Read Elusive Hero: Invitation to Eden (Vampire Queen Series Book 12) Online

Authors: Joey Hill

Tags: #vampire queen, #vampire romance, #joey hill

Elusive Hero: Invitation to Eden (Vampire Queen Series Book 12) (40 page)

BOOK: Elusive Hero: Invitation to Eden (Vampire Queen Series Book 12)
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He slid onto the bed behind her, and another wave of relief went through her at the warmth of his naked body against hers, legs under her hips and fitted to the backs of her knees, chest against her shoulders and blessedly hard cock against her buttocks. He was a furnace.

“Christ, you’re freezing.” He wrapped his arms around her, held her as she shook.


“No talking unless I tell you.” Pushing her hair to the side, he put his lips against her throat. She didn’t think anything could surpass the excruciating, bittersweet pleasure of him being here with her, granting her last wish, but then her heart broke as she felt him wrap the choker around her neck, re-securing it.

“I told you it was yours to take with you, my lady. So you can always remember who your Master is.”

Her eyes closed in painful bliss as he put his mouth over it. When he slid his hand down her hip, around to her ass, she opened her legs to him.

“Good, my lady.” She arched against him as he probed her cunt, stroked her rim, exploring and reacquainting himself with what was his. She felt it in his touch, heard it in his head, and wholeheartedly agreed. Yes, she was all his. It wouldn’t matter if she left tomorrow. She’d never again feel a touch like this, the one that told her she’d found her Master. God bless his memory, even Jared had not awakened this level of submission, a hunger to give him absolutely everything he demanded, even if he asked for her very life.

“Good. Because I plan to be very demanding. Beyond what even you think you can give.”

He pushed her onto her stomach, stretched her arms out to either side. He left the bed only to pull cuffs out from beneath the mattress, two at the head, two at the foot. He locked her in them, adjusting the ties with a sharp pull so she was stretched out to the muscle-straining point.

She turned her head, but he slid a full mask over her head, closing her into darkness. It only had a mouth opening, so her enhanced senses of hearing and smell were muffled, her sight taken away. The inside of the mask smelled like cinnamon and heat. She didn’t have to be told to stay out of his head, though the temptation to try and figure out what he had planned was fierce. She didn’t have long to wait, though.

She cried out at the strike across her hindquarters. The switch, she was sure. That lick of fire was unmistakable, followed by another one.

“You won’t break those bonds, my lady. If you refuse or disobey a single thing I demand of you before sundown, I leave.”

He spoke against the mask so she could hear him and she could tell he meant it. He wouldn’t be taking any shit from her. He was showing her just how hard a Master he could be, fully unleashed.

“Now stay still. Absolutely still.”

She froze in place, even though it was a struggle as he doled out the punishment, five strikes, ten…fifteen. She was shrieking, the pain incredible, and when he reached twenty-five and stopped, her ass and thighs were on fire.

“Too much noise.” Her head was pulled up and a large ball gag forced into her mouth. Steel, cold and smooth, and immediately slickened by her saliva. She made an involuntary grunt as he cinched it around her head, tight. Tighter, the size of the ball pinning her tongue down.

“Those straps will leave an impression at the corners of your mouth. Until they disappear, it will remind you you’re such a bad girl your Master had to gag you.”

The switch came back, three more times. Her eyes almost rolled back at the pain. He replaced the switch with his mouth, and her body caught fire a wholly different way.

Licking, nipping, suckling. He adjusted the straps holding her ankles so he could slide his hand beneath her mound, lift her up enough to nuzzle her cunt, start eating her pussy as if it was the only thing he planned to do with his day. She writhed, and his mouth and touch disappeared.

“Five more strikes to teach you to stay still. I’ve been holding back, my lady, being overly gentle. I think you need to understand just exactly what you’ve taken on.”

By the time he was done, he had her trained to stay motionless while he sucked, licked and tongue-fucked her pussy to near climax, even as she quivered like a tuning fork. She lost track of the number of switch marks it took. Even with her healing powers, her ass was so tender that on the last few strikes she’d had all she could do not to crack her enamel on the ball.

He rubbed his hand over her abused ass, gave it a smack. “I think you’re wrong, my lady. You have very impressive self-control. I can reinforce that with lessons like this, teaching you how not to interfere if some of your vampire friends are giving me a workout.”

