Eagle River (18 page)

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Authors: Isabelle Kane

BOOK: Eagle River
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Chapter Twenty-Five


Left Behind Again


~ Kjersten ~


After thanking Maggie’s father for the dance, Kjersten headed back to the table. Cat was already sitting there, sipping at a drink.

“Where’s your guy?” Kjersten asked, referring to the former player that Cat had been flirting with earlier.

“Trey will be back in a few minutes. Listen, I’m going back to his room tonight. So, you’ll get the room to yourself.”

Kjersten blushed and smiled. “Thanks.”

“That’s a good thing, right?” Cat prompted with a wink. “Odgers couldn’t take his eyes off you.”

“Maybe,” Kjersten conceded. “He didn’t want to dance. I think he went to the bar. He should be back any minute... Cat, I’m so excited, I can’t stand it. It doesn’t even seem possible that after all this time, we could get back together.”

Cat rolled her eyes. “A case of true love. But there’s my guy now, and I have a case of true lust going. So, I’ll see you in the morning?” She stood up.

Kjersten nodded and watched her friend walk away. Hopefully, she peered around the room, looking for Galen. Finally, she spotted him. He was at a table with his brother and sister and they looked to be having a very animated conversation.

He looked so handsome, but distressed now.

Why? What’s wrong? she wondered.

The Odgers were speaking back and forth for a few more minutes. Then, Galen stood abruptly and headed out of the ballroom.

Where is he going? When will he come back?

Sandra and Kyle had their heads together at the table and were conversing intently.

Kjersten sat, watched, and waited. Five minutes passed. Then, ten. Then, fifteen. Still, there was no sign of Galen. Where is he? She grew restless and impatient. She rose to her feet and made her way over to the table where the other Odgers siblings remained seated.

“Excuse me.” She stood at the side of the table. “Hi Sandra, Kyle.”

Kyle rose to his feet. “Kjersten.”

“Hi, Kjersten,” Sandra greeted her, but her expression was anxious.

“Do you know where Galen went? He was here just a few minutes ago,” Kjersten paused, embarrassed to have admitted to have been watching him.

“He’s gone,” Kyle spoke flatly. “He left.”

“When do you think he’ll be back?” Kjersten asked.

“Not tonight,” Kyle snorted.

“But he said,” Kjersten paused.

“Kjersten, Galen left here upset,” Sandra’s expression was sympathetic, concerned. “I don’t think he’s coming back tonight. He got some news that, well, it sort of overwhelmed him.”

“What kind of news? I mean is everything okay?”

“Everything’s not okay, but nothing horrible has happened,” Sandra explained. “It’s a family thing. Galen will explain it to you.”

“You mean, he left for good? For the night?” Kjersten stammered. Her heart sank. Not again. How could he leave me again? And he didn’t even say ‘goodbye.’

I’m sure he’ll call you,” Sandra offered. “You okay, Kjersten?”

“Yeah.... I’m fine.” Kjersten recovered herself.

“I’m so sorry,” Sandra muttered.

Kjersten straightened up and swallowed the lump in her throat. “I guess it just wasn’t meant to be. I hope you both have a nice evening.”

Heartbroken again and aware of Sandra and Kyle’s eyes on her, she gathered her skirt with dignity, and turned away from the table. I’m such an idiot. He doesn’t know what he wants. I’m so done waiting for him to come to his senses. I’m not going to let him do this to me ever again. Still, a thought nagged her as she headed out of the ballroom. What did he find out that made him leave?

“Shoot.” Back in her hotel room, later that night, Kjersten struggled to unzip her dress. The zipper was high up between her shoulder blades. Cat, who had not returned to the room and was clearly with her hook up, had helped her to zip it up when they were getting ready for the wedding. What a disaster. For a moment, Kjersten quit messing with the zipper and walked over to the table. She picked up the still filled champagne flute that she had brought back to her room. With a trembling hand, she raised the flute to her lips and took a long drink of the bubbly coolness.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. “Cat? I’m coming.” I wonder what happened with her guy.

Kjersten opened the door wide, prepared to see Cat, but, to her amazement, it was Galen who stood there. His expression was desperate, and a little dangerous. His bow tie was undone and his shirt unbuttoned uncharacteristically low.

“Galen? What’s up?”

He didn’t answer. Instead, without asking her permission, he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He took a hold of her hand, drawing her up against him while he wrapped his other arm around her waist. He groaned as he pressed his face into the warmth at the base of her neck.

For a moment, she softened into him, lost in the magic of this unexpected embrace. Then, the thought of his harried expression filled her mind’s eye, so she drew back, to look at him. “What’s going on? Galen?”

He leaned his forehead against her own, so that their lips nearly touched. “I don’t want to talk or think or anything. I just want you. I want you now. I need you. God, I need you so much right now.”

