Empire of Illusion (35 page)

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Authors: Chris Hedges

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Calvin, John
Cameron, Kim
Campaigns. See Political candidates and leaders
Cantor, Paul A.
Carbon dioxide
Carnegie, Andrew
Cash, Johnny
Cassidy, Brent
Cassidy, Tyler
Cato Institute
and adoration and worship
and appearance and lifestyle
and Christian Right
and commodity culture
Eggers on
and emptiness and purposelessness in life
and fantasies of fame and success
and foibles and scandals
hunger for
and implosion
interviews and profiles
and love
Mills on
as mirror
and reality television
and revenge and triumph
and wealth
and wrestling
See also
Celebrity culture; Corporations: and celebrities as sellers
Celebrity culture
and closeness to celebrities
and commodities
as culture of narcissism
and degradation as entertainment
Deresiewicz on
and escape and fantasy
and exhibitionism
and family
and fictional personas
and frustration and despair
hollowness of
and illusion
and immortality
and inauthenticity
and Internet
and isolation
and junk politics
and magical thinking
manipulation and deceit of
moral nihilism and void of
and personal screenplays
and politicians' artificial intimacy with public
Roth on
and surveillance
and validation
Celebrity Driving School
(television show)
Celebrity Stars in Their Eyes
(television show)
Celebrity Weakest Link
(television show)
Celebrity Wife Swap
(television show)
Center for Representative Politics
Center for the Advancement of Women
Central Command, U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Chaplin, Charlie
Cheney, Dick
Chomsky, Noam
Christian Broadcast Network
Christian Right
Church, Frank
Civil liberties
Claremont Graduate University
Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA)
Class divide
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Coast Guard, U.S.
Colbert Report
(television show)
Colby (
Cold War
Colgate University
Columbia University
Comcast Cable
Commission on Presidential Debates
Conrad, Joseph
Consumer price index (CPI)
Conyers, John
Cooper, Marc
Cooperrider, David
Corkrey, Megan
Corkrey, Ryder
The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power
The Corporation
bailing out
and celebrities as sellers
and coercive persuasion
and control
and cult of self
and Democratic Party
and education
and false economic statistics
and health care
hijacking and dominance of America by
and illusion
and intelligence
and military spending
and New Industrial Relations
and outsourcing
and political fund-raising
and pornography
and positive psychology
and psychopaths
and recession
and social responsibility
and surveillance
and worker “uplift” programs
See also
Mass media: and corporations; particular corporations
The Cost of Freedom
(television show)
Coughlin, Father
Cowell, Simon
Cramer, Jim
Crane, Richard Teller
Credit cards
Credit Suisse
Crisis Ministry
Cristina (
The Swan
Cruise, Tom
Csíkszentmihályi, Mihály
Cult of self
Culture and Anarchy
Daily Show with Jon Stewart
(television show)
Dalai Lama
Darwin, Charles
Dean, James
Debt, U.S.
Defense, Department of, U.S.
Defense Solutions, Inc.
Defense spending. See Military spending, U.S.
DeMille, Cecil B.
Democracy Incorporated
Democracy Now
Democratic Party
and corporations
and courtiers
and left
and war
and workers
DeMott, Benjamin
Deresiewicz, William
Devereaux, Tricia
Devil's Film
DeVry University
Dewey, John
Diamond, Jared
Diana, Princess
Dickens, Charles
Diener, Ed
Dines, Gail
DioGuardi, Kara
Do Not Resuscitate: Why the Health Insurance Industry Is Dying, and How We Must Replace It
Donoghue, Frank
Douglas, Stephen A.
Downey, Fred
Drake, Jessica
Drucker, Peter
Dunleavy, W. P.
Dwan, Allan
Dworkin, Andrea
E! True Hollywood Story
(television show)
and borrowing
and corporate grip on government
and courtiers in media
and education
