Embracing His Syn (33 page)

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Authors: A.E. Via

BOOK: Embracing His Syn
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Furi smiled at Syn’s suggestion,
hopefully liking it.

Furious.” Syn stepped in
closer and put his mouth on Furi’s long neck, inhaling the
masculine scent and the intoxicating sandalwood fragrance that
lingered in his beautiful hair. “Now that I’ve had you, had you
inside of me ... I’m not going any fuckin’ where.”

Syn leaned in for another kiss and was
just about to deepen it when he heard God bellow from the front
door for him to 'bring his ass.'

I gotta go.” Syn kissed
Furi’s cheek. “I’ll call you later. Be safe.” It felt like
something else wanted to emerge from his lips but he tamped down
that unfamiliar feeling and left out the





Verbal Vomit’



Sasha Pain was an incredibly beautiful
woman. She sat on the other side of the cold metal table staring at
them with a look of shock and fear.

Ronowski had already got Shelia
McIntyre; also known as Sasha Pain, to confess to conspiring with
Lady J to commit murder and buying laced ecstasy to drug her
coworkers. He’d done all that before they even arrived in the
office. Syn gave Ro a congratulatory pat on the back, while they
walked to their office. “Good job, man. Real good work.” Syn

Ro squinted his eyes, giving Syn a
peculiar look, as if he were trying to figure out what was
different about him.

What?” Syn said
nervously. He opened the door to their large office, noticing that
most of the team was already there waiting on their assignments.
God and Day were marking off names on the white board. He plopped
down in his chair, fidgeting with some files on his desk. Ronowski
leaned casually against the side of his chair, staring down at him.
Syn huffed, trying to hide the chuckle that was just underneath his
grin. “Why are you looking at me like that Ro?”

Ro smiled back at him. “No reason, you
just look, um. I don’t know ... happy, I guess.”

Oh he’s happy alright,”
Day yelled across the spacious area.

Fuck. Here we go.
Syn knew Day wouldn’t keep his mouth

Sarge is very happy.” Day
turned to look at him. “He feels like a fuckin’ room without a
roof, don’tcha Sarge?” Day gave him an exaggerated wink and Syn
just barely resisted the urge to dump his trashcan all over the top
of Day’s desk. He settled for flipping him off.

Ro cut Syn some slack and got back to
their case. “Ms. Pain is not a male basher – well not as bad as
some of those BTNSers. She admits to trying to scare Furious by
chasing him off the road with her car, but claims she wouldn’t have
hit him.” Ro's voice was thick with sarcasm.

Bullshit!” Syn

Calm down, Syn. We’re
gonna nail this,” God said walking over to them. “What’s she saying

Ro turned to look up at the big man as
he practically stood on top of Ronowski. Syn thought God was closer
than was strictly necessary to ask his questions. He was so close
that Ro could lay his head on God’s chest if he wanted to, but

She’s scared right now
and willing to cooperate,” Ro told them.

Is she willing to
cooperate regarding the ecstasy dealer?” Syn asked.

Only one way to find
out,” Day said, scooping up the file on his way toward the

When they made it back downstairs to
interrogation, Sasha’s lawyer was talking quietly with her. All
four of them filed into the small room and Syn was itching to put
his hands on the woman. He had never struck a woman in his life, he
was raised to be an honorable man, but he would shake the fuck out
of this one. Sasha needed some sense shaken into her.

She looked at all of them as they took
their places. “When can I get out of this room? I’ve been here all

When we’re done,” Syn
said dryly.

My client has not been
officially charged and she’s been here going on forty-eight

I wouldn’t be so eager,
counselor. Your client has already confessed,” Ro said, sitting
directly in front of the petite attorney. “We’ll get to the
charges. But we need to talk with you about where you bought the
laced drugs. We may be able to get you a good deal with the DA, if
you give us the information on the ecstasy dealer.” Ro softly
patted Sasha’s shaking hand. “If you’re cooperative, Ms. McIntyre,
the DA will probably let you plead to a lesser charge and drop the
attempted vehicular manslaughter.”

Lady Jay killed those
guys, not me. I actually tried to stop her. I didn’t try to kill
Furious; I was only trying to scare him. He humiliated me!” Tears
were flowing down Sasha’s cheeks. Syn couldn't believe the ease
some people had with explaining away their bad behavior. Why did
people think breaking the law was no big deal? This woman couldn’t
be that damn stupid.

Syn tried not to growl, but when he
thought of those headlights barreling toward Furi the other night,
he was having a hard time controlling his anger. “Save the tears,
princess. No one here is buying it, not even your own fuckin’

Excuse me, Sergeant
Sydney. But, I don’t–”

Shut up.” Syn put his
hand up cutting off the lawyer’s unwelcome rebuttal. He wasn’t in
the mood to hear it. “Give us the name of the X dealer or you’re
gonna be up shit creek without a paddle. Look at it this way. Since
you’re so anti-cock now, where you’re going there’s a huge goddamn
shortage of them.”

