Easter's Lilly (8 page)

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Authors: Judy Serrano

Tags: #Romance Suspense

BOOK: Easter's Lilly
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After I finished unpacking I went downstairs to the kitchen. Max was cleaning up whatever it is he was doing with the calculator. “So, are you the pretty one, or the smart one?” I asked. He smiled.

Most people think I’m the pretty one,” he answered. “But I actually do have a degree.” I was very surprised by that.

A degree?” I asked. “In accounting?”

Yes,” he replied. “Numbers are my thing.” He started cleaning up his papers. “But Diego’s pretty too,” he answered, laughing a little to himself. “So,
must be the pretty one,” he added sarcastically.

Why, because I’m single and pregnant and marrying a man I barely know?”

Yeah, something like that,” he answered. “You really need someone to explain the whole, ‘how you get pregnant thing,’ to you.” I looked at the floor, embarrassed.

I’m sorry,” he said. “I have no idea who you are and have no right to judge.”

He was my first,” I answered. “I trusted him.”

That piece of...” He stopped himself.

Its my fault too,” I replied. “He didn’t know. But I did trust him to know what to do.”

It was his job to protect you,” he answered. “Whether he knew or not.” He paused. “But seriously, Lilly, with all the girls Johnny has had, he probably knew as soon as he started to undress you that it was your first time.” He reached out and took my hand. “I would have protected you.” He made my knees weak. “How long did you know him?”

Not long,” I answered. “I’m not sure I even liked it. I just liked the closeness.” His expression didn’t change.

Men are selfish, Lilly.” He didn’t even look surprised at my comment. “If they think they can get away with getting you into bed with the smallest amount of work…” he shook his head and closed his eyes for a second. “Well, that’s the road they’ll take.”

What about you?” I asked, trying to embarrass
for a change. “Are you selfish?”

Maybe someday, you’ll find out.” He smiled and winked at me. “But until then…” He reflected for a moment. “It looks like you are stuck with me as your bodyguard.” He took my hand and led me out of the kitchen. “And soon, you’ll be stuck with my brother as your husband, which would complicate the first part.” He was silly and playful. I was actually starting to feel happy.

Where are we going?” I asked.

I thought I might take you for a walk on the grounds.” We began to walk out the back door. “Diego and I have a beautiful property. Our father left it to us when he died. I think he thought it would bond us or something. You should see it for yourself.”

It was HUGE! There were trees and ponds among hills and flowers. I had never seen the likes of such a property up-close. “How can you afford to take care of all of this?” I asked him.

We sell drugs to children,” he said, quite casually. “I thought you were up to speed on all that.”

I was a little stunned by his candor. He obviously does not feel good about what he does or he wouldn’t have said it like that. “What?” I asked.

You heard me,” he replied.

Why didn’t you get a different kind of job?” I asked. “You seem capable.”

I ask myself that every day,” he answered. “But now I know why.” He smiled at me. “Someone had to be here to take care of you.” He was still holding my hand and we were walking together like lovers through a meadow. It felt good and safe. He walked me to the back of the property by a creek. It was breathtaking. We sat on a couple of large rocks by the water and he let go of my hand. I felt a little sad when he did that. “I come here a lot,” he told me. “Sometimes just to talk to God and be with Him.”

You believe in God?” I asked.

Why so surprised?” He gave me a boyish grin that tickled a little.

Aren’t you a hit-man?” I asked.

Enforcer,” he said in a drawn out tone. “I prefer enforcer.”

We both laughed a little. He put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me close. “It’s going to be all right, Lilly.” I put my head on his shoulder.

Have you ever been a bodyguard before?” I asked.

No,” he answered. “But I do watch Diego’s back all the time. So, I guess I’m
bodyguard.” He picked up my chin with his fingers. “He’s a very powerful man, you know.” Actually, I didn’t know. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into. “So, be careful with him.” I put my head back down on his shoulder and he held me for a while.

Are you going to keep me safe?” I asked. I was worried now, about his brother.

I will put my life down for you.” He pulled me even closer and rocked me a little. I never felt so secure before. You could smell the water as it cascaded into the rocks and made a swishing sound. It was heaven to me.

Does Diego ever come out here?” I asked.

I don’t think he remembers it’s here,” he answered. He gave me a knowing look. It was like this was going to be our spot.



Chapter 8


What was the Most Important Rule Again?



Months had gone by, and I had my baby in late November. Max was the only one with me when I went into labor and Diego didn’t even come to see me in the hospital after the baby was born. Diego insisted on naming him Diego Jr., so we did. He treated me like a guest in his home and never seemed to notice the inappropriateness of my relationship with his brother. Max called me “baby girl” and often referred to himself as “daddy.” I never even saw Diego look up from his coffee when we were playing inappropriately at the breakfast table. In all these months Diego had never laid a hand on me, nor did he ask to. Max and I were totally platonic, although I must admit that I was crazy about him. The line was very clearly drawn. Whatever feelings we may have had or not had, Diego was my husband and Max was my bodyguard and best friend.

Time went on. I had been living there almost three years and never heard a word from my parents. Johnny had become a distant memory. With the baby named Diego I hardly gave Johnny a second thought. We ended up calling him Dieguito, which means little Diego. It became very confusing with two Diego’s in the house. Max kept me busy for the most part. My baby called him Uncle Max and Leticia was very helpful. Max cooked me breakfast every morning and the cook made dinner every night. We spend hours upon hours at the creek. Max read me poetry by the water at night. I put my head in his lap and he would stroke my hair as he read. Yeats, Keats, Marvell and Donne, to name a few of the poets he shared with me. Every day I grew closer and closer to my husband’s brother.

