East of Redemption (Love on the Edge #2) (16 page)

BOOK: East of Redemption (Love on the Edge #2)
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I stepped toward her, but she placed her palm on my chest.

“We’re stopping. I can’t . . . we can’t do this. Not now. Not after today.”

I went for her lips again, but she turned away from me. “Please don’t make this harder. I want this. I really do, but I want you hydrated first.”

My shoulders dropped as the red-hot lust slowly ebbed from my mind. She was right. I was hard, how could I not be around her, but I wasn’t sure if I could actually get her where I wanted her. I didn’t care if I didn’t have the energy to come myself, but not being able to get her there? That was fucking unacceptable.

“You look so disappointed.” She had the nerve to smirk.

I tugged her hand and pulled us to the stream. “You’re right. I am disappointed, and we shouldn’t do this now. But we will do this, Raindrop, and when we do, I’m going to make you come so many times you’ll lose count, and then I’ll get to work on you.”

The challenge resonated in her beautiful eyes, the sparks behind the blue lighting them up. I reached for the hem of her shirt and lifted.

She stopped me. “You just said—”

“I said we weren’t going to fuck, that doesn’t mean I can’t get you clean.”

Her eyes darted from me to the stream and back again. “It’s freezing.”

“Not freezing. Cold, sure, but the temperature is well above freezing.”

“That’s supposed to make me feel better?”

I let go of her shirt and took off my own, unbuckling my pants after. “What happened to the girl who would brave the snow to get to the hot tub?”

“The water was
once we got there!”

“The lake in Montana never was.” I cocked an eyebrow at her before taking off my briefs. The hunger in her bright eyes only fueled the hard-on I still had but knew would inevitably vanish the second I hit that cold water—fucking unavoidable and out of my control. I stepped closer to her, reaching for her shirt again. She let me slip it off this time, revealing her perfect breasts held up by a dark purple sports bra.

She slipped her boots and pants off quickly, leaving her in a pair of Under Armour underwear that matched the color of the bra. My mouth watered, and my brain calculated ways to make it inside her once again.

“Sex is off the table,” she said. “Swear you won’t try? I don’t trust myself with you.”

The words stung, hitting dead center in my chest, but I held up my hands. “Promise. I just want to get you wet.” I smirked.

She reached behind her and unclasped the bra, then shimmied her underwear down her legs.


She was as perfect as I remembered, but she didn’t let me look long. She stepped into the shallow stream, gasping from the cold water hitting her skin, and I groaned as her nipples hardened. Walking quickly to where the free-flowing stream came over the wall, she ducked her head underneath it, allowing it to soak her.

I followed her before I could miss my chance, the damn temperature of the water shrinking my sack. It was so fucking worth it, though, as I came up behind her, dousing my own head with the hit of the stream. The grit and grime from the expedition blasted off my skin in a hurry. I held her for only a moment before neither of us could take the cold anymore. I lightly smacked her gorgeous bare ass as she booked it out of the water and back toward our camp.

She darted inside her tent and beckoned me to come in with her. I only gave a second’s thought to the cameras that rested, turned off, next to our packs outside the tent, before I followed her. She was already halfway inside her sleeping bag, which I was happy to find was flannel-lined, as she pulled me inside it with her. The squeeze was tight, but she wrapped a leg around my hip, facing me on her side.

The warmth from her center quickly enveloped me—and teased me to the point of pain. I didn’t move, though, not only because of my promise but because I knew if I moved even an inch it would be too much to handle.

“You okay?” she asked, her lips trembling from the cold.

I pressed my forehead against hers. “The best I’ve been in years.”

“You passed out today, dehydrated and exhausted.”

The skin of her back was slick against my hands as I held her to me. “I woke up to you.”

Her lips were on mine then, her tongue stroking mine in the same way I wanted to stroke her, and it took every ounce of willpower I possessed to not press my dick against her. It would only take one smooth motion . . .

She broke our kiss, resting her head on my arm. “I’ll behave.”

“Don’t do it on my account.”

She laughed and closed her eyes, exhaustion settling over her body as her limbs stopped their shaking. Mine mirrored hers, the weight of sleep making me slightly delirious, making me question if this was really happening. Having Rain in my arms, naked and pliant against me, felt more like a memory bordering on a dream, not reality. Maybe I hadn’t ever woken up from when I’d passed out.

My eyes shut, and although I tried, I couldn’t open them again.

“I missed you, Compass.” Her voice was a whisper against my cheek.

“I know, Raindrop. Me, too.”

The cave entrance was right where I remembered it, thankfully, and the midday sun illuminated the front interior. Rain gasped as we walked through the wide, circular openings—there were three, which made the entrance look like an ancient version of the Olympics’ logo.

I took her hand as she carefully chose her footing on the uneven terrain of the cave floor.

“This is incredible.” Her voice was slightly breathless as I led her deeper into the cave, where only sections of it were lit up from punctures in the rock ceiling.

“This is one of the most impressive caves I’ve found, with both stalagmite and stalactite formations. There’s another cave on the western side of the Judean Mountains that has more, which is opened to tourists. When I found this one, I noted it to the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, but they haven’t closed it off or made a decision to open it to the public or not yet.”

“Lucky you.”

,” I said, and moved along the interior right wall of the cave.

Long, icicle-shaped rocks hung from above us, varying in size and shape, but all the color of warm honey. Their mirrored versions rose from the ground in sporadic locations, leaving just enough nearly-flat rock to make paths with. The depth of the cave was extensive, and while I hadn’t found notable artifacts here on my previous visit, the natural beauty of the place alone had been enough to thrill me. That, and the fact that I could’ve easily gotten lost and never found my way back out again. The rock formations from below and above gave off an almost fun-house effect, and pairing that with the sheer size of the cave made for one dangerous excavation. One I’d never want Rain to do on her own.

