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Authors: Christine Feehan

Earth Bound (33 page)

BOOK: Earth Bound
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He kissed his way to the tiny curls guarding treasure and breathed warm air over her.
You can move all you want. There's no right or wrong, just pleasure. If something doesn't feel good, we'll change it up and find the things you do like.

He would stop if she didn't like whatever he planned. He would stop. She clung to that promise. Gavriil was strong and always in control. He wouldn't take them to a place they couldn't retreat from if necessary. She loved him all the more in that moment.

This is really what you want, Gavriil?
She held her breath, needing his answer. Needing to know. He was showing her what love was. She wanted him to take her there with him, to give her the same confidence. She'd been hiding for far too long. She never thought to have love. Until Gavriil.

His head shot up, his hooded eyes fierce with desire, sensual lines carved deep. “I want this more than you could possibly know.” His voice was a rough growl. The sound rumbled over her skin like a thousand raspy tongues lapping at her, making her shudder with anticipation. “Let me have this.”

How could she deny him? She didn't want to. She wanted to taste the forbidden. His hands already drove her crazy. Her body trembled with need. She wanted to feel his mouth on her. She wanted to know if she could accept what he did and give him whatever he asked for. He didn't make her feel depraved or immoral. He made her feel beautiful and wanted.

“I want to eat every inch of you, Lexi. I need to know you're mine.”

His words, his tone of voice, the look on his face, all that dark hunger was impossible for her to resist. She inclined her head because it was impossible to talk, not when he looked at her like that. So hungry, as if he really might devour her.

He spread her thighs with his hands, opening her to the night. To him. She couldn't take her eyes from his face. The fire cast a golden glow over their bodies, moved shadows through the room. Strangely, his face remained in the shadows even when the flames danced over both of them. He looked harsh, his features a mask of sensuality. His eyes were hooded and focused completely on her. He looked at her as if she was really a meal, and he was starving.

Her breath caught in her lungs when he dipped his head and his tongue swiped through her folds. She cried out, shocked. The glittering pleasure was like nothing she had imagined.

She cried out his name, her breath coming in a gasping rush, all at once, her hips bucking under the streak of lightning whipping through her body.

Lexi, you taste like wild honey.

His hands held her thighs apart while he began to lap at her, over and over, a cat licking greedily at cream.

The air left her lungs in a heated rush. He threw her into complete chaos, her mind going numb, her body needing, wanting. Fire raced through her bloodstream, burning her from the inside out. Every muscle tightened. Every nerve ending sent darts of fire racing through her. Tension gathered. Built fast. Her breasts ached. Her stomach lurched and a thousand butterflies took wing. The aching need between her legs grew into a throbbing beat impossible to ignore.

You can't.

I am.
He gave a little growl, much like a tiger when someone tried to remove its dinner.
I've waited a lifetime for you—for this. Let me.

She wasn't certain she would survive. The pleasure was totally unexpected. The fire too hot. The sensations threatening to drown her.

She couldn't take her eyes off of him. His mouth turned aggressive as he dipped his tongue deep to collect spiced honey, drawing it from her body again and again. His tongue plunged into her, stroked her most sensitive button and then his mouth suckled.

She screamed as hot pleasure burst through her, radiating outward like the rays of the sun from his hungry mouth.

I can't. I can't take any more.

It isn't nearly enough. Breathe for me. Relax. This is just the beginning. I want you to feel love, Lexi. Feel it surround you and take you away. My love.

She had to find a way to hold on when the room spun and the walls receded. She couldn't panic, not now when she was so close to achieving her goal and surrendering herself entirely to him. More than anything she wanted him to know she would try to do anything for him.

Lexi dug her fingers into the sheet and bunched the material inside her fists, holding tight and trying to breathe while he lapped and ate and suckled like a wild man. She felt the tension gathering, building. There was no release, no way to stop the shuddering of her body and the fierce need growing out of control.

Fear edged her voice, crept down her spine. That only seemed to add to the desperation between her legs.
I need . . .

Gavriil lifted his head, his eyes dark with love and desire. “Me. Only me, Lexi. I'm all you need.”


knelt between her thighs, keeping her open to him, reluctant to leave his feast, but he was beginning to lose her. The sensations were too much when she'd never experienced them before. He caught her bottom and dragged her to him. Holding his throbbing shaft in one hand, he positioned the weeping head at her slick entrance. She was hot and so damp and ready for him, but he wasn't taking chances.

It was difficult to think with his blood roaring and his pulse pounding in his ears. He was skating on the very edge of his control. Watching her face, he pushed slowly into her scorching-hot sheath. At once her tight muscles surrounded him, silky smooth yet gripping him hard so that the friction of just pushing steadily took his breath. The top of his head threatened to come off. He gritted his teeth to keep from plunging deep and hard in the way his body demanded.

Her eyes widened in shock. Her mouth formed a round
. He loved seeing her stretched around him, her body accepting his, taking him inside her where he belonged. He had wanted this moment entirely for her. Never in his life
could he remember a time when he'd had to fight for control. Now, when he needed it the most, his training was failing him.

