Eden's Pleasure (4 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

BOOK: Eden's Pleasure
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he circled my labia with his finger.

“It’s all right, love. I’ll give you something to ease the emptiness. Hold still.” He

withdrew a large linen handkerchief from his pocket and cleaned his seed and my

wetness from between my legs and buttocks. His handkerchief was soaked by the time

he finished. I watched in fascination as he twisted the fabric around and fashioned it

into a fair approximation of a cock. I shivered as he pushed the knotted, wadded fabric

deep inside me.

“Does that help a little?” I nodded and he took my hand and led me to the bed. “I

have some business to attend to this afternoon. I suggest you sleep and I will see you at

dinner.” I could do no more than manage another weak nod in his direction as he

headed downstairs. I curled up in a ball, forcing the handkerchief to remain in my still

sensitive passage. Delicious shudders continued to torment my breasts and womb as I

obligingly fell asleep.

Dinner was served in the smaller of the two dining rooms. Gideon had dismissed

his staff so we ate alone without ceremony. Even so, the table could have seated eight

and I felt a little overwhelmed. The dark crimson décor and portraits of Harcourt

ancestors glowering down at me did little to increase my appetite. Gideon, normally the

perfect host, seemed ill at ease, his attention on the clock or on the door. My efforts at

conversation soon petered out. By the time we reached dessert I had given up.

I was not completely surprised when, sometime after nine, I heard a familiar if

harsher voice ring out in the hallway.

“Gideon, where in hell’s name are you? After leaving me desperate messages

around half of London you should at least have the courtesy to be on your deathbed.”


Kate Pearce

My gaze flew to the door where Gervase, Gideon’s twin, stood framed in the

doorway. He hadn’t bothered to shed his cloak or his gloves and his guinea gold hair

had curled in the rain. His face was harder than Gideon’s and his stance more rigid. I

glimpsed the muted sheen of his scarlet and gold dress uniform under his muddy cloak.

His narrowed blue eyes flew past Gideon and settled on me. I stiffened at the arctic

blast of his furious gaze.

He stripped off his gloves as he advanced down the room, his attention on Gideon

who displayed no visible alarm. “Georgiana told me that you had a new mistress.” He

flicked a contemptuous glance in my direction, “Is that why you sent for me, to gloat?”

Before Gideon could speak, I leapt to my feet and came around the table to stand

toe to toe with Gervase. I had to lift my chin to see into his eyes. Why did he suddenly

seem so much taller and more threatening than Gideon?

“For your information, Gervase Harcourt, I am not your brother’s mistress.” My

anger died a little at his skeptical stare. I forced myself to continue. “If you wish to

inquire into what is a private matter between your brother and me, then I cannot stop

you. I do not, however, have to stand here and listen to you malign me.”

With a toss of my head I attempted to step around him. He caught my elbow and

yanked me close.

“I was your first lover, Eden. Doesn’t that give me any rights?”

His voice was deeper and harder than I remembered. The compelling charm

underscored by the harsh tones of command. His arm muscles flexed under his coat as

he easily fought off my attempts to escape him.

I cast a quick glance over my shoulder at Gideon who looked unsurprised at this

revelation. A vague foreboding came over me as I took in Gideon’s smug expression.

“You brought me here for Gervase, didn’t you?” I whispered. Gideon bowed his

head in acknowledgment. “You wanted him to find me.”

Full of indignation, I again tried to slip free of Gervase’s unyielding fingers.


Eden’s Pleasure

“Your rights, as you call them, Gervase, ended when you went off to London and

left me to the mercy of your father and a hasty marriage.” I knew my voice was

trembling but I could do nothing to control it. “What I choose to do with your brother in

recompense for eight years of hell has nothing to do with you.”

Gervase retained his grip as he shrugged out of his cloak. “Hell, Eden? You know

damn well why I left,” he roared. “You told me to!”

Gideon cleared his throat and brought a glass of brandy around the table to give to

Gervase who continued to glare at me.

“Gervase,” he said softly, “Father recently told me why Eden asked you to leave.

Will you allow me to…”

Gervase shook his head, his expression menacing. “No, Gideon, let the black widow


My indignation rose to new heights at his stubborn male perversity. “I told you to

leave because your father informed me you were already betrothed and that if I kicked

up a fuss he would disinherit you.”

Gervase dropped his hand from my arm. I was at last able to stumble towards the

door. My eyes filled with tears as I realized anew what I had been forced to give up. No

wonder I had allowed Gideon to touch me. He was as close as I could get to Gervase.

“Eden, wait.”

It was Gideon who barred my way this time. “Gervase and I didn’t know what my

father threatened. Gervase was told that you had chosen to marry a man who was

wealthier than he was.” Gideon stroked my cheek. “I have gone to great lengths to

bring you together. You used to be such good friends. At least stay and talk to him.”

I managed a nod and Gideon left, blowing us both a kiss over his shoulder. I turned

back to the dining table. Gervase slumped in a chair, nursing the brandy Gideon had

given him, one hand clenched in his hair. I took a step towards him, the swish of my

silk skirts loud against the silence and the rain, which brushed the window panes.


Kate Pearce

Gervase lifted his head, his blue eyes full of the echoes of past pain. “I was never

betrothed, Eden. My father lied to you. I am not that much of a bastard. I left because

you told me to.”

I regarded him steadily, my hands twisted together on the bodice of my dress.

“And I did not forsake you for a wealthier man.”

Our gazes locked, clung and his expression softened. Gervase raised his glass and

toasted me.

“Well then, shall we agree that we were both too young and too easy for my father

to manipulate?”