It was two days before Easter when I got the phone call from Sedona. My mom had been shot in her own living room and the funeral was Easter Sunday. Everything always seemed to happen on Easter. We left the baby with his nanny, Leticia, and Diego, Max and I headed for Arizona. The anticipation was overwhelming. I hadn’t seen or heard from my dad in years. I assumed he knew I had married the high profile criminal but he never sent a note, a gift or any recognition at all of the blessed event. When we got to the house, my dad didn’t even acknowledge Diego. “Max,” was all he said.

I’m sorry sir, for your loss,” Max said as he hugged him. Diego went to hug him and my dad rudely walked away.

I’m sorry, Diego, he’s just devastated,” I said as I tried to make excuses. Diego said nothing and headed into the kitchen. Max poured my dad some Irish whiskey and the two of them went outside onto the patio together. It was weird. We sat through the funeral and went to the gravesite. My mom and I did not speak for the last few years of her life, so I was a little uncomfortable. I wasn’t asked to speak, so I didn’t.

I looked over in the distance and saw in the fog a hooded figure walking through the trees. At first I thought I was hallucinating, but then I realized that it was a man. I could see long brown hair falling around the hood and I realized… Oh my gosh! Could it be Johnny? The figure disappeared and I looked around to see if anyone else had seen him. Max looked at me and shook his head in disapproval. So I remained where I was and we went back to the house. I knew Max saw the hooded figure. Could Johnny still be alive?

My old friend Candy showed up for the reception. She used to work for Johnny and we lost touch after his death. “I came as soon as I could,” she said. “Lets help out your dad and go to the store for some more food.” She kissed my dad on the cheek and told him where we were going.

Sure,” I said. We headed out the door. We passed the supermarket and I looked at her curiously. “Where are we going?”

You’ll see,” she answered. She drove us straight to John’s old house. “What are you doing?” I asked. She pulled into the driveway. My heart was pounding. She opened the door and Johnny was standing in the kitchen wearing a black hooded sweatshirt.

Johnny!” I shouted. “I thought you were dead!” I ran over to him in the kitchen and hugged him.

You have one hour,” Candy said as she left and closed the front door behind her.

It’s been three years.” I backed up and looked at him. “Why didn’t you tell me you were alive? We have a baby, you know.”

It’s a long story, Lilly and we only have an hour.” He pulled me close and tried to kiss me. I pushed him back. “What is it?” he asked.

It’s been a long time, John.”

John?” he asked sadly. “I don’t think you’ve ever called me that before?”

Johnny,” I said, correcting myself, “I’m married now.”

To Max or Diego?” he asked. My face flushed and totally gave me away.

What?” I started to wonder if this was some kind of set up.

I have people too, you know. I hear you and Max are always together. Holding hands, touching…” He stopped. “Are you and Max… together?”

He’s my bodyguard,” I answered. “Why were you having me watched?”

Because I love you, Lilly. My Easter Lilly.” He stroked my hair back away from my now sweaty face. “Make love to me. I’ve missed you.” He moved to kiss me and he held me close. I couldn’t break free.

Stop!” I said. “Let go!”

Just then the door flew open and Max was standing there at the door with a gun pointed at Johnny. “Lilly, you broke my most important rule!”

I know,” I said. I pushed John away and ran to Max. “Don’t leave the house without telling you.”

No sex with Johnny!” he shouted. Johnny laughed.

Calm down, Max. Nothing happened that she didn’t want to happen.”

This is a huge mistake,” I said. “Candy brought me here and dropped me off. I thought we were going to the store.” I was breathless and desperate for him to believe me.

Tell her why I’ve been dead all this time, Max.” Max never took his eyes off of John, pointing the gun right at him. You could see it was a struggle for him not to just shoot him.

Lilly, he’s married.” Max glanced at me for a second. “He knocked you up, dropped you off on our doorstep and married Diana.”

I couldn’t believe it. I put my hands over my mouth and stared Johnny down. “How could you? You really are a pig, aren’t you?”

Diego said if I tried to contact you or the baby, he’d have you both killed!” Johnny blurted. “He made me marry Diana so I wouldn’t be able to come after you.” He looked at Max who was still pointing a gun at him. “Come on Max tell her!” Max began to lower the gun. “We don’t live in God’s world, do we Max. We live in Diego’s world. He is in control.” Max picked up the gun again. Beads of sweat began to form on his brow.

I should just blow a hole through you and put you out of your misery.”

Max!” I cried. “Stop!”

I bet you want her too, don’t you? But you’re going to hand her over to him, just like I did.” Johnny was pretty smug for a man with a gun pointed at him.

She’s not mine to give,” Max replied.

But she could be, right Lilly?” Johnny asked. “You want her so bad…” He paused and smiled as though he knew what he was going to say would destroy Max. “You can almost taste her.” Max’s eyes changed when he said that. “And I don’t mean just her lips,” he continued. Max shot a hole through the wall inches from Johnny’s face. “I think I hit a nerve.”

Shut up, you idiot!” I screamed. “Max, is Diego on his way?”

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