Read Emmalee Online

Authors: Jenni James

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary, #Romance, #General

Emmalee (6 page)

BOOK: Emmalee
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“What?  You don’t like him?”

She blinked and shook her head slightly.  “No.  It’s
not that.  It’s just I can’t believe it, that’s

“What’s not to believe?  You’re pretty and
you’re nice.  Is there something else out there that you
need to attract a guy?”

“But-but, me?  Are you sure? 
and Elton? 
It just doesn’t seem right.  Not that it’s bad! 
Don’t get me wrong.  I would love it if he really liked
me.  I just can’t get my head around it.”

“Well, start getting used to the idea.  Because I think
you and Elton may become a lot closer than you think.”

That did it; she giggled.  “Really?  You really think


“Eek!  I can’t believe it; Elton
Bloomfield--crushing on

My Cheshire cat smile grew to cover my whole face. 
One, complete.
I think my senior year just got a whole
lot more interesting.


The next morning while Hannah was in the shower, I ran down stairs to
grab a bite to eat and begin Phase Two.  My cell was plugged
into the wall by the house phone. I I picked it up and quickly
scanned through my texts before I wrote my own.


U no howur

always sayin u

want 2 watch me

paint something? 

Gonna b painting

H @ 2 come on

ova & watch. –E


Less than a minute later, I smiled when I heard the answering beep on
my phone and dropped the cereal box to get it. 
That was fast. 
Elton’s number flashed at me and I
had to smother a giggle when I clicked on the envelope to open the


Wood luv 2.  C u

then. Thx.



“What are you so excited about?”

I turned and chuckled at my stepdad’s cautious look.  It
looked like he’d just come upstairs from the gym we had in our
basement.  “No worries.  Elton Bloomfield is coming
over later.  He’s going to watch me paint Hannah’s

He grinned and nodded, just like I knew he would.  My stepdad
loved Elton Bloomfield.  And what’s more, he loves it when
people develop and use their talents. 

“So do you have all the
supplies you need to paint?” he asked over his shoulder while
he reached into the fridge.

“Yeah, I still have all that stuff you got me for my birthday,

“Okay.  That’s right.”  He pulled out
some assorted fruit.  “You let me know if you need
anything else.”

“Sure, I will.”  I walked back to the counter where
my cereal was and watched my stepdad as he washed the fruit and began
to peel and slice it.  He had made a fresh fruit smoothie every
morning since I’d known him. 

“So what time is Elton coming over?”

I smiled over a spoonful of Wheaties.  “Two.” 
I knew the next question without waiting to hear him ask.

“Do you mind if I talked to him a bit before you girls got

“Sure.  I promise not to even set up until he gets here so
you can gab with him while I get ready.”

He nodded his head in acknowledgement and tossed the fruit into the
blender.  I munched on some more cereal while he collected ice
from the fridge dispenser and started the blender up. 

I’ll never understand how a guy with such few words can
find so much to talk about.
Especially when it came
to Elton.
Poor Elton
.  I grinned and
chuckled silently to myself as I walked up to the sink and rinsed the
bowl out. 
How many times had he got stuck talking to my
stepdad during a party or something?
  Thank goodness Elton
was so nice about it.  Anyone with eyes—
well except my
stepdad of course
--could tell Elton only talked to him because
he felt he had to.  Ha ha.  Oh well, it was those qualities
Elton had which made me positive he’d be perfect for Hannah. 
I smiled again as I happily skipped up the stairs. 
Now, to
tell Hannah about Phase Two.  He he he. 

Chapter Six

“I know that Milk does the
body good, but wow,

how much have you been drinking?”




“Wow, Emma.  You’re really good.”

Elton’s gasped response at my somewhat obscure painting caused
me to chuckle.  “You’re just being nice.  I’ve
totally messed up.  I don’t know what’s with me
today, but usually I can paint much better.”