No. She’d made her decision. This wasn’t about that. She bit back a howl as the switch cut into her backside.

“Your hand curled, my lady. You’re a statue until I say otherwise.”

She felt the press of his knees against the inside of hers, his thighs against hers. Oh God, he didn’t mean for her to stay motionless while he…yes, he did. She didn’t know whether to worship him or curse him.

His cock pushed between her legs, and it felt like he was adjusting, angling himself for the best entry point, since her hips could only rise several inches off the bed. But he was determined and worked himself in, a tight, precarious glide to the root, a feeling that had her cunt spasming with orgasmic need immediately, especially when he also brought his chest against her shoulder blades, his lips to her neck.

She wanted to beg, but he’d said no speaking, no noise, inside or out. So she came to pieces, experienced a climax while motionless, which was like glass being cracked an inch at a time, until it shattered entirely. She couldn’t hold back the noise, the scream, the fever-like shudder and jerking of her body.

If he’d pulled away from her as a result, she might have died of need, but he didn’t this time. He kept going, still hard and enormous inside her, until she was done. Then he pulled out.

“That’s round one, my lady.” As she was still gasping inside her dark world, wishing she could see him, he released her bonds, but only to flip her over, rebind her and straddle her waist.

She’d said she wouldn’t do it, but she couldn’t help it. She had to look through his eyes. He stood over her on his knees, looking down at her from his towering height. Thank God, his gaze was on his cock as he clasped a hand around it, began to stroke. He shifted his attention from it to her breasts, quivering from the rough rhythm that was making the whole bed move. Then he focused on her mouth, stretched by the steel ball gag. Her arms, pulled out to either side of her, making her helpless to him. Her head, covered by the full head mask, obliterating her identity. It didn’t matter who she was. She was His. That was all that mattered.

Despite the fact she’d just climaxed, her cunt clenched, wanting that cock inside, stretching her.

“Yeah, you’re needier than any sub or slave I’ve ever had. Since you have to be the overlord in your world, you need to be taken over completely, hard and rough, before you can let go. Your Master has to leave no doubt in your mind who’s in charge. I don’t need to read your mind, my lady. You want to suck me off, be fucked by me again. Over and over until you’re so sore it will make you cry when I take you, but you’ll want me anyway. If you want all that, you’re going to have to work your ass off for the privilege, aren’t you?”

She nodded, but he caught her jaw. “And you get the fuck out of my head. Last warning. You don’t get to see through my eyes. You only get what senses I allow you. Got it?”

Another quick nod, and she was in darkness again. So she had to imagine, strain to hear the rasp of his breath, feel the rhythmic movement of his thighs brushing her, his hips jerking over her as he approached climax. The blissful first spurt of come splashed on her belly, her breasts. As he released, his hand landed on the pillow next to her, that hot fluid hitting her breasts at closer range, her neck, her lips. She couldn’t lick them with the ball gag stretching them, but she wanted to do so, so much.

She was moaning, a plea, a noise she couldn’t stop. He collapsed next to her, and she could feel him breathing hard, but at length he propped himself up and caught the strap on the top of the head mask, using it to hold her still as he started spreading his fluid over her with the other hand. Over her breasts, teasing her nipples with it, into the cleavage. “Son of a bitch, look at that. My dick’s getting hard again. I’m going to take advantage of this third mark while I’ve got it. Better than Viagra. Do you want me to fuck your cunt, my lady? Say, ‘yes Master’. I like hearing a sub struggle to talk around a gag. Makes me harder.”


His chuckle was cruel at the muffled sound of her voice, but there was a sensual note to it too. The oddly gentle brush of his thumb over her lips told her that he had as many emotions churning though him as she did herself. Maybe more, because he couldn’t make her change her mind. Though he was her Master in every way, she was withholding a vital choice. She suspected that could push Garron Rand’s nature the way Vardalos had pushed her, to a line past which his control would be tested.

She trusted him with everything, though. No matter how cruelly he wanted to punish her, she would take it, treasure all of it. God above, if he wanted to stake her, she’d give him that as well and die happy.

He’d heard that, she could tell, for there was another significant pause, his hand lingering on her mouth. She made another needy noise, but he straddled her again, this time high enough on her body he could do just what he’d threatened earlier. He slid his cock in that slick valley between her breasts, cupped the curves in his hands and started moving.

