Read Dual Threat Online

Authors: Wendi Zwaduk

Dual Threat (3 page)

BOOK: Dual Threat
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Evan rubbed her nose with his and then pressed his lips to hers. Her heart leapt. The moment she’d waited for since she met Evan finally came true. She clutched his shirt and inched closer to him. Evan grabbed control of the kiss and swiped his tongue across the seam of her mouth. The bit of scruff on his cheeks abraded her skin in a delicious scrape. When she opened to him, he sucked on her tongue. All the way down to her pussy, she tingled. Cream slicked her panties, and her breasts ached for his touch.

Another hand squeezed her thigh. She jerked away from Evan for a moment, but he only smiled and then cupped her jaw again. His eyes flashed a deeper green. From her head to her toes, her nerve endings sizzled. No other men affected her like Evan did. Would she feel the same with Ian?

Ian gripped her leg, massaging the muscle and touching closer to her pussy. Kaia opened her legs and stretched to give both men access. Ian trailed his fingers up under her skirt and shoved the material out of the way. Warm air from the heater kissed her drenched cleft.

How in the hell was he able to pay attention to where they were? She backed away from Evan long enough to catch her breath and glance around. Instead of being on the highway or one of the city streets of Cleveland heading toward another club, Ian had pulled the truck into a garage. She recognized the tools on the walls and the black Chevy truck in the other bay. They really were home. Another thought crossed her mind.
meant the night had started and
meant there would be an ending. The word temporary flashed in her brain. For a girl who didn’t deal in messy attachments, she sure didn’t want to end whatever she’d started with Evan and Ian.

“Let’s go inside.” Ian opened his truck door first, but sat still in his seat. “Getting chilly.”

Kaia hunkered down on her seat between Ian and Evan. Moments before, they’d been touching and fondling. She watched Evan out of her peripheral vision. He unbuckled his seat belt and opened his truck door.

“It’s crazy.” She fumbled with her buckle. “I don’t know what you two have planned, but I’m scared and excited.”

Evan left the door open, but didn’t leave. “Why? Afraid we’ll bite?”

“I’m not worried about the biting.” She chuckled. “You’re tigers. Biting has to factor in somewhere.”

“Then what is it?”

“Our friendship. I know what I want to do tonight, and once we cross that threshold, there’s no going back. Are we sure we want to take whatever we’ve got between us to the next level?”

“Lines are meant to be crossed.” Evan tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. He grazed the barbell in her cartilage, and a jolt of pleasure went through her. “Second thoughts? You can always say no. We respect you no matter what you decide.”

“I’m not one of you.” Her thoughts swirled in a million directions, but the one thing she kept coming back to, she voiced aloud. No amount of play, or sex, or even good times would happen for the long run. She wasn’t a tiger shifter. They’d find their mate, and she’d be left alone. She wanted them to be happy, but damn it, she wanted to fit into that happiness somewhere.

“What are you saying?” Evan tipped his head.

Kaia took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’m not a tigress. Tigers only have other tigers as mates, and I don’t want to be just another good time.”


I knew this was coming.
Ian scrubbed his hand across his mouth. Finding one’s mate wasn’t exactly easy. Having a twin meant being a matched set before the mate entered into the equation, and so they had to find someone who could handle both him and Evan. The moment she walked into the club, he knew she belonged to them. She walked with a grace rarely seen in full-blooded humans. She reminded him of the tigresses he’d known while he trained as a security specialist. But she didn’t come with the bullshit many women brought into relationships. Kaia spoke her mind and did what she wanted, even if others were hurt in the process. Seeing her upset and acting unlike herself cut him deep.

“Let’s go inside.” Ian placed his hand on hers. “We can talk there.” His larger hand dwarfed her smaller one.

“He’s right.” Evan stepped out of the truck. “I need to start the water.” Without another word, he hurried into the house.

Kaia kept her head low and didn’t move.

He needed to tell her something. Anything. Ian turned in his seat and placed his other hand on hers. “Shifters are funny animals. We turn into something else and have the senses of both critters. I’ve got a twin, so I can feel what he feels and understand what he’s thinking. All that doesn’t mean I have to be with one certain individual. Tigers are even stranger. Yes, we’re meant to be with other tigers, but sometimes rules are meant to be broken and sorted out in a different way.” He tugged her into his lap. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t fight him.

