Embracing the Flames (21 page)

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Authors: Candace Knoebel

BOOK: Embracing the Flames
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“I just don’t understand how it happened,” Zane muttered under his breath, shaking his head in dismay.

I reached for the port key. “Take a look at this,” I said, tossing the orb to him.

“Is that what I think it is?”


“How the hell did you manage to score a port key? This should have gone back to the Hall that night.”

I scooted along the carpet towards him. “Don’t know. It was on my dresser. Maybe the Fate that is helping me put it there?”

He sat on the edge of the bed, staring off in thought.

“Could someone have put these symbols on there?” I asked, hoping that maybe it was a hoax.

“No. No one can use all three symbols without burning on the spot. The symbols hold great power when combined together, a power that only The Fates can handle. It must be the one that helped you.” He shook his head sadly and handed the orb back to me.

“That might explain how you heard something from it,” Lexi inputted as she sat at the table where the food waited.

“Wait…you heard something from this?” Zane asked, instantly intrigued.

I sat up. “Yes, but I can’t remember what it said,” I admitted, shamefaced.

He reached out for it so I gladly put it back in his hands. He inspected it once again, tracing the lines where it had opened before.

I sighed. “The message inside it was implanted for a reason. I think we need to figure out how to hear it again.”

“I agree,” he said, keeping his eyes from mine.

“What did you do the last time, Rory?” Fenn asked as he walked out of the bathroom without a shirt on. His bruises and cuts were undetectable, leaving nothing but chiseled perfection.

“I thought it was the moon that umm…activated it last time,” I replied, trying not to stutter. The sight of Fenn, water dripping from the tips of his hair down his toweled body, sent a tingly feeling throughout me.

Zane coughed. “So maybe that’s all it needs then. We should eat, rest, and then head to the roof at midnight.” 

“I think it would be best if we try it in the cave though,” Lexi added, “it may link with a spell there.”

“Excellent idea,” Zane grinned, walking to the kitchen table.

“What about Soothe?” I reminded as he opened each Styrofoam container before passing out our breakfast. We all took seats around the table.

“Rory, he’s not coming back. You know that,” Fenn said quietly. He laid his hand on my leg reassuringly. “We know he’s been here fairly recently, but he’s a Seer. He knows things.” He dug into a forkful of pancakes.

I looked down at the food that Zane had gently placed in front of me. Syrup was soaked into the cakes, teasing my taste buds. I stabbed it with my fork.

“The whole reason we came here was to find him,” I reminded Fenn through a mouthful of pancakes. He raised one eyebrow at me. I swallowed and continued. “The missing piece of the prophecy should be our priority. If he’s not coming back here, then we need to go to him. I agree that everyone needs rest, but after that we have to take action. If I have to go alone, I will,” I threatened, stuffing another bite of food into my mouth.

Zane stopped tearing into his food and looked over at me with another eye-pleasing smirk. “Easy there, killer.”

Now I was the one with a raised eyebrow.

“We will go today if it’s what you really want,” he added quickly. “Just please, let us eat and sleep. We all need to be our best, in case something attacks us again.”

He had me at that. I tore my knife into the pancake, pretending it was Zordon’s face, and then said, “Okay. After sleep then.”

Chapter 16

A Moon’s Awakening

FENN’S RESTLESS LEGS WOKE ME me around four in the afternoon. We both opted to sleep on the floor; Lexi took the bed. Honestly, it was just one way for me to stay close to him.

Fenn’s wrapped his body around mine, his arm draped over my waist, and I easily drifted into asleep. I managed to sleep really well, at least until he kicked me in his sleep, that is. As I woke, I felt that things were the way they used to be. That we were back in our tiny room, in the realm we grew up in.

Then I heard Zane snoring from the other side of the room. I sat up to check the clock, stretching and rubbing my eyes. We’d been asleep for at least seven hours. Plenty of rest.

I nudged Fenn. “Wake up,” I whispered softly in his ear. His hand immediately grabbed the back of my head, and I froze, afraid he was going to hurt me. Instead he pulled me to his mouth and kissed me.

I melted into him, revelling in the moment. His fingers laced through my hair, and then he slowly pulled back, smiling up at me. “Mornin’, Sunshine,” he mused. I grinned stupidly, so alive inside his kisses. He chuckled, kissed my cheek, and then sat up.

I felt the weight of being watched. Zane had woken and was standing, one foot in the bathroom. He looked away as soon as I looked at him and hurried into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I hadn’t even heard him get up. How long had he been watching?

I reached up and shook Lexi’s leg. “Stoooop,” she groaned, sandwiching her head between two pillows.

“Rise and shine,” Fenn teased. He grabbed both of her feet and shook her like a rag doll. “Time to wakey wakey!”

I giggled and went over to the sink to get a glass of water and put on a pot of coffee. Zane stepped out of the bathroom, his head hung.