“Just a slow, leisurely fuck of your gorgeous breasts. Every man’s dream, especially with your mouth gagged like that, the mask keeping you focused only on what I’m doing to you, nothing else.”

“Yes, Master.” Another muffled attempt to speak, because she wanted to please him in whatever way she could. She could give him anything but what they both most wanted.

“Stubborn vampire bitch.”

He kept working himself in between her breasts until her hips were jerking in simultaneous coital rhythm, until he reached back and gave her cunt a smart slap to still her. When he came again, she smelled his come as it bathed not only her neck but the mask itself.

“You’re going to be a mess when I’m done with you. But you like that, don’t you? Time to change position.”

Before she could respond to what she was sure was a rhetorical question, he’d released her arms and legs and hiked her up over his shoulder, bracing his hand on her ass to carry her. She couldn’t tell where they were going, but she thought they might be in the living room. Or maybe another room entirely. He’d left her suite, but she thought he’d taken a different way from the main doorway. Through the musk of his release, she smelled something else. A musty odor. Dank. Though she couldn’t see, her surroundings seemed darker.

“They haven’t decided what to do with this room yet, so it’s just empty space, concrete and wet stone. With a few piles of rope and some good sturdy hooks.” He spread his hand over her bare ass, made her groan around the gag as he inserted two fingers in her pussy, rubbed his thumb over her rectum. “I’m the spider and you’re going to be my fly, my lady. Once I have you all tied up, I plan to suck some of that lovely blood of yours, while I can still enjoy the taste of it.”

He put her down on her hands and knees. She was starting to realize how far he was going to take all of this tonight. While she was a little frightened at what was clearly going to be a protracted lesson about her absolute subjugation, a far larger part of her was embracing it emphatically.

He introduced another smooth metal ball, this one into a different orifice. He pushed the slick steel into her anus, and she made a quiet noise of worry at its size, but her muscles released, letting it in. He pushed, stretching her, and the hook attached to it curved out between her buttocks, over her tailbone.

“An anal hook. One of my favorite pieces to use with problem subs.” Another steel ball was placed inside her pussy, again pushed in so it stretched her. An odd vibration started in both channels, as well as a force that pulled the ball in her ass against the channel wall, and the one in her cunt upward.

“Magnetized and designed so every movement makes them vibrate inside you like pretty chimes. Now you can twitch if you desire, my lady, because the more you do that, the more crazy they’ll make you. But no major movement, or I’ll get the switch again.”

From the pressure against it, she guessed he’d attached rope to the anal hook. He proceeded to tie her as he’d described, passing rope over and under her thighs, her waist and hips, creating a full body harness. He also worked a second harness around her breasts, cinching the ropes so tight the curves swelled inside their hold, like the fairy-dressed girl in the cell. Which of course meant he had to stop often to fondle and squeeze, remark on the stiff peaks of her nipples. When he tightened all of the ropes, all those pleasure points were stimulated.

Using more rope, he wrapped her elbows together in front of her. He wrapped rope around her thighs, calves and ankles as well, like a spider binding prey, just as he’d described. But she noticed he slipped a foam-like cushion between her elbows, wrists, ankles and knees first.

When he was done, she would have toppled, but he’d clipped lines to the harnesses and the strap on top of her head mask. Along with the one tied to the anal hook, the ropes kept her hips, shoulders and head up, her back arched.

“Vampire strength or not, the more layers of rope, the stronger the binding. No weak point for you to strain against. Want to try, my lady? Struggle, now.”

The switch landed on her bare ass, and she yelped, began to writhe. He kept doing it, coming up beneath her to let the switch land on her swollen breasts, her soaked pussy, back to her ass. He was making her undulate and writhe in the bonds like a tied woman trying to dance, and those balls were vibrating, stimulating her ass and pussy.

“Master…” She wailed it through the gag. She came, just gushing as he kept striking her, making her move whatever way he wished. Like a lion tamer again, making his lioness move back and forth, spin on the head of a pin if needed. She’d thought Richard was an artist with single tails. He should have the pleasure of seeing Garron wield a switch.

BOOK: Elusive Hero: Invitation to Eden (Vampire Queen Series Book 12)
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