Embracing Everly (4 page)

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Authors: Kelly Mooney

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Embracing Everly
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“What kind of shit?”

“The only kind there is… bad.”

I didn’t ask any more questions. What was the damn point? I stood and took a deep breath as I gathered up the envelope. “All right. I’ll be in touch.”

“The address and contact info for the landlord are in the packet. Call me once you get there and fill me in.”

I nodded, not knowing what else there was to say. This was only my third real gig that they handed me, and I didn’t want to screw it up, especially since it meant so much to Dawson. On the bright side, yes, I did look for the bright side when I could, was the load of ass that was going to be at my disposal living in a college town.




at my cell hearing my dad’s ringtone he programmed in. I had to answer even though my creative juices were flowing like crazy. He only called when it was important, so I placed my guitar down and hit the button. “Hey, Dad,” I answered.

“Hey there, baby girl. Just checking in.” He sighed ever so slightly, but I heard the tension in his voice. Something was bothering him, or he was being bogged down at work with a case.

“Is everything okay? You sound a little defeated.”

“Actually, I’m going on vacation.” His tone pepped up, and I smiled, unable to stop grinning as he went on and on about needing a break and some sun overseas. He never took a vacation as much as I had begged him to relax, so it was a very nice surprise.

“So, why Europe?”

“Always wanted to go, I guess. I never had the chance, and since I just finished a big case, I’m taking my sabbatical.”

“I never thought I’d hear those words come out of your mouth.”

“It’s time. I wish you could come with me.” I heard the sadness in his voice, but understood how he felt. I did too. “I miss the hell out of you.”

“Me too, Dad. One more semester and then I’m all yours. You’ll be sick of me before the end of summer and begging me to go find a place of my own. You’ll practically be kicking me out and shoving me to New York.”

He laughed wholeheartedly, and I could picture his full smile. “Never, ever, will I get sick of you.” He paused, and I braced for it knowing what was next. Every time he called it was the same conversation, except the bit about the vacation. “How’s the asshole?”

My grin grew bigger even though he couldn’t see me. He hated any man I dated, and it warmed my heart to know how much he cared. “Charlie’s good.”

“And the writing? How’s that coming along?”

“Better than ever. I think I may be brave enough to send a few CD’s out soon.”

“I think you should, baby. You write and sing beautifully. You have your mother’s voice and looks. You can’t lose. It’s a winning combination.”

This was true; my mother had a voice like an angel and the face to go right along with it. I was lucky in that sense, but looking and sounding like an angel sometimes got you into trouble. So, when I sang in public, I tried to look like that angel but tainted with a touch of sin to keep them on their toes.

“When are you leaving?” I switched the subject since I knew my mom was usually a taboo subject with him. He loved her, but there was always this feeling I got that he stayed around for me and not for both of us. He was loyal to the day she died. Now her, I couldn’t say the same. I never had any proof, but I suspected she couldn’t say the same.

“First thing tomorrow. Ah, listen, Ev, I need to talk to you about something.”

My phone vibrated as another call came through. Quickly, I took a peek to see it was Charlie. He’d have to wait. I’ll call him back. My dad was the most important man in my life. “Okay, shoot.”

“Do you remember a man who went by Uncle Dawson?”

“I remember the name, why?” And I did vaguely. He was my godfather, but one I never saw or heard from. There were pictures from when I was real little, but that was it. I’d asked my parents once, but they just said he went his way and that we went ours. And that was the end of it. He was never brought up again. So, this was a pleasant surprise. It made me believe he was finding his way back to his old self. When my mom was around, they had plenty of friends to hang out with, but once she died, he jumped straight into his job and gave up everything and everyone besides me. And I hated that.

“I’ve been talking to him lately and trying to rebuild our friendship. He asked about you. I gave your number and address in case he wanted to reach out,” he paused and cleared his throat. “He always loved you, Ev. Give him a chance if he contacts you, okay? He’s a good man.”

Confused, but not digging any deeper since he sounded so sad when he spoke of him, I agreed. “Sure, Dad. I will.”

“Everly, I gotta run. I sent you some stuff in the mail. Dawson’s number, a few other things and some cash to keep my girl fed well. If you can’t reach him, you call my office and ask for Sean Granger. He’ll be able to contact Dawson. I still need to pack so, I’ll call you as soon as I can and, baby when I call, no matter what time it is you need to pick the phone up.”

“Why? What’s going on?” I sat up, nervously playing with the ends of my hair like I always did when I got antsy. “Why do you sound so urgent all of a sudden?”

“Can you do that for me, baby girl?”

“Yeah, of course. I love you.”

“Damn, Everly, I love you so much.” He cleared his throat again. “Don’t forget about Uncle Dawson. If anything… never mind, he’ll reach out.”

“I won’t.” I could tell he was about ready to hang up. “Are you in trouble?” I asked even though I thought I knew the answer.

Dad exhaled a deep breath. “No, baby girl, I just need to get away.” I heard a small crack in his voice as he hesitated. “I got to run now. Love you.”

