Ellery Mountain 3 - The Carpenter and the Actor (7 page)

BOOK: Ellery Mountain 3 - The Carpenter and the Actor
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Chapter Eight

Kieran folded his arms across his chest and frowned.
“You want the whole lot down?”
“Can we do that?” Daniel frowned just as hard. He’d had the idea that if they switched

the layout of the downstairs by turning the stairs around, they could create an extra room that Daniel imagined would make a good TV room.


“When are you planning to get this place up and running?” Kieran asked rhetorically.

Daniel quirked a smile then full-on grinned.
“So you’re saying changing the whole layout to add another room is not something you
can manage in eight weeks? Slacker.”
“On our budgets? When you need me to fix flooring, walls, ceilings, install a custommade staircase and still have time to do my own work?” He was teasing Daniel, but for a
second it was clear that Daniel felt guilt by the way he bit at his lip.
“I know it’s just you. I appreciate you doing this work at cost, and I know it’s taking up
time you could be working on your furniture.”
“Stop there,” Kieran said decisively. “I love working on this, seeing the old girl come
back to life.” He nodded at the large house with its acre of garden mainly laid to lawn and its
shabby exterior. “Just… I think we need to leave the TV room for now—concentrate on the
rest of it.”
“So the stairs stay as they are.”
“Your call,” Daniel said. “So… Jason McInnery. Luke said you were out with him last
“We were.”
“So is it a thing?” Daniel asked. Kieran turned to face his friend.
“Do you have something you want to say?”
“No,” Daniel offered immediately. “Except… He’s not staying, you know.” “Neither was Luke.”
“That’s different.”
“How is Luke not staying then deciding to stay after all different?”
“Is that what you’re hoping? That he will stay like Luke did?”
“Hollywood staying in Bumfuck, Tennessee? I can’t see that, can you?” “So it’s just a temporary thing, yeah?”
Kieran glanced down at his watch. He was knocking off in twenty anyway. Jason
would be waiting for him. He wasn’t sure he wanted to continue this conversation now.
Knowing Daniel, he would ask questions that Kieran wasn’t ready to answer. “I need to make a move.”
“Okay, you still hosting tomorrow?”
“Will you be growling at Jason all night?”
“I wasn’t… I didn’t… Okay, but I only growled a few times.” Daniel pasted an innocent
expression on his face, but he was fooling no one.
“Usual time, my place,” Kieran said. “I’ll be back in the morning to tackle the back
“I’ll be here.”
By the time Kieran had made it back to his place, a small house built as an extension to
one of the larger houses set up in the mountain, he was tired and irritable. He took a quick
shower then, back in his truck, drove directly to Jason’s cabin. He was addicted to the touch
and taste of the man. This was only day five or six, and already Kieran could feel the twisting
ache of future separation. Maybe they could keep this going. They had a lot in common…
Well, actually not much at all. But the sex was good. Good sex should not be ignored. Jason wasn’t at the cabin and Kieran didn’t want to come over as the worried boyfriend.
Instead, he wandered over to the remains of Luke’s dad’s cabin. Burned to the ground by
someone who had murdered the owner and wanted Luke dead, there wasn’t much left. He
crouched down to examine the foundations. Everything looked solid enough and it would be
interesting to see how fast they could get a cabin built on the land. A twinge of doubt
assailed him. However much he loved his work, it was what he did in his spare time that
gave him the most satisfaction. The creation of brand new furniture was where his heart lay. “Kieran.”
Kieran turned on his heel and grinned when he saw his dad leaning on the porch
railing outside Brenda’s cabin. The two had been seeing each other for some time, although
they had never come out and said so. Kieran would be the last one to criticise his dad, especially since he knew he felt guilt over getting together with Brenda after Kieran’s mom had died. Given that Brenda was Daniel’s mother and that he and Daniel were like brothers
anyway, he couldn’t wish for a better lady for his dad.
“Hey,” he said. After crossing to the porch, he sat on the swinging seat and said nothing
when his dad sat down next to him. Mayor of Ellery, his dad was a responsible man who had
done his best to bring up Kieran, despite being left a widower with a teenage son. “I’m glad you’re here,” Thomas said gently. “I needed to talk to you.” “I was just killing time,” Kieran said. “Waiting for Jason.”
“The actor in the top cabin. I’ve spoken to him. Seems a nice man.”
“He is. What did you want to talk to me about?”
“It’s your mom.”
“What about her?”
“You know it’s been some years now. I hope you know I loved your mom so much.”
Thomas looked uncertain.
Kieran frowned. Of course he knew that. His mom and dad had been very happy and