and ideology of unlimited growth
and illusion
and job loss(
see also
Job losses)
and military spending
and pursuit of status and wealth
and re-enfranchising workers
recession and crisis
and totalitarianism
and universities
and Wall Street
Eddy, Nelson
Education. See Universities
Education Department, U.S.
Eggers, Dave
Eggers, Toph
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight
El Salvador
The Emperor's Tomb
Empire, American
Environmental Protection Agency, U.S.
Environmental regulation
Extreme Associates
Exxon Mobil
Factor, Max
Fahrenheit 451
Fairbanks, Douglas
Faludi, Susan
Fannie Mae
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Reserve
FedEx Kinko's
Ferrara, Manuel
50 Cent
Figueroa, Elba
Financial Services Modernization Act (1999)
Finley, Dave
Fire, Jada
FISA bill (2008)
Fitness trainers and gurus
Flags of Our Fathers
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
Food Research and Action Center
Ford, Henry
Forever Network
Fox News
Freddie Mac
Frederickson, Barbara
Free Lunch
Freier, Nathan
Freud, Sigmund
Frot-Coutaz, Cecile
Frye, Northrop
Fulbright, J. William
Fuld, Richard (Dick)
Gabler, Neal
Gag Factor
Gagnon, Rene
Geithner, Timothy
General Electric
General Motors
Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity
Geyman, John
The Girls Next Door
(television show)
Giroux, Henry
Glass-Steagall Act (1933)
Global warming
Golden, Daniel
Goldman Sachs
González, Roberto
Goodman, Amy
Goody, Jade
Gordon, Michael
Gore, Al
Gossip Girl
(television show)
Graham, Elyse
Great Depression
The Great Transformation
The Greater Good
Greenberg, Maurice R.
Greenhouse gases
Greenwald, Glenn
Grossman, Vasily
Guantánamo Bay, Cuba
Gulf War
Hackett, James
Hansen, James
Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment
and celebrity
and culture of illusion
and Huxley
and Lane
and positive psychology
and self-deception
Hard Rock Cafe
Hardcore, Max
Hare, Robert
Hartley, Nina
Harvard University
Business School
Divinity School
and donors and alumni
and endowment
and entitlement and elitism
Medical School
and positive psychology
and student applications
Have More Money Now
Hawn, Goldie
Hayes, Ira
Hazlitt, William
Head Start
Health Affairs
Health care
and corporations
and Democrats
and optimal worker
and poor
and pornography
Heart of Darkness
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
Hebdon, Chris
Hefner, Hugh
Heil, Russell Alex
Henry, Mark
Hersh, Seymour
The Hills
(television show)
Hilton, Paris
Hitler, Adolf
Hoggart, Richard
Holly, Buddy
Hollywood Forever Cemetery
See also
Nazi Germany
Home foreclosures
Honest, Steve
Hooker, Richard
Hornswoggle (wrestler)
The Hot Network
Household wealth
How to Win at College
The Howard Stern Show
(television show)
Human Capitalism
Human Comedy
Humanities Indicators Prototype
Hume, David
Hussein, Saddam
Hustler Video Group
Huston, John
Huxley, Aldous
Ignatowski, Ralph (Iggy)
and academic specialists
and divide with literate minority
epidemic of
and images and slogans in media
and lack of understanding
and America
and Auden
and celebrity culture
and Christian Right
and comfort
creators of
culture of
and death of cultures
and economy
and historical amnesia
and illiteracy and language
and love
and pornography
and positive psychology
and pseudo-events
Sands of Iwo Jima
and war
The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America
Income inequality
Inside Higher Education
Institute of Medicine
Interface Corporation
International Monetary Fund
Internet. See Celebrity culture: and Internet; Pornography: and Internet
Internet Filter Review
Irani, Ray
and corporations
and journalists
and mercenaries
and withdrawal
The Irony of American History
J. P. Morgan Chase
Jackson, Randy
Jameson, Jenna
Japan in the Passing Lane: An Insider's Account of Life in a Japanese Auto Factory

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