Edge of Control: An Edge Security Novel (Edge Security Series Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Edge of Control: An Edge Security Novel (Edge Security Series Book 1)
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Jake frowned and shared a glance with Rhys. Was this guy for real? He decided to spell it out for him anyway. “Sir, we know E.D.G.E. isn’t just a security company. That’s why we’re here, right? It’s also a mercenary company and you want to hire us.”

Knight’s smile widened. “We’re not a merc company, Lieutenant Harrison. That’s our cover. E.D.G.E. is Elite Digital and Global Enforcement.

“This is a highly classified government-run unit. We have operators from all arms of both the United States and Canada’s military, as well as the CIA and CSIS.” He stopped smiling and placed both palms on his desk. “We are a unit that transcends boundaries. We’re the one governments call when they can’t get past the red tape or legal bullshit that interdepartmental desk jockeys insist on. We go in and get the job done.”

Knight tapped the papers on his desk. “I’ve studied your files and would like to offer you both positions as operators at E.D.G.E. I have a small assignment being run here in Montreal that I’d like you both to sit in on. At the end of two weeks you can tell me how you feel about working with us.”

Jake studied the man sitting behind the desk. His CO had told him to listen to Knight and to consider his offer carefully, because it would only come once.

He glanced at Rhys, who arched a brow and lifted one shoulder a fraction in a discreet shrug, clearly as surprised as he was.

“We’ve been ordered to work with you for the next two weeks, sir. We’ll let you know our answer when our tour is done.”

“Good enough,” he said. “And gentlemen? Lose the uniforms while you’re here.”

Dani sat at her computer in the research department as she pulled up anything she could find on Vadim Levkov. Her desk and one other empty one faced a wall, her monitor visible to anyone who walked by. Four other work stations were arranged in a semicircle behind her, so only the research assistants working there could see their screens.

Dani disliked that she was left out of the inner sanctum of the research department, but she had bigger ambitions than sitting with them, so she tried not to let it bother her. She just made sure to tilt her monitor, so that anyone walking behind her would have to bend their head to see what she worked on.

As a major international security firm, E.D.G.E. had a huge database of public profiles, but she itched to dig deeper. She had the skills, she’d just promised not to use them.

The database turned up four Levkovs in the Montreal area, none of them lawyers, and none of them cute enough to make Tass do a happy dance. She bit her lip and her fingers hovered over the keys. She could dig deeper. Maybe hack into the DMV server.

She clenched her hands into fists and pushed back from her desk. No. She wouldn’t break Chuck’s trust. She’d just have to do this the old-fashioned way.

She’d follow Tass on her date.

Tass would kill her if she found out, but Dani knew how to blend. She was better at it than anyone could guess.

“If you don’t have any work to do, I’m sure I can find you some.”

Dani sighed as Ashley Thompson, otherwise known as the Bane of Dani’s Existence, stopped in front of her desk.

Ashley dressed like a cross between a runway model and a librarian, her dark hair pinned up, her makeup flawless and her clothing tight, but not too revealing.

“I have work,” Dani said, clicking onto a benign website about a potential future client. “And I sent you the information you requested already. Check your inbox.”

“The report wasn’t detailed enough,” Ashley sniped. “As the official head of marketing, do I need to remind you to take this job seriously? That is, if you want to continue to work here.”

Dani grit her teeth. “I take this job very seriously. And you’re the
marketing employee, so I hardly think that qualifies you to be the head of a department.”

Ashley huffed. “Just because you’re Chuck’s little pet doesn’t mean you’ll ever make it out of research. Unlike you, I’m going places with E.D.G.E. Soon, you’ll be working for me.” Her heels clicked as she strode back to her office.

Dani was still glaring after her when Chuck showed up. “Hey, kid.” Even though he’d retired from the force five years ago, he still stood like a cop, feet planted and weight balanced, relaxed and yet attack-ready. His gray hair was military short and he hooked his hands in his belt. “You ready for this?”

Dani stood up. At five-foot-eight, she was almost eye to eye with Chuck. She lifted her chin. “Always.”

They walked over to the elevators. E.D.G.E took up floors five, six, and seven of the building. Dani had only ever been on the fifth floor and had never even seen the company president. It had been the research department head that she’d interviewed with. She didn’t think even he had access to floors six and seven.