She melted inside at his words, and then leaned in to kiss him. But that wasn’t enough for Galen. He reached to her sides, to push down the offending material of her dress. The corseted top resisted.

“The zipper.”


“It’s stuck.”

He fiddled with it for a moment, while hungrily kissing her. “Do you like this dress?”

She laughed. “No.”

“Good.” He gripped the two sides of the dress at the back and ripped.

Kjersten shivered in anticipation while he shoved the dress down her body, revealing her black, strapless bra with matching black garter belt and stockings that she’d put on earlier that day. She stepped out of it, reveling in the way his eyes caressed her long, lean form. She reached back and began to pull the pins from her hair, then shook out the long, flaxen waves.

“You are so beautiful.” He slid his hands up to cup her breasts. “You smell delicious.” He nuzzled into her neck.

“My turn,” she murmured and began to unbutton his shirt, pulling it up and out of his pants. Then, she reached for the buckle. He stilled her hands and sought to pull her up. “No, I’m in charge.” Brashly she pushed him back, until his legs hit a chair. Then, she pushed at his chest, forcing him down into the seat. “Tonight, you are going to do what I say.”

Galen couldn’t seem to speak in response. He sat in the chair, staring at her in awe. Pivoting slowly, she bent over at the waist, giving him the full view of her heart shaped ass and the black, lacey thong that bisected the curves.

“Come here, Kjersten.” Galen nearly whimpered. “I can’t take this.”

“You will and you’re going to love it.” She rose slowly from her bent position, turned and kneeled down before him, reaching out and shoving his slacks down his hips so that his cock sprang free. She took the head right in her mouth as he groaned and thrust up. She slid her tongue down to the base of it, while cupping his balls gently with her hands.

He grasped her breasts.

“No!” She smacked his hand lightly with an open palm.

Galen’s eyes were bright with hunger and anticipation. “All right,” he agreed. “We’ll do it your way.” Still consuming her with his eyes, he leaned back in the chair, cupping the back of her head with one hand.

Now, Kjersten grinned with satisfaction, then leaning forward. She took one testicle in her mouth, savoring the musk of him, the salty taste. Tenderly, she pressed her tongue against it. She released it and administered the same attention to the other testicle. Then, she lifted them with one hand and ran her tongue along the raised line that extended back from his ball sack.

Galen thrust up, the tip of his cock, wet with a fluid.

Kjersten rested her hands on his thighs and stood up. “Look at me.” His eyes flew open as she reached back and undid her strapless bra, allowing it to fall to the floor. Now, she reached down and shimmied out of her skimpy black silk thong,

Galen groaned. “You are so beautiful.”

“Screw beautiful,” she responded, stepping back in the V of his thighs. “I’m hot. Fuckable.”

He chuckled and reached for her again. “I’ve missed you.”

“No, don’t touch me.”

“Not yet?” he questioned.

“It’ll be worth it, I promise.” She stood poised over him, then hesitated. “Do you have ... I mean, I didn’t plan.”

“I did,” Galen dug around in his pocket and pulled forth a condom.

Kjersten took it from him. “Here, let me.” She tore it open, and sheathed him. His cock was big, thick and ready for her. Then, she straddled his hips, and rubbed her vaginal lips over the head of his penis. With her fingers, she opened herself, then rubbed his cock from her clitoris, down her passage, to her vagina, moistening herself. She teased herself and him until he was wild eyed, nearly coming apart, but still he stayed seated.

Her voice throaty, she asked, “I hope you brought more than just one.”

Now he grasped her hips and pulled her down, burying his cock in her deeply. His eyes met hers as he bit into his lips and thrust up into her again. “Oh yeah. I plan on fucking you all night long. Ride me. Do it now!”

He licked and suckled each breast as she began to move on him. He met her thrusts, and sought to rub his thumb against her clit so that the two of them grew more frantic, more frenzied together. Desperately she ground against him. Galen grabbed her hips and began to thrust hard up into her. As her motions grew more frantic, her orgasm close, he demanded, “Look at me! Look at me as you come!”

She screamed as she came apart, his hoarse groan followed a moment later as he thrust powerfully into her then held her hips to receive him.

For a moment, they remained still, sweaty and spent. Then, he kissed her. “I needed that. You.”

Her mind was still slow, and post-orgasm sluggish, so she didn’t respond. So, all she said was, “I’m thirsty.”

“Is there anything left in that champagne bottle?” he asked, eyeing the black bottle on the nightstand.

“Um hmm.” She stood up, and turned, naked, and unselfconscious to get it.

He pulled the condom off his cock and disposed of it. Then, he watched in appreciation as she took a healthy swig of the champagne. “Save some for me.”

She nodded in agreement and then handed him the bottle.

He drank as well and then rose and took her hand. “Let’s go take a shower. I want to eat you out in the shower.”

