Read Element, Part 1 Online

Authors: CM Doporto

Element, Part 1 (17 page)

BOOK: Element, Part 1
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“Please, for me?” Lise fluttered
her eyelashes at him. Her eyes sparkled and Sal’s eyes twinkled with delight.
He held the black mask up to his face. It was obvious that Lise had him wrapped
around her little finger.

“Are you happy now?” He let out
a charming smile.

“Damn, you’re hot.” Lise snapped
her teeth at him, then growled and winked.

“Okay, now you two need to get a
room.” Natalie turned to Ryan and shook her head. “Hey, there’s Dr. Kronberg
and Franz. Do you all want to meet them?” She glanced back at her friends who
all nodded.

She led them to the other side
of the ballroom. “Excuse me, Dr. Kronberg… Franz.”

The doctor turned around. “Yes.
Oh, hello Natalie. You look stunning tonight.”

“Thank you and you look handsome
yourself.” Dr. Kronberg wore a traditional tuxedo but no mask. Even if he had
worn one, it would have been easy to spot the white haired scientist. 

“Thank you dear.”

Franz turned around, chewing on
his nails. He gave Natalie a flat smile and barely let out a, “Hello.”

“Hi Franz,” Natalie replied with
a cordial smile.

Franz had on a blue velvet tuxedo
coat and shiny black pants that looked like something from the 70’s. Springs of
red curls stuck out in every direction, covering his blue and black sequined
mask on top of his head. His eyes surveyed Natalie and her friends, growing big
until the darkness covered the white of his eyes.

“I’d like to introduce both of
you to a few of my friends who are also interning at the company. This is Ryan
and Lise.” They shook the doctor’s hand. Franz nodded and waved instead of
offering to shake their hands. “They are both in the marketing department and
this is Sal. He’s interning in the technology department.”

“It’s a real pleasure to meet
you both.” Lise gave the doctor a friendly shake and then smiled at Franz.

Sal extended his hand forward.
“Nice to meet you, Dr. Kronberg.” He then turned to Franz, “You too.”

“It’s nice to meet all of you. I
take it you all are enjoying your internship and learning?” The doctor took his
time, making eye contact with each of her friends.

“Excuse me. It was nice to meet
all of you, but I have something I need to do.” Franz walked off, not waiting
for anyone to respond.

The doctor turned and said, “Okay,
see you later Franz.”

Everyone looked at each other,
probably thinking the same thing. Franz was a complete freak-a-zoid.

Sal didn’t hesitate to speak up.
“Yes. The company has a very impressive technology department. It’s great to be
able to work here.”

“I’m glad you like it.” The
doctor replied.

Ryan held up his hand and did a
quick sweep of the room. “The marketing department spares no expense when it
comes to celebrating. It’s amazing what we have been able to do here.”

The doctor nodded and smiled.
“Lynn does like to go all out.”

A distinguished man wearing a
black and silver mask that perfectly matched his salt and pepper hair strode up
to them. “Good evening. Is everyone ready to have a good time tonight?”

Natalie immediately recognized the
voice that edged on arrogance. It had to be none other than, Russ Hayle, CEO
and President of Kronberg Laboratories. He let out a sneering smile and his
blue eyes pierced through his mask and landed directly on her.

“Hello Russ. Yes, I think these
interns are ready,
to get the party started,
shall we say?” The doctor’s
eyes darted back and forth between them and Russ.

They all smiled at him and let
out a laugh or two. The doctor adjusted his metal frame glasses and cleared his
throat a few times. “I’d like for you to meet my newest intern, Natalie Vega.”

Natalie extended her hand confidently
and waited for Mr. Hayle to shake hers.

“Nice to meet you Natalie.” He
reached out and took her hand in his and shook it.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,
Mr. Hayle.”

“Please, call me Russ.” He
placed his other hand on top of her hand. He squeezed with both of his hands,
giving her a more than friendly handshake.

