Effortless (14 page)

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Authors: Lynn Montagano

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Effortless
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Julian employed an impassive expression. “Can we move on to more pressing topics, like this week’s program?”

I thought Sam’s head was going to explode. Robbie shifted in the chair and shot me a look. All I wanted to do was wrap up this meeting and get on with my day. Thankfully, the attorney had the same idea and within minutes we were all free to continue with our lives.

The afternoon remained quiet so I was able to breeze through my tasks without too many interruptions. Of course that gave my mind permission to wander. Last night’s fight with Stephanie still stung. I hadn’t heard from her all at today. The whole argument had been so irrational and stupid. I sat up straighter. She’d cool off soon enough. I knew how she operated. By tomorrow night we’d be laughing over a bottle of wine.


My desk phone started ringing. Ignoring it, I looked up and saw Meredith standing in the doorway.

“You have a visitor.”

“Who is it?”

She turned and waved someone in. Sashaying in like the Queen of Hearts was none other than Emma Whelan.

“Sorry I didn’t call,” she said, sitting down in a swirl of perfume, Burberry and smiles. “It’s been a day.”

I stared at her, not quite believing she’d just invited herself into my office and subsequently, my life. Her violet eyes gleamed with excitement as they studied every inch of my face and body.

“You look fantastic, Lia. Girl-next-door with a hint of sexy. Perfect for any run ins with the press.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Strategizing. We have a lot to get through and the sooner we tackle everything on my list, the better.”

She rummaged through her fancy Chanel bag, pulling out a notebook. All I could do was think about how nasty she’d been to me at the garden party.

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m your publicist, darling.” Ruby glossed lips stretched back into a smile that was meant to be endearing but came off as fake.

“No you’re not. I haven’t decided—”

“I’ve just come from a meeting with Alastair. He decided.”


“Get out of my office.” I slammed my hands on the desk, rising to my feet. “Now.”

Emma sighed, shaking her head. “I told him to call you. That boy never listens.” She crossed her legs, making it clear she wasn’t going anywhere. “He asked to see me this morning so I flew in from London first thing. Sit down, Lia. You know how Alastair is. When he wants something, he stops at nothing until he gets it.”

“This is insane. We can’t work together. You still want him. You told me as much over the summer.”

Her all-business expression softened. “He’s not mine to have anymore. He never was. My relationship with Alastair isn’t what you think.”

“Oh no? Well he seems to think it’s okay to sanction this…whatever this is without talking to me first.” My stomach twisted into a knot.

“He’s protecting you.”

“From what?”

Tossing her raven hair over one shoulder, she leveled an intense stare at me. “That’s just his nature. You know that.”

“It still doesn’t explain why
have to be the one involved.”

She sighed again, waving her hand. “Sit.”

My butt hit the chair with a thud. I folded my arms, giving Emma my best don’t-screw-around-with-me stare. “This better be good.”

“I can count on one hand how many people Alastair Holden trusts. Really trusts. There is something about you that breaks down every barrier he has and as you know, those are infinite. You’re his weakness and in turn, he is fiercely protective of you. I’ve never seen anything like it and I’ve known him for ages. That night at the garden party when we met? I was at the receiving end of a scolding so harsh I’m surprised I managed to walk away with my dignity.”

“It couldn’t have been that harsh. You were still able to throw me a bitchy look.”

A swath of pink stained her cherubic face. “Natural reflex. Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t come here to rehash anything. I want to help Alastair and that means helping you.”

“No offense but I can handle a group of photographers waiting outside the building on my own. I don’t need you for that.”

The desk phone rang for the millionth time today. I ignored it, watching the wheels turn in Emma’s head.

“How many calls are you getting?”

“I don’t know. A lot.”

“Annoying, isn’t it? If I was your contact person that phone wouldn’t ring at all.”

This chick was up to something but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Who gave a rat’s ass how many times my phone rang? That’s what voicemail was for. In an attempt to remain diplomatic, I smiled.

“I appreciate the offer but no thanks.”

Emma’s frown deepened. She rummaged through her bag again and handed me a business card. “I’ll be in Glasgow for the rest of the week. If you change your mind or just want to chat, call me.”

The light, floral scent of her perfume hung in the air long after she’d left. The horrible feeling of dread I’d had several times over the past week returned with a vengeance. Determined not to succumb to my habit of overanalyzing, I threw myself into my work. Rain drops slapped at the windows, their impact sounding more and more like those little plastic sheets of air bubbles I used to pop as a kid.