Sasha bit on her bottom lip while her
lawyer whispered something in her ear. “I can give you Furi’s
husband’s name. He paid me to give him Furi’s work and home
addresses, because he’s after him. I think he wants to hurt him. He
promised the other girls of BTNS that he’d help Lady Jay if they
helped him.”

We already took care of
that bastard. I don’t give a fuck about him.” Syn braced his hands
on the table. “I just can’t figure out why you agreed to do all
this to Furious when he was the only guy who never fucked you. Your
little bullshit clique claims to be against men mistreating women,
but the one guy that didn’t fuck you over, you went after. Why?
Because your Facebook friends laughed at you when he refused to do
a movie with you? You wanted him and he wouldn’t touch you with a
ten foot pole.”

Don’t try to act like you
know me or what I was thinking,” Sasha hissed at him.

I do know what you were
thinking. I’m the fuckin’ whore whisperer,” Syn bit off nastily. He
already knew he’d overstepped when the words tumbled out of his
mouth. But this skank tried to hurt someone very important to him.
So fuck her.

Sasha’s lawyer gasped, her face
turning a bright red. She leveled an angry glare at Syn. “Do I need
to get your Captain in here, since your Lieutenants aren’t doing a
thing about your misconduct? This has gone beyond any interrogation
I’ve ever been a part of. My client doesn’t have to sit here and be
ridiculed because of her profession, Sergeant Sydney.”

Syn heaved a disbelieving laugh.
“Profession. Seriously, counselor. What the fuck is her degree in?
A Bachelor of bitchiness?”

Sergeant! Outside, now!”
God’s abrupt yell startled everyone, but Syn had been expecting it.
He was emotionally involved in this case and it was fucking him up.
Syn looked up and saw God motioning for him to leave the room with
him. Day got up as well.
Syn didn’t say another word. He just jerked the
door open and slammed it behind him.

The three of them stood outside the
room. Syn was going to try to apologize to his Lieutenants for his
inappropriate conduct but God cut him off. “Don’t fuckin’ speak. I
know you got it bad for your first piece of dick and all, but you
better get yourself under fucking control and I mean
right-the-hell-now. I won’t tolerate your goddamn tantrums in my
interrogations, Syn.” God’s low growl was intimidating.

Wait a minute, God,” Day
chimed in, his tone soothing and calm. “Don’t you think it’s fair
to hear his side?”

Fine. What’s his damn
side?” God barked, his green eyes sparkling with anger.

Everyone fell silent. Syn scratched
the back of his head. Day’s brow scrunched in concentration,
obviously neither of them able to concoct an excuse that was good
enough to condone Syn’s outburst. God waited impatiently, one
eyebrow cocked.

Okay,” Day drawled out.
“Back to your side, God.”

This is no time to be a
wise ass, Day.” God glared, turning his attention back to Syn.
“Despite your vomiting insults at that girl, you better hope she’s
still willing to talk because if I miss the chance at that dealer,
y’all are going to see me get very angry. Then I’m going to take it
out on your ass Syn, and not in the way you’d like.” God turned and
went back into the room without letting Syn say a word.

Syn ran his hand through his hair,
tugging on the length at the top. “Damnit. I fucked up.” Syn said
between clenched teeth. “Fuck, man. I’m sorry, Day.”

Day continued to watch through the
one-way window. God and Ro were back to negotiating with Sasha
after apologizing for Syn’s behavior. Syn was saying a silent
prayer of thanks that their suspect was still talking about a deal.
Syn dropped his chin to his chest. He felt Day’s hand squeezing his

Don’t beat yourself up
too bad Syn. We've all been there,” Day whispered, his eyes still
watching Ro write down all the information for their next bust. “Go
on home, we’ll finish up here. Strategy meeting at 0700

I don’t need to go home,
Day. I’m good,” Syn argued.

Day finally turned to look at him.
“Syn. Go home. It’s not a request. The fear of almost losing
someone you care about and then being able to stick it to their
attacker is a hard opportunity to pass up. Have a stiff drink, go
to bed, work it out of your system. We’ll handle all the details in
the morning.”

Syn turned to leave. Before he rounded
the corner, Day called out to him.

Hey Syn.”


The whore whisperer?” Day
laughed heartily. “Classic dude.”

Syn couldn’t stop his leer. Leave it
to Day. He turned the corner and made a beeline for the back doors,
not really in the mood to run into anyone for a stop-and-chat. When
he was finally outside he’d realized he’d ridden in with God and


Syn went back inside to his office and grabbed
a set of keys off the board for one of the team's SUVs. He quickly
signed his name and hurried back through the bullpen. He didn’t
stop and breathe until he was barreling down N. Decatur Blvd.
toward Emory Point. He needed Furi.





Clash of the Friend and Lover’



By noon, Furi had already
turned off his cell phone after receiving the fifth threatening
text message.
. He knew who it was.
Goddamn him.
Should’ve known he wouldn’t bow out gracefully

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