Elemental: Earth (6 page)

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Authors: L.E. Washington

BOOK: Elemental: Earth
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“Don’t worry,” he responded, but worry was exactly what he was doing. It was obvious to him that something was bothering Tessa.

“Be back.” Gillian kissed Dallas’ cheek playfully as she joined her friend to try and weave their way through the couples on the dance floor.

“Was it Zinsser?” Gillian asked when she was sure that the music would cover up the sound of her voice.

“Yeah. That dumbass is actually here. Texted me and then showed up in the bathroom. Told him that usually the women’s bathroom was dick-free, but seeing as how he didn’t have one but rather was one, I figured we could make an exception. I know he wanted to say something back to me about where he wanted to put his, but instead he just leered at me with that hungry rat look that he gets in his eyes. I swear, I can’t believe that he’s really keeping us safe sometimes. He doesn’t even keep himself safe. I’m sick of answering to him. An ape would be a better handler.” Tessa had never worked with a handler as risky and as chauvinistic as she felt Zinsser was. She didn’t feel like she could completely trust him. In fact, she felt safer with Gavin than with Zinsser. She believed in Gavin, but she couldn’t believe in Zinsser. She felt the need to get out of there and wondered if there was any way that they could sneak out without attracting the attention of Zinsser. Maybe I tell the boys that I was bothered by this weasely man and I just want us to get home without his noticing that we are leaving. I wonder if they’d go for that and help create a smokescreen.

This wasn’t the first time Tessa found herself thinking of going rogue. She didn’t need to check in with Zinsser with every move. She knew her job and how to do it well. She hated even looking at that weasel, and the way he spoke to her as if she were filth yet unable to keep his eyes from greedily drinking her in each time she had to meet with him face to face. She felt cheap and dirty around him. Not to mention he shot down most of her plans. He put no faith in her to lead this team, and his protection was more like danger. He took unnecessary risks.

Back at the bar, Dallas and Gavin had a chance to compare some notes.

“So, what do you think,” Gavin asked.

“Oh, you’re trying to play match-maker?”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Gavin replied. “What I meant was ‘what is your read on the girls?’ Did you get any insight or personal information? Do you get the idea that something is amiss? Tessa seems to be vexed this evening.”

“I didn’t notice. I mean, she can drink me under the table, but that doesn’t mean she’s bothered by anything. I do know this-- Melissa’s ex-military, I’m sure,” Reed replied. “Her appearance says so-- hair all one length, just long enough to pull back into a pony-tail or bun. Her abs are better than Giles’. There are only a few ways women get that fit. During volleyball, I heard her call Dara a ‘bleu’, typical military speak for ‘newbie’, someone who isn’t adept at the ropes yet. And, she has a strong distaste for Dara, typical of GI Janes’ attitudes towards the Homecoming Queens. Stereotype? Yes, but true.”

“All of that from a few hours of observation,” Gavin commented. “You never cease to amaze me.”

“It’s not hard. I just pay attention.”

The brothers stopped talking and watched the girls’ partners glide them across the dance floor under black lights and strobes.

“Speaking of paying attention,” Dallas began, “what’s going on with you and Tessa? I can feel the energy between you two from over here even.”

Gavin was a little sheepish. He didn’t like admitting his weaknesses, especially to his younger brothers whom he was supposed to protect. He really hated admitting this weakness-- a dame. “I don’t know what you mean,” he muttered.

“Oh come on, dude.” Dallas slid over to the bar stool closer to his brother. “I never cease to amaze you, but if it is about you, I obviously make up silliness.”

Gavin knew he had a point. “It’s not that. It’s just that I can’t seem to break this weird connection she has to me. It’s actually more like a magnetic power. I don’t want to trust her, but there’s so much that says I can.”

“I get it,” Reed agreed. “I feel the same thing with Gillian. Nothing I’ve ever experienced before, and I know you’re going to chalk it up to ‘puppy love’ but it’s just, I don’t know, way more intense than that. Still, though, you know what? Your voice rings in my head over and over, chanting the same mantra, just like you raised me-- you always said that we would most likely never be able to trust anyone other than each other. I’m confused, and now I’m more confused because here you’re with stars in your eyes too, and I’ve never seen you this way. It’s not the physical attraction that’s throwing me. It’s the trust and apparent connection you seem to have with Tessa. It’s all really weird, Gavin. My head is spinning. They’re the enemy, but I want Gillian so badly I can almost taste her.”

