Read Elusive Hero: Invitation to Eden (Vampire Queen Series Book 12) Online

Authors: Joey Hill

Tags: #vampire queen, #vampire romance, #joey hill

Elusive Hero: Invitation to Eden (Vampire Queen Series Book 12) (15 page)

BOOK: Elusive Hero: Invitation to Eden (Vampire Queen Series Book 12)
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He gave them another squeeze, a rough caress before he slid back. Not too far, though, because he tangled his hand in her hair. Instead of answering her, he pushed her face down toward his lap.

“Lick me first. Balls to head. Convince me you deserve the whole thing in your mouth.”

She couldn’t think about this, didn’t want to do so. She didn’t want thought to interfere with the incredible flood of sensation between her legs, the flutter his every word was causing in her chest, increasing the tingle in her nipples, the ache from every orifice wanting to be filled by him. She complied… Obeyed. She traced the ridge of the glans, followed the throbbing veins down to the base, nuzzled his balls, inhaling his musky scent. Creating a swirling pattern all the way up and around, she took tiny nips and suckles as she went, small infractions but ones he allowed. If the clench of his fingers in her hair were any indication, he approved, and that made her more enthusiastic.

Garron muttered an oath. Holding her head fast, he angled and thrust his cock all the way to the back of her throat, a clear message that play time was over. He expected her to get down to business and service her Master.

Oh God. It had been so very long since she’d done this, at least for reasons she wanted to remember. At the first taste of him, the way he stretched her mouth, she closed her eyes, savored the taste of the man. He’d been hard pretty much throughout, and she wanted to feel him release, jet in the back of her throat. She wanted to have to work to avoid spilling a single drop of his seed.

He gave that appealing growl, and she inched closer. Closing his hands over hers, he unlaced them, guided them down to his bare thighs. She made a sound that could only be described as grateful, gripping muscle and firm flesh. The man was as resilient as stone and wood, things of the earth. She sucked harder and he flinched.

“Fangs, baby,” he reminded her. “Easy.”

Baby. How long had it been since she’d been called that? It made her feel warm, fluid everywhere, and even more determined to give him pleasure…to please him. She adjusted her grip, used her tongue and lips to better effect, and managed only to score him a couple more times. She wanted him to come, not because she could
him come, like making a servant do her bidding, but because it would tell her she’d served him well.

She remembered the first time she’d done that for Jared, a shock to both of them in their naïve world where sex was genital penetration and some kissing and touching. Oral had been…taboo…forbidden…delicious. Yet being on her knees before him had made something click inside her so strongly, she’d fantasized about doing it all sorts of times and places, just to prove how much she wanted to serve him, give him pleasure.

She put all that suppressed yearning into her efforts now. And Garron repaid her with frustration, slowing their pace with a tightening of his hand in her hair, drawing it out, making it clear he’d build to orgasm only after he made her work her ass off for it.

She wondered if he’d jacked off when she’d slept. Otherwise, he had amazing stamina. Amazing control.

Releasing her hair, he slid forward so that he pushed deeper into her throat, bracketing her with his thighs as he curved over her, gave her ass a heavy smack. She whimpered against him, especially when he used the reach of his long arms to put a hand between her legs. His fingers pushed into her, his thumb teasing her rim.

“So you want to hear more about the day I have planned for you.” He made an impressive effort to keep his voice even, though she detected the strained nuances that said he was as turned on as she was. “I have my own play room at Club Sin. That’s Eden’s BDSM club. It’s outfitted with my equipment, adjusted the way I want it done. There’s a new set of restraints that Vardalos had brought in special. A vampire can’t break them. Once you’re in them, you’ll be entirely at my mercy. Yeah, you like that idea. You’re wet as a fucking hot tub.”

He took her hands from his thighs, pulled them behind her back. Crossing her wrists, pressing her knuckles in the shallow valley above her hips, he manacled her there with one large hand, squeezing her delicate bones as he renewed his rhythm of pushing her mouth down on his cock with his other hand on her head. His ass flexed against the seat as he shoved himself against her gag reflex. She controlled that enough to take all of him, suck and lick harder. He was getting closer, breath rasping, grip getting tighter, restricting her movements even more.

