DumbAtHeart.epub (4 page)

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Authors: Amarinda Jones

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“What?” She continued working on the bed.

“About this morning—”

“What about it?” That came out quicker than she wanted it to. She looked at him

as she grabbed a pillow. Tall, dark, sexy.
Oh shut up. Go stuff a pillow
. Cass plucked

a pillow case out of her linen pile.

“The kiss.” He leaned again the wall, his eyes never leaving her.

She worked the pillow case down over the stuffing. “Oh, that.”

“Oh, that?” Evan smiled at her response.
So she was going to play it cool. That’s

okay. Cool I can deal with.
Her studied disinterested tone didn’t put him off. He

knew that kiss meant something to her. Evan felt it in her response. There was surprise, wonder and submission. He was ready to risk the threatened punch in the

stomach for kisses and much more.

“I know you did it to piss off your girlfriend.” Cass tossed the pillow. It landed

on the floor and not the bed.

Oh, yeah, she’s anything but cool
. That was good. “She’s not my girlfriend.”

Adele wasn’t his type. Sure, she was attractive in a forced way but the temper and the

petulance? Murdo could have her. “She and I have never and will never have sex.”

Cass picked up another pillow and held it to her breasts. “So you say. But just

remember once you start romancing or having sex with women they expect stuff.”

Did they now? Do tell. What did Cass Kelly want?
“Like what?”

“I dunno—commitment stuff.”

“Would you?” Evan had heard from Flo and Jo about her ex-boyfriend. The man

was an idiot to let this one go.

“I’m not most women.”

He wondered when she would stop hugging the pillow. Evan knew it was a

defensive move. He had a feeling she’d been hurt by another. He wasn’t that man.

“No, you’re not. I believe you would give everything in a relationship without expecting anything in return.” Evan watched her shrug. “I think you’re also pretty

wounded and that’s hard to get over.” That was greeted by another shrug. “And the

kiss? It was more than just pissing off Adele.”

“Was it?”

Yeah, she was cool but her eyes held a glimmer of hope. He would give Cass that

and more. She just had to let him in. “You know it was. You felt it.”

“You were naked. I felt stuff. It was a natural bodily reaction.”

“So, if that’s true, if we both get naked now and our bodies touched you

would feel nothing?”


She blushed. Evan smiled. “Liar.”

Cass dropped the pillow. “What do you want from me?”

“I want you to relax and accept that there’s this attraction between us.”

She snorted. “I don’t even know you.”

“So, get to know me.”

“This is just bollocks to get you laid.”

Evan laughed out loud at that. “I kissed you. I felt something. You felt something.” Her face went redder. Evan took a step towards her.

“What do you want?” Cass’s tone was bordering on panic.

“You.” It was simple. He desired her. It couldn’t be any plainer than that. They

got off to a bad start. He planned to fix that.

She studied him for a long moment, a militant look in her eyes. “Fine. Let’s do it

then.” She tugged at the snap on her shorts.

“It?” His eyes followed her hands as she undid the zipper.

“Sex. Clearly, you’re desperate. Clearly, we need to get this over and done with

so you move on and stop pestering me.”

“So, you see sex as some meaningless, random act.” Hardened, uncaring women

did not blush as Cass did.

“Yes.” Her shorts hit the ground and she kicked then aside.

Evan gulped and focused on smooth, plump thighs. “Cass?” He watched as her

hands skimmed down to her waist and she lifted her shirt over her head. “Bloody

hell.” A lacy white bra caught his attention. Through the filmy gauze he caught sight

of pink nipples.

“What are you waiting for?” Cass was standing in her underwear before him.

“You’re serious.” He hadn’t thought this moment would go like this. Evan

wanted to talk to her and see what her feelings were. But an almost naked woman

urging him on? Priceless.

“I’m deadly fucking serious.” Cass wasn’t a fan of being naked but she wanted to

prove to him and herself that he meant nothing to her. She didn’t like being used for

kisses. She reached around and tugged at the hooks of her bra.