“Now remember,” Chuck said as they rode the elevator to the seventh floor. “This—”

“—is a long shot,” she finished. “I know, Chuck, but I appreciate the chance. Hell, I appreciate having a real job.”

His lips compressed. “I hope they can see your talents. It’s a damn shame they’re going to waste.”

She waggled her eyebrows. “Maybe I’ll win over the big guy with my sparkling personality.” She laughed at his grim expression. “Seriously, Chuck, don’t worry. I got this.”

“That’s what I’m worried about.”

On that odd note, they left the elevator and strode toward the outer receptionist, who sat typing, a small earpiece half hidden by the chestnut hair falling to her shoulders. Her clothes were trim, but not tight or showy like Ashley’s.

She looked up and smiled. “Hello, Chuck.”

She gave the slightest pause as she saw Dani. “And you must be Danielle. Mr. Knight is in a meeting at the moment, please take a seat. Can I get you a coffee or tea?”

They shook their heads. Chuck eased into a chair while Dani moved about the room, trying to hide her restless energy. She pretended to inspect each piece of art, but couldn’t have told anyone what she looked at.

She wanted this job. As much as she appreciated having a job with health benefits, research was not what she wanted to do. She needed more of a challenge.

A field operator in a network security company sounded like geek heaven to her.

The double doors leading to the inner sanctum opened. Mr. Knight, the founder and head of E.D.G.E., walked out with two other men, both dressed in dark blue Navy uniforms, rows of ribbons adorning the left breast of their jackets.

All three had muscled bodies and moved with the same grace as the top fighters in her gym. It was rumored Mr. Knight had once been a Navy SEAL, and seeing him now, she could believe it. With his fit physique and commanding presence, he radiated power, as did the two men beside him.

Tassia would be drooling over the guys in uniform, both taller than Dani, and both gorgeous. The blond one was a few inches taller than his friend and lean, like a swimmer. He pushed back shaggy blond hair from a movie-star-gorgeous face and grinned at her.

Dani nodded back cautiously. With those looks, he had
written all over him. She dismissed him and turned to the other man.

His hair was dark and crew-cut. It highlighted his hard jaw and almost sharp cheekbones. His heavily muscled body seemed to strain the seams of his jacket. This man wasn’t classically good looking like his friend, but he was definitely all male. She drew in a breath.

The dark-haired man turned and his sharp gaze seared her. Her mind froze for an instant, as if she’d been pinned unexpectedly by a stronger opponent. Her heart beat faster and she could feel her cheeks redden. His gaze flicked to Chuck before returning to her, studying her. His eyebrows drew together slightly.

“And this, gentlemen,” Mr. Knight said, waving Chuck forward, “is someone I couldn’t run my operation without: Charles Lachine, my police liaison. Chuck’s a retired detective with the Montreal Police.” He turned to the two men. “Chuck, this is Lieutenant Jake Harrison and Petty Officer Rhys Lafayette. I’m trying to lure them into taking positions as field operators with us.”

The men all shook hands before Chuck waved a hand at her. “This is Danielle Everett from research, the computer expert I told you about.”

Mr. Knight shook her hand. “Danielle, it’s good to meet you. Your department head thinks highly of you, and Chuck has only glowing things to say.”

She nodded. “Please call me Dani, and thank you, sir.”

Lieutenant Jake held out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Danielle.”

His grip was strong but not overbearing, and his large hand encompassed hers, warm and rough. She suppressed a shiver. His pale eyes were actually gray.

Now was not the time to notice eyes.

She pulled her hand away and turned to the other man, though Jake still watched her.

The blond movie-star lookalike, Rhys, shot a quizzical look at Jake before he smiled and shook her hand. “A computer expert?” His easy drawl made her think of warm pecan pie and magnolia trees.

He was a charmer, and probably used his looks to his advantage. All good-looking men did. She’d had experience with men just like him. She smiled politely at him and nodded.

“A first-class hacker,” Chuck stated, as though he’d trained her himself, though it had been the complete opposite.