We’d taken our time this morning, packing and allowing me to drink as much from the stream as I could safely manage, while carrying some water in the lone bottle I was allotted. The leisure of our pace gave us plenty of time to ascertain if Corrine’s team had caught up to us—which they unfortunately had. It killed the mood of the morning. Waking up with a naked Rain in my arms wasn’t something I’d ever imagined possible after all these years, and we hadn’t even had sex.

As revitalized and fit as I felt, after a good dose of water and the food from last night, I was ready to take her right here up against the cave wall.

“Are you sure they’ll make it out of here?” She scanned the structure, her eyes trying to pierce the darkness where she couldn’t see.

I swallowed hard. I didn’t want to lie to her anymore. Not presently, anyway. “Corrine is a skilled climber and treasure hunter. She’s been in worse situations than this and come out okay.”

She arched an eyebrow at me. “That isn’t a straight answer.”

I shrugged. “I can’t guarantee it. It took me what felt like a lifetime to find an exit. It could take them longer. It could take them less.”

“You really want to gamble with their lives like that?” She took her hand out of mine.

didn’t ask them to be here.”

She glared at me.

“They tried to steal your father’s journal, and they nearly stole your passport. Do you know what could’ve happened to you if you’d been caught without it?”

“They weren’t successful.”

“Should that make a difference?”

She rubbed her palms against her face. “I don’t know. This seems . . . wrong.”

I gently clutched her shoulders. “They’ll make it out. There are four of them. They’ll work the problem, and by the time they do, you and I will be long gone. They’ll have no chance to locate Harrison’s cave.”

I saw the battle in her eyes, and I tried to find the words to explain to her why I couldn’t let that happen. The cave was sacred to me. The last place I’d been with Harrison, the place that had swallowed him, the place that had shaped my life for the past nine years. It haunted me and called to me at the same time. No one else could touch it, rip out its guts, and find what truly resided within. It had to be

“Is the treasure worth this? Maybe this is just another sign it shouldn’t be unearthed.” She chewed on her bottom lip. “Dad wouldn’t have done something like this.”

The words hit me like a physical blow, and I dropped my hands. “Of course he wouldn’t. I’m not him, Rain.”

“I know.”

“Are you with me? We have to move, now, before they—”

“Too late.” I heard Corrine’s voice a few seconds before I saw her come around the sharp corner of the third entrance, fifty yards away. She glanced around the cave, her eyes filling with awe before surmising the scenario. “This seems an odd choice for a treasure trove.” Her guys caught up and stood behind her.

I cut my eyes to the right, knowing the path we would need to take to get the hell out of there, but not knowing how to go about it without giving it away. I stepped in front of Rain, pushing her slightly toward the right.

“You knew we were on to you, didn’t you?” Corrine asked.

“Whatever gave you that idea?”

“Enough games. Is this the ‘epic’ cave of your past or not?”

“Is that even a question? Look around. Use your brain for once.”

Rain chuckled softly behind me, and I smirked as Corrine narrowed her eyes at us.

“You really shouldn’t be so flippant about this. This isn’t a game to me, and I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty to achieve what I want. You of all people know that, Easton.”

The dark look in her eyes had the smirk melting off my face. A quick movement from Frank behind her made me flinch.

“What the hell, Corrine?” I raised my hands as he aimed a .45 at us.

She was the one to smirk now, pointing at the gun. “This is what separates the good from the great. The bold from the meek—”

“The lazy from the motivated,” Rain cut her off as if she didn’t see the loaded gun staring us down. Frank wasn’t stable on the best of days, and as he trained that weapon on us he looked drunk with power.

“Give us the journal or I’ll leave you two here with extra holes in your body.”

I tilted my head. “That’s what this is about?”

“There is nothing in there that would matter to you!” Rain shouted, and it echoed in the cave. She took a few steps forward, brushing past me.

Frank zeroed in on her face with the barrel of the gun, and I grabbed her arm and jerked her behind me. I saw red as I glared at him. “If you hurt her, I will end you. All.” I cut my eyes to Corrine. “This is not worth the level you’ve brought it to.”

“I’ll be the judge of that,” she said. “On both counts. Hand over the book.”

I reluctantly reached around, digging in my pack for the journal Rain had entrusted to me only last night. I hadn’t even gotten to glimpse inside it, and the last thing I wanted to do was hand it over. Not because it had any information inside that would lead them to his cave—because he’d died before he could log the evidence—but because it would hurt Rain to lose it. But the idea of her getting shot over it had me tossing the book across the expanse of space between us, where it landed with an echoing thud at Corrine’s feet.

She scooped it up, and Rain hissed.

“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”

“Call off your dog,” I said, my eyes locked onto Frank. The second he fastened that weapon I’d fly across the cave and rip his fucking head off for threatening Rain’s life.

Frank kept the gun trained on us as Corrine opened the journal and skimmed the pages. As she neared the middle, she showed a page to Frank and the men behind her. Whatever was on that page engrossed them enough to give us our shot.

I forced Rain backward and to the right, into the narrow tunnel that led to a series of tunnels within the cave. Some led out, some were dead ends.

“Stop!” Corrine yelled. Her screech was followed by a loud pop and a crumbling of rock right behind us.

“Asshole!” Rain screamed as I pushed her as fast as she could go down the tunnel until we met the center where it split off into six different directions. I closed my eyes and sank inside my brain for all of five seconds, mentally counting from my time here before.

“Four.” I snapped my eyes open and barreled past Rain, grabbing her hand and tugging her behind me.

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