he recalled his dad being devoted to his mom and vice versa.
“When she died, I felt like half of me died with her. But I had you. You were important
and helped me keep myself sane. It’s just… I’m with Brenda now.”
“I know.”
“It’s not a secret. Everyone knows. Do you like her, Kieran?”
How did he answer that one? Of course he liked Brenda—she’d become somewhat of a
surrogate mom until Daniel had come back from Afghanistan. Then she’d become a den
mother to her son and his two friends, making them cookies and generally fussing around
“Of course I do.”
“I have something to ask you. To give you.” His dad reached into his pocket and pulled
out a box. He opened it and held it out to Kieran. Inside was familiar jewellery. A necklace
and two rings. His mom’s jewellery. “I thought you might like these. Not sure what you
would do with them, but it is right that you have them.” His dad looked so serious. “It’s
just…” His dad sighed. “I’m in love with Brenda. I have been for a while.”
“I know, Dad.” And Kieran did know. Anyone who saw them together knew they had
a bond that had moved from friendship and on to love after his mom had died. He never doubted his dad loved his mom. He never doubted that Thomas grieved for Mary. Their love had been solid. But in the last few years, Thomas had somehow moved on by falling in love
with Brenda Skylar.
“I want to ask Brenda to marry me,” Thomas said softly.
Kieran smiled then pulled his dad close in a hug. “I am so pleased for both of you,” he
said. “When are you asking?”
“I wanted to tell you first. To ask you even…”
Kieran’s heart lifted at the words. He was lucky to be close to his dad, even more so
when it was just the two of them.
“You didn’t need to ask me. I’m so happy for you.” They separated and Thomas had
the widest grin. Kieran returned the smile. “Go ask, Dad. I need to track down the elusive
actor. He’s probably gone for a walk and got lost in the woods. Go ask Brenda and tell me
what she says.”
He watched his dad stand and go into Brenda’s home. He was certain Brenda would
say yes, which would make him and Daniel stepbrothers. Interesting.
He left the porch and wandered back to Jason’s cabin. His cell vibrated and he pulled it
out to check the caller, expecting it to be Jason telling him he was lost. Instead he saw it was
“Small problem. I have Jason here and he’s a little the worse for wear—whisky. Bob
called it in from the bar and said he’s been drowning his sorrows for two hours solid. I was
going to bring him home, but he’s demanding you pick him up.”
“Where are you? Still at the bar?”
“Managed to convince him to come to the station with me. I put him in the holding
room for a lie down.”
“I’ll be there in ten.”
He was in his car and on his way down to Ellery in seconds. In the few days they had
been together, he hadn’t seen Jason with any more than a few beers, and never spirits. Shows
how little you knew about a guy when all you had with him was sex.
He parked outside the mayor’s office in his dad’s space and walked in then turned left
to the office area that the cops had used ever since their small precinct house had been burnt
to the ground. The new place was nearly finished but for the time being they were cramped into two offices with a joining door. The holding room was nothing more than an empty
stationery cupboard and Kieran remembered Finn saying it hadn’t been used yet. Kathy White was manning the front desk and she waved at him with a smirk. “Your
poor boy needs some help,” she said.
“What did he do?” Kieran didn’t begin to get in a conversation about how Jason wasn’t
his boy, or vice versa, because it would have felt hollow even to his own ears. “You need to see for yourself.” Finn spoke to him from the door to the small room they
used then opened it with a flourish. The smell that hit Kieran was pure alcohol and the man
on the edge of the small camp bed with his head in his hand was very definitely his sensible,
doesn’t drink much lover.
“Who else saw this?” Kieran said softly.
Finn shrugged. “The bar was near empty, just him and Avery, and maybe a few others.
Avery would be able to tell you more.”
Kieran shook his head. Jason was going to be so pissed off when he realised he had lost
control in a space where anyone could take photos. Pushing that concern to one side, he took
the two steps in and tried to hold his breath. At least Jason hadn’t been sick—that was one
thing, he supposed. Although, given the stench of whisky, he imagined sickness wasn’t
going to be far behind.
“I was going to call Liam,” Finn said. That was the last thing they needed. Liam Wolfe
was a friend but equally he was a doctor and with that came responsibilities. “Good thing you didn’t. Coffee, water, meds and sleep.”
Then I need to find out what
pushed him to drink so much in the middle of the freaking day.
“Can you help me get him to the
“You want me to bring your truck around the back?” Finn glanced over his shoulder at
