Eagle's Destiny (35 page)

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Authors: C. J. Corbin

BOOK: Eagle's Destiny
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My ears heard the words, but my brain had a difficult time processing them.  I was confused until I looked up.  Michael stood in front of me.  My incredibly gorgeous, hunky man was there, not on the phone but in person.  I leaped up almost knocking the little table over and threw my arms around his neck.  Michael wrapped me in his arms and pulled me close.  Our lips found each other’s and we kissed deeply for what seemed like hours.

I heard someone in the distance saying, “Will she kiss all of us like that?”  Then I felt Nancy tugging on my jeans.  I wanted to swing my arm down to knock her hand away because nothing was going to interrupt my kiss.  Well, until the hooting, whistling, and catcalls started.

We broke apart and immediately the blush formed on my face.  Michael touched my lips with his fingertip.  Nancy was still tugging at me.  I leaned over “What is it?”  I asked her.

Nancy pointed to the waiting fans, “Ah…you’re in public, and there’s a line.”

I giggled, “Oh yeah.  I guess I should get back to work.”  I introduced Nancy to Michael.

Michael winked at her, “Thanks for all your help.”

Nancy laughed, “Think nothing of it.  I was glad to help.”

I looked back and forth at each of them.  “How did you?”  I paused and then it clicked.  I looked at Nancy, “You knew about the roses all along didn’t you?”

Nancy nodded.

Michael laughed, “Babe, I’m not that clever.”  He squeezed me.  “Nancy let me know which hotels you were staying at and when.”

I looked again at both of them, “Great.  Keep everything from Elizabeth.  Thanks Nancy.”

She hit me playfully on the shoulder.  “You loved every minute of it!”

Michael pulled up an empty chair next to me and he moved as close as possible to me without sitting on my chair.  I glanced over at him; he looked delicious in his jeans that were so faded they were almost white.  The rip at the knee was especially sexy not to mention his plain black polo shirt, which fit him tightly enough to show off his muscles.  How could I have forgotten how beautiful his sky-blue eyes were?  I wanted to fly in them.

The next girl in line pointed to Michael.  “Is he your inspiration for Jessica’s love interest?”

I laughed and blushed of course, “No, not in this book.  The next one.”

Michael spoke up, “But we’re seriously going to try page 75.”

I turned to him, “Michael!”  I blushed again. 

Everyone standing within earshot laughed.

As I signed books, Michael interacted with my fans.  He was casual and easy going.  He seemed especially shy around the
who made suggestive comments, which I thought made him look even more adorable.

Michael obliged the fans who wanted pictures with me and he played photographer with their small digital cameras.  If they only knew, a professional award-winning photographer had taken their picture. 

we were almost finished for the day, Michael leaned over and whispered in my ear.  “W
hat time
do we get to leave so that I can have my way with you?”

I grinned and kissed him.  My eyes grew wide when I remember
my evening plan
, “Oh, I forgot, I agreed to go to a Dodger game with my family.”

He groaned, “Oh no, can you cancel it?”

I shook my head looking at Michael, “I’m sorry, I can’t do that.  Wait.  Let me check, my dad ha
an extra ticket.  Do you want to go with us?”  I asked.

“I’m not letting you out of my sight.  If that means sitting through a painful Dodger game, then so be it.”

“Hey you!”  I exclaimed. 
“Watch it.”  Then I remembered, “
hey are playing the Giants.” 

Dad still had the extra ticket and I let him know that Michael would be coming with me.
I finished up with the fans by five as planned.  Michael had the valet get the car for us as I said quick goodbyes to everyone.

I hugged Nancy last.  “Call me.  I’ll be home tomorrow night.”

Nancy smiled, “I will.  Have fun with your honey tonight.”  She grinned, “If you know what I mean.”  She winked.

I laughed and grinned.  “I’m planning on it.”  I waved goodbye to everyone and made my way outside.

My car and Michael were waiting.  I got into the driver’s side and pulled into the traffic.

Michael turned to me.  “I’m a little surprised you drive a sports car.”

“Why?”  I asked.

“I don’t know.  It just doesn’t seem like you.”

“You know Michael, I’m full of surprises.  Don’t think you’ll ever be able to categorize me.”

Michael laughed, “No you’re right.  You continually surprise me.” 

He held my hand in his and then lifted it and kissed my palm.  I could feel his tongue trace light circles on my wrist.  Fire heated through me and I found it difficult to focus on the road ahead.  I wanted to feel the lips that were caressing my hand on other parts of my body.

I cleared my throat and swallowed.  “Stop it.”  I said barely whispering the words.  “I can’t concentrate.”

Michael smiled and laid my hand on his thigh with his hand over mine.  This position was a little better but not by much.  He leaned over and pulled my collar away from my neck.  Michael’s lips first grazed my neck and then his tongue lightly licked my ear lobe.  “Is this less of a distraction?”

“Michael, I’m driving in heavy Friday night Los Angeles traffic and your kisses are a distraction.  I don’t want to explain to a cop and my dad why I got into an accident.”

Michael straightened up and moved back into his own seat.  “Okay,” he grinned, “As long as I know you want me as much as I want you.  I can’t believe you are dragging me to a baseball game.”

I laughed, “I thought you liked baseball.”

Michael chuckled, “I like you a whole lot more.  Besides, I haven’t been away from baseball for three weeks.”  He moved his hand to the top of my right thigh and squeezed my leg.  Before I had a chance to say anything he added, “Let me just rest it here.  Okay?”

