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Authors: Doris Davidson

BOOK: Duplicity
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Also by Doris Davidson


Brow of the Gallowgate

Cousins at War

Gift from the Gallowgate
The House of Lyall
Jam and Jeopardy

The Nickum

The Three Kings

Waters of the Heart




and other stories


Doris Davidson











This eBook edition published in 2012 by

Birlinn Limited

West Newington House

Newington Road





First published in 2009 by Birlinn Ltd


Copyright © Doris Davidson 2009


The moral right of Doris Davidson to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without the express written permission of the publisher.


eBook ISBN: 978-0-85790-558-1

ISBN 13: 978-1-84158-824-7


British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Table of Contents


1. Never Marry A Policeman

2. The Witch

3. A Gift From William

4. The Night Before Christmas

5. Monte Meets The Conquistadores

6. The Bobbydazzler

7. Paul, First and Foremost

8. The Peak Of Happiness

9. Search For A Prince

10. The Arches

11. The Christmas Baby

12. The Christmas Spirit

13. From Paula’s Journal

14. Beginnings

15. The Tomato Plant

16. Committed

17. The Intruder

18. Teddy Bare

19. Decision at Gowanbank

20. Duplicity






Dedicated to Doreen, my No. 1 fan right from the beginning, who died just before Christmas 2008.


These short stories have been included in order to show my progress as a writer (if any). I had been a scribbler since my schooldays in the mid thirties, jotting down little tales for my own and my pals’ amusement, although none of those were worth keeping. It was not until the late sixties that I had the urge to write for publication, and as you will see, very few of these stories were accepted, but I never threw any away. An apparent influx of aspiring authors cropping up then, it grew harder and harder to have anything accepted, and I gave up, promising myself that I would try again once I retired.

It was around 1985, aged sixty-three, before I got round to making another attempt, by which time I was set on writing a novel. It was 1989 before I was successful, when the fourth book I had written,
The Brow of the Gallowgate,
was accepted, and was published in 1990. Luckily, I had stored the other three, in order of writing
Time Shall Reap, The Road to Rowanbrae, Jam and Jeopardy,
which have all been published since then.


If any aspiring authors are reading this, take heart. Do not give up if no publishers seem to be interested. Make some improvements and try again, but - one piece of advice: - DO NOT OVERWORK ANYTHING. This leads to lacklustre prose, as does having too many long, unfamiliar words, which break into the actual plot.

Feel free to make your own judgement as to whether or not my writing has improved over the nineteen years since I wrote the first of my fifteen novels. Does practice really make perfect?

Never Marry A Policeman

Dorothy turned a page of the book she was reading and stretched lazily for her packet of cigarettes. As she pressed her lighter, she thought, this is the worst bit of being married to a policeman.

When David was on the two-to-ten shift, she was alone every evening; and he didn’t always manage to come home at the proper time. Sometimes it was after midnight before she heard his key in the lock. Tonight seemed to be one of those nights - it was half past eleven now.

She laid down her book and walked across to the window, but could see nothing when she pulled back a corner of the curtain, and wearily let it drop again. She couldn’t concentrate properly on what she was reading when David was so late. The thought that something could have happened to him always lurked in her mind. So many policemen were injured or killed nowadays in the course of their duty.

Sitting down in the armchair once again, she picked up the paperback. She had read only about half a page when a faint noise made her lift her head to listen. Was it David putting his key in the lock? After a moment or two without hearing anything else, she bent her head again.

Creak! There
someone there, and it couldn’t be David; he’d have come straight in here. She listened again and there was silence for some time, then creak, creak, creak! Yes, someone was tiptoeing along the hall.

Dorothy didn’t move. It might be a burglar. He could be armed and would shoot her if she opened the door. She couldn’t even summon help on the telephone, for the telephone was in the hall. Her best plan would be to keep still and whoever was out there would think that she was asleep, or that she had gone out and left the light on for security.

Then she realised that he might come into the room to make sure. She shouldn’t have persuaded David to make the house all electric. If they’d still had a coal fire, she could have used the poker to defend herself.

There had been no sound for a few minutes. Could she chance opening the door and using the phone? The man must still be there somewhere, though. He could be standing outside the door right now, listening for any movement. Her scalp prickled at the thought, and she concentrated all her powers of hearing on the door. Yes, she could clearly make out the regular rhythm of someone breathing heavily.

She had often heard people saying that their hair stood on end with fear, and she could understand it now, for she felt as if every strand of hair on her head was standing to attention. But was it with fear? She was really quite calm; calm, but inadequate. She could do nothing without giving away her presence. But - if she could hear his breathing the man out there would surely hear hers. Holding her breath, she was relieved to hear the creak, creak, creak of the floorboards once again.