Heat and fire surrounded his shaft. An exquisite burn surrounded him, grasping, tightening, clamping around him like a silken fist. His breath left his lungs in a rush. He threw back his head and closed his eyes just for one moment to absorb the absolute perfection of the sensation.

He moved slowly, fighting the urge in his body to thrust deep and hard, taking him all the way to paradise. Sex had never been like this before. He hadn't used a single gimmick, hadn't tried any technique, he'd simply followed his heart. He felt more alive, more exhilarated than he ever had in his life.

Every nerve ending, damaged or not, sizzled and burned until pleasure overtook pain. His past receded the deeper he plunged into her, the hotter the friction, the more his memories dissipated as if they'd never been. She took him to a place of peace, of love, of absolute passion and pleasure.

His breath hissed out between clenched teeth.
Tell me how you're feeling. Are you hurting? Even a little? You have to let me know.

He counted his heartbeats, looking down at her face and the passion etched there. Desire in the forest green of her eyes. She panted, little gasping rushes. Flushed skin, dazed eyes, her body writhing beneath his and her hands clutching the sheets told him she was feeling much the same way he was, but he had to be certain.

Terrified. Wonderful. I don't know what I'm feeling but I don't want you to stop.

We won't. We're in this together. I'm going to let go just a little more.

Her breath came in a ragged, shocked gasp.
How can there be more?

There's always more,
he assured her.

His hips drew back slowly and then he plunged deep and hard, burying his body inside hers, in her exquisite sheath,
the scorching-hot friction sending shock waves through his body, along with a raging firestorm threatening to burn out of control.

Lexi clutched the sheets, her head thrashing wildly on the pillow while Gavriil played her body like a beautiful instrument. Each move he made sent tremors of sheer pleasure racing through every cell in her body. It was impossible to think straight. Each time he plunged into her, he sent a dozen lightning bolts streaking through her, turning her body into an electrical storm.

She expected to see sparks flying all around them. She loved the way he looked with the firelight playing over him. His muscles so clearly defined. His face intense, focused, and utterly sensual. He looked like an ancient warrior come to claim her for his own, determined to share her skin, her body, her heart and mind. That only added to the intensity of her pleasure.

He looped her legs over his shoulders, one arm sliding around her to drag her even closer, and he began to move fast, pummeling into her, a golden jackhammer, going deep and hard so that she felt him driving into her womb. Every intense thrust sent those streaks of lightning sizzling and burning throughout her body, driving her higher, the tension coiling tighter.

Give yourself to me.

She couldn't stop it, that deadly climb, higher, always higher. Everything inside of her wound into a tight coil, the tension ratcheting up notch after notch. She could barely draw a breath. Barely think straight. She wanted. She needed. But she didn't know what. There was only Gavriil and the intensity of their bodies coming together.

A fireball roared through her, setting every nerve ending bursting into flames. She couldn't stop moving, desperate for . . . something.

Let go, Lexi. Just let go. I'm here,
angel moy
. With you. In you. Trust me. You have to give yourself to me entirely. I need your trust.

She was afraid. Her body really wasn't her own, but his. He surged into her again and again, and the fire roared, scorching hot, until the streaks of lightning threatened to destroy her. She couldn't catch her breath, couldn't think. There was no stopping the sensations swamping her, threatening to overtake her. There was only . . . Gavriil.

His voice gave her the courage to let the sensations take her over. She felt his hands tighten on her. His shaft swelled even more, stretching her impossibly. The friction grew hotter, the pleasure wilder. Her terrified gaze found his dark blue eyes. There was strength there. Love. Tenderness. The emotions were wrapped up in his hunger and desire for her.

Come to me,
dusha moya
, all the way.

His voice caressed her mind so lovingly it brought tears to her eyes. She took a deep breath and let go. The ripples began somewhere deep inside of her body and spread like a tsunami, hard and fast until the sensation was a torrent ripping through her in gigantic swells, down to her thighs, up to her belly and breasts, wave after wave. Her body clamped down like a vise around his, grasping and dragging at his shaft, squeezing and milking, taking him with her.

Thunder roared in her ears. Her blood pumped hot and crazy through her body. Flames licked at her skin. The tsunami seemed endless, wave after wave rocking her, until she heard her own scream, a cry of pure shock and absolute freedom. Gavriil's hoarse cry joined hers.

Lexi watched his face the entire time, wanting—no—needing to know he felt what she was feeling. He had given her a gift beyond all price. Freedom. She had believed herself frigid, ugly, inferior. All of those things. He made her feel beautiful and passionate and equal to him—a partner loved and cherished.

“Are you crying,
solnyshko moya
? There will be no tears. This was too beautiful for tears.”

Very slowly Gavriil turned his head and kissed the inside of her legs before placing them gently on the mattress
on either side of his body. Every movement sent strong aftershocks rippling through her and around him.

Lexi's hands curled in his hair. Her heart beat hard and fast beneath his own. Tears trickled down her face. He touched one with the pad of his finger, very gently and then leaned forward to sip at more.

“That's making love, Lexi. That's me showing you what you mean to me. That's the way love should be between a man and a woman.”