I put my hand on top of his hand resting on my thigh, “Okay, but you’ve got to be a good boy.”  I turned the car to enter the freeway, “I need to pay attention to what I’m doing.  Tell me about the whales.”  I thought that maybe he would stop if I changed the subject.

He turned again in his seat and looked directly at me.  “No, I’d rather talk about what we’re going to do when we get back to your house tonight, after the longest game in my life.”  His hand started massaging my thigh.  “Where I’m going to lick you and kiss you and…”  He trailed off.

“Michael.”  I whispered.  I wanted to close my eyes and let him take me in his arms.

Michael chuckled, “Okay.  I’m sorry.  I’m supposed to be a good boy.”

Michael managed to maintain his good boy status for the rest of the drive to Dodger Stadium.  I had no idea what would happen after the game.  There was no way we were going to make it to my house in one piece.

We met my family at the entrance to the stadium.  Michael was very
polite and called Dad “
that alone earned him extra points with Dad right off the bat, which he lost right away when he announced that he was a
Giants fan. 

Lisa mouthed, “He’s cute.”

We were off to a good start.  Then the nicknames started and I had to explain the various nicknames my family had for me.  I was glad that Michael did not add in his “
” nickname for me.  I wasn’t prepared to explain that one to my dad.  Why could no one simply call me Elizabeth?  Plain, simple, and easy.

Lisa and I made our way to the seats while the boys stopped for hot dogs, peanuts, beer for themselves and soft drinks for us since we were the designated drivers.  Dad sat in the middle with Lisa and me on either side of him.  Michael and Bill flanked the outside of our group.

We settled down to watch the game.  The first five innings
a pitcher

s game and neither team were hitting.  At the bottom of the sixth inning, the Dodgers finally hit a double with no outs.  We were hooting and screaming.  I had not noticed that Michael slipped his arm around my shoulders and his other hand was again on the top of my thigh.  My dad certainly noticed giving us both a wagging look.  Michael
to remove his hand
I clamped my hand over his.  I stared back at my dad. 

Michael pulled his hand back and smiled.  I leaned over to him and whispered, “You don’t need to take your hand away.  I’m a grown woman.”

He whispered back, “I will have my hands all over you later tonight.  I’ll let your dad win this battle, but I will win the prize.”

I grinned, “Smart.”

“Hey, I’m familiar with dads.”  Michael’s eyes were sparkling and I knew it was not just the stadium lights that produced the special glint.

The Dodgers scored two runs and the Giants quickly tied up the game during the next inning.
  At the bottom of the ninth inning,
the score was still a tie
.  The first
up connected with the ball so hard the bat broke, and that ball
out of the park.  Everyone was on their feet cheering including Michael. 

“What are you so happy about?”  I asked him as we were applauding the team.

Michael hugged me, “I never wanted the Giants to lose as badly as I wanted them to lose tonight.  I wanted this game over.”

Michael and I said our
goodbyes to my family,
we hurried out to my car.  The drive back to Torrance was quick in just under an hour.  We barely had the front door closed and Michael had my blouse pulled out of my jeans.  Standing in the entryway his hands were working on the buttons to my blouse while I
to pull his polo shirt over his head.

I giggled, “Wait.”  I pulled the blouse off over my head and Michael did the same with his polo shirt.

His fingers immediately unhooked my bra
it off.  I
t fell on the pile with our shirts.  His lips and hands reached my breasts simultaneously.  As he caressed them, my eyes closed and I leaned back against the wall.  My fingers stroked through his hair and down to his shoulders as I pressed him closer to me. 

“Oh Michael, I want you.”  My whisper was barely audible but
responded by moving his lips up to mine.  His kisses were deep and when our tongues met, it was like setting a fire. 
hand lifted my leg and it easily curled around him.  I could feel the heat from his body through our jeans and my hips pressed against him seeking the warmth.

“Bedroom?”  He rasped out.

I pointed over his shoulder past the living room.  “Shower first?”  I suggested weakly.

Michael shook his head, “No.”  His hand moved to the button on my jeans and his lips went back to my breasts.  “First you.”  He said in between brushing my nipples with his tongue.  “Bedroom.  Now.”

With each rough sweep of his tongue against my nipples, a small, “
” escaped from my lips.  My legs were not going to hold me up much longer.  I pushed him back, and he grinned as I took his hand and quickly led him the short walk to the bedroom.

I kicked off my shoes and sat down on the bed as Michael knelt down in front of me.  The button to my jeans was undone and he quickly unzipped them.  I was not wasting any time getting out of them either.  I lifted my hips and helped him slide the jeans down my legs.

Michael’s eyes sparkled as he looked at me, “Anxious?” he whispered. 

His hands spread my legs apart as he bent to kiss my inner thighs.
I laid ba
and ran my fingers through his hair urging him closer.  I was not wearing my sexiest panties, but it did not seem to make any difference to Michael as his lips traveled further up my thighs to nuzzle me.  Nothing was moving fast enough for me.  I hooked my fingers through the top of my underwear and started to pull them down. 

Michael straightened up and chuckled, “I like this eagerness.”  He pulled my bikinis the rest of the way off. 

I reached for his belt.  “Your turn.”  I said as he stood to accommodate my undressing him. 

was already straining against the material and I groaned in frustration when I
he wore button fly jeans.  My fingers fluttered over his pants not able to undo the buttons fast enough. 

“Here let me help.”  Michael said as he effortlessly unbuttoned his jeans and removed his shoes and socks.

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