Elf Lords: 02 - Last of the Elf Lords (16 page)

BOOK: Elf Lords: 02 - Last of the Elf Lords
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“The place is secure.” Kadoola’s second in command—a youthful soldier named Cika—informed the general.

“Is it true that the man found hanging was one of Marlow’s captains?” Kadoola asked.

Cika nodded, “Captain McRawl, he served Marlow’s Warlord directly.”

General Kadoola pounded his fist on the tables, “Marlow is a fool!”

“I’ll second that.” Someone spoke from the kitchen doorway.

Kadoola’s guards jumped at the sudden entrance of Seebaul. Seth, Doogal and Reldoor escorted Megan into the room behind the Elf Lord.

“Who are you?” Cika asked.

“I am Seebaul, Elf Lord of the ancient kingdom of the elves, and currently the guardian of orphans and escaped slaves. This beautiful young woman is Princess Megan Sergius, daughter of Queen Petra Sergius; High Queen of the Westland.”

Kadoola rose to his feet. “Princess,” he bowed, “I heard that you were kidnapped. Please accept my apologies for the behavior of some of my countrymen.”

“It is a pleasure to meet such an honorable man, General Kadoola.” Megan curtsied as she replied to the rebel leader.

Seebaul leaned on his green staff. “I believe that we have a common problem, General.”

“I assume that you are referring to Alister Marlow.” Kadoola asked.

“Marlow is an unknowing puppet.” Seebaul declared, “His Warlord is the true power behind the Lardashens. He is clever enough to permit Marlow to believe that he is in charge.”

“The Warlord is the one who kidnapped me.” Megan announced.

Kadoola’s forehead clenched, “If that is true, then he should be hanged.”

“It is true, all right.” Seebaul vowed.

“Am I to assume that you are responsible for the failed attempt on my life?” Kadoola inquired.

Seebaul pointed to Seth, Doogal and Reldoor, “These three caught the captain in the act and took matters into their own hands.”

“Then I am in your debt.” Kadoola thanked the trio.

Cika addressed the general, “How do we know that they speak the truth?”

“I believe them, Cika. Seebaul’s reputation precedes him, and I have no doubt that this beautiful young woman
the Princess of Alexon.

“Now about our mutual problem.” He addressed the Elf Lord.

Seebaul turned to Megan, “Princess, before we continue our conversation with the good General, I would like to get your assessment of the situation.”

Megan appeared confused.

“Your special
.” The Elf Lord continued. He looked back to Kadoola and said, “Princess Megan has the gift of truth-seeing. She can tell an honest man from a dishonest one with ease.”

Kadoola eyed the princess, “Very well, Princess, I look forward to your assessment.”

Megan smiled at the general. “There is no need, General. I knew from the moment that we entered, that you are an honest man. I wish that I could say the same for your attaché over there.” Megan pointed at a well-dressed man sitting at the next table, rummaging through a leather satchel.

Upon hearing Megan’s accusation, the man jumped to his feet, “Lying bitch!”

“Watch your tongue, Fedoran!” Kadoola berated his aide. “Princess Megan, Fedoran has served me for several years now. I have never had a reason to question him.”

Megan frowned, “Nevertheless General, I can assure you that he is not to be trusted.”

Fedoran was indignant, “I will not stand here and have my honor questioned by a woman.”

“I agree,” Kadoola said to his attaché, “as a member of my cabinet, your reputation should not be questioned by an outsider. However, your defensive behavior and inappropriate response towards Princess Megan following her accusations have made it necessary for
to question your loyalty. Search his satchel!”

Fedoran protested as Cika grabbed the leather case away from the aide and began rifling through it. Fedoran became visibly nervous when a scroll was removed. Cika unrolled the scroll and began reading it. “General, it is a correspondence with one of the officers of the Empire.”

“He is my cousin.” Fedoran offered in his defense.

“A cousin; who just happens to be thanking you for intelligence involving the Libertine army, and providing instructions for further deliveries.” Cika said before handing the scroll to Kadoola.

The general read the message, “How long have you been a traitor?”

“It is you who are a traitor to the Empire!” Fedoran proclaimed. He drew his short sword and lunged at the general.

