Educating My Young Mistress

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Authors: J.M. Christopher

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Educating My Young Mistress


J.M. Christopher


Published by J.M. Christopher at Smashwords

First edition ©2012

Electronic edition ©2012

Published in the United States of America

Copyright 2012 E-Spice Productions a subsidiary of HSH Productions

Published in the United States of America

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Educating My Young Mistress

By J.M. Christopher


Screaming out as he once again plugged my ass with his dick, I rubbed my sensitive clit to another mind-blowing climax.
He stroked in and out of my tight hole, practically slamming me into the couch cushions. He grunted as he lunged once more, burying himself deep in my nether-hole, and I could feel his hot cum covering the inside of my ass.

As I once again came down from my sexual high, I once again vowed that I would never again do it with this man. Of course, I’d been making that same promise for nearly two years now and I had yet to make good on it. He was twenty-four years older than me, and yet there was an attraction between us that I just couldn’t fight.

We lay down in his bed, his arms wrapped around me as he embraced me from behind. His dick was still hard and still stuck inside me, and I knew before long we would start again.

While I lay there with him, I couldn’t help but remember our first encounter.

It was nearly two years ago. I was only eighteen at the time, just out of school for the summer and getting ready to start my freshman year in college. I was (and still am) pretty petite with small breasts and long blonde hair. I was known by my friends (and their parents too) as a bit of a sassy girl with an attitude.

My neighborhood wasn’t very big. Everyone pretty much knew everyone else. All of us kids would always play with each other when we were younger and most of us remained friends as we’d grown up. But my best friend in the world was Raven. She was a year older than me and had only just come home from her first year of college a few weeks ago. It sucked that I had gone through almost a whole year without hanging out with her.

That’s who I was going over to see now. I was determined to see as much of Raven as I possibly could before we both ended up leaving for college and another whole year went by without us seeing each other.

I knocked on her front door and waited there until her father answered.

That day was wearing a pretty, short, blue skirt with flowers on it, and a white buttoned top that had the top buttons undone. I’d been showing off a good deal of my chest (as I said, I’m pretty small, so there’s not much cleavage) and Raven’s father, Mr. Prescott, was staring down at my flesh.

“Hello, Tina,” he said, slightly distracted, but also with a hint of attitude. I’d never really liked Mr. Prescott, but I couldn’t help but be turned on by his leering gaze on my chest. As his eyes moved down to my legs, I felt a little thrill move through my body.

“Hey, Mr. Prescott. I’m here to see Raven.”

He nodded and pursed his lips.
He wasn’t my biggest fan either, I knew. But still, he opened the door and let me inside. “She’s in the living room.”

I went passed him, feeling his eyes on my ass as the fabric of my skirt swayed back and forth. I paid little attention to it.

Raven was sitting, watching TV when I walked in.

“Hey, Rave,” I said, plopping down next to her.

“Hey, Tina,” she replied. She seemed preoccupied with something, and it had nothing to do with what was on the television.

She held her cell phone in her hand, and kept quickly staring at the screen and putting it in her lap—very odd behavior.

“What’s going on?” I asked her.

She looked at me and her cheeks reddened slightly. She looked at her phone again, but then quickly hid it in her lap.

“I met a guy at college,” she told me bluntly.

I could only stare wide-eyed for a moment at Raven. We’d been hanging out almost every day since she’d come home and she hadn’t mentioned any guy she’d met.

“Is that him on the phone?” I finally got out after several long moments.

She nodded, then shrugged. “Well, sort of.”

I noticed she was doing her best to keep the screen out of sight. “Come on, let me see him.”

I reached out and grabbed for the phone, but she quickly pulled it away from me. “No!”

“What’s the matter? Why are you keeping him such a secret?”

She didn’t answer, but she did tuck the phone under her leg where I wouldn’t be able to easily grab it. As a matter of fact, I literally would have had to attack her if I had any hope of getting it.

“Listen, Tina,” she said awkwardly, “I need you to do me a favor.”

“Not until you let me see this mystery man of yours.”

She sighed, but made no move to show me the phone.

I shook my head and crossed my arms across my chest, letting Raven know I wasn’t going to budge. If she wanted something from me, she was going to have to show me this guy she’d kept secret from me.

“Come on,” she pleaded.

“What, are you afraid I’m going to try and steal him away from you?”

“No!” she said, her eyes wide with shock that I would even suggest such a thing. “It’s just, embarrassing.”

“Is he ugly or something?”

She shook her head.

“Then let me see.”

Raven sighed again, this time she took her cell out from under her leg. She looked over her shoulder to make sure we were alone, then she tapped the screen to bring it to life.

I immediately understood why she didn’t want to show me the picture. It wasn’t so much a picture of her new boyfriend as it was a picture of his penis. It was hard and long, with a little glistening liquid at the tip as if he’d just peed.

My cheeks flushed red and Raven clicked off the image. “Happy now?”

I couldn’t speak for a moment. When I did, it was to ask, “Why would he send you something like that?”

It was Raven’s turn to look away in embarrassment. “We, ummm, we just do that sort of thing since we haven’t been able to see each other in a few weeks.”

I couldn’t believe what she was saying. “You mean, you’ve been... sending pictures like...” My mouth couldn’t find the words. I had never thought of my best friend as a girl who would just expose her body like that. She’d always seemed so innocent... like me.

She nodded.

“Have you guys...” My voice trailed off, but I think the meaning of the unfinished question was clear.

She smiled at me, confirming that she’d fucked him without actually saying the words.

“I can’t believe it! And you didn’t tell me? How could you have sex and not tell me?”

“Shhh!” she put a hand over my mouth, looking over her shoulder again. “You want my father to hear you?”

