Earth Goddess' Nectar: The Complete Novella: (Paranormal Fantasy Erotica) (6 page)

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With that, Eshabaar left Emma dazed and satiated in the milk-soaked bed.

Eight: Earth Father Holds a Grudge

Nathan rode back up the elevator without once glancing at June Miyamori. He held his head in his hands and ground his teeth between outbursts of maniacal laughter, his nose itching for some of the cocaine waiting for him in the luxury leather interior of his performance-enhanced sports car.
You will need to snort an entire fucking bag in one line.
The squid lord’s tale had shaken him to the core.

For a minute back there, Nathan had been sure that he was fish food. It was only when June turned her nose up in a flick of purple hair as he entered the elevator he even realized he had pissed himself. On any normal day, such a display of weakness in front of a bleeder would have left him seething with rage. On those days, that rage would usually be displaced onto the offending woman’s skin.

But today was not a normal day. He had braved Krang’s subterranean lair and survived. More than that, he had both an army of deadly leviathans at his command and a fresh understanding of the mysteries of his childhood. So he stood covered in his acrid piss and laughed all the way back up to the surface, oblivious to June’s discomfort as she eyed him warily from the corner of the stinking lift.

How could your bitch mother have kept these secrets from you?
Any residual guilt he may have had for killing the whore evaporated in the foul stench of Krang’s maw. Old Squelchy had looked at him with his empty, ancient eyes and slightly loosened his tentacle’s powerful grip.
You’re going down that sticky throat now,
he remembered thinking.
Will he swallow you whole or first crack open your body with his hooked beak? Will you still be alive in there, like Jonah after the whale had his fill? Will you meet others wandering in his wretched guts, fellow petitioners who had earned the squid lord’s scorn?

The wrigglies were silent in the freezing chasm of Krang’s domain, and even the screams of the women had quieted down. Nathan could feel a thousand cold eyes glaring at him from the dark, and visions of dismemberment and slow torture seized his terrified imagination. But Krang did not swallow him. Instead, the squid lord seated him on a pyramid of discarded bones and recounted the story of his and Eshabaar’s doomed love.

“Esssshabaar and I were loverssss, you ssssee. For millennia we coiled our bodiessss againsssst each other in the Laguna Mountainssss. SSShe wasss my queen, and I wassss her king, and we fucked in the eternal blacknessss of the mountain’ssss heart. Ssshe wasss woman, I wassss man, and the world wassss the living fruit of our union. We were the two sssidesss of the elemental ssscale. The earth and the ssseas were born from our love, and we drifted outssside of ssspace in the black waterssss while the world grew around usssss. Ssshee ssstylesss herssself earth mother, and ssso I am rightly the father of the world.

At firsssst we were formlessss and blind, but time will work itssss dark magic on the ephemeral and eternal alike. We grew old, and hatred brewed between ussss in the deep cavernsss. Assss we formed what you humansss call "consssciousssnessss", sssshe began to change. To want other thingsss. You ssssee, I ate the babiesss that sssprung from her divine loinssss. Ssshe birthed the world with the help of my ssseed, and I believed the children were her gift to me. I am alwaysss hungry for tender flessssh, sssso I would ssstretch my jawsss and sssswallow them whole. Ssshe did not ussssed to mind asss long as the cycle continued and the world flourisssshed. We would mate in the mountain for yearssss at a time, and ssshe would watch as I devoured our offssspring in the darknesssss. But ssshe developed a mother’ssss weaknessss, and yearned for more than I could give her. I wassss driven by the urge to mate, and I did not care for the ssssecret dessssires that ssstirred in her woman’sss heart. Essshter Thorne changed everything.”

Nathan’s ears pricked up at the sound of his mother’s name among those drawled words, but he thought it would not be prudent to interrupt the father of the earth.

“When your mother ssssought out the earth mother to procure her precioussss milk, sssshe sssshowed Esssshabaar a way to ssssave her worthlessss whelpssss. The cowssss in the milk parlorssss could deliver her children for her. All sssshe needed was my sssseed. Sssince the beginning of time I wrapped my tentaclessss around her fair ssskin and cleaved her holy cunt with my prick, filling her with my ssssacred come. Then sssshe sssschemed behind my back with your wretched mother while I ate her latessst batch of sssqualling babesss. Ssshe planned to cassstrate me while I ssslept, and keep the sssseed for herself. Asssss you can ssssee, it worked.” Krang raised one of his tentacles and pointed to a gaping cleft on the underside of his bulging belly, no doubt the former resting place of the squid lord’s prick.

