Read Elizabeth C. Main - Jane Serrano 02 - No Rest for the Wicked Online

Authors: Elizabeth C. Main

Tags: #Mystery: Cozy - Bookstore - Oregon

Elizabeth C. Main - Jane Serrano 02 - No Rest for the Wicked (14 page)

BOOK: Elizabeth C. Main - Jane Serrano 02 - No Rest for the Wicked
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Well, I’m here today. Doesn’t that count for something? I had no idea—

The rest of my words disappeared into Nick’s shirt as he crushed me to him in a fierce embrace. His words came hesitantly.

It’s just … I don’t know what to think and it’s driving me crazy. I don’t know if it’s Tony … or if you’re using your friends as a shield to keep me at arms’ length—

From my safe haven against his wool shirt, I felt hope stir.

If that’s what I’m trying to do, it isn’t working very well.

His shaky laugh reassured me.

No, but that’s okay with me.

We stood locked together in silence until he abruptly pulled back, dropping his hands to his sides.

He took a deep breath and blew it out.

Sorry, but I can’t think very well when you’re that close to me.

I smiled.


I think we need time together … uninterrupted time … to get things clear between us.

The trip to the beach?

Leaning forward, I put as much warmth into my words as possible.

Completely away from everything, just the two of us? Sounds perfect.

Nick’s smile lit up his whole face.

Then what are we waiting for?

He let me go and started powering up his cell phone as he spoke.

As soon as I check that the Argannos are still okay, I’m free. We can be at the coast
. .

His voice trailed off as he listened to his messages.

I busied myself clearing up the remains of our picnic lunch, scattering a few random crumbs for the blue jays. Just then, I wanted everyone to be as happy as I was. I was sure Tyler would cover for me at Thornton’s. Things were starting to shape up. It was only when I caught a glimpse of Nick’s expression that I sensed trouble brewing.

What’s wrong?

I whispered.

He snapped the phone closed.

Those crooks. They’re moving equipment into the woods right now, getting ready to cut the timber, in spite of the restraining order. Joe sounded frantic.

Can’t you call the law on them?

He n
odded grimly.

Can and will.

He shook his head as he thought it through.

Handling something like this long-distance is a pain. The timber could be long gone by the time I get through to the right people.

He looked at his watch and then ran a hand through his hair, frustration etched on his brow.

I jumped in.

Let’s head home now. You can get back to Joe and Nellie tonight.

I should’ve known those jokers would try an end run.

Nick was deep into planning counter strategy already.

I handed him the pack.

Here, carry this. You need to get over there. If nothing else, your presence will reassure Joe and Nellie. How’d you like to be their age, in a fix like this and managing on their own? Remember how I said before how much I like it that you’re a nice guy? So, go do your white knight thing. Impress me.

Nick smiled ruefully as we tumbled back into the Jeep.

Well, if it’ll impress you, then I’m definitely going. Rain check on the trip?

You got it.

Chapter 14

Only after Nick dropped me at home and went
ing off to rescue his elderly clients did I think to check my own phone messages. I’d been planning to jump into the shower, but
message changed all that.

Jane, could you come
to the Wedding Belle
this afternoon?

A good ten seconds of silence followed before Alix spoke again.

We need to talk.

I listened twice. Unremarkable words, certainly, but the underlying tension in her voice struck like a hammer blow. I punched in her number, but it went straight to voicemail.

The message had arrived only an hour ago, at one o’clock, so I simply grabbed the car keys and ran back out the door. The same annoying door chimes announced my disheveled arrival at the Wedding Belle to … nothing unusual. I scanned the cozy room, seeking a clue to the
reason for Alix’s call,
which had brought me flying over here.
I hadn’t
imagined the
underlying her words
Mozart provided background music; the scent of jasmine perfumed the air. Had I been planning a wedding, the ambiance would have been charming, but the tranquility of this room didn’t square with
that tension
. No blood, no fire, no shrieks of pain.

Instead, I encountered Bianca
from the hall.

Thank goodness
you’re back.

She tried to pull me toward Alix’s bedroom without
another word

I balked.

has something

I don’t know.
It’s Alix.

She gestured toward the closed bedroom door.

She’s been in there for
ever since I got back
I’m really worried because
that’s not like her at all.

Okay, take a deep breath.

Maybe she’s sick

Bianca whispered.

The bedroom door open
and Alix appeared, her face a mask.

It’s okay, Bianca.
I’m not sick, just resting. Have fun today, Jane?

Yes, great time. Beautiful day to be out.

I made no mention of the voicemail.

So, you’re really all right?

elation lighted her face

I didn’t know what to think.

In her relief,
waved her arms
, dislodging a photo of cherry blossoms behind her
atching it just before it crashed to the floor

Sorry, sorry,

she said
. S
he straightened it carefully.

No problem,

Alix said,
her quiet words standing
in marked contrast to Bianca’s agitation

Would you mind bringing some iced tea? You’ll find sugar
. .

Sugar’s not good for you,

’s protest was automatic
and playful



Bianca raised her hands in
surrender and gave a

I’ll bring the tea and the sugar.

She whirled away toward the kitchen.

