Dungeon Time (Play at Work) (7 page)

BOOK: Dungeon Time (Play at Work)
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Take off your clothes and let me see what you offer me.”

Anna trembled, stripping off her top and bra
. Edward’s attention followed each move, her hesitance feeding his lust.


She froze, bent at the waist, untying her shoelaces, tempting ass pointed at the ceiling.

“Take your shoes and socks off, your pants…but leave your panties
, for now.”

She sat on the edge of the mattress and toed off the white trainers, balled up her socks, and pushed her
jeans down to her ankles and off. She reached for them, on the floor, then shrugged and brought her eyes to him.

Edward rested a hand on her soft, curving cheek. “Do you desire me, beauty?”

Her breasts trembled with her shallow breaths.

“Tell me.”

“Yes, I do…Edward.

Her hesitancy charmed him.
It was on his lips to demand Sir, Master, a term of respect, but he didn’t want that from her, did he? Not now. “Stand up, Anna.”

She pressed her palms flat on either side of her and pushed to her feet.

He rested a hand on her neck and guided her to the center of the room. “Stay here.”

She arched a brow, but nodded, a slight movement. Her face gave nothing away, only her fists clenching and unclenching at her sides showed her tension, reminding him of the woman on the cross.

He banished the image from his mind and squeezed her shoulders. “You’re doing fine.”

She blinked. “What are you going to do?”

“Still deciding.” He moved behind her and nuzzled her nape, her scent of woodland flowers going straight to his head. Edward rubbed his teeth against her skin, not biting, but letting their edges scrape her tender flesh. “What do you want me to do to you?” he breathed.

She shuddered. “I-I don’t even know. Anything you want.”

“Ohh.” He twined a long curl around his finger and tugged, just enough to cause a little pain. Not too much. “Be careful what you ask for.” Restraint slipping, he sank his teeth into the side of her throat, pinching, but not piercing. His cock jerked. “You may get it.”

“Wha-what will you do to me?”

Edward traced her spine to the rounded globes of her bottom. He slipped a finger under the elastic of her white bikini panties.
Pure, like her.
“I want to do so many things. I can tell you, or I could just surprise you.”
I should go home. I’m in over my head.
But it was too late for that, wasn’t it? What they had begun must be finished.

“Ohhh,” she whispered. “I would say surprise me, but I’m afraid.”

He jerked her off balance, so she fell against his chest. “You should be.”



His arms circled her, hands flat on her belly. Against her back, the crisp cloth of his shirt made her feel even more vulnerable.

“You’re still dressed. Are you going to take your clothes off?” Where did the boldness come from? With her ex, Anna had been passive. Now, she wanted a part in her own seduction.

She’d never felt like this before though, her muscles liquid, her panties soaked through with desire.

“Eventually.” He stroked up to cup her breasts, lifting them as if testing their weight. “But for now, your nakedness interests me more. How heavy these are.”

She struggled to get away.
How unsexy did that sound? But he held her in place, and she subsided. Edward’s strength fed her arousal and her fear. Her heart pounded, but as he manipulated her softness, pinching her nipples between thumb and forefinger, the nerves slipped under her excitement. “Please.”

He chuckled. “You’re polite. I like that.” Releasing one breast, he slid a finger into her panties. “Perhaps I should reward you.” He held the fabric away from her skin and peeked over her shoulder. “Very tempting package. And just that little patch of curls.” He tugged them
like her others. “Usually I prefer no body hair at all, but these are an adornment.” Grasping the thin cotton, he tore her panties away. “I’ll replace them.”

She didn’t care. He palmed her pussy and used it to lift her, toss her on the bed. Now he’d take his clothes off.

But he didn’t. Edward loomed over her, still in shirt and pants, while she lay naked and vulnerable on the mattress. She moved to draw her knees together.


A single word, and the command in his voice stilled her. She lay, craving his approval, wanting him.

Edward sat on the side of the bed and ran his gaze from her head to her feet. “Good girl.”

She glowed inside.

But it wasn’t enough. She burned for him
, yearned to please him. She wanted things she had no idea of. “I want you now.”

He straightened, eyes wide. “You’re very impatient, for such a little thing. That displeases me.” Recovering, he gripped her hip and flipped her onto her stomach. “Be cautious. I have ways to regain my pleasure.”

She didn’t care if he threw her off a cliff. She wanted to please him. Anna thrust her butt into the air, toward him. “Do it. Do whatever you want, just please don’t make me wait too long. I’ll explode.”

Never, ever had
she felt like this. No man had made her lose her control, her modesty. She had only the vaguest idea of what someone might do besides the usual face-to-face missionary style sex her ex had taken from her in their very few sessions together. Once, he’d asked her to take his cock in her mouth, but her amateurish efforts had displeased him and he’d laid her on her back and pushed it inside her a few times, coming with a grunt and falling asleep immediately afterward. He’d never attempted any of the other positions she’d read about. Perhaps they were not common outside of romantic fiction.

“I hardly know where to begin.” He caressed her ass, running a finger along the crack. “This interests me. Did your one sleepover friend ever take you here?” He poked the tight whirl of her anus, and she jumped.

“No, of course not.”

He rested his forearm on her lower back, and pushed her legs apart with his knee. A sharp slap on her buttocks made her
jerk, but his arm held her in place. “Shhh, we’re learning about one another here. What will be new between us.”

Does he intend to have me from the back?
Unnatural…but still, a sharp jolt of lust pierced her at the idea. “Okay.”

“Part your legs more, beauty.” Edward pushed against her hips, and her ass rose in the air. “Do you like having your fanny paddled?” Another slap, and she gasped.


“Which is it?” Again, the sting, then he rubbed and smacked again. “You should pay for your impatience, earlier. And perhaps for your careless drinking at lunch.” He slapped
both cheeks. “Don’t you think?”