“No.  Don’t say that.  Look at it again. 
It really does look like her.”  He paused a moment to
examine Hannah as she sat across from us poised with a book on her
lap.  “See how you captured her face perfectly. 
Look, at the lips and her eyes and nose.  They’re
prefect--just as beautiful as she is.”

Shocked Hannah glanced up and I subtly winked at her.  She
rolled her eyes and ducked her head back down.  The doorbell

“Oh, Elton, would you mind getting that?”  I asked
as I turned and nearly splattered  my brush on his shirt. 

He jumped back just in time.  “Um, sure.  Hang on.”

“Thanks.”  I hurried to straighten as much of the
mess as possible I’d made around the table.  If it was one
of my mom’s friends she would never forgive me for cluttering
the room like I had.  Thank goodness it wasn’t. 

“Chase!”  I stood up as he came in the room behind
Elton.  “I’m so glad you’re here.  First,
this is Elton, my friend from school.  He’s the senior
class president.”  Elton rose his chin in acknowledgment,
before I ran over to Hannah.  “And this is Hannah Smith,
the friend I was telling you about.  Hannah, Elton, meet Chase
Anderson, my next door neighbor.”  My smile beamed.

“Hey, thanks for letting me in.” Chase nodded in Elton’s
direction, before he walked over to me and Hannah.  “So, I
came by to say hi and see if you wanted to come over later and visit
the puppies.  Hannah can come too.”

“Sure.  I’m painting Hannah now, but when I’m
through, maybe?”  I looked at her to see if she was up for
visiting the Anderson home.

“Really?  Can I see the painting?  Is this it?” 
Chase walked over to the canvas and I quickly met him there.

“It’s not done.  I mean, it’s not that great
either.  I’m having a rather odd painting day.”

Chase held his chin in his hand and really examined the thing.

“I think it’s amazing,” declared Elton as he walked
up to us.  “Personally, I think Emma’s the best
painter I’ve ever seen.

“Really?  The best painter?” Chase asked as he
raised an eyebrow.  “Hmm.”  After a moment of
contemplative silence he announced, “I don’t know, it’s
okay.  I can definitely see that you have talent, Emma, there’s
no doubt about that.  It’s just lacking a few things to
make it great.”

The nerve.
  “Great?  What do you mean?” 
I placed my hands on my hips.

“Well, her arms are too long, for one.”

“And the angle of her head is
all wrong, she looks like she’s trying to lay down—rather
awkwardly—instead of read.” He put actions to his words,
titling sideways a bit.

“Her head is fine!” I near enough bellowed. 

“Yeah, I agree with Emma.” Elton came to my defense. 
“I think she captured the beauty of Hannah perfectly.”

“Yes, so you said.”  Chase smirked.  “You
think she’s the best painter ever.”

  “Well, it’s obvious you don’t
think I’m the best painter.  Is there anything else you
wanted to add?”

He grinned and looked again at the painting again.  “Nope,
the arms and the head just about cover it.  Other than that it
is a very nice attempt at Hannah’s portrait.  Very good,

“Thanks.”  I raised my eyebrow and Chase laughed.

Elton must’ve really thought Chase was rude.  “You
know what.  I think it’s so good I’m going to get it
framed for you, Emma.  That way you can always see how perfect
your painting is.”

The last thing I wanted was to look at that picture hung on the wall
somewhere every day.  “No, don’t worry about it. 
It’s a wonderful thought and thank you for thinking of it, but
really, don’t worry about it.  Hannah and I were just
messing around anyway.  It’s no big deal.”

“Are you sure?  My aunt owns a framing shop here in town. 
It’s she looks so beautiful—I think Hannah deserves to be

Chase choked down a chuckle.  I glared at him. 
because Chase can’t appreciate it, doesn’t mean he has to
ruin it for everyone else. 

“Well, thank you, Elton.”  I smiled smugly at
Chase.  “You are a great guy.” 
Unlike some
other people I know.

