Duffle Bag Bitches (11 page)

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Authors: Alicia Howard

Tags: #Novels

BOOK: Duffle Bag Bitches
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“Look who’s turned up in this muthafucka today!” He laughed at his partner. Zane was the dog out of the whole pack, hands down.

“Yeah you know how a G do, just sent three bad bitches home. If I was square they would’ve had a nigga open ya dig.” He boasted, loving his life to the fullest.

“I dig, but every bitch ain’t Shannon.” Dallas was a nigga that loved to put fire under a muthafucka’s feet.

“There you go with that bullshit, nigga look, get the fuck off my phone with that ole lame ass shit.” Zane was pissed again.

“Damn that’s how you talk to ya boss?” He was fucking with him now.

“Nigga you ain’t my boss, we fam. What the hell you want anyway? I got to lay on this ole hoe ass nigga you got me fucking with.” Zane hated bitch niggas and he was always putting it on they ass cause he was a pretty nigga that had a monster living inside of him.

“There has been a change of plans.” Dallas had a different tone of voice now.

“What we got to do?” That’s all Zane ever wanted to know so he could make it happen.

“Jay called Jasmine on some ole next dimension shit like she had no clue that she has fucked up in a major way.” He was informed.

“Really, so she said fuck the crew for real?”

Zane had a funny feeling about bringing these hoes on anyway and this is why: Dick and money can blindside a hoe and cause her to rollover on her mama nevamind her crew.

“What’s the next move?” Zane asked.

“Find them, take the money, and kill them. Simple.” Dallas puffed his Cuban.

“You coming out to work?” Zane quizzed him.

“Do I need too?” He asked knowing that answer.

“Not at all, this is for baby piranhas not sharks ya dig.” Zane told him this because Dallas had put so much work down in his life; it was funny that he was still alive.

“Go eat the goldfish.” Dallas ended the call.

Mack and Shannon had already made it to South Carolina. They got the call shortly after arriving there. Shannon hadn’t said much since they arrived. They were posted at the same club where Jay linked up with Cash the first time. They spotted them and followed them home.
The two looked like love birds. Shannon was livid with the whole scene. She wanted to murk Jay the first day she saw her with Cash but Dallas gave direct orders to only follow her and watch her movement. Mack and Shannon had been doing just that for the past three days. They watched her house, and saw her shopping with a young lady they thought was his daughter, but later found out was his niece.

The women ate lunch and shopped for baby items. This made Shannon wonder if Jay was expecting. The shit was so phony; it just didn’t seem real that her girl had made such a decision.
The young girl that was with her had an ulterior motive for befriending Jay. Shannon knew Jay, and Jay didn’t mix well with many people. It was no way she made this man’s family embrace her that fast.

All this shit was making Shannon sick to her stomach. They decided to fall back this Thursday night, cause Zane, Nisha, Jasmine, and Dizzy were coming into town. Dizzy stayed in the cut because he was insane.
This nigga was serious with the artillery. He didn’t bullshit when they needed to go to war. The nigga was six foot five, one hundred and fifty pounds, light skinned with green-gray eyes and diamonds in each ear. His swag was on one thousand. The boy looked like a gangsta version of the singer Prince and he wasn’t shit to play with.

The knock on the room door was expected. Mack was in Shannon’s room, he opened the door facing his crew. Zane smiled at him, and grabbed him in for a hug.

“Man if ya’ll don’t move the fuck out my way with that gay ass shit, I’m gone pop both ya’ll ass.” Jasmine and Nisha was shocked at the way Dizzy was talking, cause the nigga was silent the whole damn flight.

“Oh you got vocal capability now?” Nisha said.

Jasmine chimed in, “It’s alive!” They all fell the fuck out laughing, always playing too much.

“Aye you hoes don’t know me. I will fuck you bitches up.” He barked at them.