“Without my holy cock I could no longer ssshare Laguna with Essshabaar, and I had to crawl from the cave into the ssssalt sssea. But the ssscheme wassss not without it’ssss complicationssss. Eliot Thorne hated your mother’ssss fassscination with Essshabaar. He wassss a traditionalissst, and thought that Essshter was making you boyssss weak. He did not want to ssshare your mother with another woman, even if he had hissss own affairsss on the ssside… Esssshabaar hated your father, and dripped poissson about him into your mother’ssss ear. Eliot disssscovered your whore mother’ssss plans, and like any sssstrong man will, he tried to sssstop her from unmanning me. He did not want her meddling with the divine, particularly when he had nothing to with it. So Esssshter Thorne sssshot your father in hissss sssstudy while he sssslept, a ssssecond inssssult to the right of male control. And the milk queen laughed.”

Nathan’s mouth was agape in shock, his hands shaking in his wet lap.
The slut.
All those long years she maintained the lie about Eliot Thorne’s death, insisting that it was a suicide. And Eshabaar…
As if you needed more reasons to want the sow dead. She will pay for this. You will cut off her tits and feed them to the crabs…
A thought seized Nathan then, and he rose carefully on the rickety pile of bones. “How do you know all this? It was a secret plan between the sow and my mother, wasn’t it? How can you know what those bitches whispered to each other in the dark?”

The squid lord laughed then, that awful wet hacking that chilled Nathan’s bones deeper than the cold. “I know becausssse a part of me remainssss in the Laguna mountainssss. My cock ssstill ressstsss in the deep lake in the center of the mountain, the place where once we lived assss loverssss. And it sssseessss ssstill…. It watchesssss her even now. But I believe you can help me get it back, Nathan sssson of Eliot. My wriggliessss will require transsssport to Laguna, which I’m ssssure you will provide. Once there, we will finisssh her milky reign forever and claim our ssssticky vengeance. What ssssay you Nathan Thorne? Will you be my insssstrument in purifying the Laguna Mountainssss? Will you sssserve Krang, lord of the ssssquids and father of the world?”

The wrigglies began to squeal all around him, and the wails of women filled the icy cave once more. But Nathan did not feel the cold or hear the cries. The thirst for blood ran through him like a live wire, and he raised his arms above his head and hailed the squid lord. “I will serve you Krang! Death to Eshabaar and the feeble cows!”

As the elevator opened and he stepped out into the night air, Nathan was emboldened by a sense of purpose he had never known before. He felt like the most powerful man striding across the surface of the earth, and he knew where the hammer of his fury would fall.
She laughed when Father died. Let us see how funny she finds it when you walk into Laguna armed with Krang’s squelchy henchmen. Will she laugh when the cephalopods dive into the milk bath and wriggle into the cows’ gaping snatches? Though you will require some help…

June was beginning to saunter away when Nathan emitted a shrill whistle. She turned to look at him, not even trying to conceal her contempt. Her hands were perched on her hips as she studied him, that expression of perpetual boredom fixed on the flat contours of her face. “What, psycho? I’m not going to fuck you if that’s what you think. Not for all the calamari in the world.”

“You think I’d want to fuck you? Please. I’d rather fuck one of those squids. I need you for something else. When was the last time you infiltrated a maximum security compound?” As he waited for her answer his fingertips danced across the touchscreen of his phone. Clouds rumbled overhead, and he wondered what the weather was like on the other side of the world.

The war is coming Andy, whether you like it or not. Whose side will you choose when the squishy lord comes to reclaim his cock?

Chapter Nine: Demi-Goddess in the Womb of the World

Andrew waited outside Emma’s room with the pails of Mother’s Milk, confusion etched across his attractive face as he reread Nathan’s cryptic message
. The squid will eat Laguna's heart, Andy. The other eye still seessss...
Something about the words and that elongated final word disturbed him, but his brother had been frightening a lot of people recently. Thaddeus refused to be in the same room with him these days, and even the children of the mountain ran when they saw him approaching.

