Read Druid's Daughter Online

Authors: Jean Hart Stewart

Druid's Daughter (24 page)

BOOK: Druid's Daughter
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Then he seemed to gain control as he slowed as if in
deliberation, suddenly acting as if he had all the time in the world. He
caressed her breasts and then her hips and stomach, kissing her every place his
hands glided. He moved his lips to her breasts, giving them equally committed
attention. His kisses were hot and followed his lips as he suckled each breast
and then withdrawing a little, nipped the tip of each breast with the bare
edges of his teeth until they peaked as hard as jewels.

He was concentrating on driving her insane. She knew it. He
was coming very close to succeeding. She was aware he realized exactly what he
was doing to her and his eyes flared as she thrust her hips against him.

This was the strangest thing. She felt as hot as if she were
running a temperature. Yet she didn’t intend to be passive, even if receiving
his passion was almost magic. She didn’t know quite what to do, but imagined if
she returned his caresses it would be a good start.

She felt for his nipples. She could barely see them by the
moonlight streaming in the windows, but they resembled copper buds and under
her fingers soon felt as hard. Like little stone pebbles. But she meant to
taunt him even more. She moved her hands lower. His chest was so solid and
massive and she let her hands explore, lingering on his contoured planes and
muscles. Her hands made a sensuous whisper as they glided over his body. She loved
every inch of his powerfully masculine body and tried to show her adoration in
her increasingly ardent caresses. It was not enough. She gave a strangled moan
and pressed her soft breasts against his hard strength and wiggled a little.

“Leave off, love, if you expect me to last the course.”

The words made no sense to her. His voice was so low she
could barely recognize it as that of her lover. Her lover Lance. The very words
in her mind thrilled her as she moved her lips to his nipples, tasting and
teasing him as he’d tasted her.

“Morgan, my dear love. Take care. I want to give you
pleasure, not take you so rapidly you’d miss much of the delight.”

He pulled away from her and lay back on the bed, one arm
over his eyes and his breath rasping in his throat.

She thought what they were doing was perfectly lovely and
she didn’t want to stop. She could go on kissing and caressing his body
forever. Evidently he had other ideas, as when she reached for him again he
chuckled and grabbed her hands.

“You’re a treasure, Morgan. My God, how do I slow you down?”

He began his caresses anew as he held her hands in one of
his as he suckled her breasts again, slowly at first, while his other clever
hand found her body’s most sensitive points. His lips became hungry and evocative
as he raised emotions in her body she’d never imagined. She threw back her
head, moaning in delight and he released her hands with a knowing smile.

Using both of his own to once more celebrate the contours of
her body, he glided over her hips until his fingers found the thatch of curls
between her legs. She reached down in automatic reaction to stop him, but he
refused to allow it, caressing her mound even as he slipped a finger inside
her. Now he used his fingers to part her folds, almost immediately finding the
nubbin she hadn’t even known she possessed. As he caressed the damp bud, she
swiveled her hips and tried to push even closer to him. Still he held her off
and kept up his escalating torment, enticing her passion until her whole body
began to vibrate.

He rapidly reared over her, parting her legs with his knee
and placed the tip of his member against her entrance. Then he reached down and
pulled her thighs wider.

“Lance,” she whispered. “What are you doing?”

“Think, darling,” he gasped, entering her slowly and then
pausing. She felt her body expand to take him in and raised her hips
involuntarily to give him access. He threw back his head and stopped still for
an instant as if he were again trying to slow himself. Then he thrust deeper
with one powerful stroke. She cried out and he froze, holding his body still
while he comforted her with small kisses. The pain passed quickly and she
pulled at him to continue. He smiled down at her and kissed her once more
before he started his movements again, his member thrusting deep and deeper in
her body.

He filled her completely, a sensation she found amazing,
beautiful and satisfying beyond any expectation. She clutched him with her arms
as tightly as she could, feeling her inner folds grasp him tightly. His strokes
became vigorous as he began to enter, withdraw and then enter again. She had a
fleeting memory of a stallion mating and wondering how the mare felt. Surely
not this overpowering desire to have him thrust ever deeper and stronger and
never stop. Soon she couldn’t think of anything at all. Nothing at all but
Lance and the burning pleasure he was giving her.

Lance’s virile stroking submerged any sensation except the
knowledge he was in her. Nothing existed except the wish to have him help her
reach some wonderful summit before she exploded. His breathing was shallow and
his jaw clenched as if he were trying to hold off a powerful force.

She didn’t know what she craved but she longed for that
mysterious something with every hot fiber in her straining body. She began to
match his thrusts with her own, praying he’d gift her with whatever she was

She knew he held the answer, if he would just share it with
her. She found herself surging into a realm of passion she had never imagined,
on the edge of a wonderful sensation she couldn’t comprehend. Then in one
vigorous stroke he drove himself deep into her as she gasped and screamed.

“Let go, darling.” She could barely recognize his hoarse
words. “Fall with me. I’ll hold you safely.”

She felt her inner muscles tighten around him as he shouted
her name. He joined her as they fell together into the heavenly oblivion that
only true lovers know.

* * * * *

For a long time afterward he held her, their bodies still
joined. When he finally began to pull away from her she clutched him again,
reluctant to let him go. His big body was heavy on hers but she didn’t want him
to move. She was aware the rapid thudding of his heart was slowing as he gently
pulled himself from her body and wrapped her in his arms.

“I feel so ignorant,” she chided herself. “I think I felt
this would never happen to me and so refused to think about how wonderful it
might be. I thought fireworks were going off right in the bedroom.”