“Excuse me,” he mumbled. He went to sit at the table.

Fenn gave him a weird look. “You okay, man?”

“Hmm?” Zane looked up absentmindedly.

“I asked if you were okay.”

“Sure. I love being a third wheel.”

Fenn looked over at me, puzzled. I quickly threw my hands up in mutual bewilderment. Zane turned to see what Fenn was looking at so I quickly dropped my hands and turned back to the sink, fumbling to clean a mug.

Fenn came over and filled up his mug. “So do you have any idea where you want to start looking?” He set his mug down and turned his back to the counter to lean against it.

“I was thinking the bus stop would be a good place. Maybe we could get on the bus for a couple hours and see if he gets on. That was where I always found him before. We can take it to the other side of the island.” Fenn grinned, lost in what I assumed were distant memories.

Lexi stood, her hair a mass of frizz, and trudged over to us. “I’m taking a shower before we do anything,” she said hoarsely. She walked to the bathroom and slammed the door.

I laid my hand on Fenn’s. “I’m going to step outside. Get some fresh air,” I said, grabbing my mug.

“Okay, I’ll let you know when she gets out.” He turned back to the sink as I walked out the door.

A while later, after taking my own shower, the three of them found me pacing near the bus stop. I was ready to go.

Lexi walked ahead of the boys and stopped in front of me. “I’m ready!” She smiled gleefully.

“About time. The bus should be here any minute now.” I couldn’t help but glance around every few moments, searching for any sign of Soothe.

Fenn sat next to me. “Feels like the old days.” His tone was chipper. 

I felt my thoughts rise up and spill out like word vomit. “All except for the fact that you were attacked, we haven’t found Soothe, I don’t know how to work the port key, and we have no advantage over Zordon.” I inhaled deeply then grimaced. I felt as if I had released a long, pent-up breath.

He grabbed my face, squishing my cheeks. “Rory, I’m not going to let anything happen to you. We will get through this together, okay? We are all in this together. Think positive.” He gave my cheeks one last squeeze and then let my face go, a hint of a smile gleaming behind his lips. “And no more alone time for you. You always think of the worst when left to your own devices.”

I squinted at him in annoyance.

“Is this the bus?” Zane asked blandly from the other side of me.

I turned from Fenn and answered, “Yep.” Once my eyes fell on the bus, my heart fluttered in anticipation. Hopefully Soothe would be on there.

But I knew the moment I boarded that he wasn’t there. I sighed heavily after we took our seats in the back. The silence was deafening. I had to prove to them that coming here was worth it.

We stayed on the bus for hours, but stop after stop proved that Soothe wasn’t using public transportation anymore. Why did he have to be so difficult?

Finally, we got off near the hotel where Lexi and I had stayed the night before my return. We went around back and ported directly to the cave to avoid the slippery rock climb. It was getting dark and we were all starving.

“I really hope this works,” Lexi said wearily, weaving in and around the crystals in the cave. “Something needs to go in the right direction for us.” Her voice dropped off into sarcasm. 

Zane decided to port back to the forest to grab firewood. When he returned, he placed the logs in a triangular form. As if reading my mind, he looked up at me and winked. I hadn’t shifted in what felt like a long time. I was itching for it. I felt my adrenaline unleash as scales raced along my skin. Lexi stopped her weaving and stared at me as my wings protruded from my back.

I let out a loud moan that sounded more like a growl, flapping my wings furiously. They had been cooped up for far too long.

I opened my mouth, feeling the burn rise up from deep in my belly. Fire shot through my lips as I dropped my head and directed the flames to the logs. The fire instantly roared to life, the cave’s crystal walls sparkling like hidden treasure. Fenn stepped forward. His eyes were glaring at Zane, who was watching me. 

I landed and let the dragon go as blue energy formed in my palms. I quickly clothed myself and breathed out a huge grin. “That felt good.”

“I figured you needed it. You’ve been on edge lately,” Zane replied impulsively.

“Thank you,” I said brightly, appreciating the fact that he paid attention enough to know. He was right. I definitely needed that shift.

“No problem, anytime. I like the fiery side of you,” he admitted quietly, pushing the logs with a stick. Fenn walked up behind him and shoved him down onto the cold cavern floor.

“Do you mind not hitting on my girl? I’m really getting sick of this whole ‘I know you so well and woe is me’ gig you’ve got going. I mean seriously. Let’s not forget you did try to kill her not too long ago.”

“Whoa,” Zane said as he picked himself up off the floor. “I’m sorry if ‘your girl’ and I have a connection. Doesn’t mean you need to unleash your jealousy on me.” He dusted his pants and stood, coming face to face with Fenn.

Lexi sucked in a breath and rolled her eyes. “Boys, boys, come on. Really? Zane, you go stand in that corner, and Fenn, over there.” She pointed to opposite sides of the cave.

Fenn and Zane glared at each other and then abruptly turned away. Fenn rushed past me, the gust from his trail blowing back my hair. Was I supposed to say something?