He was going towards the kitchen, so she exhaled slowly and could hear definite movements. What could he be doing through there? Did he imagine that people kept their valuables in their kitchens? Surely not. A more sinister explanation came to her. He might not be a burglar at all. He could be a KILLER. He could be looking for something to use as a murder weapon. The bread knife? The meat carver? A hammer?

David kept some tools in the bottom drawer of the kitchen cabinet. Yes, murderers usually prefer a blunt instrument. What would her husband do if he came home and found her lying in a pool of blood? Oh, David, please come home before it’s too late.

That was a drawer being closed. Had he found a suitable weapon? It dawned on her that she was now sitting erect in her chair, her white knuckles desperately gripping the arms. This was fear! She had turned stone cold, though rivulets of perspiration ran down her face and between her shoulder blades.

She riveted her gaze to the door handle as the footsteps drew nearer and nearer. They stopped right outside the door! In stark terror, she watched the handle slowly turning until it was at its furthest point and the door opened slightly.

A scream dying in her throat before it actually started, she saw the handle being silently returned to its proper position and heard the footsteps retreating to the kitchen. He must have remembered something, something bigger and better for the job he meant to do. At that moment, her eyes caught sight of a lamp on the coffee table near the door. It had been made from a solid brass candlestick David’s father had given them when his wife died.

If only she could reach it before the murderer came in, she could use it to defend herself. Easing herself out of the chair, she took three quick steps and positioned herself behind the door. She picked up the lamp, gripping it by the neck, and stood ready to swing it as the intruder came back towards her. Terror gave her unsuspected strength, and as the door swung open, she struck with all her might.

She felt the heavy base of the lamp crunch sickeningly into the man’s skull and leaned back against the wall exhausted, but thankful that the body now lying crumpled in the doorway was not hers. She would have to telephone the Police Station now and report what she had done. After all, it had been self-defence - there would be no doubt about that - and David would be very proud of her.

Bracing herself, she stepped carefully over the man’s feet and switched on the hall light, but as she dialled the familiar number, she turned and saw, sitting on the hall table, a tray set for two.

Horror dawning, her eyes travelled slowly round and down to David’s body lying in a pool of blood on the floor.


Word count: 1017

Published in the
Sunday Mail,
8 August 1971

If I remember correctly, I received the marvellous amount of £16, but since it was the first short story I’d ever had published, I was absolutely delighted. I WAS A PROFESSIONAL AUTHOR!

The Witch

Peter’s granny lived in an old tenement in Mill Street. She kept a jar full of lovely sticky sweeties, and she spoilt him outrageously, so he loved going to see her.

‘Ach, he’s only a bairn, Mary,’ she would say when his mother scolded him for doing something he shouldn’t.

The only thing he didn’t like about Mill Street was Aul’ Babbie, who lived on the ground floor of the same tenement as his granny. He was terrified of Aul’ Babbie. She was very old - over a hundred, Peter thought - but that wasn’t what scared him. She had a hooked nose, a long, pointed chin and straight, straggly hair. She was the personification of all the pictures of witches he had ever seen. Her face wasn’t green, of course, but when she opened her mouth you could see her two broken teeth. No more, just the two broken teeth.

The children of Mill Street liked to torment her. When they played hide and seek, they would hide in the dark lobby outside her door, and run away laughing if she came out to see who was making a noise. She usually did.

‘Get awa’ oot o’ here!’ she would shout, ‘an’ leave an aul’ body in peace.’

They would shout back, knowing that she was too crippled to chase them, and she usually went back inside her house and slammed her door. Peter joined in their games when he was visiting his granny, and would shout as loud as the rest of them when Aul’ Babbie was on the warpath.

‘Ye young hooligans!’ she was liable to shout at them. ‘Ah’d murder the lot o’ ye if Ah got ma han’s on ye.’

‘Canna catch me, canna catch me, Aul’ Babbie canna catch me,’ they would chant, and take to their heels.

‘Ah ken fine fa ye are,’ she would cry and shake her stick at them. ‘Ah’ll tell yer ma’s on ye. An’ you, Peter Ritchie, Ah’ll tell yer granny.’

The children knew that she never carried out her threats, but Peter had a huge worry of his own. What if Aul’ Babbie lay in wait for him in that dark lobby? She could grab him as he passed to go upstairs to his granny’s house. She could take him inside and torture him to pay him back for all the times he had annoyed her. She might even murder him and nobody would ever know what had happened to him.

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