I took another step forward and then another. As I drew near, his hand shot out,

curled around my waist and pulled me into his lap. With a sigh, I rested my cheek on

the gold braid of his jacket. He groaned and bit my neck. I breathed in a waft of brandy

and the hint of rain from his skin.

“Can we be friends again then, Gervase?” I asked, lifting my eyes to his and

flinching at the rising frustration I saw there. He buried his hand deep in my hair.

“No,” he growled. “Not friends. I have wanted to touch you like this for years,

Eden.” He bit a little harder. “I’ve spent more nights than I care to count dreaming of

you lying beneath that old man. And too many mornings waking up hard and

desperate to come for you.”

I gasped as his hand slid up from my waist and brushed the underside of my


“You had nothing to fear, Gervase. My husband barely touched me. I thought only

of you when he did.” I shuddered at the memory. “It was the only way I could stop

myself from screaming.”

With a snarl, Gervase lifted me from his lap and swept the table clear. A cascade of

fine crystal and china hit the floor with a crash. Thankfully nobody came running. He

laid me down on the tablecloth and I opened my legs to him as he fumbled with his


Eden’s Pleasure

breeches. I had but a moment to catch my breath before he was on top of me, his

engorged cock pushing at my entrance.

He planted his hands on either side of my head, arched his back and drove into me

with all his power. I caught my breath as his hard length settled deep inside my

welcoming body. Thank goodness I’d removed the handkerchief. His first full thrust

pushed me halfway across the table.

“Take more, Eden. I need you to take it all.”

I managed to open my eyes at Gervase’s guttural demand and looked down. If

Gideon had sought to prepare me for Gervase, he had vastly underestimated his

brother’s size. A good three inches of Gervase’s cock still begged entrance into my

beleaguered body. God, but I wanted to take every bit inside of me.

I shut my eyes and lifted my hips off the table. With a triumphant shout, Gervase

surged forward. His tongue thrust into my mouth in the same eager pattern as his cock.

He allowed me no time to get used to his massive presence but began to drive into me

with all his strength. I thrust back at him, eager to experience every second of desire,

desperate for the smack of his flesh against mine.

He didn’t slow his pace, each hard stroke of his cock bringing mindless pleasure

and spiraling delight. My sheath tightened and tightened until I screamed with the

intensity of it. I came so hard, milking his shaft, holding him deep within me that I tried

to buck him off. He groaned and pressed me down onto the table.

He waited until I finished pulsating around him and then drew back one last time.

He captured my face between his hands, not a hint of apology on his face for his rough


“This time must be for possession. The next will be for your pleasure.”

He thrust forward again. My body urged him on, quickening again with his fierce

intensity, igniting a sensual frenzy until I felt the hot welcome spurt of his seed deep

inside me. He collapsed heavily onto my breast until his breathing began to even out.


Kate Pearce

Without ceremony, he picked me up, his cock still inside me. I wrapped my arms

and legs around him and clung on. There was no one in the hall as he carried me

towards the stairs. I felt him jabbing up inside me and I began to feel warm again. We

were only halfway up the grand staircase when he grew even larger and every jolting

step became a shaft of mingled pleasure and frustration.

My fingers bit into his shoulders, urging him to look at me, wanting him to stop. On

the verge of coming, I managed to gasp his name.


He took one look at my pleading face and paused to turn my back to the oakpaneled stair wall. When he had me firmly wedged against the wall he removed his

hands from my body and placed them on either side of my head. With a grunt, he

straightened his legs and thrust upwards. My body crashed down to meet him, all my

weight held and centered on his now engorged shaft. It was the most incredible

sensation. I strained to meet every thrust until control left me and I moaned in ecstasy.

Without bothering to speak, Gervase picked me up again and carried me to my

bedroom. He tossed me onto the bed and began to undress, his eyes intent on me, his

cock rampant. He sat on the side of the bed and stripped off my clothes.

When I was naked, he pulled me to my feet and made me stand in between his

thighs. I stared boldly back at him, drinking in the hard muscular lines of his body and

the strength of his desire evident in his wet, dripping cock. In awe, I fell to my knees

and opened my mouth to taste him. He groaned as I licked the drops of pearly fluid

from the tip of his shaft and inserted my tongue into the wet purple slit.

He grasped my waist, lifted me and twisted me around until I crouched over him

on the bed, my mouth still surrounding the head of his cock. He ran his fingers around

the join between my mouth and the straining fullness of his erection.

“Please, Eden…”

With a purr of pleasure, I slid my tongue up and down, taking as much of him into

my mouth as I could and caressing the rest with my fingers. He groaned in time with


Eden’s Pleasure

my skillful mouth and grew and grew until I feared I might choke. I stopped thinking

as he filled my mouth and his hips thrust forward in helpless response. I almost lost my

rhythm as he pulled me astride his face and began to torment my swollen pussy with

his tongue and teeth.

I sucked harder and faster as his excitement increased. I lost myself in the textures

of his body and the roughness of his cock thrusting against the roof of my mouth.

“Damnation,” Gervase swore. “I’m going to come if you keep this up. Do you want


I kept on until he surged into me with a mighty roar. I kept sucking as a stream of

his seed pumped down my throat. He rolled away from me and buried his head in his


“Christ, Eden, I wanted this time to be for you.” I smiled and licked my lips. The

frustration disappeared from his face. He knelt up on the bed and faced me, hands on

hips. He glanced down at his cock, which was already filling out again, and groaned. “I

don’t know what you do to me but I’ve never been this hard for so long or recovered so


I collapsed back against the pillows, legs open, and just looked at him. One of his

eyebrows arched. “Ah, so I have to pay for my pleasure by pleasuring you?” I nodded

and began to play with one of my nipples. He moved and within an instant crouched

over me, his fingers taking over the caress.

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