“Ah, so we’re proving a point about how sex is just about bodies and nothing


Her bra dropped to the floor. “Yeah, now strip.” He gulped. “What? Never seen

boobs before?” Tough talk. Shaky body.
What the hell am I doing?
It felt good yet in

an out of control, crazy way.
Just go with it.

“Can I say that you’re beautiful?” Evan yanked his shirt off over his head.

“Don’t be so corny.” She watched as his jeans hit the ground. The bulge in his y–

fronts was interesting but she wasn’t going there. She was going to stop him before it

got to that point. This was showing how any two people could be attracted to each

other when naked and that sex was just bodies without emotion. It had nothing to do

with romance, fate or kismet. That was bullshit. Cass pulled her panties down.

“Wow.” His hit the ground.

She had already seen him naked so there were no surprises there. She lifted her

arms out to him. “Come on.” She had never invited a man to take her. It was weird

and strangely exciting.



“To prove sex is meaningless?”

“Yep, I can walk away quite easily afterwards.”

Evan smiled. “Okay then.” He walked into her open arms.

When his skin touched hers she momentarily closed her eyes and breathed in the

scent of the man as his flesh branded hers. Heat surged through her body and she felt

Bloody hell. Get a grip, girl
. She gulped down a lungful of air and opened her

eyes. His gaze was locked on her. “See? I feel nothing.”

“Really?” His hands smoothed down her back in slow caressing circles.

It was hard not to close her eyes and give into the luxury of his hands. “Yeah.”

Oh god…

Evan dropped his mouth down to nuzzle her neck as his hands made their descent

downward to cup her ass. “Still nothing?”


One of his hands moved up to her breast, his fingers toying with her nipple.

“You’re lying, Cassie.”

Cassie. Double oh god
. “I am not.” Yet she knew she was pressing herself against


“Are too.” His fingers dropped down to bury themselves inside the cleft between

her legs.

Oh fuck. That’s bad. Real bad
. “Don’t…”

“Why not,” he breathed against her lips.

Cass closed her eyes for a moment. “Because…”

“You’re wet.”

Her eyes opened on his. Cass licked her lips. This was backfiring at a rapid pace.

“Okay, that’ll do. Point proved.”

Evan laughed at this. “What point? That you’re horny and fighting it? That

you’re attracted to me but you don’t want to admit it? I want you, Cassie. I’m not

ashamed to say it.”

She could feel how much he wanted her. His dick was prodding against her

stomach. “Evan—”

“When was the last time you had sex?”

“None of your business.” She barely knew this naked man in her arms.

right. He’s naked. This was probably a bad idea.

“I’m making it my business.”

“Last week.”

“Liar.” Evan kissed her nose.

Okay, that was sweet. “Last month.”

“More lies.” He kissed her cheek.”

… “Okay, a while.” Evan kissed her other cheek. She closed her eyes and

inhaled the scent of the man.


“Fine. My supposed boyfriend went off and got himself engaged to another


“Yeah, I know.”

“How?” Her eyes opened.

“Flo and Jo told me you’re ‘Mary Poppins’ from the
Cairns Post

Great. Who else knew?
“Yeah, well, I was a bit drunk when I wrote it.”

“I loved that advert. It showed passion.” He reached up tweaked her nose. “Are

you drunk now?”

Dizzy. Not drunk
. “No.”

Evan’s hands settled on her waist. He started backing her towards the bed. “So

come have sex with me and get him out of your system. If I understand you correctly,

sex doesn’t mean much to you as it’s just a bodily reaction so us getting all bodily

together should be okay. Right, Cassie?”

“Right—I mean—no.” The backs of her legs hit the bed. “Besides, he’s already

well and truly out.” Thinking about Evan being in would cause other problems.

Evan pushed her gently onto the bed and followed her down. “Is he? Is that why

you ran away to Mundabucka?”

“I didn’t run.”
Lordy, he feels good
. “You’re heavy.”