She shivered in anticipation and followed him eagerly. There was nothing more to say. In fact, there wasn’t really any time for talking at all that night. They fucked and slept and then fucked some more. They burned insatiable, desperate, and hot for each other.

Early in the morning, before she was truly awake, she heard him making a phone call. “Yeah, I’m okay... Not now. I’ll be home soon. Yeah, just as long as it takes me to drive there.” He set the phone back in the receiver. He was quiet for a moment, then, she heard him sigh. He got to his feet and moved about the hotel room quietly dressing. Kjersten waited for him to say something, anything, but he didn’t say a word. She was aware when he stood over the bed looking down at her. Still, she pretended to be asleep.
Do something! Say something to show me that this wasn’t just a one-night deal for you.

But he said nothing, just left the room quietly, closing the door after him. As he left, Kjersten smothered her feelings of dismay and disappointment. Why am I such an idiot? All I am to him is an easy one-night fling. Or, he would have said something before he left. I am so done beating myself up over him. Last night was what it was, but it’s over. I’m a big girl and I can handle my own choices and their consequences.

Chapter Twenty-Six




~ Galen ~


It was a beautiful November day, perfect weather for a football practice, but Galen was having a tough time staying focused. While he waited for the whistle signaling the beginning of play, his thoughts were miles away. All he could think about was Kjersten. She must think I’m a jerk because of how I left that morning. I didn’t know what to say to her. With me and my family, it’s always drama. I didn’t want to dump those problems on her, tell her that I’m Coach Murray’s bastard and that everyone lied to me all these years. I didn’t want to ruin things after that incredible night. Where do we go from here? But leaving the way I did, that just made things worse. Around and around, his mind spun.

Suddenly, a whistle blew, indicating the start of the drill, instantly tearing Galen from the quagmire of his thoughts. He stepped back, caught the snap, and looked for a receiver. Marvin’s wide open. He threw the ball short. Shoot.

Marvin jogged back. “What was that, Galen? Didn’t you even see me?”

“Sorry,” Galen muttered, shaking his head. “I wasn’t thinking.”

“No. You weren’t. Damn, pay attention. Don’t waste my time. Get focused, man. You’ve been in another world since last weekend.”

“I hear you. I was just thinking about...”

“That girl. Man, you gotta get your head straight. Think about her after practice.”

“I know. I know.”

Marvin smacked him on the back.

“Get back in formation,” Coach Felder directed. “Now!”

Galen took his position behind the center. He called the same play again. Marvin was in motion. He drew his arm back. I should have called Kjersten right after the wedding. I should have explained why I left that night. He didn’t see the hit coming. He wasn’t watching for it. He had an awareness of impact, then the world went red and black.


* * * *


Tom headed down the long hospital corridor.
I knew this day was coming. This conversation is long overdue.
Galen had called him and asked him to come down to Chicago the night before. There had been something in his voice that clued Tom in that the time had come, and even though he had rehearsed for it so many times, usually by Jessie’s grave, he felt so unready for it.

He knocked on the hospital room door.

“Come in,” a deep, unfamiliar voice called out.

Tom opened the door. “Hello?”

There were several young men in the room. Ben Happe was seated in a chair by Galen’s side. Tom recognized the Bearcat running back, Marvin Richardson, and the enormous lineman, Moe, who were both seated on his other side. Galen was lying on the bed, looking pale but composed. His arm was in a sling.


“Hi Galen. Boys,” Tom nodded his head in greeting. “Ben, good to see you.” He held out his hand to Ben and then to the two other young men in turn.

“Hi, Coach Murray,” Ben said, shaking it.

“We should be heading out.” Moe rose to his feet.

“Yeah, we’ll see you tomorrow, Galen.” Marvin agreed. “We’ll bring you a burger.”

“Sounds good.” Galen smiled. “Thank you guys for stopping by. Just laying here kind of sucks.”

“You’ll be on your feet in no time,” Moe commented. “The doctors said you won’t miss more than a couple of games.”

“I just hate being out, just laying here.” Galen smacked his hand down on the coverlet. “See you guys.”

The two football players headed out of the hospital room.

Wanting to delay this long awaited moment of confrontation with his son, Tom turned to Ben. “Ben, what are you doing down here in Chicago?”

“I was just coming down to spend the weekend with Galen. I got here Thursday night and I’m heading back to Milwaukee tomorrow.”

“He’s been hanging out here at the hospital with me since yesterday afternoon. So much for a fun weekend together.”

“It wasn’t that bad,” Ben countered. “I’m gonna head back to your apartment. I have some homework to do.” He and Galen exchanged a glance. “G-man, I’ll come and see you tomorrow before I leave.”

“Sounds good,” Galen answered.

“See ya, Ben.” Tom rose to his feet.
I feel warm. My heart is pounding. He knows! Somehow he knows!

Then, once the door shut behind Ben, it was just Tom and Galen alone in the hospital room.