“It's beautiful.”

“It's supposed to be beautiful. And earthy. And gritty. And natural. You're beautiful to me, and I'll never be able to have enough of you.”

“You're beautiful, Gavriil. Everything about you.” She touched his face with trembling fingers. “You have no idea what you've given me.”

He was still as hard as a rock. He'd waited a lifetime for her. There was no quick fix for a lifetime of being a mechanical robot. Not human. Without emotion or hope. He stared down into her face. Could any woman be more beautiful? He doubted it. Her hair spilled around her, dark and gleaming red in the firelight, like the finest of wines. Her face was flushed, her mouth swollen from his kisses. Her eyes were shocked and dazed, her gaze moving over his face with an expression he never dreamt he'd see on a woman's face.

To cover the sudden surge of emotion, he leaned down and drew her right breast into his mouth. She was still sensitive and her body shuddered around his, little aftershocks going off so that her sheath rippled around him, gripping tightly. If anything, his cock grew harder and thicker.

“It's impossible to do this again, isn't it? I thought . . .” She trailed off when he moved, a slow, leisurely thrust into her.

He licked at her nipple and then lifted his head, wanting her to understand there was no going back for either of them. “I'll never grow tired of kissing you or holding you or
sharing your body with you. Being inside you is my secret haven, a place that can wipe out every bad thing I've ever seen or done.”

“I don't think I still have a sane thought in my head,” she admitted.

The firelight played over her face. He nuzzled at her breast. “I want to make love to you in every way possible, to give you so much pleasure, Lexi.”

“If you give me much more, I might just die. As it was, I was a little afraid we'd go too far.”

“There's no such thing as too far or too much. I can always get us back.” He kissed her throat and moved his mouth to the side of her neck, just above where her shoulder was. He needed to leave another mark on her. Her breasts had several and there were two on the inside of her thighs, but one more was needed.

“What are you doing?” she asked suspiciously.

“Making certain Benito and Lucia have something to talk about later.” He grinned at her, he couldn't help it, not with joy bursting through him. He'd never been so happy or so sated in his life. Sated, but so ready to repeat the experience as soon as possible—as soon as Lexi could without becoming sore. He could stay hard for hours, something he would be forever grateful for.

Holding her tightly, he rolled over, staying inside her, bringing her up on top of him. She gasped, looking more shocked than ever. His hands urged her into a sitting position. His cock stretched her sheath as she drew up her legs, straddling him. The firelight caressed her skin with a soft glow. Her hair tumbled wildly in all directions, falling around her like so much dark silk.

His hands reached up to cup her breasts in his palms. “Look at you, woman. Could you be any more beautiful?”

“You keep saying that.”

“Because it's the truth.” And it was important to him that she believe him. That she saw herself the way he saw her.

She glanced down at her body—at her breasts resting in his hands. His thumbs had gone straight to her nipples, massaging small caresses back and forth over them. Her eyes widened when she saw the strawberries all over the soft mounds, and a slow blush stole up her body.

“I can't help it if your skin marks easily.” He lifted his head to her breasts, using his hands to push them together so he could bury his face in the soft cushion. “Or that you're so beautiful. I can only reap the benefits.”

A flick of his tongue brought a fresh flood of hot honey coiling around his cock. Her body tightened around his, a delicious feeling that spread through him like thick molasses. “I get totally lost in your body,
solnyshko moya
. I know I could spend hours worshiping you.”

He lay back, his grip dropping to her hips. “Ride me, Lexi. Like this.”

His hands guided her, lifting her and bringing her back down. His shaft swelled, grew harder as the friction increased. “That's it,
solnyshko moya
, get that rhythm.”

“You really like this, don't you?” There was a smile in her voice. “I might be able to get good at this.”

She raised her body slowly, dragging tight muscles over his shaft. Very slowly she sank back down, those same muscles squeezing and gripping hard so that the breath slammed out of his lungs. Through narrowed eyes he watched her take control, her body undulating over his, moving up and down in a slow burn. She seemed lost in the movements, her breasts swaying, her hand stroking his abdomen, just above where their bodies met.

She'd never touched his cock. Not once. He hadn't felt her fingers, or the heat she could give him with her palm and he was ultra aware of her hand so close to his shaft. If she never got that far, he would be okay with it, she was driving him crazy with her body, with that slow, easy ride.

He clenched his teeth against the urge to take control, to increase the speed and friction. Lexi took her time, her head thrown back, intense concentration on her face. He
bunched his hands in her hair, dragging it to his face, deliberately tugging on it so that she opened her eyes and looked at him.

Still holding her silky hair in his hands, he pressed his palms to her breasts. “Pick up the pace, woman.”

She smiled. Slowly. Teasing. Her green eyes lit up like two sparkling jewels. “Are you going to pretend you don't like this? Because you seem to be stretching me beyond what I thought possible.” She lifted her body, her tight muscles sliding over his shaft. She hesitated a heartbeat, just long enough for his cock to jerk. Smiling, she rode him down with equal slowness. “Are you sure? Absolutely certain of what you want?”

BOOK: Earth Bound
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