Lieutenant Jake focused even more on her, as if he wanted to delve inside and discover all her secrets. “A hacker? You definitely don’t fit the stereotype.”

Warmth rushed to Dani’s cheeks. “And what’s that?”

His gaze traveled the length of her and something inside her tightened.

He squinted slightly as if trying not to smile. “That most hackers are rebellious teens with too many piercings.”

Dani almost touched her belly button ring, but clenched her fingers into a fist instead. Jake’s gaze focused there for a moment before he looked back at her face. “You’re dressed very conservatively, as if you don’t want people to notice you. But a hacker, by profession, seeks attention. You’re an interesting dichotomy, Danielle.”

Dani wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Her heart thudded in her chest and she couldn’t look away from his intense eyes. “It’s Dani.”

Rhys interrupted their conversation. “Dani, it was nice to meet you, but we should get going.” His smile was professional. Her heart rate eased back to normal.

She nodded and stepped back, refusing to look at Jake again.

“Please excuse me,” Mr. Knight said to Dani and Chuck, “while I walk these gentlemen out.”

She waited with Chuck, trying unsuccessfully to dismiss those piercing gray eyes from her mind. She hadn’t let a man affect her in years, and she certainly wasn’t going to start now. Not when the job of a lifetime was on the line. She pushed Jake, his broad shoulders, and his gray eyes into a box in her mind and locked it tight.

When Knight returned, they followed him back into a large office with a view of the Montreal skyline. A wooden desk sat where it had a view of both the windows and door.

A leather couch and chairs took up one area of the room. A long conference table stood in front of the windows, with a piece of advanced hardware in the middle of it. It was a virtual touchscreen monitor, and she itched to play with it.

Mr. Knight steered them past the comfortable seating area and led them to his desk. He sat behind it and waved a hand at the chairs in front.

He opened a file folder on his desktop. Her employee picture was clipped inside, along with two sheets of paper. She couldn’t read them, but she’d bet one was her pitifully short resume and the other some kind of work progress report. She hoped Ashley hadn’t contributed to it.

“So, Dani, you’re hoping to become one of our field operators.” Mr. Knight leaned back in his chair and stared into her eyes. “I have to tell you that your chances are slim. We look for highly qualified individuals and your resume leaves a lot to be desired.” He nodded at Chuck. “In fact, we only hired you for the research department because Chuck vouched for you.”

“And I thank you both for that opportunity, sir, but I do believe that my unique talents could be utilized to the benefit of the company.”

Mr. Knight stroked his chin as he studied Dani. “There is no mention of unique talents in your resume. Chuck has filled me in a bit, but could you elaborate?”

She took a deep breath. It was time to go all in. “I believe I could be a great asset for your security company. You see, I’m not just a hacker, Mr. Knight, I’m also an expert thief.”


“Don’t worry about it, Dani,” Chuck said as they walked back to the elevators. “You may not be an operator, but you got a promotion. You’re in IT now.”

She tried to smile, but the lead ball in her stomach prevented more than a grimace. “I’m just doing more research and a bit of network design, not doing what I do best.”

“You know, they’d trust you more if you trusted them.”

Dani averted her gaze from his understanding one, shaking her head once. “I don’t think they need all the sordid details of my past.”

He paused. “They know Danielle Everett isn’t your real name.”

Dani still didn’t look up. “So why don’t they just fire me?”

Chuck waited her out.

She finally lifted her face and Chuck had a fatherly smile on his lined one. He’d always had her best interests at heart, acting almost like a parent to her. He really should have had kids of his own, but his wife had died young and Chuck had never remarried.

Dani figured that’s why he’d taken such an interest in her when she was younger. They’d been two loners who’d found each other and declared themselves family.

Dani knew it was only because of Chuck that she had this job. Danielle Everett had only existed for five years, starting at age twenty-one. She should have forged a childhood when she’d created her new persona, then maybe she’d have the job she wanted.

Chuck slapped her on the shoulder. “They’ll trust you eventually, whether they know your past or not. But remember, most of the field operators are military-trained specialists. You’ll have to prove yourself.”

She nodded, but didn’t really agree with his assessment. How could she prove herself if they didn’t give her a chance? Besides, who better to find security flaws in buildings than a former thief?

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