“Well, they aren’t really the enemy. They only represent the enemy.” Gavin couldn’t believe he was defending these women sent to trap them and take them back to hell, back to the place they had worked so hard to escape, and back to government experiments. “But I do know how you feel. It’s all really fucking with me. I don’t know how I know, but I know something is wrong with Tessa tonight. She’s. . . off. . . .somehow, and I hear myself say that, and I know how crazy it sounds, but. . . it’s still true. I know without a doubt that Tessa is working for the Hatch, yet I find myself willing to pursue this woman, knowing what it’ll cost me. . . us.”

Gavin and Dallas both sighed. It was refreshing to hear this side of the argument. Earlier, Gavin had tried to discuss the issue with Reed, and it had gone horribly wrong. He wasn’t sure why he’d even tried. Gavin knew there was no sense in arguing with Reed. Reed had made it clear long ago that he would question everything Gavin did for the rest of their existences, still blaming him for Grimm’s death.

Gavin also knew that there was an element of truth to what Reed had accused-- Gavin wanted to bed Tessa and was almost ready to pay any price. Gavin knew the costs, and he’d preached to his brothers, but he also knew that if he was given a chance, he would make love to her that night.

Therefore, it wasn’t completely surprising that the four couples splintered off as the evening passed easily on. Giles and Reed had come off of the dance floor with all four girls in tow. They found an empty table, and Reed went to the bar for drinks. He sidled up to Gavin.

“I know you want to be cautious, as do I,” Reed said, “but are you ever going to get off that high horse of yours and allow yourself at least a little bit of fun?”

“Not right now,” Gavin answered evenly. He just wasn’t ready to completely give in. he’d a need to maintain control of the situation, and he was better at that when he wasn’t in close proximity to a certain lady.

“Gavin has more than just himself that he always thinks of,” Dallas defended. “We all know that. Give him his time. His control is what allows us the fun.” That was Dallas—always the peacemaker, always seeker of the silver lining.

“Pfft!” Reed rolled his eyes, grabbed two bottles of beer and two tequila shots and left the bar and his brothers without another word. He rejoined the festivities at the table, much preferring the sound of ladies’ laughter for once in a long time. he’d decided on the dance floor that he was not going to let himself get wrapped up in his worries. Here was a beautiful and intelligent lady (in whatever capacity he didn’t really care at the moment), and he hadn’t enjoyed the company of anyone this much in forever. Therefore, he owed himself a good time. He would keep his head about him, but he would also allow himself some freedom and fun. “Que sera sera,” he mumbled to himself, bolder with the beer of course.

Gavin could feel Tessa’s eyes on him, and he knew that Dallas was really more interested in being in the group and talking with Gillian. he’d seen Dallas steal a glance over at the table a time or two, but Gavin knew Dallas wouldn’t join them as long as Gavin was still sitting at the bar. His little brother was loyal to a fault and was constantly wishing aloud that he could do something for Gavin to at least show a portion of his gratitude for the care Gavin has given him all these years. So, between Tessa’s eyes burning holes in the back of his skull and the guilt he felt from ‘keeping’ Dallas from enjoying himself, Gavin decided to leave.

“I think I’m going to head home,” he began as he dug in his pocket for his wallet. Dallas made a movement to pay for his drinks as well, but Gavin stopped him. “Look, you don’t have to leave just because I am. You have your bike. I have mine. Go enjoy yourself.”

Dallas’ expression flickered as the vision of a moment alone with Gillian danced through his mind, but then he shook free of it. “Nah,” he said, “I’m good to leave. This place gets so loud and. . . fake and day-glow. It’s sensory overload for me. I much prefer the cantinas back home.”

The two waved to the table and Tessa mentally sighed. She was ready for this to be finished. She wanted to complete this mission, get away from Zinsser, and move on already. This emotional yo-yo was not doing anything for her, either. She needed off this case and away from Gavin. She needed to preserve herself and preserve her sanity, and the only way she was going to do this was to complete the mission.

