Durty South Grind (21 page)

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Authors: L. E. Newell

BOOK: Durty South Grind
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The pain on their youthful faces clearly showed how much force the officers were using. Their bodies ended up in awkward angles as they were slammed on the hard pavement. With their feet splashing desperately in the water, their mouths shot open wide in silent screams of displeasure as they arched their necks and shoulders from the impact. No sound emitted from their mouths for utter fear had taken over. All they could do was stare up into the angry faces of the cops.

The shock was certainly not over when Woo grasped both of their chins in an iron claw grip, with her teeth gnashed and growled, “You muthafuckas think this is a joke, huh?” Her eyes flared like burning coals, searing right through their brains, as she stared down at them like she wished they were dead. Her arousal soared much more when she felt the dampness moistening her panties.

The pair was so frozen in fear that it took a moment for it to
register that she was talking to them. The vise-like grip that she had on their chins was so tight that they couldn't even nod their heads. The look in their eyes showed pure fear and desperation.

That pure fear turned into something else they'd never felt before, as the anger in her eyes glazed over into lust. She had dug her nails so deep into their skin that blood started to ooze around her razor-like fingernails. Her face spewed total hatred as she leaned in closer. “Let me tell ya'll niggas this here: If I ever see either one of ya'll hanging around any dope area anywhere, I'm gonna kick ya'll faces and lock ya'll asses up for so muthafucking long, that your own families won't even recognize you no more.”

Then, with panther-like speed, she jumped up and pulled the bigger of the two to his feet by his braids. A truly amazing feat by a woman so small in stature. She raised her voice for everybody within shouting distance to hear. “Ya'll muthafuckas get one chance and one chance only to get whatever illegal bullshit off your asses.” She paused to scan the whole pool area, staring at each one of them with intense fire shooting from her eyes. “Me and my men are going to turn around and I'm going to count to ten, naw fuck dat, five. I'm gonna count to five and then whoever has the nerve to try to hold on to anything they ain't got no business having, are getting dumped headfirst into that paddy wagon over yonder.”

Without any further warning, she raised her foot and kicked the teenager back into the pool, leaving him to right himself as he splashed aimlessly in the water. Not a soul bothered to help him. Even if they wanted to, their hands were locked behind them just as his were.

And then she looked down at his partner. “Get your ass in the water. Now.” She had a sadistic smile on her face, as she watched the struggling youth. He slipped under several times before he was able to do so. The other one flinched at her psychotic mask
as she stared down at his boy and, with perspirating fear all over his face, he scrambled back into the water.

She frowned murderously at the others, raised her hand and rotated one finger. All the drug squad members immediately did an about face, the soles of their combat boots thundering loudly in the crisp morning air.

Lt. Woo started counting. “One, two, three, four.” She took a deep breath before continuing louder, “Five.” The squad turned around, barking orders, and started prodding people like cattle toward the waiting paddy wagon. One by one they pulled drenched people out of the pool and patted them down. After the smart ones were released out of their cuff ties, Lt. Woo shouted into their horrified faces at point-blank range, “Run, muthafucka, run!”

A total of six out of a possible thirty something were foolish enough to try to sneak some through the shakedown. Those unfortunate few were indeed slammed headfirst into the paddy wagon and secured with ankle ties as well.

Shortly afterward, a group of officers used long-handled fishing nets to scoop the assorted drugs and other whatnots out of the pool and shoved them into large bags to be burned later on.

She smiled down at the wetness in her panties as she started walking back to her squad car and pressed a call to Chief Johnson's office. Before ducking in she took a quick glance around to see if anyone was paying her any attention. Satisfied that everyone was too busy wrapping up the commando scene, a prettier smile creased the corners of her mouth as she settled down into the seat.

She double-checked the rearview mirrors to make sure, slowly closed her eyes and gingerly slid her hand into her pants. She eased her legs apart just enough to get her sticky panty crotch away from her heated pussy and pulled the dainty lace to the side so that she could slide her trembling finger into her wetness. A whiff of fresh woman nut invaded her nostrils, sending a shiver
down her spine. Letting out a soft moan, she clamped her small caramel thighs tightly around her hand. Right off the bat, another nut started to stir deep in her stomach. She opened her mouth. “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah.” Then she started waggling her legs back and forth. This one was so intense that she couldn't even close her mouth as she thrust one, two, three fingers violently into her now overflowing pussy.