As her butt warmed under his hand, fluid dripped onto the bed in a rush of desire. Hell yes, she liked it.

“Of course—” He soothed away the pain then warmed her bottom again. “—if it’s punishment, your pleasure doesn’t matter, but let’s check.” He dipped between her legs. “So wet. I think you like this fine.” Edward bent close to her ear. “But we can explore your spanking fetish another day. I would like to taste your fine nectar.”

Oh, nobody had ever….

“Lie on your back, hips right at the edge of the bed.” He slid to his knees on the floor and dragged her where he wanted her. “Rest your thighs on my shoulders. Good girl.”

She did nothing. He manipulated her like a doll, but the pleasure kept her from protesting.

“Let me see this fine pussy.” Edward’s breath warmed her, so close, his lips touched her skin. Taking one of her labia in each hand, he stretched them back. “Mmm, smells so good, like hot woman. Hot and sweet.”

While she watched down the length of her body, speechless, he extended his tongue and lapped her from back to front, sending a surge of pure pleasure from her pussy to her brain, frying every synapse. She tangled her fingers in his hair and cried out.

He stopped.
No! Don’t ever stop!
But he gazed up at her with a stern cast to his features. Standing, he let her legs fall to hang over the bed, her wet pussy cooling in the air-conditioned room. Looking about, he went to one of her boxes and rummaged, finding a bathrobe. He stripped the tie and returned to her. “Sit up.” When she did, he grasped her wrists and pulled them behind her back. “I am going to tie your hands. You may touch me only when I give you leave.”

Her ex never asked anything like that. But he also never made her drip with desire. Or her heart throb with his nearness. She held still while the silky fabric tightened around her arms and he laid her back. She nodded. Agreeable again.

Without another word, he knelt between her thighs and jerked her so her butt teetered on the
mattress’s edge before replacing her legs on his shoulders. Edward looked at her face for a long moment then buried his face in her pussy, licking and sucking like a madman. He slipped a finger, two, into her channel, plunging in and out in time with his mouth. Fire burned low in her belly, things tightened, and she rocked on her bound arms. Surging, rising, so close….

He stopped. “Not yet.” He toyed with her, gliding a finger inside and stroking the slippery moisture over her sensitive tissue. So good, but not enough, not quite.

Anna wanted him back, wanted…. “Please do that again.”

“Tempting, but I don’t want you to orgasm just yet. Don’t you feel good?”

So much more than that. She thrashed in frustration, wrists rubbing together. She’d grab his head and force him back between her thighs if she could get her hands free. “Yes, I feel good, so good.”

“Humor me.” Slow, so slow, he stroked from her mons to her aching channel and, scooping more moisture, carried
it to her ass. Rubbed it around the tight hole there. “Also good, yes?”

“Yes!” she panted. “All good, so good.”

“I am thinking if I were to lick your sweet little clit, like this.” He lapped circles around the sensitive bundle. “If I were to do that, I might open this so-tight passageway too.” His slippery finger slid a fraction of an inch inside her. The muscles tightened, clenched against him.

“No.” Anna struggled to draw a deep breath, to still the shaking in her arms and legs, to form a thought.

“No to licking your clit?” He shook his head. “Usually women like that, but maybe you prefer if I take it in my mouth and work it there.” He parted his lips and sucked her into a heat so intense she screamed. And his finger slid knuckle deep into her ass, adding to the insane pleasure.

“Oh, my God!” Waves of orgasm crashed over her, and she didn’t
bite her lip to still another scream, afraid he would try to keep her from it. Her pelvis thrashed against his face, her bound arms flexing behind her. Fire poured into her pussy, lifting her higher and higher until she fell trembling off the edge of the world.

He kept her clit in his mouth, licking and sucking it, sliding the digit slowly in and out of her ass. Everything felt good, nerves firing throughout her overloaded body. She
rose off the bed and slumped again.


Edward lifted her to free her wrists then laid her down again and stripped off his clothes. He lay next to her and pulled her into his arms. She drifted, answering his questions in soft murmurs.

He didn’t mind she had an orgasm while he was left wanting for a while. Her soft, sweet form satisfied a need he’d
suppressed for a long time. When she’d rested, he would take his pleasure, and it would be better, stronger for the wait.

But their session also raised some doubts on his part. Even when he tried to have vanilla sex, on the way to a permanent relationship with the woman of his dreams—someone he could see having his babies and sharing his home—his Dom side emerged to take over the scene.

He hadn’t even fucked her yet. Wasn’t that something a vanilla couple would have done? Before oral sex? He honestly didn’t know. His relationships had never been of that sort. Not since his first fumblings in the backseat of a senior girl’s car when he was only a sophomore. The sophisticated eighteen-year-old had shown him things few sixteen-year-olds ever learned.

Anna shifted in her sleep, and he tucked her closer, her head on his chest, one slender thigh stretched over his legs. He petted her hair, murmuring to her until her breaths came long and slow. She needed the nap, and he needed time to think.

Their very first encounter and he had begun stretching her, a bit of anal training. Would she consent to anal sex? Certainly her first partner had not penetrated that barrier. Edward would be the first. His cock jerked against her side when he remembered how tight it had been, how he’d barely gotten one finger in a little despite her free-flowing juices.

If they’d still been at his house, he would have overdone, gotten out something she would have been shocked by, perhaps literally. He did enjoy his violet wand. And a vanilla relationship did not include electrical play. Or piercings—how pretty would her pussy look with the right jewelry?

If he had any sense or morals, he would leave and try to forget any of this ever happened. Anna was not the girl for him. Even if she eventually understood and agreed to what he liked, she’d come to hate him for it.

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