“Kaia, I want you.” He held her jaw in both hands. “Evan wants you. We’re going to show you men aren’t assholes. We’ll do whatever you want us to do. If that sounds crazy, well, then crazy is true.” He slid one hand down her neck, past her collarbone to scrape over her breast. Her sharp intake of breath and subsequent moan resonated in his brain. He inched forward and tasted her. Like an explosion of cherry and mint, he feasted on her bottom lip.

Kaia pressed against him and rubbed her chest on his. Her nipples pebbled, despite the clothing between them, and she groaned into his mouth.

“That’s my girl,” he said between kisses. Ian palmed her breast, taking care with her nipple. He never noticed the piercing before, but the moment he touched it, he craved tasting it—tasting her. His tiger roared and paced. Soon, he reminded himself. Soon. His jeans stretched tight over his erection. God, he’d imagined having her in his arms so many times, but the real moment trumped any vision.

“Want you stretched across my bed, open to me. Begging for me.” He threaded his hand into her hair and tugged. “Open for us.”

Kaia nodded and writhed on his jean-covered dick. “Yes.”

“Want to see those sweet little piercings. Taste them. Fuck.” If he shoved her panties aside and unleashed his cock, he’d be inside her in a heartbeat. He held back. Not without Evan. His tiger panted and hissed, not wanting to be refused.

“You never wanted to kiss me before.” Kaia splayed her hands on his chest. “I’m glad you did.”

“Me too.” He swatted her butt, thrilled when she yelped and her eyes glittered. “We should include Evan next time.”

“We should.” Kaia scooted off his lap and out of the truck. “You mean you’d do anything with me I wanted?” She touched her lips with the pads of her fingers. “Anything?”

“Whatever you’d like. You’re in control.” He shut the truck door and followed her into the house. “Evan?”

“Right here.” Evan strolled into the kitchen, a glass of wine in one hand and a robe slung over his arm. “Kaia,” he offered the robe and wine, “for you. Ian, the steaks are on the counter, ready for your magic touch.”

“Perfect.” Ian gave her another swat. “Evan will show you where the bath is. Go ahead and soak. He’ll join you in a moment.”

When she and Evan disappeared down the hallway, Ian leaned on the counter. Who knew romancing a woman would be so hard? He raked his fingers through his hair. His tiger continued to pace and grunt. Not until they claimed her would his tiger ease off.

“You okay?” Evan twisted the knobs on the stove top grill. “You look like you’ve gone ten rounds with a lion.”

“I’m worried.” Ian folded his arms. “She’s not warming to us the way I expected.”

“I don’t know.” Evan placed one of the steaks on the cutting board. “She’s cool with us being shifters and more than happy to grace our bed.” He forked the second steak and placed it beside the first one. “Each time we touched or kissed her, she responded. Hell, I wanted to fuck her right there in the truck. That’s not my style.”

“I know.” Ian sprinkled seasoning onto the first two steaks and then added the third piece of meat to the board. “It’s the love part. We’re all good friends, but I’m not sure she wants to take things to the next level. She voiced her doubts. Maybe we are moving too fast.”

“Odd.” Evan turned the first steak. “You’re always so sure. She’s really under your skin, isn’t she? She is for me.”

“She’s the one I can’t seem to figure out, you’re right.”

“Makes two of us.” Evan grinned and handed the tongs to Ian. “So we do what we were born to do. She’s our mate, right? We show her the kind of love she deserves. We can’t make her stay, but we can be what we were meant to be.”

“Hers.” Ian nodded. “Think she likes rare steak for breakfast?”

Chapter 4

“We’ll see what she likes for breakfast.” Evan washed his hands in the sink. “I’ll go check on her.”

“Sounds good.”

Evan strolled out of the kitchen and headed for the bathroom. Her splashing rang in his ears. He sniffed the air. The itch to climb into the tub with her took over. He tugged his shirt tails from his jeans and opened the door.

Kaia shrieked and covered her breasts. “Evan.”

“I’m sorry.” The tips of his ears burned. “Just wanted to make sure you were comfortable.”

She stared at him for a long time. “Guess this is silly. Me, the stripper, covering up what I let others see for a price. You’re my best friends. If I can’t be myself with you, I can’t be myself with anyone.” Kaia sank down in the water. “Join me?”

Evan knelt next to the tub. He didn’t jump in like he wanted, but rather squirted bath soap onto the washcloth. “Turn around. Tell me about your day.”