Cika was on the opposite side of the table, and was therefore unable to intervene. There was no one between Kadoola and his attacker, and the general had foolhardily draped his sword belt over the back of his chair. Kadoola raised his hands to defend himself from Fedoran’s attack as his officers and guards rushed to the general’s defense. Fedoran advanced too quickly for anyone to reach him in time. He raised his short sword, directing it at Kadoola’s chest as he moved forward. The general grabbed the table, throwing it up into Fedoran’s path. Just then, the would-be assassin stumbled. His eyes went wide and he dropped the short sword. Fedoran fell to the floor with a knife protruding from between his shoulder blades.

“Well done, Jaylen.” Seebaul spoke up.

Kadoola looked beyond the fallen man who had attempted to murder him, to the six newcomers, and one very large black dog, that had entered through the front door without anyone other than the Elf Lord noticing them.

“Father!” Megan ran to embrace Jordan.

Kadoola looked about the room at his officers, who were just as surprised as he was, then he returned his attention to the newcomers, “Not that I am ungrateful for your intervention, but are any of my guards watching this building?”

Jordan held Megan tightly in his arms. “Our apologies General, but my friend, Prince Landis, sort of
your guards into allowing us to pass.”

The Prince-Regent introduced his companions to the general. Kadoola opened his arms wide in greeting, “It is a pleasure indeed to meet true legends.”

“How did you find us?” Seebaul asked.

Landis answered, “Tessa found us in the Tilsaw. We ran into Trian and his dragon. They captured Natis. Katryn rescued us and teleported us to your sanctuary. There we learned what you were up to, so Tessa brought us here to join you.”

“You have impeccable timing.” Seebaul offered.

Seebaul addressed the general, “I believe that it would be best for you to return to your camp before Marlow and Trian make another attempt on your life. Spread the word of their betrayal.”

“What about the Supreme Commander and Warlord?” Kadoola asked.

“We will take care of them.” The Elf Lord offered.

“I cannot just return home empty handed.” Kadoola objected.

Jordan stepped forward, “You do not have to, General Kadoola. Since my daughter obviously trusts you, then perhaps you can return with a treaty between us, offering Alexon’s assistance to your cause, should the two rebel factions unite under your command.”

would be worth the trip.” Kadoola accepted.

Chapter Twenty-One

Landis had been barely able to contain himself as Jordan and Megan sat with General Kadoola, as the trio drafted two copies of what Jordan called a
Letter of Intent
between Alexon and the Libertines. The letter would assure that Alexon would recognize the Libertine Rebels as a sovereign nation seeking to break free of the Empire of Roole. The agreement would not provide arms or soldiers. That would require the Queen’s authorization, and perhaps the approval of the Council of Elders. It would, however, give Kadoola the recognition he needed to attempt to unite the two rebel factions into one unified opposition body.

While the rest of the companions talked back and forth about their recent adventures, Doogal sat alone in the far corner of the room. He sipped on a mug of ale, taking fond satisfaction in the long overdue death of McRawl. Still, the death of the final conspirator in the murder of the woman he had loved—and their unborn child—did nothing to relieve the loss. He had sought revenge for so long now that he felt empty without someone to focus that rage upon. Doogal did not know how to proceed from here. He had never considered life without the search for vengeance. As he sat there, the black elven-wolf-hound sidled up beside his chair. Shadow laid her massive jowls upon the half-elf’s knee. Doogal looked down at the beast and lowered his hand to scratch the dog behind the ears.

Tessa walked up behind him. “She likes you; that makes you a man of good character.”

Doogal snickered at the remark. “Poor animal obviously does not know how do judge people. Good character is not something that I have been accused of having.”

Tessa snapped her fingers, prompting Shadow to come to her side. “You underestimate yourself. Shadow is an excellent judge of people. If she trusts you, then I trust you. You rescued the princess. Seebaul and Seth both have faith in you. That is more than most men can boast.”

-man.” Doogal spat, using the phrase that had been hurled at him so often during his life.

“Look at me.” Tessa insisted.

Doogal turned to face the Ranger. She was beautiful. Her ponytail had been undone. Her long brown hair draped her face to hang well below her shoulders. From a distance she would easily be mistaken for a full human, but up close her elven features were quite evident.

“You remember that I too am half-elf.” Tessa commented.