I then looked over my shoulder, remembering that her dad wasn’t too far away. Then I lowered my voice. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

She shrugged. “I was embarrassed, I guess.”

“Well, tell me about it. How was it? Did it hurt?”

“Oh, Tina,” she said, patting me on the shoulder. “I haven’t been a virgin for a long time. Trevor wasn’t my first.”

My eyes went wide and I stared at her in disbelief. I apparently didn’t know my best friend at all. It was like she had this whole secret life that didn’t involve me. I thought we’d shared everything with each other. I mean, I’d told her when Franklin Thomas felt me up through my bra, how could she keep the fact that she’d had sex from me like that.

The bigger question I should have asked was, why was she telling me now?

“But to answer your question,” she continued, casting a slight glance behind her once again, “it was absolutely wonderful. Trevor makes sure that every nerve ending in my body tingles. It’s the mos
t amazing thing I’ve ever felt.

“Our first time was beautiful. He took me out, and then we went back to my dorm. And he turned on some music for me to do a striptease for him. Then he took me, bent me over my computer desk, and he slowly slid his dick into me. Then we moved over to the bed and made love all night long. Time and time again we fucked like it was going to be out last night on Earth.” She sighed as she replayed the images of that night in her head.

I sat there, still unable to believe it.  I couldn’t help but picture my friend, laying naked on a bed, while some guy climbed atop her, ramming his huge rod into her waiting pussy.

“So, can you do me a huge favor?” she asked.

The question snapped me out of my musings. I shook my head to get it clear, then looked once again at Raven. “What do you need?”

“I haven’t seen Trevor since I’ve been home. He’s coming tonight and wants to take me out. My dad still thinks I’m in high school. He’s never going to let me go out, especially with a guy.”

“You want me to cover for you? Sure. We’ll just tell your dad you’re staying at my house.”

She shook her head. “No, he won’t buy that, especially since he overheard me
talking to Trevor this morning. I want you to stay here.”

I raised my eyebrows and stared at her in confusion. “How is that going to help?”

“My dad doesn’t usually bother me at night. All he needs to do is hear someone moving around upstairs. Just stay, take a shower and hang out in my room all night. All we need to do is make him think I’m here.”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. When are you coming home?”

“I’ll be back in the morning. Trevor and I are going to stay in a hotel tonight.”

Slowly, my head went back and forth. The whole plan sounded foolish, and if her dad caught me—well, I didn’t want to be the one here alone with him to find out what would happen. He already hated me.

“Come on, Tina,” she pleaded. “I’d do it for you.”

I sighed, already knowing I was going to agree. But I decided to give her an ultimatum anyway. “You better tell me everything. And I mean everything.”

She smiled, barely able to contain her excitement. “Absolutely.”




I arrived back at Raven’s house with my things a little after seven that evening. She let me in the back door and we quietly snuck up to her bedroom. Her dad was in the living room now, staring at a baseball game on the TV, and didn’t even notice the two of us.

“He’ll be in front of the TV until at least 10,” Raven informed me as she undressed. “So, make sure you shower before then.” She took off her bra, revealing her perfect nipples to my view.

Now I didn’t swing that way at all, but I have to say that if I were going to become a lesbian, it would be because of a body like Raven’s. I actually found myself wanting to reach out and fondle each of her wonderfully perfect round globes. I restrained that particular impulse though. And soon her body was covered by an incredibly sexy, slinky dress.

Raven looked like she was ready to go out clubbing. The dress she’d slipped into was blue, and strapless. The bottom came up to only a few inches below her crotch, letting her long luscious legs stick out for all to see. I didn’t even want to think about how she intended to sit down in the dress, because it was so tight on her. There was a zipped that ran straight down her chest as well, which she zipped up. She wasn’t bothering with a bra at all.

“As long as you stay in the room, he isn’t going to bother you. Just watch some TV, play on the computer, whatever you want. Just let him know someone is in here.”

I nodded, looking over my friend as she put on her makeup and jewelry. She was beautiful, and any guy would be lucky to have her. I hoped I met a guy like that soon. Looking at how happy Raven seemed, I knew I was ready to give myself completely to a guy.

Once she was ready, she came over and gave me a hug. “I really appreciate this. And I owe you bigtime.”

“You just better keep your promise. I want to hear about the whole night.”

She nodded. Then she threw on a jacket and slowly crept out of the room. I waited in her room for about a half an hour, a little after 8 o’clock. Then I grabbed my pajamas—a simple pink tank top and a pair of sleep shorts, and headed across the hall to the bathroom.

I stuck my head out into the hall first. I heard the TV downstairs, and the announcer still calling the plays on the baseball game. There was no sign of her dad and I assumed he was still down there watching. So, I went into the bathroom, locked the door and turned on the shower.

The water was hot, and felt great against my bare skin. I scrubbed my body, paying much closer attention to my nipples and pussy than I usually did. When my finger found my clit, I knew I was completely lost. I couldn’t believe how good it felt. I stuck my hand down there and rubbed vigorously, doing my best to keep my moans quiet.

Electric jolts ran through my body and I almost had to sit down. As I fucked my finger into my clit hard, I imagined Raven in some hotel room, riding her man like a cowgirl on a bucking bronco.
It was absolutely amazing, and after several minutes, Raven reached her orgasm in my mind, just as I was reaching my very real climax in her shower.

Breathing heavily, and barely able to stand, I rinsed myself off, turned off the shower and wrapped myself in a towel.
I dried out my hair, then my naked body. I admired myself in the mirror, looking at my small breasts and my perfectly trimmed, light colored, pubic hair.

I really did have a nice body. Any guy would be lucky to get their hands on it.

Little did I know at the time, but there would be hands all over me in just a short time.

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