“Oh shit, oh shiiiitt nnnggg, nnnggg,” she moaned just before she heard the phone being picked up on the other end. Damn, she had forgotten all about calling the chief that quick. She clamped her mouth on her shoulder, biting hard into the coarse fiber of her fatigue uniform until the feeling subsided. She heard the chief's voice answer into the receiver and blew hard into the night sky.

Gathering herself quickly, she forced herself to hide the after-tone of her climax as she replied, “First mission accomplished, Chief.” She listened intently to the response. “Yes, ma'am, that makes good sense to me. Word has probably spread like wildfire by now, so we'll just let the other dealers sweat it out for a while before we strike again. Uh-huh, I agree totally; it'll be best to hit two or maybe even three at the same time as well. Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am.”

She clicked the phone off, lay back on the headrest and expelled the tension out of her body with a heavy sigh. Wiping the beads of sweat off her brow, she rolled down the window and stuck her head out of the car in search of her second-in-command. The only person she saw of any importance was the head guy of the Black Cats, which she really didn't like or trust as far as she could spit. Hunching her shoulders, she mumbled, “Fuck it,” to herself and pulled out. She failed to notice the cracked curtain in the room on the second floor.

Clara eased the curtain closed. “Well, I'll be damned. That little psycho bitch got a fucking nut off of fucking with folk. Now
that is some weird shit there.” She stayed at the window a little while longer, checking out the rest of those fucking pigs as they wrapped up their invasion—paying special attention to a couple of them hidden in the bushes on the perimeter. She counted the money she'd be missing for at least the rest of that night. Fuck it; business would be back to normal this time tomorrow. Now she had to think of something to do to keep her mind off of fucking up the rest of the package.

She silently cursed those crooked bastards, spun from the window and headed to the adjacent room. Gently closing the door, she went directly to the chair beside the radiator. Flipping it over, she carefully unscrewed the foot knobs on each leg and stuck the hook of a clothes hanger in to retrieve her packages. She screwed the knobs back on, sat the chair upright and stuffed all but one of the bags into her panties before returning to the other room.

She smiled at the few big-money spenders she had called when she had first heard about the raid an hour ago. “Aight, ya'll niggas get that green out. Dem muthafuckas gone. But ya'll can't be leaving this room for at least another hour or so; a couple of them bastards done posted up out there in the bushes. But that shouldn't last but a little while, maybe an hour or so.” The expression on her face was strictly business.

Even though the heat was on, she still had several reasons to smile but none compared to the feeling she got from knowing that some real boss niggas had her back when it came to staying a step ahead of those dope-busting bastards. Her thoughts eventually went back to that crazed-ass, horny bitch. All she could think was “whew” as she felt the hairs on her neck stiffen at the thought of being caught short by that psycho ho. Cop or not, that bitch was crazy for sure.

Getting Legit, Yeah Right

he sounds and smells of breakfast aroused Sparkle out of an exhausted sleep. He stretched his arms and legs, yawning and aahing at the snap, crackle and pop of his aching joints.
Damn, baby sis is sho nuff doing the do to that there. Come on, soldier, getcha lazy ass outta this rack.
He groaned to a sitting position and stretched beyond one final yawn.

He blinked a couple of times and smacked his mouth. “Damn, ugh, shit be rough,” he yucked to the foul coating on his tongue. It dawned on him that he was in one of the kids' beds and he sprung up, stammering to the bathroom to get the morning crust off. On the way, he noticed a set of pants and a shirt draped across a mini-recliner. “Mmm, Boo Bear must have jacked JJ up for some of his rags,” he mouthed as he sneered down at the wrinkled clothes he still had on.

Minutes later, after handling his hygiene, he put on the clothes and prowled after the delicious aromas teasing his nose and causing his stomach to growl. He had bent the corner into the dining room and said in a grumpy early morning tone, “Thanks, Boo,” before pausing when he saw JJ's smiling face finishing up the remnants of a scrumptious breakfast.