“Sure… R--u--ss.” She stumbled
on the words, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the way he held on to her
hands. When she tried to pull her hand back he only held on to it tighter, not
letting go.

“I’ve heard wonderful things
about you.” His eyes widened and traveled up and down her body. His gaze lingered
on her exposed breasts, sending an eerie chill down her arms, causing every
hair to stand on end. 

She yanked her hand away.
“That’s good to know. I guess I have Dr. Kronberg to thank.” She turned to the
doctor, eager to break away from Russ’ unsettling stare.

“Yes. I’ve told him what a great
scientist you will be one day. I know a superstar when I see one.”

“Thank you.” She held up her
mask in front of her chest, trying to cover it.

“Hi, I’m Ryan, Natalie’s
boyfriend and this is Sal and Lise.” He stuck out his hand and gave Russ a
manly shake. “We all intern here and were talking about how impressed we are
with all the company does to celebrate.”

Natalie breathed a sigh of
relief. Ryan had come to her rescue.

“That is good to know.” Russ
shook their hands but didn’t show much interest in meeting them.

The lights dimmed and a band
started off with a top-forty song.  “It looks like the party is underway.  Have
fun tonight.”  He turned to Dr. Kronberg and patted him on the back. “We’ll
talk later.”

“You kids have a good time.
Natalie, see you Tuesday.” Dr. Kronberg gave a small wave bye.

“See you on Tuesday,” Natalie

“Sorry guys, I’ve got work to do.”
Lise turned to Sal. “I’ll be back shortly.”

“That’s why I volunteered to
help earlier.” Ryan put his arm around Natalie. “I wanted to be able to enjoy
the party.”

“I should have done the same. Oh
well.” Lise shrugged her shoulders.

“Hopefully you won’t have to do
too much. See you in a bit.” Sal replied watching Lise walk off.

“I got us a table.” Ryan pointed
to a table with a reserved sign that faced the dance floor.

“Cool. I’m going to get a drink.
Want anything?” Sal took a step in the opposite direction.

“Sure, I’ll take a Coke Zero.”

Ryan placed his mask inside his
coat jacket. “I’ll have the same. Thanks, man.”

“Alright.” Sal trailed off,
making his way through the crowded ballroom.

They walked over towards the
table when Ryan stopped and motioned with his head.  “Look up.”

“Wow! How are they doing that?” 
Images of fire danced across the ceiling bringing it to life with the beat of
the music.

“It’s a laser projecting the
images. Cool, right?” His eyes followed the flames, watching it stretch across
the ceiling.

“It’s awesome.”

“I suggested it to Lynn.” He
smiled and tugged on the lapel of his tuxedo coat.

She held on to his arm, watching
the flames dance. “Really? I’m glad she took your suggestion.”

“Me too. Come on, let’s go
dance.” Ryan put his arm around her and led her to the dance floor.




The fast music turned into a
slow ballad and the dance floor thinned out. “I need a break.” Natalie took a
few deep breaths, wiping the sweat trickling down her forehead with her hand.

“One more dance?” He pulled her in
his arms.

She sighed. “I’m all sweaty.”

“Please?” His stare was imploring
and she couldn’t refuse.

“Alright, since it’s a slow
dance.” She took another deep breath, trying to slow her heart rate.

He held her close and whispered
in her ear. “Thank you.”

His hot breath left goose bumps
all long her neckline. She squirmed, adjusting her corset. “I can’t breathe in
this dress.”

“Do you need mouth to mouth
resuscitation? I can do that ya know.”

She stared into his golden brown
eyes. “I don’t know about resuscitation, but I’d love for you to undo this darn

His eyes widened with delight.
“I can definitely do that.” He reached up and brushed her lower lip with his

She puckered and kissed his
thumb slowly and sensuously, forgetting about her struggle to breathe.

He growled low in his throat. “I’m
dying to kiss every part of your sexy and voluptuous body.”