Doogal apologized. “I did not mean to sound so petty; especially on a day when I should be celebrating.”

“Carrying the baggage of the
cannot be easy.” Tessa spoke softly.

“Does everyone know that I am a murderer?” He asked.

“Not everyone in this room,” Tessa assured, “but those of us close to Seebaul do. But you are mistaken about one thing. From what I have heard, those who fell to the Hangman’s noose were murders, rapists, and enemies to the rebel cause. Like many others, I misjudged you at first. Now I would say that those here in the south should see the Hangman as a deliverer of justice, not a murderer. Besides, you are not the
That is just a moniker. You are Doogal, and, despite what I said when we first met, I am pleased that you are with us.”

“Likewise.” Doogal agreed.

Seebaul whistled loudly, causing everyone in the tavern to stop talking. “Our business here is concluded. It is time that we leave General Kadoola and his men to carry on with their business.”

“Let’s go.” Landis agreed, leading the way outside into the darkened street. Kadoola stood at the door, thanking each of them personally for their actions, in both saving his life and supporting his cause.

Once the wording had been settled upon, and two copies drawn up, the General, Prince-Regent, and Princess signed them both.

All Landis had wanted to do inside the tavern was to ask questions about Katryn, and to meet the young woman who, he had so recently learned, was his daughter. Knowing that it was not the appropriate time for either line of questioning, he held his tongue dutifully. Once they were outside of the tavern he could hold back no longer. “Is anyone going to introduce me to Megan?”

Jordan took his daughter by the hand. “Megan, it is my honor to introduce you to your true father.”

Megan looked at Landis, taking in the image of the man she had always dreamed of meeting. “I do not know what to say.” She wanted to hug Landis, but at the same time she did not want to do anything that might appear to make Jordan—the man she knew and loved as her father—feel disrespected.

Landis smiled at her, “I understand. It came as quite a shock to me too.”

Jaylen stepped forward and placed both of his hands on Megan’s shoulders, “By the one true God of the elves, you are beautiful, child. I can see Landis’ mother in you.”

“Thank you.” Megan blushed

Seebaul giggled like a child, “You have another surprise, Landis.”

The half-elf tore his eyes away from Megan to look at the Elf Lord. “What is that?”

Seebaul motioned to Seth. “Meet your son.”

Landis’ eyes went wide.

“Seth is the son of you and Katryn.” Seebaul continued.

Landis was speechless. This was all too much for him to take in. Jaylen slapped his son across the back. “You have made me a grandfather twice and did not even know it!”

“You are Katryn’s son?” Landis spoke softly.

“I am,” Seth answered, “I am happy to finally meet you.”

Landis shook his head. “This is overwhelming. First I learn that Megan is my daughter, now I find out that I have a son with Katryn, and in addition to that, some damned Warlord claims that he is the son I had with Triana.”

Seebaul rested his hand on Landis’ shoulder. “These two are indeed your children, but not Trian. I know what you experienced with my brother’s granddaughter in your vision. That was nothing but an illusion, Landis. Trust me on that. Trian is not your son. He made that claim in an effort to try to trick you into handing over the Sword of Alexon to him. Even the name is false, chosen as part of the charade. He is a shape shifter; in fact, he is much more. The dragon that you saw was not
Trian; it

“Trian is a dragon?” Landis spat.

Seebaul nodded, “A black dragon who seeks to reclaim the power of the Dragon Lords. I cannot permit that to happen.”

“Thank God!” Landis blurted out, “I am honored to have these two as children, but I could not bear the thought of that blasted Warlord being mine too.” Thinking of Seth’s mother, he asked, “Where is Katryn? She vanished after rescuing us.”

“Mother cannot leave the protection of the magical forest without risking death.” Seth spoke up.

Seebaul began the explanation. “As you learned in Sedau, Katryn is a fairy mix. She is the daughter of a dryad and another magical creature. I do not know how it happened, but it did. Dryads were created with a limited ability to mate and procreate. Somehow Katryn’s mother was an exception to the rule. That resulted in Katryn. You wondered why she was such a talented druid. It is because the forest is a part of her being. She is a healer of nature. When you and Katryn were together, she became pregnant. This resulted in something that should have been impossible; she gave birth to a son.

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