Dungeons (3 page)

Read Dungeons Online

Authors: Ivy M. Jones

BOOK: Dungeons
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"Yes! Yes!  YES!"  He slammed into her once more, and she screamed his name, her muscles contracting over and over again against his fingers.  He felt the tightening of her muscles against his fingers as she came, and he licked and sucked at her until her body relaxed.  He pulled his fingers from her, drinking down every last drop he could get.

"You taste so fucking good."  He said, pulling her legs back over his head and planting her feet on the edge of the table.

"You...  I‒ I...  Ohhhhhh."  Lana lay with her eyes closed, bringing her breathing back under control, her legs still twitching from the aftershocks of her orgasm.

"So, all I have to do is give you an orgasm to render you speechless.  I can do that."  He looked around for something to sit on and saw a couch from their last production, still sitting in the corner waiting to be claimed.  It was a bit ratty and he was pretty sure he didn't want any naked parts of his or Lana's body touching it.

"There are clean drop cloths in the cabinet to your left."  Lana saw him searching the room and guessed what he was looking for.  She watched him pull one out and flick it over the couch, draping it so that it covered the cushions.

He returned to the work bench and lifted her into his arms, holding her against his chest, and carried her to the couch, laying her down and kneeling on the floor next to her.

"How's the evidence so far?"  He asked, his blonde bangs only partially obscuring the gleam in his eye.

"Oh yes, the evidence of your reformation.  Hmmm."  Lana placed a finger to her lips as though she were thinking deeply about the issue.  She continued to
and tap her finger against her lips until Brian growled and launched himself onto the couch, maneuvering Lana's legs to that he was kneeling between them. 

He lay down over her, his weight resting on his forearms.  His fingers brushed  a few stray hairs from her face.  They had come loose while she thrashed about on the bench, and he smiled at the thought, knowing he was responsible for the euphoric look on her face.

"I don't think I'm getting a fair trial here."  He looked into her eyes and his smile faded until it was replaced by an intense, passionate focus.  "But I'm not sure the courts will allow me to submit my final piece of evidence..."

Lana held his stare, bringing her fingers up to move his shaggy bangs away, giving her a clear view of his whole face.

"Are you asking if we can have sex?"  Lana said, her fingers tracing the lines and planes of his face.

"I don't want to push you into it," Brian let his fingers wander over the skin of her shoulder, reveling in the soft feel of her.  "But I'll beg."

"You don't need to beg."  Lana smiled coyly up at Brian.

"Then I need to tell you; I don't have a condom on me.  I really wasn't expecting this to happen."  He grimaced, worry evident in his eyes.

"I'd be a little pissed if you had a reason to carry a condom around."  Lana laughed.  "I'm clean, and I'm on the pill."

"But I didn't think you were seeing anyone."

"I'm not seeing anyone.  Why would you think that I was?"

"You're on the pill."  Brian put shook his head as though following the conversation was becoming difficult.

"Yes, you dolt.  It means I only get my period four times a year.  Plus, once you're on it, you're always good to go.  You don't have to wait for it to start working before you can have sex again.  Lucky for you."

"You keep reminding me how lucky I am, but believe me, I know."  His fingers still traced  lazy path over her shoulder and he felt her shiver slightly below him.  "Celeste cheated on me with some guy from Collarville, so I got checked out.  I'm clean too."

"Idiot."  Lana rolled her eyes and Brian pulled back from her slightly, insulted.

"Well thanks."  He narrowed his eyes at her and tilted his chin up, refusing to look at her.

"I meant that Celeste is an idiot.  She could have been with you, but she decided to bang some Collarville trash instead.  Talk about trading down."  He smirked down at her and she shook her head in feigned disappointment.

"Yeah, you seem really beaten up that I'm not with her anymore."  Brian sat up, bringing his weight off his forearms, then placed his hands on either side of her head.

"Nah, her loss.  I get to fuck you now."  Lara licked her upper lip and Brian watched, that desperate hungry look back in his eyes.

"Actually,"  he said as he brought the head of his cock against her wet pussy.  "I believe I get to fuck you."  He pressed into her, both of them moaning at the feel of it.

"You feel so fucking good."  Lana shifted her hips up, pressing him as deep as he could go.

"So do you."

"Fuck me Brian."  She begged.

He didn't answer, but began thrusting into her, pistoning his hips back and forth, slamming against her.  She slid higher up the arm of the couch until Brian planted one of his legs on the floor, grabbing her leg and locking her ankle around his thigh.

"Come, baby.  Come for me."

"Brian, oh god Brian!"  Lana shifted her hips slightly and Brian slammed even deeper than before, making them both groan in pleasure.

He was so close, his vision was getting hazy.  But he was bringing her with him, damn it.  Releasing one hand from her hip, he placed his thumb against her clit and made those little circles she had loved so much.  Seconds later, he felt Lana tighten every muscle in her body.  Her pussy clenched his cock, and he slammed against her, pressing himself into her hips as hard as he could.

Lana exploded below him.  Her body shook with the intensity of her orgasm, and she was crying out with every thrust as he brought himself closer to coming. With one last hard ram into her, his cock swelled and he came hard.  Lana's back arched off the couch as he shot into her, her body still riding the end of her own climax.

Their bodies shuddered against one another for long minutes before Brian shifted Lana so that they both lay on their sides, facing each other, his cock still buried inside of her.

"It's not usually like that."  Lana said, her eyes closed in blissful lethargy.

"Well I'm glad I beat out the other guys you've slept with."  Brian smirked and watched Lana relax against his chest.

"I don't think it's usually like that for
," Lana clarified.

"What makes you think that?"  Brian let his head settle on the arm of the couch, resting his chin on the top of Lana's head.

"Imagine if everyone was getting off like that...  Everyone would spend every moment screwing.  I'm just glad we have the whole weekend coming up."

"Yeah, I hope you didn't have any plans."

"Actually, there's this guy who has annoyed the hell out of me for almost four years and I kinda want to blow his mind."

"You kinda' already did."  Brian took a long breath.  "Does this mean you'll go out with me?"

Lana giggled and began kissing Brian's chest.  "Yes.  And I guess this means you were right."


"I got naked and put your cock in my mouth, and you figured it out."

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