The three of them stood there yelling and arguing. Mack was dying laughing at Jasmine trying to hit Dizzy and Nisha holding her back. Dizzy just keep saying “You got me fucked up.” That was the funniest thing about Dizzy, as crazy as he was he would never hit a woman. Even if she hit him, he would just curse her the hell out.

The shit didn’t make no sense. It seemed like a room full of siblings, not a certified squad. Shannon had even got sick of the bullshit. She yelled, “Everybody shut the fuck up!” Her mind was already all over the place, and she wasn’t about to let them drive her crazy.

“Who the fuck she think she is?” Dizzy asked eyeballing her.

“Look, you behind the wall bitch ass nigga. I’m Shannon that’s the first thing you need to know, and secondly I’m not to be fucked with, ever.” She was close to him and looking up in his face.

He looked down at her and said, “You make my dick hard talking to me like that.” She smiled and backed away from him.

Zane was about to pass the fuck out, he needed some air. “Fellas let’s head to our room. We have some planning to do, so that we are prepared for tomorrow. You ladies should try to get some rest too.” The three men exited the room in full swag mood.

Jasmine shook her head at them as the left. Nisha of course was ready to hit the ground running. Dallas told them to lay low cause shit was gone take place Saturday, they had no more time to waste on this bullshit. “Where are you going?” Shannon asked Nisha.

“Bitch I’m going out. I know Cash ain’t the only one balling out here.” She was priming her little slim body, hoping it looked good in the sleek black mini dress and it did.

“Dallas told us to stay in tonight and Friday night cause Saturday we move.” Shannon was big on the orders set in place because it was designed to keep them safe.

“Fuck Dallas, he don’t own me! I’m not a hoe he got on the strip.” She walked out the door.

“He owns us all.” She shook head at the closed door.

Jasmine didn’t give a fuck, “That’s on that bitch. But who’s about to go to bed is me.” Shannon laughed at her sister, knowing that this would all be over with soon. She was just ready to get back to her daughter.

Jay was on the other side of town, playing house with her nigga. He had stepped out while Mariah was in the guestroom sleeping. The smell of fried chicken, smothered potatoes, sweet corn, collard greens and golden honey cornbread woke her.

She came to the kitchen. “Wow it smells amazing in here!” Mariah chimed; her and the baby were hungry.

“You ready to eat ma?” Jay asked like a regular ole Suzy homemaker.

“Yeah aunty.” Mariah had been calling her this for a few weeks now, so she was used to it. She fixed a plate and handed it to her. The child was eating like she hadn’t eaten in months. But those babies will do that to you.

“Girl slow the hell down. If you choke and die, your uncle gone kill me.” Jay joked.

The word kill made Mariah think of the phone call she heard Jay having a few months ago. The woman she was looking at now was not the same woman she overheard. This woman really loved her uncle. She knew that one day she was going to confront Jay and what better time than now. She would be moving to her new place in a few days and moving on with her on life.

Jay was washing dishes and humming when Mariah said, “Can I ask you something?” She could tell that Jay want to say no.

“Sure baby girl, what’s good?” Jay’s heart was beating like the bass drum on the drum line.

“Why did you come here from St. Louis?” Like a dummy Jay had told her and Cash her real home town.

“To change my life for the better.” Jay was praying she bought that lie.

“So was the phone conversation you had at the restaurant a month ago the way you planned to better your life?” Mariah had stop eating by this time and was staring her down hoping she didn’t continue to lie. She had really grown to love Jay and understood why her uncle was crazy about this woman. She treated him like a king on the throne. He never had to ask her to do thing. If he did, he never had to ask twice!

“Mariah, I…” Jay couldn’t believe she was in the bathroom with her when she made the call to Shannon.

“Jay please just tell me the truth. I never told my uncle, cause when I was about to he displayed so much love for you that I couldn’t bring myself to tell him. Now I know why he loves you, cause I do too, but it won’t stop me from killing you right now and telling him why I had to do it.” She placed the 40 glock she had on the table for Jay to see she wasn’t bullshitting.