“I’m going to mark you, again and again,” he said hoarsely. “Paddle your ass, flog all that beautiful, pale skin. I like giving pain to a submissive who craves it, Kaela, whose pussy gets all flushed and slick from it. You’ll come over and over tonight until you’re not thinking, not asking yourself any questions. Nothing exists except what I demand of you. I’m going to work you hard, until you want to call me Master so much you’ll beg for the privilege.”

She’d do anything he wanted. She just wanted to feel him let go, wanted to know he’d come in her mouth and she had that part of him inside her, however he wanted to do it. Fucking her mouth, her ass, her cunt. She was just a creature of unfulfilled wants that wanted all of them fulfilled now, and the way to it was in serving him. She’d beg him to let her serve, to just do this for ten days…

His fingers constricted, a little less controlled. He was thrusting into her mouth, his breath clogging in his throat. She pleaded with every lick, every nip, every long, sucking stroke. And then at last he rewarded her.

He bucked up, started to come. As the first salty spurt hit her tongue, she made an encouraging noise, doing her best to keep up as he kept coming, filling her mouth, her swallowing throat, spilling out over her lips though she used her tongue to gather it, slide it over him as she kept sucking, drawing out his climax to give him the ultimate amount of pleasure from it.

“There we go. That’s my girl.” His grip was easing, his fingers sliding along her hair rather than pulling it hard, and she went from sucking to greedy little licks, nips at his testicles, kisses on his inner thighs. “Sweet girl. Beautiful vampire…my sub.”

When he finally stopped her, he made her keep holding him in her mouth, a flesh and blood gag as his fingers slid along her jaw, along her frantic pulse. She’d given him release, and she was so close to it herself, she could barely think straight. When he finally lifted her face, letting himself slide free, his gaze slid over her features in that slow, measuring way, seeing the flush of her pale cheeks she could feel. As he wiped her mouth with a thumb, she smelled his seed there.

She turned her face into his palm without thought, and he made a pleased noise. He lifted her to her feet so she was standing before him, so he could put his arms around her and kiss the tip of one breast, tease it with his mouth as she stood still, torn between a million emotions and the storm of her own arousal, still unsated. He followed the tracks of her arousal on her inner thigh with his fingers, and she made that needy noise again. Her hair when unbound fell almost to her hips, and he tugged on a lock of it.

“Go to the dresser and bring me everything that’s in the top drawer.”

There was no balking about it this time. As she obeyed, she was bemused to discover two things. One, she wasn’t entirely steady on her feet. Two, while she slept the mirror had been replaced, along with the rug. The floor around it was entirely clean, not a sliver of glass.

“Does Mr. Vardalos have an army of field mice on his payroll?” Her voice sounded hoarse, another intriguing thing.

“I let the Club Sin cleaning staff come in while you were sleeping. Under my supervision of course. You were out, my lady.”

She wasn’t going to think about the significance of that, that she was allowing this male she barely knew watch over her while she slept. She’d kept her door bolted and locked the first five years Fran was in the house.

“Dresser, my lady. I’m getting impatient.”

She realized she was standing in front of it, head down in thought. Now she jerked into motion, sliding open the drawer. When she saw the contents, her heart started to thump erratically again. An alligator paddle, just like he said. The name was a misnomer. It wasn’t made out of alligator skin, but the paddle’s impact surface was designed like it, like rows of pyramids with the tops cut off, leaving square blocks and spaces between that would leave a memorable impression on the flesh. Next to the paddle was a pair of clover nipple clamps and a butterfly-shaped clitoral stimulator.

Turning, she saw he was standing. He’d picked up a pair of folded jeans from the floor and was sliding them on. The things she held in her hands were forgotten as she watched the play of his upper body muscles, the ripple across his shoulders as he pulled the jeans up to his hips, over his taut ass. No underwear. Tucking his cock back in, he zipped the jeans, but carelessly left the top button undone when he sat back down, beckoned to her.

She was used to seeing gorgeous male servants in all manner of dress and undress, yet this powerful scarred man had her arrested, to the point he had to speak to break her out of her ogling. “Kaela, bring them here.”

Guiding her between his knees again, he took the toys from her, leaving her standing. He didn’t say she couldn’t use her hands, so she laid her hands on his shoulders, enjoying the width, the firm skin. The man had a neck like a tree trunk, which fit the proportions of the rest of his body. She was so aroused, yet there was another part of her, restless and needy, that had words spilling from her mouth.

“Does he have someone?”