Once six o’clock rolled around, I grabbed my belongings and got out of the building as fast as my legs would carry me. I didn’t see Paxton waiting, which saddened me because I didn’t have an umbrella. The rain was still coming down in sheets, covering the sidewalk in its glossy sheen. Taking a deep breath, I exited the safety of the overhang to hail a cab. Out the corner of my eye I saw Stephanie ducking into the backseat of a black Bentley. I paused, watching Brent fold his tall frame into the car after her. A pang of regret swept through my drenched body.

I hope we could get past our fight. After all, she was my best friend and I’d love nothing more than to hash out all of today’s happenings with her over a cheese pizza and some chardonnay.


The sound of my name being called was almost drowned out by the downpour. Shivering, I turned back to the street and saw Alastair standing next to the gray Mercedes SUV.

“Get in the car, love.”

Seeing him filled me alternately with anger and relief. Mostly relief, thank goodness. I jogged over and climbed into the back with him.

“Why on earth were you standing outside in this weather?” he asked, wrapping his arms around me. I snuggled into him, grateful for his warmth.

“Trying to hail a taxi.”

“You’ll have a better result if you actually face the traffic.” His lips brushed against my temple.

I sat up straight. “I didn’t know you were picking me up.”

“Thought I’d surprise you.”

The mere sight of his smile relaxed me in a way I desperately needed. Curling back into his side, I closed my eyes and reveled in the safety of his arms. Traffic was awful thanks to the bad weather so our commute home took longer than usual. I didn’t mind. The delay gave me an excuse to stay entwined with him and focus on how insanely amazing it felt to be secured in his embrace.

The first thing I did when we arrived home was dart off to the bedroom to change. I was soaked right down to my underwear. The dampness chilled my bones in a way I hadn’t experienced since growing up during the frigid winters in Connecticut.
Spoiled rotten by the Florida sunshine

I grabbed some leggings and Alastair’s Oxford University sweatshirt. It was worn and old and I loved it. He’d kept it folded and buried under a pile of clothes on one of the bottom shelves. I found it while ‘hunting for some closet space’ after I moved here. Or that’s what I’d told him.

“I keep meaning to bin that old thing,” he said, walking into the living room.

“The shirt or me?”

“Cheeky.” He kissed my forehead. “Hungry?”

I nodded, noticing how fatigued he looked. “You should change out of this suit and get more comfortable.”

“I will. Later. Come with me.” He tugged on my hand, leading me into the kitchen. “Are leftovers alright?”


I sat at the breakfast bar while he reheated some macaroni and cheese and set out the plates. As tired as he was, he kept shooting me flirtatious little smiles and even winked. I had no idea what had him in such a playful mood but I wasn’t about to spoil it.

“Admiring my devilish good looks again?”

I laughed. “Who are you?”

“Just an average guy making an average dinner for my girl,” he quipped, placing a heaping plate of mac and cheese in front of me. “Make sure you finish all of it.”

“Aye, aye.” I grinned, mock saluting him.

“If you’re going to be my first mate, you’ll have to work on that.”

“The salute? Don’t get used to it. We work better as co-captains.”

He smiled, hovering his lips over mine. I shivered with anticipation, letting any lingering annoyance from my day slide away into oblivion. “I don’t know about that, Meyers. I rather like telling you what to do,” he said, planting a decadent kiss on me.

Butterflies commandeered my stomach, making it next to impossible to eat. Our intense connection sizzled, heightening all my senses. I studied his every feature, admiring the glow in his eyes and impish grin.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you won the lottery or had the best day ever.”

He lifted a brow. “How so?”

“You look happy.”

“That’s an easy one. I get to come home to you at night.”

“Alright,” I said, putting down the fork, “what’s going on. Why all the romance and sweet talk?”

“Suspicious little thing, aren’t you?” He stood and caged me on the barstool. “You need to stop overanalyzing everything and enjoy the moment. I know you had a trying day and— Don’t interrupt me. Tonight is about you and me. All that outside noise can wait. As for all the romance and sweet talk, well, I’m leaving in the morning and wanted to treat you to a special night.”

His efforts to distract me from talking about Emma’s visit to my office were working. I didn’t want to spend the night arguing with him. Besides, he just looked so damn
right now.

A shy smile curled my lips. “Okay, Mr. No-Relationships-Non-Dater. My apologies.”

“Accepted.” He left a trail of velvet kisses up and down my neck. “Finish your dinner so we can go somewhere a little more comfortable.”

Making his way around the breakfast bar, he grabbed two glasses and a bottle of merlot.

“Trying to get me drunk?” I asked, watching him pour a generous serving. Without answering, he sat next to me. My heart rate kicked up seeing the controlling, sultry spark in his eyes. I had a feeling tonight was going to be one hell of an adventure.