Kathy, who was staring at them, interested.
Kieran fished out the keys and threw them to Finn, who caught them deftly. “It’s in
dad’s space.” Finn disappeared and Kieran considered what he needed to do. Jason wasn’t a
small guy—six foot of gym muscle with enough alcohol in him to start a brewery was
probably going to be difficult for him to manoeuvre. Crouching down in front of Jason, he
rested his hands on the other man’s knees.
“How you doing, Jason?” he asked gently.
“Gotsdrunk,” Jason slurred. He lifted his head and Kieran got a good look at his lover’s
face. Bloodshot eyes and pale skin wasn’t a good look for the actor. He hoped to hell that no
one in the bar had thought to break the unofficial ‘no photos’ policy in order to make some
money out of a shot of an inebriated Jason McInnery.
“I can see that,” Kieran commented dryly. “Can you stand?”
Jason shuffled forward on the bed and gripped Kieran’s shoulders. Staring right into his
eyes he shook his head. “‘S’a’year,” he murmured.
“Okay, big guy. Let’s get you moving now.”
Kieran shrugged off Jason’s hands and moved to support him under one arm, gripping
tight to any available material that would give him leverage.
“Stand up, Jason,” he ordered firmly. Jason tried, and, after the third attempt to get
himself straight and with rapid breathing showing it was a real effort, Jason was finally
upright. Every muscle in Kieran strained with the effort of keeping him that way. Finn
appeared at the back door and slipped under Jason’s other arm to take some of the weight. “Jeez, how much did he drink?” Kieran huffed as they managed to get him to the truck. “Avery said half a bottle of whisky, and beer chasers. Said Jason took the bottle and
went to hide in a corner booth.”
“Fuck,” Kieran said angrily. “Why did Avery let him do that?”
“Said Jason here paid him five hundred for the whole bottle. Said that he thought Jason
was taking it somewhere. He feels bad.”
“So he should,” Kieran snapped.
“Avery’s a good guy,” Finn said quickly. They managed to manhandle Jason into the
truck then stood back to make decisions as to what to do next.
Finn turned to Kieran. “You sure you’re okay with taking him home?” “I’ll be fine,” Kieran said quickly. He owed it to Jason to try to keep this on the downlow as much as he could. But also, Jason had answers that Kieran needed to hear. He climbed
into the driver’s side. Jason had his eyes shut and leant back against the headrest. He had a
little more colour in his face, but he was clutching his stomach. Not a good sign. “You gonna be sick?” he asked. Reaching into the back he emptied out a bucket and
handed it to Jason, who clutched it to him without opening his eyes.
Kieran waved at Finn then drove out of the parking lot and headed up the mountain.
Thankfully Jason managed to keep the alcohol down for as long as it took to get to his cabin
and even to manage to stumble inside with Kieran supporting one side and the bucket
tucked under his other arm. Kieran guided him straight to the bathroom and to the toilet. He
then proceeded to hold Jason’s bangs back as the man lost probably most of the whisky. The
last time Kieran remembered doing this was on Finn’s eighteenth, but then, he’d been
equally as drunk so it hadn’t seemed quite as disgusting as it was now.
Jason finally stopped being sick and fell boneless next to the bath. Kieran knew exactly
what he needed to do next. Passing meds and water, he encouraged Jason to drink and
swallow. Then he started the shower.
“Let’s get you inside,” Kieran said. He helped Jason to stand.
“Sorry I have to go,” Jason said. He still had his eyes shut and he was picking at his
clothes trying to undress himself. “Ben had to go.”
“Okay, Hollywood, let’s pull your pants off.”
“Naked…” Jason pointed out helpfully.
“Yep, naked.” Kieran finally had his lover’s clothes off and guided him into the shower.
Jason gave a full body shudder as the warm water cascaded over him. Then he rolled his
head and stumbled against the wall. Kieran was in there in a second. Fuck the wet clothes—it
looked as if Jason had no ability to function whilst drunk at all. Kieran supported him for a
while. He used shower gel to clean him off then washed his hair.
Jason was becoming more coherent and he even opened his eyes. Of course, he chose to
open them just as the water was rinsing away the shampoo, but at least it was a sign he was
coming out of it.
“Your’ll wet…” he observed. Then he appeared to pull himself together. With no small
amount of strength, he pushed Kieran away and used the wall to hold himself up. “Sorry,”
he murmured.
Kieran backed out of the shower and stripped off his wet clothes before wrapping a
towel around his waist. Then he encouraged Jason out of the shower, through the process of
drying off then to bed. With the man finally under the quilt and a container next to the bed in

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