Andrew slid his phone closed and dismissed the message as another one of Nathan’s ridiculous outbursts.
He is probably high again and crawling around some crack den with a toy octopus. It will pass. It always does.
Forgetting about the questionable mental state of his twin brother, he opened the door and walked into Emma’s room.

She lay asleep on the drenched bed, strands of her strawberry hair clinging to her red cheeks. She was completely naked, and Andrew had to drag his eyes away from the steady rise and fall of her perfect breasts. He wondered what she was dreaming about as he silently carried the pails to the tub.
She is so lovely. And Eshabaar says she can be mine.
The thought both thrilled and terrified him, and he had to steady his hands to make sure he didn’t spill any of the precious milk.

Andrew Thorne had never been in love. Well, discounting his obsession with the earth mother and her blessed surrogates. But that was a different thing, a primal abandonment to their feminine power and the narcotic magic of Mother’s Milk. As far as regular relationships went, he had never had one that lasted much longer than a month. For the first time in his life he could envisage a loving romantic relationship with another person, a nurturing union separate from the milk parlors and the sacred sisters.

But is that really what you want? Do you want to take her as a lover, or lead her to Eshabaar’s milk parlor? There she can join the sisters and be eternally within reach, one more woman in a rolling sea of slippery breasts and open mouths.
Andrew was mulling over these possibilities when he realized that Emma was awake.

He almost dropped one of the buckets when he saw her looking at him, her hands reaching instinctively for the sodden covers and covering her nakedness.

“I’m so sorry, Ms. Lake, I did not mean to intrude. Eshabaar sent me here to see to your cuts and draw you a… bath.” His voice sounded lame in the stillness of the room, and he was wondering whether or not he should leave when she smiled. The effect was stunning, her entire face seeming to shine with the true happiness only Mother’s Milk could provide.

“It’s alright Andrew, she told me to expect you.” She dangled her legs off the bed, the purple bruises around her ankles a stark contrast to her pale skin.

“They still sting a little. Do you have something for them?”

Andrew rushed to her feet, pulling a bottle of balm from a pocket on his loose black trousers as he kneeled over beside the bed.

“We are so sorry about that, the vines tend to act up when she’s around.” He took a gob of the gooey fluid and smeared it gently across the tender flesh. His mouth was salivating as he stooped in such close proximity to her pussy, his face inches away from the curves of her knees. His cock hardened against his thigh as he inhaled her scent rising from her flushed skin. She looked down at him with playful eyes, her hair framing the delicate lines of her face.

“That feels much better. Your hands are so soft.” She twirled her feet in the air before him. “And what is in those buckets, Andrew? Not water, I presume?”

“Eshabaar suggested you bathe in Mother’s Milk. It is a diluted form of the substance, but it is rich in regenerative properties. It will help your cut, and you will feel greatly refreshed.” He released her foot and walked back to the other end of the room, keeping his back to her as his erection prodded obscenely against the front of his pants.

You are acting like a teenager trying to hide his morning glory. Take her, she wants it as much as you do. Just look at her coy smile and the way she is tossing her hair.
He began to pour the milk into the tub, the viscous fluid swirling around the marble bottom.

“I doubt I could possibly feel any fresher.” He watched from the corner of her eye as she flung off her damp sheets and walked to his side.
Oh god, she is even more beautiful than you realized.
Her hips brushed against his as she climbed into the tub. He almost dropped the bucket as her trailing fingers ghosted past his cock.

“Keep on pouring Andrew, right over my body. I want to be drowned in it.” She lay with her right leg draped over the marble rim, her breathing shallow as he emptied the heavy buckets on her porcelain skin.

“Mmmm, that
invigorating.” Her left hand traced the ancient runes engraved into the tub’s interior while her right hand stroked her smooth stomach, the tips of her fingers caressing the skin just above her blonde pubic mound.