I stared at her retreating back.

How’d you do that? No argument.

I’m not her mother.

Yeah, well … want the job?

Not a chance. Being a friend is easier than being a mother.

Depends on the friend,

I responded.


My zinger had hit home.

know you’re my friend, but I hesitate to involve you in the mess I’ve made for myself. Please don’t think I’m ungrateful, but it’s just that I don’t want to bother anyone else.

You aren’t bothering me, Alix.

She looked uncertain.

I watched as she prowled the room like a caged tiger, looking at everything but me. At length, she pushed aside the curtains swathing the leaded glass front window and looked out. The ball was squarely in her court, but how long should I wait? Perhaps the fact that she kept her back turned to me was supposed to be a clue. I shifted my feet, uncertain what she wanted
me. Come here, go away, come here, go away.

Don’t go, please.

Alix’s words were low and choked.

At first, I wasn’t sure I’d even heard them right, but when she turned, her face was slick with tears.
Difficult to
imagine the cool and cynical Alix
in this state
As I moved to comfort her, Bianca reappeared.

I put sprigs of fresh mint into our tea.

Intent on balancing three tinkling glasses on a tray while simultaneously avoiding Wendell who was plastered to her side, no doubt hoping the tray also contained cookies,
Bianca didn’t look up as she entered the room.

Alix shot me one anguished glance before moving rapidly toward the bathroom, but she’d made her point. She didn’t want Bianca to hear whatever it was she’d been about to say.

Bianca offered me a chilled glass.

glad things are all right
. Alix’s hands were shaking something awful
. Then she disappeared into her room. What do you think happened?

I shrugged my shoulders.

Guess she really needed that rest.

Bianca concentrated.

probably hadn’t slept much the night before
You know, I’d want to talk about it if I’
d been pulled in
and questioned
by the sheriff
. Wouldn’t you? I mean, I’d feel a lot better to talk it all out. Alix is different about stuff like that

led a pretty solitary life.
She’s used to depending on herself.

We sipped our tea in silence, but Alix didn’t return. I
whether she was waiting for me to get rid of Bianca
so we could talk privately.

Bianca showed no signs of going anywhere as she settled back on the couch

She doesn’t have to do that anymore. Now, she’s got us.

Right, but she might need some time to get used to the idea.

Guess we’ll just have to wait,

Bianca said.

So, how long do you think it’ll take?

When I merely shrugged my shoulders, she
switched topics.

your fishing trip
went okay

No fish, but fun
Nick got a call and had to go back to Marion County.

Nick broke a date with you? That’s a switch. How

Bianca was a big fan of my relationship with Nick.

I didn’t, but then h
e didn’t exactly break it. He
just had to go to work

scrutiny caused me to color slightly.

That’s too bad.

Bianca finished her tea and plunked the glass onto the tray.

How long do you think Alix’ll be in the bathroom

Inspiration struck.

I don’t know, but
maybe I can stay here while you help with something else.
Tyler told you about Laurence, right?

At her nod, I improvised.

I told him I’d help him, but
wants to talk
. .

I could go over to Thornton’s, help Ty keep an eye on Laurence.

I pounced.

Great idea. Maybe you could even get Tyler out of there, give them some time apart.

I haven’t been over there yet today, with everything going on here.

Bianca waved a hand in the direction of the bathroom, but the door remained closed.

Okay, I’ll go. Ty’s really worried, so I’ll see what I can do there. Call if
you need me. Come on, Wendell.

The minute the door closed behind Bianca and Wendell, Alix emerged.


Only a slight redness around the eyes gave away the recent tears. She was carrying a pack of cigarettes.

Let’s talk out back.

I thought you were quitting.

Not this week.

Alix led the way through French doors to the brick-walled courtyard beyond. The romantic décor of the interior
was reflected out here in
a ceramic Cupid fount
ain and wrought iron benches.

Alix lit a cigarette,
drew deeply, and circled
the fountain as though looking for an exit. The sight and sound of water cascading from Cupid’s hand into the basin below should have been soothing, but it apparently wasn’t having any such effect on Alix.

After watching her do silent laps for a while, I decided to open the conversation myself.

You’re not exactly the chintz and lace type, so how’d you get into the wedding business?

You really want to talk about that?

Beats watching you pace and smoke.

She sank onto the bench across from me and looked at the cigarette as though she’d forgotten she was holding it.

Sorry. Just trying to think . .

Yesterday you weren’t worried. Today you’re crying in the bathroom

She nodded, but didn’t look at me

I’ve been thinking about t

She traced the pattern on the iron railing of her bench, talking in such a low voice that I couldn’t tell whether she actually wanted me to hear the words.

I hope they
out about
it, but … well, there’s sort of a connection … to Hunter.

What are you talking about?

I leaned forward.

What connection?

She finally looked at me and grimaced.

account. I
look bad.

Now that Alix had finally started talking, her words poured out.

I didn’t say anything before, but the
more I got to thinking about it, the more I’m afraid the
police will
find it and
think … they’ll wonder
about my deposits

BOOK: Elizabeth C. Main - Jane Serrano 02 - No Rest for the Wicked
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