“Mmmm, will you please?”

He leaned into her ear and
whispered, “I’ll do whatever you want baby.”

His sexy voice awoke every nerve
ending. She imagined him kissing every part of her. The thought sent shivers
through her entire body. The word
crept into her mind. Before
she could push back, Ryan trailed soft, sensuous kisses right below her ear
down the nape of her neck. His other hand glided down her back, leaving a
stream of sparks that caused her body to pulse with desire. The intensity of
the sensation traveled up and down her body creating a hum of energy that
buzzed between them.  His scent filled the air and she closed her eyes,
relishing his alluring aroma of sandalwood and bergamot.

When she opened her eyes her
head throbbed and she swayed back. “Oh no, not again.” She held onto Ryan
tightly, trying to steady her balance. This time it was more intense. Her head
wobbled around like a bobble head doll and the floor moved fast under her feet.

“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” 
He held onto her, making sure she didn’t fall back. 

“Ummm, I don’t know.” A surge of
heat rushed to her cheeks and her body turned hot with fever. “I need to sit

He guided her to the table.  “Do
you want some water?”

“Yeah.” Natalie nodded.

“Is everything okay?” Sean asked
when Natalie sat down.

“She got dizzy. Is there any
water?” Ryan looked around the table.

“Paul went to the bar to get
some for us. Here he comes now, with a waitress right behind him. I’ll find an
empty glass.” Sean got up.

“Here’s one.” Katie, one of the
interns from the lab, handed Sean a glass. “She doesn’t look so good. Maybe you
should take her outside or something.”

Natalie turned to Katie. “I’ll
be fine. I think I got overheated wearing this heavy dress.” She picked up a
napkin and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

“I need water please.” Sean gave
the glass to the waitress, urging her to fill it. 

Paul, who also interned in
Marketing with Lise and Ryan, looked at them with confusion. “What’s going on?
What’s wrong?”

Sean handed the water to Ryan
and then turned to Paul. “She got overheated or something.”

“Sip it slowly.” Ryan handed her
the glass of ice water.

She took a sip and then held
onto the cold glass of water. The coldness felt good against her hot, sweaty

Paul took a seat next to her.
“My mom’s a nurse, may I?” He held up his hand.

She nodded. “I think it’s this
darn corset. I can’t breathe.” 

He placed his hand on her forehead.
“My God child, you are burning up. You’re definitely overheated.” Paul sighed,
fanning himself. “You’re making me hot just sitting next to you. And I don’t
mean hot like that.” He rolled his eyes and loosened the bow tie around his

“I hope not.” Sean narrowed his
eyes at Paul.

Natalie wanted to laugh but didn’t
have the breath to.  It was all crystal clear to her now. Paul and Sean had a
thing for one another. How did she miss that? She felt like a complete fool for
thinking Sean liked her. At least she didn’t have to worry about that any more.

Ryan pressed his lips together
and his eyes narrowed. He leaned closer to her.  “You’ve been having these
dizzy spells off and on since we met. Have you gone to the doctor?”

“No.” Natalie’s head dropped.
This was not like her to avoid a potential serious problem.

He took a deep breath and sighed
heavily. “Why not?” Ryan had never gotten mad at her but she knew he wasn’t
happy with her.

“I don’t know. Maybe because it
hasn’t been consistent. It’s only happened a few times.” Natalie picked up a
program lying on the table and fanned herself.

“I think you need to go see your
doctor first thing Monday or go to the university health center.” He brushed
her hair back away from her face and his voice softened. “Natalie, please don’t
ignore your health. What if this is something serious?”

“I know. I promise I’ll call
first thing Monday. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard. “Oh no, I feel
sick,” she muttered under her breath.

“What’s wrong?” Ryan leaned his
ear closer to her.

“I have to go to the bathroom. I
think I’m going to throw up.” She eased her way up and grabbed her purse.

BOOK: Element, Part 1
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