She is mad for the milk, just like the others.
Andrew continued to fill the tub with the shimmering milk, sweat beading his brow while the muscles in his arms strained against his black sweatshirt. When it was done her body was almost completely submerged, with only the hard points of her nipples breaking the white surface. He took a breath and wiped his forehead.

Offer her a hand. Wipe her clean.
“If there is anything else you need, the door is open. I will be waiting outside.” He turned to leave, but her hand shot out from the milky depths of the tub and grabbed his retreating wrist.

“Andy, would it be possible for you to bathe me. It’s so relaxing in here, I can barely lift my own arms.” He could feel the Mother’s Milk on her fingers, and the glimmer of her eyes drew him to his knees beside the tub. He took the washcloth from the edge of the tub and passed it slowly over her arm, relishing the feel of her wet skin separated from his by only the merest layer of material. She murmured approvingly as he washed her slender arms and wiped the arc of her neck. His hands slipped across her shoulders and the lithe muscles of her legs, kneading the milk into her soft skin.
Her skin is as smooth as a newborn’s, but she has a woman’s body.

She was moaning when he finally began to wash her breasts. They were springy to the touch, and he lightly circled the dark areolae before milking the swollen tips between his thumb and forefinger. He could see that her hands were busy between her thighs, bubbles rising and popping on the milk’s surface where it churned above her cunt. One hand rose dripping from the milk and clenched his pulsating prick, the sudden warmth eliciting a gasp from between his fluttering lips. She began to milk him in return; her hand squeezing as she slowly jerked him off.

is what you were trying to hide from me, huh? Come inside the tub and make love to me, Andrew. I need this in me now.”

Andrew slipped out of his clothes and climbed into the tub, his mouth finding Emma’s in a slippery tangle of milk and flesh. They kissed fervently, milk sluicing over the edges of the tub as Emma wrapped her legs around the small of his back. He could feel the points of her nipples scraping against his hard chest as he lowered himself on top of her, and the swishing milk licked at his ass and back as he eased himself into her tight pussy.

“Ahhh,” they moaned in unison as his milk-slickened cock filled her hot center. Her eyes fixed on his as he rolled his hips in fluid circles, her hands raking the sparse black hair that covered his chest. She pulled his head down to her tit and begged him to feed on her as his cock split her wet lips.

Her face is so full of hunger.
Andrew took a breath and stuffed his mouth with a tit glossy from Mother’s Milk, his head spinning as he fulfilled the desire he had nursed since he first laid eyes upon the exquisite journalist.

Hmmm, she tastes so good.
He suckled eagerly, swirling his tongue around her nipple while he nibbled with his quivering teeth. Mother’s Milk trickled in the corners of his mouth and sent shivering snakes of pleasure racing through his stomach. But she was lactating as well, a sweet milk of her own that splashed against the roof of his mouth and squirted across his feeding face.

One afternoon with the milk queen and her breasts are already full and leaking. She could be the crown jewel of Eshabaar’s milk parlor, a demi-goddess in the womb of the world…

As he sucked, she met his thrusts with her own. She pulled him tightly against her, guttural noises gurgling from her mouth. He slid a hand up her body and stroked her shuddering face, her teeth sinking into his hand as he traced her lips with his fingertips.

You are going to come soon; gaze into her eyes.
He reluctantly tore his head from her breast and stared into the green lakes of her eyes, breast milk dribbling from his lips and sprinkling her cheeks. A tiny smile pricked her lips as she licked up the falling drops, her eyes rolling back to reveal the whites beneath. Milk was flying everywhere as their fucking reached a screaming crescendo, and when she came, her pussy clamped around his cock like a vise and milked his spurting come.

Afterwards he rested his head against the pillows of her breasts, a flood of warmth and wellbeing suffusing his entire body.

Please let this moment last forever. You could die happily right now, Mother’s Milk lapping against your spent body as you float in her embrace.
They held each other in the milky cradle as he listened to the soft drone of her breathing.

“I think I’m in love with you.” he whispered to her tits.

This was followed by silence, and he worried that he had overstepped the mark. But when she turned his face to her own, he saw a tear running down her cheek, the salty drop mingling with smeared milk.

“I love you, too, Andrew.”

They fell asleep in the sweet solution, their bodies entwined and their fingers interlaced.

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