Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists (22 page)

BOOK: Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists
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tweaked her nipples with his fingers.

She was on the verge of orgasm when he came, pulsing inside her,

his warm seed filling her. Edwina almost cried out as he pulled away, but Evan thrust into her, already in yeti form, pounding into her,

claiming her, possessing her, forcing her into orgasm before she could catch her breath. She screamed as her body pulsed around his cock,

his purring echoing through her body as he collapsed forward and

held her tight. He changed back to his human form, kissed her

reverently, whispering words of love as he held her close.

She lay on the bed completely exhausted, but panic filled her

when she realized Gary wasn’t in the room. Had he changed his

mind? Had he decided that he preferred her world of pretend over the

reality of binding her to them? What happened if one of the brothers

didn’t claim her?

“Gary?” slipped from her mouth before she could control her

panic, but then he was there, striding into the room, the forgotten

pillows in his hands.

“I’m right here, baby,” he said as he positioned a pillow under her

head and stretched out on the bed beside her. “We’re all here, and once I’ve claimed you, you will belong to all of us.”

She recognized his words from the day they’d met, but this time

they felt right, made her feel whole in ways she would never have

understood even just a few days ago.

Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists


“Yes, I will,” she said. She saw the pleasure her words gave him

flare in his eyes and smiled as she added, “And you will all belong to me.”

“Ah, now you’re getting it, baby,” he said with a wide grin. He

leaned over, gave her a sweet kiss, and positioned his cock against her throbbing flesh. She hissed quietly as he stretched her swollen tissues with his entry. He pulled back slightly, watching her face, monitoring her responses as he pushed back in.

But he could also see her arousal, because he grinned, pulled out,

and slid back in faster, obviously noticing the slight pain increased her pleasure and spiraled her toward orgasm once more.

He slapped her thigh, riding her harder, lifting her higher, winding

her tighter. She gasped, groaning as the myriad sensations of all of

them—all of her mates—touching her at the same time. Hands

caressed her thighs, her breasts, her stomach, her face. Fire trailed over the skin they touched, burning through her as Gary finally

changed into his yeti form.

He grabbed her, pulling her harder against him, thrusting deeper,

forcing her to take all of him. She screamed as her orgasm broke,

liquid heat melting through her, pulsing into her muscles, making her quiver all over.

He growled, fucking her harder, moaning as he reached his peak

and finally claimed her in the yeti way.

He carefully extricated his cock as he slid to the side and pulled

her against him.

“I love you, Edwina,” he said after a few moments. “Welcome



Rachel Clark


Edwina sat in the doctor’s room trying not to look nervous and

failing miserably. She knew it was silly to put so much hope into a

long shot, but it was exactly what she was doing. Her men would love

her regardless, but ever since the possibility had been raised, she’d realized that she not only wanted children for her husbands’ sakes, but also because she wanted to be a mother. Edwina Kodi, helicopter

pilot, wife,
mother certainly had a nice ring to it.

She relaxed slightly as she realized the last year had been truly

amazing. Once the cause of her father’s illness had been found, he’d

made a rapid recovery. He’d been shocked at first when she’d

explained about having seven husbands, but it was nothing compared

to his reaction when he learned they were yetis. He’d immediately

rehired his housekeeper, handed over the day to day running of the

cattle ranch to his foreman, and bought a home around the corner

from where Edwina and her men lived.

Things had been tense for a while but fortunately all of the men in

her life had found a way to get along, and she truly felt thankful every day for the way things had worked out.

The police had traced the attempts on Edwina’s life straight back

to her stepbrother, Keith. Of course, the fact that he’d shot his own mother in front of witnesses and then basically confessed his crimes

as he tried to blame the woman for his behavior had made getting a

conviction a whole lot simpler.

Both her stepbrother and her old boss from the Mawson base

would have quite a few years to regret their behavior. And her father’s now ex-wife had recovered from her injuries, blamed her son for

Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists


everything, and somehow managed to incriminate herself in at least

two other murders. It would seem she’d made a career from marrying

rich husbands who’d died in suspicious circumstances. Fortunately,

she wouldn’t be smelling freedom for a seriously long time.

Edwina startled as the door opened, and Uncle John walked into

the room. She tried to smile but couldn’t quite plaster the false

expression onto her face. She’d asked her men to stay in the waiting

room mainly because she didn’t want them to see her reaction if

things didn’t go the way she hoped. She knew they loved her, always

would, but she really wanted their lives to be filled with children.

Surprisingly, they’d all agreed to wait in the outer room without

making a fuss.

“Good news,” Uncle John said with a grin on his face. “All of

your tests came back normal. Congratulations, Edwina, you’re


Edwina sat on the chair feeling completely stunned. The tests had

been to check if she could
pregnant. She hadn’t been

expecting the news that she
pregnant. It didn’t quite feel real. She didn’t even realize she was crying until the door burst open and seven men piled into the room. She was engulfed in a warm hug before she

could blink.

“You heard?” she asked them as Gary dried her happy tears. They

all grinned at her, and she rolled her eyes heavenward. Of course

they’d heard. She should be used to yeti hearing by now.

“All of the tests came back normal,” Uncle John said to Edwina.

“Basically there is no reason why you shouldn’t have a healthy


Still stunned, she let her husbands escort her from the doctor’s

office. Her life had changed dramatically since she’d been snowed-in

with seven scientists. She was mated to seven incredible, protective, loving, occasionally infuriating men. Their love and yeti natures had healed her body, and now they were expecting a baby.


Rachel Clark

Of course, she stilled lived in a climate cold enough to freeze her

lips shut, but, she thought with a grin, why would she care about a little snow when she had seven hot husbands to keep her warm?

“What was that grin for?” Evan asked with a huge smile on his


“Take me home, and you just may find out.” He growled softly,

pulled her close, and kissed her like he wanted to inhale her.

Edwina sighed happily. Life just didn’t get any better than this.




Rachel Clark loves a great romance.

She happily lives a
story all of her own with her

hubby and
teenagers and menagerie of
animals…and, well okay, for the real story you’ll need to replace romantic with
, add
before wonderful and you can probably guess about the teenagers and animals.

But hey, Rachel loves to read romance and when her life lets her,

she scribbles a few of her own.

Also by Rachel Clark

Siren Classic:
Sarah’s Pirate

Ménage Amour: Sequel to
Sarah’s Pirate: Tee-ani’s Pirates

Ménage Amour: Sequel to
Tee-ani’s Pirates
G’baena’s Pirates
Ménage Amour:
Nothing on Earth

Ménage Amour:
Their Taydelaan

Ménage and More
: Taydelaan

Ménage and More
: No Use by Date for Love

Ménage and More:
Accidental Love for Three

Ménage and More:
A Future for Three

Available at


Siren Publishing, Inc.


Document Outline

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