He lifted her hands above her head and lifted off slightly. “Ask me to get off,


“Get off.” It sounded pathetic and half-hearted.

“Sex is healing.” He leant down, his lips hovering an inch from her mouth.

“Oh, yeah?” She was breathing hard, like she had run a race yet she will still and

Oh boy, I’m in trouble

“Cleansing.” Evan flicked his tongue up and tasted the corner of her mouth.

“You’re just horny.”
And I like it a lot
. That surprised her. While Cass acknowledged he was a sexy man, never had she thought this would happen. She

wanted to clear her head and be alone to think and stuff. His particular brand of stuff

was not what she planned on.

“Aren’t you?” His tongue licked at her lips.

“I want—”

“So have—”

“I barely know you—”
and stuff and oh God, I’m melting.

Evan hovered above her. “What’s to know, Cassie? We have needs to be met and

we’re adults. You’ve seen me naked. You’re gloriously naked now. It’s a no brainer

what should happen next.” He nudged her thighs apart.

Cass had to admit it didn’t take a lot of effort on his part. “Well…”

“Sex cures what ails you.”

Her hands went to his shoulders. “You’re very good at this.”


“No, corny lines.”

Evan rolled over so she was on top of him. “Your choice.” He dropped his hands

down on the bed. “If you want me, be honest and say so. I’ll not take an unwilling


That was sweet and honorable. Cass licked her lips. “Do you want me?”

“Possibly,” he murmured, his gaze on hers.

“Possibly?” She bounced her body down on his. He smiled. She trembled. Bad,

bad move, in a good way. “What sort of an answer is that?” Cass lifted up slightly

from him, her hands on his chest. The heart beating under her hands was strong and


Evan smiled then closed his eyes. “I’m playing hard to get.”

She reached down with one hand and encircled his dick. She could feel the

sudden acceleration of his heart beat. “Well, if you’re not interested.” She gave his

shaft one gentle squeeze and started to get off him.

His hands grabbed at her ass, holding her still. “Cassie?”

“Yes?” That one word came out in a breathless rush. She knew what was about


“I would die a happy man if I could be inside you just once.” His fingers slid

down into the cleft of her ass and towards her vagina.

Cassie lifted her fingers and gently slid back one of Evan’s eyelids. “Do these

lines of yours actually work on women?” She jumped when one long finger touched

her clit.

His eyes opened. “You’re wet. That’s proof that the line works.”

Yes, she was. It surprised her. Sex had been average with Wade. It was not how

she had imagined it to be. Before Wade, she’d had okay sex. Being in love, as she

thought she had been, Cass had expected fireworks and exploding, bone rattling orgasms. That hadn’t happened. It was just ho-hum and basically doable with Wade

In, out. Up, down. Baby, oh baby. Was it good for you? Yawn, roll over, lights out

Since breaking up with him, Cass hadn’t given much thought to having sex again.

But lying on top of Evan with a deliciously hard dick pushing against her? “If we do

this once—”

“If? Once? Are you saying you want me?” Evan’s voice was softly mocking.

?” She’s already had one man pass her over for another woman.

That’d hurt. She didn’t expect forever but Cass did want to be more than an available

body to be filled.

In answer to that Evan, grabbed her tight and rolled her over onto her back. “I

want to fuck you senseless.”

Looking up into his deep blue eyes, Cass knew the senseless bit wouldn’t be

hard. She was already giddy from the sheer rush of the man. “About sex—” Cass felt

the tip of his dick push against her wet opening.


“I’m not great at it and I’m not expecting much and—” She choked on her next

words as hard dick pushed up inside her, filling her completely. Cass caught her

breath and lifted her legs to wind around his hips. “Ohhhh…”

“Cassie?” Evan’s lips hovered above hers.

“I don’t expect—”

“I do. You will get everything I can give and you should expect nothing less.”

“But—” Cass was about to ask how he could say that and what did he know that

she didn’t, when his mouth met hers and all questions were silenced. It was like sex

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