He hung up, leaving me speechless. He thought I didn’t know about him, but I did. Admittedly, I didn’t know everything, but I understood his job could be dangerous, and I also knew when he was hiding something. Instead of strumming my guitar or calling Charlie back, I lay back and mentally went over everything he said. The only person who might know what was going on is this Uncle Dawson I hadn’t seen or heard from since I was five years old. Some piece of the puzzle was missing, and I hoped Dawson was the answer I’d need when I went looking for it.




entire drive to Charlotte. What should have taken nine hours took eleven since people apparently didn’t know how to drive in shitty weather. I’d finished unpacking the few things I brought with me when I heard a voice that stopped me. I moved closer to the wall where the sound came from and pressed my ear against it trying to get a better listen. Closing my eyes, I smiled. I actually fucking smiled at hearing her playing an old Guns and Roses song called “November Rain.” And she nailed it. She had this raspiness to her voice, but at the same time there was a softness, almost gentle tone to it, pulling me right in. Just hearing that angel of a voice and her choice of music had me intrigued even more about his niece. Not to mention any chick that could pull off Axl Rose and a song of his was a-okay in my book.

I was still standing there long after she finished and moved on to something else. It would be hard to go incognito being neighbors, and I wasn’t sure if I should steer clear like Dawson wanted me to, or if I should go ask for a cup of sugar and make nice. When I caught wind of another voice from the other side, a male one, I chose to steer clear.

At least for tonight.

I picked up my phone, scrolling through for Dawson’s number and hit call.

“You find her?”

“Yep. She’s in her apartment with some dude, playing music.”

“All right, good. Thomas says her boyfriend is a real asshole. He did some background checks, and he’s your typical college kid. Owes out of his ass for loans and credit cards. He belongs to a frat that has been on suspension several times since he’s been there for hazing and some other bullshit. He also comes from a broken family and the uppity side of the tracks. Dad even did some time for drugs; apparently he had a little coke problem. However, Everly thinks this kid walks on water, so keep an eye on him too, when you can. His picture is included in the packet with all his information.”

“Got it,” I agreed, as I pulled the file out of the envelope to get a better look. “Looks like a real winner too. Shit, why do girls always fall for guys like this?”

Dawson laughed. “You mean guys like you?”

“Fuck you, Dawson. I’m different than these fuckers.”

“Do me a favor, Irish, and clean up the language around her.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow night with an update.” I muttered, “Asshole,” after he hung up. But I didn’t mean it. He’d been the only good role model I’d ever known.

For the next week, I trailed her everywhere. She had the same ritual down to a tee that she adhered to every damn day to the point you’d think she’d get bored. Hell, I was bored out of my mind. Not to mention, she was not as innocent and good as Dawson said she was. I could hear her and her dick of a boyfriend nightly getting it on through those thin ass walls to my apartment, and it didn’t sound like he was very good in bed. I never heard a peep from her, but him… damn that boy needed to take his grunts down a notch.

It was Thursday, and I knew she’d be playing at the Loving Cup for a few hours, so I made my way to a bar called McGregor’s for a beer and looking for a piece. I’d hear her sing and even hung in the back of the café and watched a few times. She was good. Real good. And I know myself well enough that I should never watch her play live again. The first night I went to see her, I took everything in from the lights being dimmed low, to the mouths that dropped when she stepped on stage, to the guys left in their seats wishing to God they were taking her home for the night as they fixed their dicks in their pants. She made love to the microphone when she sang and swayed up there like she was all alone with no one watching her. I got hard before she even got through the first song. That girl was pure temptation to me, and I didn’t do temptation well. But since she was off-limits I had to back off. She had the look of an angel, the voice of a sinner, and the body that tied up the whole damn package with a nice, red bow, begging to be opened with my teeth. One day I was going to bring her home, hand her that guitar and sit back and watch her do her thing. I wanted her to tease me, to lead me on with that voice, that body. And wanting that to happen wasn’t a good thing. My job was at stake and so was my new life with my club. Every time I thought of her, Dawson’s warning flashed before me, which helped me stay the course.

I was on my third beer when I finally saw what I wanted, or maybe needed for the night was more accurate. It had been almost two weeks since I’d gotten laid, and since I wasn’t one for yanking my own chain, I was ready to take someone home and end the dry spell. I glanced around and didn’t see many college kids; it was more of an adult crowd, which put me at ease. I could be Mick, not some collegiate prick. I made promises to myself that I would never be that guy from my past again, that fake punk ass, but there I sat in North Carolina doing just that. This time I had no choice. It was my job. Everly Moore was a job. A job I wanted to take home and do ungodly things to but couldn’t. Fake it to make it, right?

I grabbed my beer and made my way over to this sweet little thing. She was all fake tits and bleach blonde hair teased to the sky, but that was what I was used to these days. And I knew women like her. I was comfortable with this. “The name’s Mick, and I want to take you home and fuck your brains out. You game?”

She actually looked taken aback for a second but only for a second. She raked her eyes over me, sucking in her bottom lip with her teeth debating, but I knew she liked what she saw as her eyes twinkled with want. “How about a drink first?”

I shook my head, leaning in closer and kissing my way down her exposed neck that she tilted, granting me access. “Got whiskey at home. Let’s go.” I took her hand without waiting for her answer. What was the point? She was coming, and we both knew it the minute I engaged her. I saw my answer the second she sucked on her pretty red lip that I had her in the palm of my hands.

“I don’t even know you,” she scolded, even though she was hopping in my truck pretending to be a good girl. I was waiting for her to pull the old, “I swear I don’t ever do this. I’m not that kind of girl. You’re the first one, blah, blah, blah.” But, lucky for me it never came.

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