Echoes (31 page)

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Authors: Christine Grey

BOOK: Echoes
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Tabitha sighed. “And they lived happily ever after,” she said softly.

“Hell, no,” Brin rumbled. “You’ve been listening to too many fairy stories. There is no happily ever after, only life. People are born, and people die. There is great joy, certainly, but also sadness. I think sorrow’s not all that bad. It reminds us to appreciate the moments of happiness, so we don’t take them for granted.”

“Did you really feel useless, Brin? I can’t imagine Maj without you.”

“I did, but not for too long. After a while, I was too busy to feel that way anymore. Still, there are times when I wonder if…Bah, I’m not getting into that with you. You don’t need to know everything. I swear, girl, you have a way of wheedling things out of me I had no intention of ever sharing.”

Tabitha grinned and traced patterns on Brin’s side with her fingers. She knew he loved to be stroked and petted, even though he’d snort with disgust if anyone ever pointed that out to him.

“I hope your curiosity has finally been satisfied, now that you’ve heard the whole story.”

“Mostly, but you left out the best part! What happened with them when they finally got to…you know?”

“Tabitha! What a question! First of all, I wasn’t there, remember? Secondly…ick!”

“Oh, come on, Brin. I’ll bet it was romantic.”

“That may be so, but I don’t think you, of all people, should be so interested in that bit of trivia.”

“Maybe not
the details, but I suppose if you won’t tell me…” Tabitha sighed heavily.

“I will say this much and no more: they weren’t seen much that first month, and when they did finally grace us with their presence, Darius was insufferable. That stupid grin on his face was sickening. I don’t think his feet touched the floor that whole first year, and then when Dearra was with child, he was even worse. Dearra would just smile indulgently.”

“Tabitha? Tabitha are you in there?” Dearra’s voice called from the mouth of the cave.

“Yes, I’m here,” she said, and got back to her feet.

Dearra entered, went over to Brin, and hugged him warmly. “You two have been hiding in here forever,” she said, giving them a questioning look. “What have you been up to?”

“Up to?” Brin asked innocently. “Dearra, I’m hurt. Up to. What a thing to say. Can’t two friends spend some time together without people making scurrilous accusations?”

Dearra held up her hands in surrender. “Fine, fine, keep your secrets. I just came to tell Tabitha that Aesri is here, and she’s asking for her. She came to see if you might like a visit to Etrafa.”

“Etrafa? Really?”

“Yes. I was as surprised as you. It’s a rare treat. She wants to take you, Brint, and Holly for an extended stay. She seemed most insistent. She said that she had talked it over with Brin when he was there, and they both thought it would be good for you to get away for a bit.”

“Brin?” Tabitha said, looking at the dragon. “That’s where you were? Etrafa?”

“I told you that you didn’t need to know everything, and I meant it. Aesri and I simply think you are too tied to this island. You never go anywhere. Brint wouldn’t be happy separated from you, and Holly
Etrafarian, after all.”

“I don’t know,” Tabitha said, chewing on her lip. Etrafa is so very far away.”

“I think it would be good for you, Tabitha. You can’t live your whole life locked away on Maj.”

“All right, I’ll go.” She wasn’t very excited about it, but she knew if Dearra’s mind was set on it, she was better off just giving in now and sparing herself a long, drawn out fight.

Dearra looked relieved. “You’ll love it, Tabitha. It’s beautiful. Aesri says she wants to leave right away.”

“Right away?” Tabitha swallowed back the fear that had bubbled up within her. “You sound like you’re anxious to be rid of me,” she snapped.

Dearra put her arm around Tabitha’s shoulders. “That’s not true, and you know it. Your father and I will miss you terribly. Despite our differences, I do love you, Tabitha. You and your brother are my world.”

Tabitha felt badly about how she had reacted. “I love you, too, Mother,” she said. She offered her a somewhat stiff embrace.

“There, now, that’s better,” Brin said. “See, Tabitha? When you came in here this morning, you were so sure that all your tomorrows would be the same as the days before. Didn’t I tell you that
one never knows for sure what’s behind the door until they open it and walk through? I think you’ve just taken the first step.”

About the Author

Christine Grey lives in Wisconsin with her husband, Dan, and their seven children, three dogs, and two cats. With a family like that, she knows how important it is to escape from reality from time to time. She and her husband have grown their family through foster care adoption and are advocates for helping children find the permanency and support they all deserve. When she isn’t busy chasing children, running a household, or savoring a hot cup of tea, Christine spends her free time creating worlds of magic, romance, and humor.

[email protected]

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