While Kaia did, he scrubbed her back. She arched her neck, granting him access to her. He trailed his fingers over her slick skin and breathed in her scent. A moan escaped his throat, and his cock thickened behind his zipper.

“Nothing exciting happened. I stripped, talked to Sonya, made some money. The usual.”

“Yeah?” He moved the cloth over her breasts. “How are these healing?” He pinched one of her pierced nipples. “I like the barbells.”

“They feel,” she groaned and cupped her hand over his, “fantastic when you touch me. Evan?” Kaia released her grasp on him, sloshed the water, and moved from the edge of the tub. “I’m no good at this.” She shook her head. “I can dance nude before people I don’t know, but letting you in seems like the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’m scared you’ll see my flaws and change your mind. I want this, I do.”

“Good thing I’m patient.” He dipped the washcloth in the water. “And not that shallow. You’re beautiful no matter what you look like. Let me show you.”

“Make love to me.” She stood up in the water like a shimmering goddess. Bubbles slid down her curves. He’d seen her so many times in the club, but she never looked as radiant as she did now.

“I’m glad you got the piercings done. Sexy.” Evan grabbed the closest towel and dried her off, taking liberal time on her breasts and pussy. He massaged her and touched her belly. He turned her around with her back to him. Kaia leaned back in his arms and groaned. She rested her head on his shoulder. His cock throbbed, and he nudged her ass. His tiger roared and pawed him from within.

Fighting his need to take her, Evan kissed the soft spot between her neck and shoulder. “We need to wait for Ian,” he murmured.

Kaia moved his hands to her breasts. He caressed her supple skin, pinching her nipples. He tugged the piercings, happy when she whimpered and ground her butt into his crotch.

He dragged his teeth over her shoulder. His tiger growled again, ready to mark her. Footsteps padded on the floor. When Evan glanced down the hallway, he noticed Ian leaning on the door frame. With one nod, Ian telegraphed their next move. Evan disengaged from Kaia and then scooped her into his arms. She clung to him, but didn’t fight him.

Evan carried her to the bedroom and placed her in the middle of Ian’s king-sized bed. Kaia blushed under their twin appraisals. She clasped Ian’s hand in her left hand and grabbed Evan’s right hand with hers. Her nipples pebbled, and she opened her legs. Her cunt glistened with her juices.

Evan leaned over her leg and breathed in her scent. Her spice imprinted itself on his mind. His tiger gnashed its teeth and snarled. Evan buried his nose in her curls and then traced his tongue over her cleft. Her salty taste exploded on his tongue.

Kaia released her grasp on him and shoved her fingers into his hair. She wrapped her leg around his shoulder and dug her heel into his back. When he glanced over at Ian, Ian palmed one of her breasts and flicked his tongue over the other. Evan grinned and then resumed tasting her. He speared one finger into her hot pussy. She gripped him tight from within. Her vagina rippled around his finger as he stroked her. Buzzing his lips, he vibrated her clit. He added another finger, stretching her.

“God, yeah.” Kaia planted her feet and rode his hand. “Evan.”

He winked at Ian, who sucked hard on her nipple. Ian moved from her chest to her mouth and kissed her lips. Seeing his brother loosening up with Kaia made Evan grin. His cock throbbed and his balls ached. His tiger clawed at him from within. He fought the craving to take her.

Kaia bucked her hips. “So close,” she panted.

“Make her come.” Ian dusted his fingers over her taut nipples. “Come for him, Kaia. Show us how beautiful you are when you come apart.”

She trembled and curled her toes. “So … close.” She pawed at the blankets.

“Wait.” Evan stroked her clit with his thumb and then nodded to Ian. “Your turn.”

Ian left her side and joined Evan between her thighs. Evan withdrew his fingers and crawled onto the bed. Tonight was all about making her feel happy and safe. Ivan pressed his face to her pussy and rubbed.

Evan turned his attention from what Ian did and cupped her breast. He kissed his way from her earlobe to her collarbone. “Now come apart. Come on Ian and drench him in your sweetness. Feels good having his thick fingers inside you, touching you and kneading that special place,” he murmured. “Fuck his fingers. Ride him and get yourself off.”

“Yes, baby,” Ian added. “Come for us.”

Kaia writhed beneath their combined touch. She stroked Evan’s crotch and caressed him through his jeans. Fuck. So much for being on a hair-trigger. Evan rutted against her hand and nipped her neck. He breathed hard and pressed his face to her skin to hold off the orgasm.

BOOK: Dual Threat
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