in distress if it means putting Wyatt’s nose out of joint.”

She didn’t wait to hear more. She looped her arm through his, gave one last harried look over her shoulder, and yanked him out the door. “Then what are you standing around for?”

* * *

here the hell is she
?” Wyatt barged into his mother’s room without knocking, angry beyond words. Brighid had disappeared more than three hours ago, and no one had seen her since.

She had given him the slip.


A renowned spymaster.

Beth clicked her tongue. “Wyatt, if you don’t loosen your stranglehold on her, you’ll only push her further away.”

“You don’t understand. Her life is in danger. If I have to live in her pocket to make sure she survives, so be it.”

“Then you could lose her either way.”

A muscle twitched in his jaw. Not while he still had breath in his body. “Where is my wife?”

“I’m here.”

Brighid walked into the room with a spring in her step. How could it be that he wanted to hug her and strangle her at the same time? Her hair was tumbled about her shoulders in a way that tempted him to sift his fingers through the strands. Bits of straw poked out at odd angles in the curls, and clung to her skirts. He narrowed his eyes when a pang of jealousy smacked him in the face.

Not that he believed she would cheat on him.

He knew exactly where she’d gone, and who had taken her.

It was that she’d enjoyed herself and hadn’t invited him along.

“You were looking for me?” She blinked those innocent eyes of hers up at him, and he knew he’d been had.

“You sneaked out without telling me.” He stalked toward her, closing the gap between them in two strides.

Her eyes narrowed, and he stopped short of grabbing her. “I didn’t think I needed to tell you anything, since you seemed to have employed spies around the house to do it for me.”

She swiped at dirty spot on her dress and stuck her dainty nose in the air, as if the matter were settled. “I should change for dinner.”

As he watched her disappear out the door, he narrowed his eyes at the challenge. He went to follow when his mother spoke.

“Loosen your hold, and you might be surprised to find her running toward you instead of away.”

He slammed the door behind him, then paced the hall. He didn’t want to loosen his hold, he liked having her nearby, where he could look at her and touch her whenever he wanted. His pacing increased, back and forth in the hall, glaring at her door each time he passed.

The closed door only fueled his anger.

She was shutting him out.


Like all the progress they’d made meant nothing.

He’d had enough.

He marched to the door and threw it open.

His wife stood in the middle of the room, dressed only in her shift. She whirled at his entrance, and he couldn’t stop his eyes from sweeping her nearly naked form.

BOOK: Druid Surrender (A Druid Quest Novel Book 1)
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