Embracing Everly (21 page)

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Authors: Kelly Mooney

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Embracing Everly
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I shook my head vehemently, still trying to process what he had been telling me. “Wait? What fall? What fucking fall?” In the back of my mind I was trying to process all the information he was dumping on me, but also couldn’t stop thinking about how much she loved to play and now she wouldn’t be able to for some time.

“Stabbed him with a pencil and jumped out his window to escape. He locked her in, and she figured it was her only way out. Some kid brought her in but took off before they got his name. She told me who—only a first. His name is Billy, a frat brother of Charlie’s.”

“Shit! Listen, Dawson there is no way that I’m leaving.” I fumed wanting more than revenge hearing what he forced her to do. “This job isn’t finished until that son-of-a-bitch is six feet under.” I slammed my hands down on his, knocking them away to get the hell out of there. She might not want to see me, but I could sure as hell seek her revenge.

“Mick, don’t do it. I’ll take care of it,” he hollered after me, but I wasn’t listening. Charlie the douchebag was mine. All mine.

My truck was towed. Of all the shit luck, this happened.

I yanked out my phone, called a cab to take me to wherever the hell cars got towed to. Nothing seemed to be going my way. The girl I loved, finally found, wanted nothing to do with me. Her asshole ex hurt her while I was technically on duty to keep her safe, and he was going to pay for hurting the only person I’d ever truly cared for.

It took two fucking more hours until I was sitting in front of the stupid frat house he lived in. I checked to make sure my gun was loaded, stuck in the back of my waistband and pulled my shirt down over it.

I didn’t bother knocking. I kicked the front door open with the heel of my boot, breaking the hinges clear. Reaching back, I grabbed my gun and aimed at the first person that came into view, screaming. “Where’s Charlie?”

His hands flew over his head. “I don’t know, man, I swear. We all just got back, and he and Billy split. They said they’d be home later. I swear, man. Put that thing away.”

Refusing to be taken off guard, I kept aim. “Where’s his fucking room?”

“Upstairs, three down on the left.”

I shoved him with my free hand. “Show me.”

I could hear the fear and saw his body trembling as he made his way up the stairs. He opened the door and held it for me to walk in. “Get in,” I ordered.

“I don’t know what he did, but I swear I didn’t do shit. What’s this about?”

“He hurt my girl and now I’m gonna hurt him.” This poor kid who looked like he was two-seconds from shitting his pants sat on the edge of the bed while I flipped through everything I could. My hands were deep inside his closet with this kid staring me down; his nails worn to the bit from his nerves as he chewed madly at them. A large shoebox fell from a ledge. The top popped off when it hit the floor. “Well, lookie, lookie what we have here.” I squatted down, picking up baggies of drugs and wads of cash. I yanked out my phone to call Dawson.

“He isn’t here, but I found a sweet little stash that will land him some pretty nice time behind bars. Possession with intent to distribute most likely.”

“Mick, Everly just gave her statement. You have about 20 minutes, give or take, to get out. Or you wait for the cops. I am ordering you to walk away from him. I know you want revenge for Everly, but she’s okay. You don’t want to end up in a cell next to him, do you? We’ll get him later when eyes aren’t on you.”

“No, I don’t. But I do want to inflict a world of pain, Dawson. Pain that son of a bitch never felt before.” I stopped to look over at the punk on the bed. “I think I’ll find out where he’s hiding.”

He sighed, and I knew he was pissed, but he kept quiet about my decision. “Ev’s sleeping. They gave her some pain meds. She’ll be out of it for a bit. Call me back afterward.”

God, just hearing her name made my heart hurt.

I stuck my gun back in my waistband and yanked him up by his arm. “Where is he?”

“I told you.”

“Not buying it, frat boy. Where the fuck he is?”

“I really don’t know. I saw Billy rushing him out of here. He was bleeding and in some crazy pain.”

“Would they go to the hospital?”