“Rory, be careful with who you make eyes with, okay? My brother, as you know, is sensitive and overly protective. He doesn’t understand that there’s no possible way that you could ever have feelings for Zane.”

I stared off into the fire. I must have paused too long because Fenn stalked back over to me. “Right, Rory? Answer her,” he demanded, his jaw clenched.

“Fenn, come on,” I stalled, but the truth was, I didn’t know. Of course it wasn’t feelings as deep as I have for Fenn. But no feelings at all? He’s my friend. The small connection we shared in the Swamp of Outlaws was enough to show me that he understood things about me that Fenn never could. And that he was a good person deep down with a kind soul and a lot of love to give.

“Leave her alone,” Zane warned from somewhere behind me.

“You stay the hell out of this,” Fenn yelled over my head. Then he grabbed my arms. “Answer the question, Rory,” he asked again, this time his voice dangerously low.

I looked up at him. “I love you, Fenn. Like I could love no other. We are soul mates. You shouldn’t even need to question that.” I stared deep into his eyes. “But I can’t deny that Zane and I connect.” He started to object, but I stopped him by adding, “With that being said, it’s really nothing you should worry about. Okay?”

He threw my arms away from him as easily as the night he had left me. “The thought of you even considering him in that light…I…whatever, Rory,” and then he disappeared behind the waterfall.

“I’m going after him,” said Lexi, pausing to squeeze my arm in reassurance.

I felt the heat of tears behind my eyes as I walked over to the fire and sat down in a heap. Flames erratically swayed from the gusts of wind that blew off the waterfall. I drew in a jagged breath.
Why can’t I just tell a white lie? Why is he making such a big deal out of nothing? I meant that we connect as friends.

But I knew there was an attraction there on both our parts. That’s why I couldn’t deny him.

Zane hesitantly sat next to me. “I’m sorry if I’m causing problems.” He sounded troubled. I could feel the heat from his body as his musky scent filled my heightened senses, stirring something that shouldn’t be stirred in me.

“You’re not,” I answered sharply, the guilt I felt weighing on me. “Fenn is right. I see the way you look at me. And although there is a connection there, and maybe a little attraction, it can’t go beyond friendship for me. The sooner you understand that, the better.” I looked away, knowing that I may have been too hard on him.

He shifted uncomfortably, a dark chuckle escaping his lips. “You two need to liven up. I’m well aware of your feelings for Fenn.” He threw a stick into the fire. That must be why he was upset this morning — because of the kiss Fenn and I shared.

I jerked my head back towards him, scowling. “Then why do you persistently try to get a rise out of him? Out of me, for that matter?”

The look he gave me before he answered made my breath catch in my throat. “Because I like you...a lot,” he answered honestly.

I didn’t know what to say. I stared at him, telling the butterflies in my stomach to shut up.

Thankfully, Lexi returned from behind the curtain of water, hair dripping and stuck to her face. “He’s just outside,” she said, moving towards the warmth of the fire. “He’s going to bring back some food.” I suppressed a sigh.

She scowled at Zane. He smiled in response. “Ladies,” he said as he sucked in a breath and stood, bowing royally. He disappeared a moment later into the forest.

“Rory,” Lexi scolded, shaking her head, “you can’t do things like that.”

“I didn’t intend for any of this,” I said miserably. I closed my eyes and pressed my fingers to my temples, trying to rid myself of the guilt. “Truth is... I do like Zane. He’s nice, cute in a dark way, funny, and he understands things about me that Fenn never could. Like my darker side.”

“Still,” she said, partially agreeing with me as she sat next to me, “your declared relationship is still fresh with Fenn. He’s nervous. You know how he gets.” She rubbed her glowing hands over her skin to dry herself off in front of the fire. Shadows filled the cave, swaying in tune with the flickering flames.

“Well, he’s just going to have to learn how to trust me, Lex. I haven’t given him any reason not to. And I can’t spend all of my time worrying about if I’m going to offend him. Not when there are much bigger things at stake.” I reached my hand into the fire, catching a tiny flame, and rolled it back and forth in the palm of my hand.

“I agree,” she said solemnly, “but you also can’t do it without him. You know that.”

I let the subject drop.

Fenn returned a little later with a spread of bread, cheese, and meat. The three of us sat quietly, eating our fill as the moon rose, the light dimly glowing through the crystals. I wondered what Zane was doing and when he would be back, but refrained from bringing him up.

“It’s almost time,” said Lexi, trying to break the ice while making another sandwich.

I pushed off the ground and stood, taking the port key to the center of the cave where the moonlight would stream in.

“Please work,” I silently prayed.

Fenn came up behind me, his hand gently touching my side as he kissed the side of my head. “I love you,” he whispered into my hair. “Sorry.”

“I love you too,” I replied, turning to face him. “Just trust me, okay?”

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