“Ok Mariah. I can tell you why I’m here, but not who I work for,” Mariah raised her eyebrows and Jay continued, “Used to work for.” She rephrased the statement.

“Tell me everything.” Something told Jay this was a life or death situation. And she better speak now or forever hold her piece.

“I’m with the Duffle Bag Bitches. That may not hold much weight here but in the Lou mention that name and people will tell you that you’re asking for trouble.” She informed the young lady.

“So what do you do?” she was intrigued by Jay’s title.

“We set hustlers up and take what they have. All of it when possible.” She felt like shit telling this to the niece of the man she was supposed to set up.

“So the conversation I overheard is why you’re here then, am I correct?” Mariah had turned in to a baby boss. She was loving every minute of it too.

“Yes!” Jay lowered her head.

“So I should kill you right now. Right?” Mariah was trying to feel her out.

“If that’s what you see fit to do ma.” Mariah loved her heart.

“I want to see my uncle happy. Can you do that?” She asked.

“Yes Mariah, I can do that.” She was telling the truth, she loved him.

“Really?” She was just dragging the shit out to see what Jay would say.

“Mariah, I ain’t gonna beg you for my life. When my crew tracks me down, I’m as good as dead any fucking way. I fucked over the only people that ever gave a fuck about me.” She was beginning to get pissed off now.

“Why?” Mariah needed to know what would make someone do that, especially for someone they barely even knew.

“I came here with every intention to take your uncle down. Once I got to know him, I fell for him. I can’t tell you why, but I do know I got a whole crew of people mad, hurt, and disappointed with me.
I can live with that if it means spending the rest of my life with this man. That’s my word. I can’t make you believe me, all I can do is show you, if you give me the opportunity.” At this point Jay was done explaining herself and Mariah knew it.

“One thing I need you to do.” Mariah said. She wanted them to be together but if Cash ever found out she lied to him, he would lose it.

“You have to tell him the truth. He hates a liar.” She schooled her on the man she loved.

“I can’t, he will hate me or even kill me!” Jay began to cry.

“He loves you. It will hurt him to his soul, but if he really loves you he will respect your honesty and forgive you.” Mariah knew her uncle very well. He was the closest thing she had to a dad.

“What if he doesn’t love me?” Jay didn’t want to hear the answer.

“You’re dead!” Mariah wanted to see if she loved him or her own life enough to take the gamble.

“I will tell him.” Jay knew that she would have to pay for her actions one way or another.

Cash came walking in, pissed that he had take-out food in his hand and his house smelled like Thanksgiving Day. “Baby damn, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you cooked. I’m just so used to living alone.” He leaned in for a kiss. Jay greeted his lips with hers.

He noticed that her face was covered in tears “What’s the matter shawty?” He couldn’t stomach a woman’s tears.

“I just asked Jay to be my baby’s godmother.” Mariah chimed in as she took the fast food out of his hand and began to eat it, as if she hadn’t already eaten.

Jay looked at her in shock. Cash was excited. “Aww that’s great I love the family love up in here.” He hugged Jay and wiped her face.

“Yeah she caught me slipping and I got all mushy. But I am honored that she asked me.” Jay played along with the song and dance routine.

“We all have to go out to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate this unity.” Cash was cheesing so hard.

“I won’t be able to make it Unc. I’ll take a rain check but you and Jay should still go.” She was letting Jay know this was her time to come clean.

“Cool I’m gone hold you to that rain check Miss Greedy.” Cash laughed at her.

“I will be looking forward to it.” Mariah exited the room backwards so he wouldn’t see the gun she held behind her back.

Zane needed to be alone, so he had a room all to himself. He was glad as hell that he wasn’t on the New York trip and was close to Shannon. His mind was wondering when the phone began to ring early Friday morning. He knew it wasn’t Dallas because the orders were already in place and there was no need for them to speak until they returned home. He picked up the room phone and just held it, “Zane I know you’re there.” Miesha the front desk clerk said into the handset.

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