“I don’t know, maybe. He was pretty fucked up on E. He had a pencil stuck in his gut. It hurt too bad to pull it out he said. He wouldn’t let us touch him, he was flipping out, man.”

“Call him.”

“Man, I can’t, brotherhood and all. They’ll kick my ass and then throw me out for telling you this much.”

“Well, since you’re already kicked out anyway, call him NOW,” I screamed, spit flying out with my anger.

Frat boy frantically dialed his cell. The loud noise of people downstairs hadn’t escaped either one of us. “He’s not answering.”

“Call the other fuckwad.”

He sighed but got through right away. “Billy, are you with Charlie? Yeah, uh, huh, yeah. Uh, huh. Okay, see you soon.”

He slipped the phone back in his pocket and glanced at the door. I pulled my gun back out. “Don’t even think about calling for help, or I’ll put a bullet between your eyes. Where is he?”

“Campus nurse. He’s still there, but Billy is on his way back.”

I laid all the drugs and cash on his bed, out in the open for the cops to find. “Sorry, man, I have to do this.” I slammed the butt of my gun down, knocking him unconscious. There was no way I was leaving him awake to run his mouth to the rest of the crew, or to Billy before I reached the campus medical center. I hauled him inside the closet and closed the door, leaving him on the floor. I knew he’d wake eventually, so I wasn’t worried about him. What I was worried about was Charlie finding out that I was hunting his ass down.

Who would think a campus medical center would be protected like Fort fucking Knox? Without an ID, they wouldn’t even let my ass through the doors to verbally lash out my threats to that asshole, which was probably a good thing. Because one day he would be dead and gone by my hand, and my threats would make me their numero uno suspect.




hurt; my head, my ribs, my legs, my stomach, my foot and even my heart. I hated Charlie for being the rotten person that he was. I hated myself for being so naïve and trying to help him, for not seeing his true colors earlier. I hated Mick for giving me his heart and then taking it away as soon I accepted it. I even hated Billy regardless that he was the one who found me and dropped me in front of the emergency room, and then left me without a second glance, just murmured a pitiful sorry.

I wanted my dad, but he was nowhere to be found, so they sent Dawson instead. The drugs helped my brain shut down, and I welcomed the spaced-out feeling they left me with. Groggily, I stirred, the bright lights harsh on my eyes as they slowly began to open. A warm hand wrapped gently around mine, holding it tenderly. “Hey, kid, how you doing?”

“I remember you,” I teased him with the same conversation we shared the night prior.

He smiled a toothy grin, playing along. “I remember you too, but you were a hell of a lot smaller the last time.” We both chuckled.

“My dad?” I asked a new question, hoping Dawson could find him.

“I’m working on it, sweetheart. You know how his job is.” Yes, I did, and I hated that too. I needed him so much right now. “I know it’s none of my business, but after you recover, you need to come clean with that kid out there. He deserves to know.”

I shook my head, refusing to talk about Mick. “He made his choice.”

“Look, Ev, I don’t know you anymore, but I know a man and when he’s hurting. That boy just wants a few minutes. I think you should give it to him.” He sat back and poured some water into a plastic cup and held it up to my mouth. “I’m not saying take him back, just let him go if that’s what you want. A kid like him won’t budge until you force his hand.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” I wiped the tears that fell as I thought of Mick. “When are they letting me go?”

He sighed, and I could tell he didn’t like my answer. “Doc already signed the release. We were just waiting for you to wake. I don’t have any clothes for you to change into except the ones you came here in. They’re in the washroom, hanging up. Why don’t you go change and then I’ll take you home and get you cleaned up.”

I nodded wanting nothing more than to lie down, bundled in my soft sheets as I drowned out the agony with whatever they gave me for my wounds. That was the only plan I had, and it was genius. Numb the heart. Numb the pain until it all disappeared and then move on like it never happened and catch my dreams.

They only send me home with enough for one night and a prescription to be filled. After making sure I was cleaned, content and doped up in the comfort of my own bed, Dawson left me to go to the pharmacy to fill the script and to get some soup as I drifted immediately to slumberland.