“You know what we should do Emma, now that we have these two
guys here?” exclaimed Hannah as she stepped forward, thankfully
changing the subject.  “We should have them add to our
collection we’ve been working on.”

It’s perfect.
 “What a great idea!”

“What collection?” asked Elton.

Chase laughed and shook his head.  “There is no way I’m
going to get roped into one of your crazy schemes Emma, so you can
count me out.”

“Well, for your information, Chase, our collection just happens
to be a very uneventful and completely entertaining assortment of
cheesy pickup lines we have heard over the years.”

“What in the—?”

“But, I understand perfectly, if you are too stuffy for pick up
lines.  Don’t worry; I’m sure we can get all the
help we need from Elton,” I said as I straightened up my
paintbrushes on the small table beside the portrait. 

“Yes, Elton!” Hannah walked over to him.  “I’m
sure you know some great pickup lines.”

“Actually, I’ll have to think about it, but yeah, I’m
sure I can come up with a few.”

“See, I knew you’d be
cool enough to have some,” I responded to Elton while I looked
right at Chase, challengingly. 

He seemed completely unaffected as he handed over a paintbrush I’d
missed. “So what’s this collection for?” he asked. 
“Any reason you’re collecting them?”

Hannah smiled as Chase looked up.  “It’s something
I’ve been doing for a while now, just for fun.  It wasn’t
until I brought my notebook, with my collection, over last night,
that Emma helped me add a whole lot more.”

“I can’t believe how many different pickup lines there
really are,” I added.

Hannah chuckled.  “Anyway, now we’re trying to see
how many unique ones we can find.  So will you help?”

Chase stared over at Hannah’s smile for awhile, before he
answered, “I’ll see what I can remember.  I didn’t
use a whole lot of lines on girls.  That was my little brother’s
thing, I think.  I’ve always been more into substance in a
relationship than fluff anyway.”

I started to laugh.  “Fluff?  Come on Chase. 
Lighten up, seriously.  It’s just a fun pickup line. 
Something to make a girl think you’re cool and to get her to
notice you.  It has nothing to do with a relationship. 
Good grief.”

Grinning Chase took a step towards me, causing Elton and Hannah to
move back.  “So Emma, do pick up lines work on you? 
When a guy uses one, does he get a date?”

“Uh, well, no.  But that’s because—”

“So even if a guy wasted his breath saying one, you wouldn’t
care anyway, right?”  He took another step forward. 
“You wouldn’t think he’s cool or fun anyway, would

Elton nervously laughed.  “Well, I’m personally all
about fluff.  Especially, if it’ll make a girl laugh.” 

Only I saw Chase’s raised eyebrow as he focused his glittering
gaze right at me, “I rest my case,” he commented
quietly.  In the next breath—before I could respond—he
announced to everyone.  “Well, I’m off.  I
promised Georgia I would only be gone for a couple minutes.  The
puppy invitation is still open, if you girls would like to come
later.  It was nice meeting you Hannah, I’ll think of some
fluff for your book.  And uh, Elton, I hope you enjoy yourself. 
Good luck getting that picture framed.  Oh, and nice painting
Emma.”  He grinned, his blue eyes mocking me.

Why do I feel like smacking the guy?

After he left, it wasn’t much longer before Elton had to
go.  He still remained faithful to his first assessment of the
painting even as he was walking out the front door.

“It really is very good, Emma.  I wouldn’t worry
about what Chase says.  He obviously hasn’t been around
much art in his life.”

I thought about his travels abroad and the interest Chase had had in
art while over there, but I kept the thought to myself. 
“Thanks, Elton.”

He seemed pleased with himself.  “I can’t wait to
see it framed.  I’ll be sure to come over as soon you’ve
finished, okay?  Oh, and Hannah, can I have your cell phone
number in case I come up with any good pickup lines?”  He
pulled he cell from his pocket.

BOOK: Emmalee
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