He didn’t answer her right away. Unclasping the straps on the clitoral stimulator, he hooked them over her thighs, running another ribbon strap down through her outer labia, her buttocks, clicking it into a three-way hasp between the dimples over her ass. As he did that, he brought her closer. She caressed the wide expanse between his shoulder blades, ran her fingers over the tattoo. When she looked at it, it felt as if the message on it was intended just for her.

“Who?” he asked.

“Sorry. It feels like…never mind. The Dom in the wheelchair. Does he have a permanent sub?”

“Yeah, he does. She loves him, would do anything for him. He’s the same way about her.”

He caught her hand, bent his head over her palm to kiss it. Hesitantly, she raised her other hand, touched his bare skull. Tilting his head up, he laid his big hand on her shoulder, giving her a light squeeze against her throat before he turned his attention back to what he was doing.

Her mind fragmented as he pulled the straps taut so she felt the pressure against her clit, labia and rim, all the erogenous points. Though her mind went quiet, that ache in her throat didn’t. “That’s nice. About the two of them.”

“It is. What was the ‘never mind’, Kaela?”

She shook her head. She couldn’t tell him that sometimes it felt like he was in her mind like a second mark. Maybe even a third, because supposedly their range could be even more expansive…if the vampire allowed it.
Stop doing that. Just because he or Vardalos says it’s okay to second mark him doesn’t mean it is. It’s one thing to risk your life. That would be risking his, if they’re wrong. Or lying.
She didn’t want to contemplate any deception here, but that sly voice wouldn’t let up.

If he was second marked, he
lie to her.

He straightened, making her hands slide from his back to his shoulders. She wished he never wore a shirt. She loved feeling her palms against his skin, and the man had an amazing upper body.

“We’ll come back to it.” His tone changed. “First I want to talk about you taking blood without my permission yesterday.”

He gripped her forearms, taking her hands away from him. Putting them at her sides, he tapped them, a signal to keep them there as he picked up the clover clips from the side table where he’d placed them. He rolled the metal in his palm, over his fingers, idly playing as her gaze latched onto them.

“When a submissive misbehaves like that, she’s testing her Master.” Closing his free hand over her right breast, he started squeezing and tweaking her right nipple, an obvious functional intent, preparing it for the bite of the metal. “Afterwards, she’ll feel regret, uncertainty. She doesn’t know how to fix it. That was the way you felt yesterday, wasn’t it? Say it. I want to hear it.”

“Yes.” She had to admit it was. She swallowed back a tiny yelp as he pinched her harder, rolling the nipple between fingers acting like pincers. But for all that it was uncomfortable, she just kept swaying toward him.

“If I’d acted angry, how would you have felt?”

“Maybe angrier,” she said. “Defensive.”

“Good. Honest answers. How else?” In one smooth movement, he attached the clover clip to that throbbing nipple. The biting pain was immediate, but he caught her hands. She could have thrown him off, but his sharp voice stopped her.

“Breathe through it. Answer my question. Breathe.”

“I don’t know…I wondered…I wasn’t sure…how to say I was sorry. How to…earn forgiveness.”

Could she believe she wanted that, needed that? That she’d even said it aloud?

“It causes a sub a lot of stress, those kinds of questions. But it’s not your job. If you’ve misbehaved, it’s up to me to decide how to absolve you.”

He started to work on the other nipple and she had all she could do to stay still. The bound nipple was throbbing. His free hand closed over her thigh and he ran his thumb up the sensitive inner side, letting her feel the fluid marking her there. “You’re in pain, and yet your clit is as full and flushed as the head of my cock when you had it in your mouth. You have no control here, Kaela. You can act up, beat me black and blue, but all that does is show you’re feeling out of control, uncertain about the scenario. You can’t take command of this like you can as a vampire overlord. You came here for a very different experience, but that’s the experience you know, so you retreat to it when you’re feeling unbalanced. When I earn enough of your trust you rely on me for your balance, you’ll figure it out. Another deep breath.”

She had to stop herself from backing away before he clamped the clover clip in place. It hurt. God, it hurt. Once again he caught her hand. “Breathe. Breathe through it. This will help.” Reaching between her legs, he pressed the back of the stimulator, a weight that spiraled through her cunt. The rubber butterfly started to vibrate in a pattern that tingled along her labia and stroked her clit like a heated tongue.

BOOK: Elusive Hero: Invitation to Eden (Vampire Queen Series Book 12)
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