“Taint nuthen, dog. Debra's gone to the beauty shop and the kids are off to school. I figured you'd think that it was her in here, but you can straighten up your face, looking like you done forgot
how I used to hook your ass up back when I used to do the master chef thang down there in that Columbus joint.”

“Huh!” Sparkle retorted lazily.

“Freeze frame, nigga, and just enjoy my Chef-Bo-Ardee,” he added as he nodded toward the plates on the counter filled with steaming cheesy eggs, beef links, buttered toast and grits. “Go ahead. Take those there to the dining table. I'll bring the OJ and coffee.”

They ate in silence for a while until JJ nodded toward the stereo system. “There's a MARTA card and a 23 Candler Road bus schedule over there. Figured you'd be heading downtown to finally get your legal on, with the way Debra got in your shit. You know, just in case you're smart enough not to go jumping in no fly ride with all that cheddar you done clocked,” he said between bites of the steamy hot meal.

“Thanks, dog, a nigga's got to go ahead and handle that there as soon as possible; that's for sure,” Sparkle downed the last of the orange juice, realizing that he certainly had a point.

JJ sipped on the coffee and tapped a short rhythm on his forehead with his fingers. “Oh yeah, before I forget, they done moved the social security building to that building right behind the Subway at the bus stop; you know, the one that used to be the VA.” He didn't wait for him to reply as he cleared his throat. “You already know where the human resources office is at, uh-huh, and knowing your half-slick ass, you gonna play for some get-out-of-jail emergency money and food stamps just to make yo sisters think you're going on the straight and narrow.”

Sparkle smiled at him. “Yeah, dog, you hit it on the head with that one there, and thanks for thinking ahead for me. That's a real good look. I'm still in a daze from all the things that have gone down in the past couple of days.”

JJ nodded in agreement. “Yeah, dog, I know, taint nothing,
though; you'd do the same for me, and I've definitely got your back. Oh yeah, and check this here out. When you are finished handling that biz there, that is if you ain't bent out of shape by then, holla at a nigga from wherever you at because that poker game is gonna be jumping big time over at that nigga Al's crib again tonight. I'll most likely be over there trying to get back some of the ends that weasel bit out of me the other day.”

Sparkle's eyes lit up. “For real, dog? Shiitt, I could use some more of that fat nigga's digits again myself.”

“Hell yeah, man, it had to be at least three heavy-hitting games from the sounds in the background when I talked to his ass earlier,” JJ got in as he drained the last of his coffee.

“Shit, ya'll going back tonight, huh?” Sparkle said to keep the conversation going as he started gathering the dishes. It was close to the time for him to split.

“You bet your ass, I am. Like I said, holler at me when you finish up downtown and I'll get you over there.”

“Okay, my nig, that'll work. Man, let me go get myself ready for all this legal I got to handle. Oh, yeah, thanks for the clothes, man,” he said over his shoulder as he headed for the bedroom.

It took him only a few minutes to get himself together before he was out the door. A couple of steps down he heard JJ calling out to him that someone wanted to talk to him on the telephone. It was his sister, Janet Bea and she had hooked him up on a three-way call with his mama in Virginia.

He couldn't even measure the joy he felt when he heard her voice. “Hey there, boy, how ya doing?”

He certainly didn't mind the “boy” coming from his special lady. He was smiling so hard that his cheeks started to ache as he beamed. “I'm getting settled in; how ya been doing? Oh yeah, and Big Mama and Aunt Aurelia?”

As he waited for her to respond, he heard some voices in the
background that were unmistakably his two brothers, Jimmy and Mike, wanting to holler at him. His mother said in a voice full of concern, “You gonna do the right thing this time, ain'tcha? I can't stand too many more of these gray hairs worrying about you, baby. You know that, don't you?”

He answered, hoping it would make her feel better, although he knew that she would be bugging about him anyway. “Yes, ma'am. Matter of fact, I was on the way downtown to the DMV, social security place and of course, the employment office.”

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