She threw back her third or fourth shot of tequila of the night. I’m just going to have to throw myself at him, no holds barred, no pride, no dignity, she thought. If I don’t then he’s either going to get wise to us or I’m going to go crazy. I need this mission FINISHED! I need to bag these guys and get home. Her stomach dropped as she processed her thoughts. What the hell am I thinking? She realized that she was trying to see them as any other target, but these brothers were not just any other target. True, they were different than any person or being she’d ever come in contact with, and they were all almost too beautiful and perfect, but the real difference, the main difference with which she struggled was-- she couldn’t see any evil or maliciousness in them at all. She didn’t see any danger or any need to “capture” them. She usually had great intuition, and she had always been really good at reading people, and every fiber of her being was telling her that there was nothing “wrong” with these four brothers. For the first time in her life and career, she was questioning the validity of the mission. On top of all that she didn’t know or couldn’t figure out, there was one thing she knew for certain-- she did not want Gavin to leave her, and she was scared—for her own sake—to let him out of her sight.

I must be drunk, Tessa thought. I don’t have feelings like this. I don’t worry about losing anyone much less a man.

Feeling even bolder than her usual self, Tessa then picked up her purse and ran out the door without a word to the rest of the table. Out in the parking lot, Gavin had just started his motorcycle and was walking it out of the parking space to head it in the right direction down the dusty strip of road into the cavernous darkness.

“Hey! Stop! Gavin!” Tessa didn’t know if she would be heard over the grumbles and rumbles of the motorcycle, so she waved her arms crazily and ran towards him at the same time.

From the corner of his eye shaded by the mirrored faceplate of the helmet, Gavin caught the sight of Tessa in a form he never thought he would see from her-- uninhibited desperation. He didn’t say a word but dug underneath the seat compartment for the spare helmet, handed it to her, and revved the engine.

Tessa kicked her high heels into the bushes surrounding the bar as she swept her hair back and settled the helmet on her head. Then, not caring who saw what, she climbed on the back of the motorcycle in a very ‘unladylike manner’, as her mother would say-- The world should not become your gynecologist. Ladies will leave something to the imagination. Prostitutes are the ones that advertise the goods, not ladies.

Not tonight, Mom, she thought and leaned heavily in to Gavin’s sturdy, stable back as he sped off down the road. At first she thought she was feeling the warmth of the tequila, but then she realized that the heat didn’t start in her stomach and spread up and out. It came from outside. She could instantly feel his heat as if it were seeking her out, coming towards her to envelop her and embrace her as he quickly and expertly navigated the winding road back to the girls’ bungalow.

For both of them, the ride back seemed to take forever. Gavin was playing scenarios over and over in his mind. He knew what he wanted but he wasn’t sure it was the best idea. He was tired of feeling resolved only to have it melt when he looked into her eyes. He knew why she was there. He knew what could happen, but he couldn’t work up enough energy to truly care. . . because he didn’t truly believe her mission would succeed.

And she’s a little drunk, he thought. That could actually work in my favor-- she may not remember all of the details. He stopped himself. He couldn’t believe he was actually thinking of taking advantage of a woman, especially one in such a vulnerable state. He could feel her heartbeat up against his back stronger than he could even feel the vibrations of the horsepower he maneuvered towards the village, and his heart acclimated to the rhythm of hers. He decided that tonight, he didn’t care what her mission was and what roles they would play. Tonight, he only cared about who she was when he looked at her and who he was when he was with her.

As Gavin lifted Tessa off the motorcycle, she sloppily tossed her helmet onto the ground and leaned into his lift. He knew that there was really only one reason they were here, only one reason why she had run after him, and it didn’t have anything to do with any damn government top-secret mission and, and it wasn’t happening as a result of tequila.

Well, okay, maybe it is happening as a result of tequila, but the feelings were before the tequila came into the picture, he thought. This isn’t just an alcohol-induced act. We’d both acted on these emotions that first night had we allowed ourselves.

Pushing the door open, Gavin easily carried her inside. “First room on the left,” she said a little slurred as she nibbled on his ear.

He wasted no time peeling her sundress off of her, but then took extra time gazing at her smooth, tanned body. The rise of her small, pale breasts indicated the increase in her pulse and heart rate. Gavin felt a hunger and a surge deep within. He shed he jeans as Tessa reached to tug off his shirt, backing herself onto the rumpled bed. She had never seen anything like this man. She knew he was more than a man from all of her research and reading about the brothers, but being here in this moment up close and personal, the intensity of Gavin, she realized, could not be captured on a page or in a file.

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