“How was your honeymoon?” Galen asked. “Mexico, right? You still look tan.”

“It was great. We, Maggie and me, took her girls with us. We went to a family resort in Cancun. It was a blast.”

“Great.” Galen looked away.

A heavy silence fell in the room.

“So how did this happen?” Tom waved his arm at Galen in the hospital bed.

“Just a hit in practice. A helmet to the chin and collarbone. Marvin said it was a spear. I was knocked out. Don’t remember it. Now the collarbone hurts like hell and I have a headache, but I’m okay. They want me to take it easy for a couple of days.” Galen glanced away from Tom and out the window. “It was my own fault. I wasn’t paying attention. I was thinking about ... other stuff.”

Tom waited.
I gotta get the discussion going. I’m the mature adult here.
“I’m glad you called me, Galen, but you obviously have something on your mind. What is it?”

Galen’s jaw flexed. He didn’t say anything. He just stared out the window. Finally, he turned his head and met Tom’s glance. There was such naked pain on his face that Tom nearly cringed. “You knew my mom, right?”

The thought ‘in the Biblical sense’ popped into Tom’s head.
He swallowed. “Yes, I knew Jessica.”

Galen skewered him with his eyes. “Well?”

“Well, what?”

“Be man enough to tell me. Don’t make me drag it out of you.”

Tom sighed. Then, he looked directly into the eyes of the young man that he had lied to for nineteen years.

“Yes, I am your father.” It felt rough and awkward to say the words and he didn’t experience the euphoria he’d always anticipated of the acknowledgement. “How did you find out?”

“Cam Fawst told me at your wedding. You couldn’t even tell me yourself. I had to find out from him.” Galen spit the words out like bullets.

“I didn’t want you to find out that way.”
How did Cam even know? Who else knows?

“Why didn’t either of you tell me? Why the big secret? Were you embarrassed of me?”

“No. Never. I stayed in Eagle River because of you, because I wanted to be around you.”

“Why did you and Mom break up?”

Tom exhaled. “We got together when your mom and Jim were split up. They were going to get divorced. All of that had happened before I met your mother. But then Jim had that car accident. He was in the hospital for months and then...” Tom tipped his head down.


“Well, then your mom ended things between us. She felt that she had to be responsible. He wasn’t able to take care of himself and he was Sandra’s and Kyle’s dad. And, to be fair, I wasn’t the best bet back then. I wasn’t exactly prime dad material, but when I found out that Jessica was pregnant with you, I wanted to be around to watch you grow up, to be a part of your life.”

“I deserved to know that you’re my dad. I had a right to know that.” Galen nearly growled the words.

“You did. You did. And this is going to sound weak, but the opportunity never presented itself. Then, your mom got sick. It didn’t seem like the right time.”

“All of those years, you could have told me sometime.”

“I know. I know, but things were good between us. I didn’t want to mess that up. It was all that I had with you.”


“That’s fair.” Tom shrugged his shoulders and hung his head. “You’re absolutely right. I didn’t know how to be a dad.”

“Well, you better figure it out quick. I don’t even know what to say to you. God, how could you just lie to me all of these years? The whole thing has been a fucking lie! How could you and Mom do this to me?”

“I deserve this, Galen. I know I do. I’ve had it coming. You should be angry. I know this doesn’t excuse anything, but remember your mother and I both loved you and we both did our best to be there for you no matter what. You don’t have to forgive me or understand what happened or why we didn’t tell you. Your mom didn’t want me to tell you, and so I didn’t. Then, when she got sick, it didn’t feel like the right time.”

“I guess it never was the right time,” Galen snarled.

“I’m not trying to excuse anything, but we both loved you more than anything and you have a family. You have Kyle and Sandra and her kids.”

Galen said nothing. The corner of his jaw twitched. “You and Mom messed up so many things... Like father like son, I guess. Did you love her?”

Tom looked away. He found his eyes filling with tears and he swallowed the lump in his throat. “More than anything. I loved her more than anything. Then, you came along and you changed my life. It may sound corny, but you saved my life... Because of you, Eagle River became my home. I have friends. I belong. I coach. It all happened because of you and Jessica. Then, when your Mom died, I didn’t think you needed anything more on your plate. So was I a coward? I was afraid to fuck up the relationship that we had. I didn’t know how to be a dad.”

“Well, you’re kind of a dad now, to Maggie’s girls. Their dad is out of the picture, right?”

“Yeah, I am. I feel like I’ve been given a second chance with Maggie and the girls. Galen, I’m sorry that we kept this secret. I knew it was wrong then and I know it now. I’m sorry you had to find out the way you did. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Tom hesitated for a moment, then went to his son and awkwardly embraced him, careful not to touch his injured collarbone

Galen remained stiff for a moment, but then softened and accepted his father’s attempt to comfort him.

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