“What the hell are you doing here?” The voice sounded strained but close enough that I heard them.

“I just needed to see her, Dawson.”

“Well, you saw her, now leave.”

Even as I lay there, unable to come out of my drug-induced haze, I felt his touch. I felt the softness of his fingers lovingly sweep across my cheek as gentle as a feather. “I’m going.” A tender touch to my lips, ones I wanted to move with his, but couldn’t muster the strength to wake. “I’m so sorry, Ev. I love you,” he whispered.

“Mick,” Dawson yelled out. “Give her time, Irish.”

What a weird thing to call him. My mind scrambled replaying words that had been passing between them. Did he know Mick? No, he couldn’t. Mick was just a student like me. Dawson lived in Florida and was from there as well. Mick was from Boston. There couldn’t be a connection. But, why the hell was he calling him Irish? Maybe I was hearing things? Maybe the drugs were making me crazy? Making me hear things?

Dawson hadn’t been able to contact my dad in over three days. He promised to keep trying until he reached him, but I knew what that meant. If Dad couldn’t be contacted, he was deep on a job and until he had clearance he wouldn’t be reachable. My mother used to complain about it all the time when I was younger. It never really bothered me since he was saving the world one bad guy at a time. But it did now since I was the one who needed the saving.

I never asked Dawson if Mick had stopped by; I chalked it up to a possible dream since there was no sign of him anywhere for days. Dawson was true to his word and stayed by my side, except to go pick up take-out. Meanwhile, I lay there wondering what if? What if everything played out like it was meant to? What if Charlie left me alone? What if that guy never grabbed my ass? What would Mick say when I told him the truth? If I ever got brave enough to tell him.

I stared lovingly at my guitar sitting in the corner wishing I could play one song. It was midnight and for some reason I was wide awake. I tossed and turned, waiting and wishing the damn pills would kick in, but they weren’t doing their job. The glow of the moon shined through my window as I looked up to the ceiling with an empty heart, wishing one day I could understand Mick and why he pulled away. Wondering how love could come on like a quick burning candle, and leave with one small exhale, blowing it out.

It was then that I heard it. It was so subtle, so soft that I almost didn’t catch it. Peter Gabriel was playing from the other side of the wall. Mick was playing the song I used to sing to him in hopes he had been listening. Tears began to well in my eyes, picturing him as I closed them, hating how much I missed him. How much I missed his arms around me, and the way he kissed my neck, whispered my name as he held me while I slept.

I remained as still as a statue until the song finished. But, it started again and again like he had it on replay, trying to fall asleep to the words. Exhaustion finally took over. I drifted off pretending Mick was next to me, holding me until the morning, singing in my ear.

Subtle voices woke me the next day. I rolled over to look at the time. It was just past noon. Feeling weak still, I swung my body to the side and grabbed the one crutch they’d given me. Once I felt stable, I made my way as quietly as I could to my closed door.

“Mick, what do you want me to tell you?”

“I want you to tell me that everything is going to be okay. I want you tell me you found her fucking father. I want to know, a god damn guarantee, that Charlie will get what’s coming to him.”

Confusion set in. I wanted to whip the door open and demand answers, but in all the years of eavesdropping on my parents I learned that was the worst mistake to make if you were looking for answers. “Look, Irish, I’m working on it. Charlie is laying low at his frat house until everything is processed. Once he’s behind bars, he’ll be dealt with, and you know it. I will make sure of that. I have word out to Thomas, and I’m waiting to hear back. Now as far as Everly is concerned I don’t know what to tell you, Mick.”

“Let me see her?”

“No,” he held firm.

“Dawson, please, I need five minutes with her. That’s all I’m asking for.” I hated the tone in his voice, the way he pleaded as if he needed to see me in order to breathe. Taking a deep breath and not questioning his presence or their conversation, I whipped the door open. Both heads turned at the noise. Relief in Mick’s eyes, but displeasure in Dawson’s as they took me in.

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