We finished our food and, yes, I had more than one glass of wine. How could I not? It was delicious and, if nothing else, helped settle my frayed nerves from the afternoon. I curled up on the couch with a full tummy, happy and content. Any worries or annoyances that lingered in my subconscious were silent for now. I let my mind wander, imagining what our wedding would look like. I wanted something simple, something that complimented both our personalities. As beautiful as my sister’s wedding had been, I didn’t want a castle or an extravagant location. Although with Alastair, that’s more than likely what I’d get. I mean really, his idea of a ‘proper date’ when we’d first met was an evening at the opera.

Not that I’m complaining. He made me feel special and cherished in ways that material items could never accomplish. Plus, the not-so-subtle way he had to have me at a moment’s notice never failed to make me believe I was the most desirable creature on the planet in his eyes. I’d never been able to admit that to myself before but with him, it was a no-brainer.

“What are you smiling about?”

I opened my eyes, surprised to see him next to me on the couch. I hadn’t heard him come in or felt the cushions move. Sitting up, I positioned myself so I faced him and laced my fingers with his. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Being you.”

His breath caught as disbelief ghosted behind his eyes. Leaning close, he kissed my forehead. “Is that the wine talking?”

I cupped his chin and smiled. “No.”

“You’re doing it again,” he whispered.


“Making me feel safe.”

Love surged through me so powerfully I was certain he could see it bleeding from my pores. My skin tingled with a heightened awareness, as though our souls had entwined. He touched me with such reverence I shivered in delight.

“I want to try something with you.”


A slow, seductive grin spread across his face. “I’m not telling. Just trust me.”

“Okay,” I answered a bit more breathy than usual.

“Close your eyes.”

I did without hesitating. His fingers on my chin were the first things I felt. He tugged my bottom lip down and kissed me. I sighed, welcoming the warmth and firmness of his mouth on mine. He held my face, deepening the kiss. His quiet moan intensified my already raging pulse.

“Keep your eyes closed, love,” he whispered. I could hear the rustling of clothes, like he was undressing. My lids popped open.

“What did I say?” He smirked, unbuttoning his shirt. “Closed. Or I’ll blindfold you.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

Lifting a brow, he fingered the silk tie laying on the coffee table. “Is that a challenge, Amelia Grace?”

“I can’t keep my eyes closed knowing you’re going to be naked. It’s a fact of life.”

His eyes darkened. “It’s settled then. Stand up and turn around.”

Excited and curious, I did as I was told. The soft material covered my eyes, turning the outside world dark. He secured it in a knot and then turned me so I faced him. At least, I think I was facing him. I couldn’t see a damn thing. My other senses were now on high alert. I could hear him breathing and felt the heat radiating off his body.

“Feel okay?”



I anticipated his next move, wondering if he’d kiss me. His fingers brushed against my chin again, tugging down my lip.

“Tonight, I want you to experience what it’s like to have zero control over how you feel. You won’t be able to see what I’m going to do, you’ll only guess. I promise I won’t do anything to make you uncomfortable but if I do, you have to tell me, alright?”

“I trust you, Alastair.”

He let go of my chin and, for all intents and purposes, left me standing blind. I focused on listening to my surroundings. At first, all I heard was the tremendous beating of my heart. Footsteps padded along the carpeted floor. My stomach rustled with restless anticipation. I wanted his hands on me and I wanted it now.

“What are you doing, Holden?”

“Patience.” His rich voice slid through my veins like honey. I hadn’t expected him to be so close. Unhurried and methodical, he undressed me, touching every inch of my bare skin after each article of clothing was removed. His touch always drove me wild but this was different. This was far more intense. His fingers never left my skin. Their soft strokes traced my shoulders and arms, moving toward my lower back and down my legs. I shuddered from the euphoric sensation when he slid his fingers along my tailbone and then followed the curve of my backside. Standing up straight was becoming difficult.

The unmistakable scent of his body cloaked me. I bowed my head, halted by his chest. The hairs tickled my face as I kissed and nipped at his skin. I hooked my arms around his waist only to be restrained by his firm hold.

“No, Lia. I’m not finished with you yet.”

“But I want—”

“I know what you want,” he said, cupping my breast. “We’re doing this my way right now. I need you to lie down.”

He pulled me to the floor. The onslaught of sensuous touching continued, lighting a fire in the pit of my stomach. I had no idea where his hands would land next but I knew, without question, he kept avoiding the one place I wanted his touch the most. Every time he teased the skin along my pelvis, I shook. Not knowing when he’d give me what I wanted drove me crazy.

Parting my lips with his tongue, he groaned as he kissed me. At some point, he’d want me to touch him. He could never go long without needing to feel my hands on him. Kissing him with as much love, lust and passion as I could muster, I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled.

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