Lance chuckled. “An apt description, my love.” Lance brushed
the hair off her brow and kissed her forehead. “I only hope I didn’t go too
fast for you. You made it hard to slow down, although I did try. I so wanted
your first experience to be good for you.”

She turned her face and kissed him. Sweetly and without the
hot passion that had so inflamed them both such a short time ago.

“It was very good, my lord Lance. But I think you know that
quite well and just want to be complimented on your expert lovemaking.”

She could feel him smiling against her face. “Thank you,
Lady Laniston. I rather thought you liked it.” His voice lost its faint touch
of smugness and lowered to an intense sincerity. “For me, my love, it was quite
simply heaven.” His voice deepened even more. “A rare heaven most mortals never

Thrilled to tears by his emotional words, she kissed him
with all her heart. Suddenly all of his words got through to her and she
started with surprise. She would be Lady Laniston! What an amazing thought.

He nuzzled her neck. “If you’re through with me shall I go
back on the floor?”

“You wretch.” She reached for her pillow to throw at him
again, but he chuckled and held her hands.

“If you’re not going to evict me from your bed perhaps you’d
like to talk a little and then possibly have a repeat performance? Just a
thought. In case you’d like it. I only live to please.”

He sounded as hopeful as a child at Christmas and she
laughed out loud. Then she sobered. “Can we really do it again?”

The glimmering moonlight revealed his face once more
sparking with passion. His chiseled features were shining with the deep desire
of his love. He leaned over and kissed her with his beautiful, demanding mouth.
He didn’t seem at all ready to talk. He looked down at her, his grin that of a
confident caveman about to pleasure his mate.

“I assure you we can. Tonight and every night of our
marriage, my darling wife. Only this time we’ll go more slowly. Knowing what
wonders are coming and anticipating them makes for even more wonder.”

He rolled her under him and his splendid body rose over her
once again. She realized what he meant as he began his assured assault on her
senses and she eagerly responded to every kiss and sensuous caress. Her passion
mounted faster than she thought possible and she shivered with delicious
expectation as she lifted her hips to meet him.

He covered her, his eyes locking on hers with the silent
promise of lasting love. She knew in her soul his love was absolute and
unconditional, surrounding her with even more magic than her Druid ancestors
could conjure.

Her Druid soul exulted in the certainty they would be lovers
in this time and in all their lives beyond.


Four years later:


Lance and Morgan were at their country manor engrossed in
their plans to add another wing. Life was full and wonderful. Lance was about to
run for the House of Commons from their district in Kent and it looked to be a
sure thing. Lance could add Morgan’s popularity to his own, since his wife had
won great devotion with her healing skills. In fact he doubted anyone would
dare vote against Lady Lance’s husband! Naturally Morgan was delighted he’d be
leaving police work behind and putting his impressive talents into bettering
their country.

They stood in the doorway of their girls’ room, watching the
three-year-old twins. They were such darling girls, beautiful miniatures of
Morgan. Although they had Morgan’s green eyes, their curls were the brighter
red of Viviane’s. Lance was balancing their year-old son, Devon, on one hip.
Devon had inherited his father’s dark looks and evidently his size.

The girls were in front of their blackboard and drawing.

“Look, Vivie,” said Kate. “I can draw a tree really well.”

Morgan put her hands to her lips and gasped. Lance stared
and paled. He clutched his son, stopped admiring his wife and concentrated on
his daughters. The chalk glided, unaided, over the blackboard, drawing first a
tree and then a house.

“Let me try,” said Viviane as a new piece of chalk appeared
by itself and sketched a sun and birds in the sky. The artistry wasn’t
exceptional, but the method was. Each of the twins squealed with admiration of
their drawing. All the while they sat solidly on their hands.

“Oh my God,” exclaimed Lance. “My God!”

Morgan covered her face with her fingers and led him away
from the nursery door as she struggled with her hilarity. Then she gave in and
bent at the waist, clutching her stomach as she laughed. Lance cast her a wary
look and then strode away with Devon.

“Pay no attention, Devon. You see why we men must stick
together. Come to think of it, we’re slightly outnumbered here. I think I’d
better take care of this problem, starting tonight. We’ll just have to even the

Lance continued to talk to Devon, who solemnly patted his
father’s face as if in agreement. As Lance stalked away from a still smiling
Morgan, she agreed with an inner shiver of delight on her fullest cooperation.
It would be a distinct pleasure to help Lance with his solution.

She owed it to him to be obliging. After all, as chief male
he deserved another son or two to help him cope with his decidedly Druid

About the Author


Jean was born in Ohio but has lived most of her life in
southern California. Her insatiable love of reading started at age seven, when
her widowed mother accepted a teaching job. For many of her formative years Jean
was housebound in the afternoons until her mother returned from work. She
happily spent untold hours reading everything and anything. This joy of reading
has influenced her whole life, and is still one of her chief pleasures. Writing
is equally enjoyable, and now takes top place in her favorite activities.

Her journalism degree was used only infrequently until
recently. Marriage, two children and two grandchildren took priority. After
some twenty years of being a real estate broker and having her own firm, Jean
returned to her always beloved writing. Through the years she and her husband
have enjoyed collecting art and minerals. Her husband now is of great
assistance as an enthusiastic editor and a valuable critic.

She’s a dedicated member of RWA and has won several awards
in national contests. The Druid series are presently her main focus of literary
interest, although she’s also written four other historical romances. Romance
has proven most satisfying to write, since her hero and heroine always manage to
struggle through to a happy ending. Sometimes a secondary character takes over
though and demands his own book!

And then we literally have another story!


Jean welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email address on her author bio page at





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BOOK: Druid's Daughter
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