Read Empty Net Online

Authors: Avon Gale

Tags: #gay romance

Empty Net (22 page)

BOOK: Empty Net
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Laurent shook his head. “You’re not saying something. Believe me, I can tell. I’m the expert at

Isaac gave a long-suffering sigh and threw his hands up. “I don’t want you to think it’s the same. What I did with them and what I do with you.”

“I know that,” Laurent said, because he did.

Isaac’s drawn expression eased somewhat. “It’s so much better now, with someone I want. And I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s not like it was always a chore. But nothing in the world is as hot as watching you lose it for me,” Isaac said huskily. He reached out and traced his fingers over Laurent’s mouth. “I guess part of me wishes all my experiences were like that.”

“Well. I didn’t have any experiences before you. So maybe yours weren’t that way, but mine were. Because of you. So.” Laurent pulled his shirt off, because Isaac was giving him the same look as he had when he watched that stick salute. “If that matters.”

“Yeah. Actually it does.” Isaac pulled him down to kiss him. “It matters a lot. You’ve gotten a lot better at talking.”

That surprised a genuine laugh out of Laurent. He’d gotten a lot better at that too. “So can we do this?”

“So romantic.” Isaac smiled, and all trace of his earlier seriousness vanished. “Hell yeah. We can do this.” He paused. “I’ve never done it like this. With anyone. Most guys wanted—well, it doesn’t matter. But you’re the first who’s ever wanted to ride my cock. And I’m glad.”

Laurent wondered if Isaac would ever understand what it was like for him to hear stuff like that. No matter what his father had done to him and all the inventive ways he came up to punish Laurent physically, none of them were vicious as his words. When Isaac said those things to him, Laurent could feel the empty places made hollow by his father’s cruelty as they filled up and mended into something whole.

He wished he could express that to Isaac. Maybe he could show him, instead.

Isaac was wearing track pants, so it was easy to take them off and not disturb his ankle, though he did twinge a bit when he moved it. When Laurent paused he waved a hand and said, “Don’t worry. It’s fine.”

Laurent saw that Isaac’s cock was hard and figured Isaac wouldn’t be able to get it up if his ankle hurt too badly. Though maybe that wasn’t true. Isaac really was a horny bastard.

“You’re smiling at nothing. Look how far we’ve come.” Isaac grinned at him. “And now you’re scowling. Aw.”

Laurent shut him up by putting his mouth on Isaac’s cock and taking him deep. He was careful to straddle him so he wasn’t touching Isaac’s ankle. His flexibility came in handy. It was a little awkward, but it made Isaac stop being infuriating, so it was worth it. He pulled off and looked up at Isaac. “You have to get me ready.”

With that he turned so he was on all fours above Isaac, facing away from him. He felt exposed and vulnerable, but his cock was hard, and he wanted it. “There’s lube under the pillow.”

“That seems dangerous,” Isaac murmured.

“The one I don’t sleep on.” Laurent leaned down and nuzzled at Isaac’s cock. He licked a long, slow line up the shaft.

“Oh, is that how it is? Saint, I don’t need lube quite yet to get you ready.” Isaac’s voice was all rough and turned on, but still had an edge that made Laurent suck on the head of Isaac’s cock with renewed purpose. Competitive bastard.

It took a fair bit of maneuvering, given their height difference and the need to keep Isaac’s ankle slightly elevated and immobile, but soon Laurent felt Isaac’s hands on either side of his ass gently spread him open. Heat flashed through him, and he distracted himself by sucking on Isaac’s cock, until he felt Isaac’s tongue flickering lightly at his hole.

He could feel Isaac’s laugh when Laurent gave a startled squeak. But it quickly turned into a low, deep-throated moan as Isaac began fucking in and out of him with his tongue. “Isaac—”

“Keep up,” Isaac said and went back to it.

Laurent couldn’t do anything but shudder and try to keep his balance as the sensation of Isaac’s tongue overwhelmed him. He immediately wanted to do it right back, but the angle was all wrong, so he just got Isaac’s cock in his mouth and moaned around it as Isaac continued to rim him.

“Mmm. You have no idea how bad I’ve wanted to fuck you,” Isaac panted, and Laurent could hear the click of the lube. Isaac had one hand on Laurent’s back, and with his fingers slick with lube, he was playing with Laurent’s hole. “So you should stop sucking me, or it’s going to be over way too fast.”

“Lame,” Laurent said, in a rough voice. He braced himself on the bed with his hands and panted as Isaac eased his fingers in and out of him. “That—what you did with your tongue?”

“Mmmhmm?” Isaac’s voice wasn’t quite as wrecked, but it sounded breathless with anticipation, and that got Laurent’s cock even harder and made him shift restlessly and push back on the two fingers Isaac was fucking him with. “You liked it?”

“Good to know there are other ways you can run your mouth that I like—
,” Laurent cried out as Isaac found his prostate and rubbed his fingers over it. He’d done that a few times—enough that Laurent knew it was going to feel amazing when they finally fucked and it was Isaac’s cock instead of his fingers. “God. That’s so good.”

“Oh, Saint. All this time all you needed was a rim job.”

Laurent, despite the shocks of pleasure streaking through him, managed to say, “Who knew,” in response.

There was a pause, and then Isaac choked out, “Murph.”

Laurent shook with helpless laughter. “Then let’s not disappoint him. Go back to fingerfucking me.”

“Bossy,” Isaac chastised, but he obligingly replaced two fingers with three. In no time at all, Laurent lost the last of his inhibitions, pushed back hard, and rode Isaac’s fingers with abandon.

His cock was hard and slick, but he couldn’t take it in his hand because he had to keep his balance. “My cock,” he gasped out, as Isaac rubbed unceasingly over his prostate.

“Is awesome. What about it?” Isaac reached down with his other hand to play with Laurent’s balls. “You want me to touch it? Stroke it? Make you come?”

Laurent groaned and nodded. He teased the head of Isaac’s cock with his tongue. “Want you to do it while I ride you.”

“Then get up here and ride me. Get my cock nice and wet first.” Isaac pushed his hips slightly as though he were trying to get it in Laurent’s mouth.

Laurent obliged him and took it in. He sucked messily and pulled off when Isaac leaned up and bit him right where the curve of his ass met his thigh. He very nearly fell over at the sharp pain and the continual, lingering shocks of pleasure from being fingered so hard. But he managed to climb off Isaac, turn around, and swing his leg back over Isaac’s prone form in one graceful motion.

Isaac’s face was flushed, and his blue eyes were wide and blurry. His hair was damp with sweat, and Laurent was too turned on to care that he was going to end up with blue Manic Panic dye on his pillowcase. He settled himself and checked to make sure he wasn’t in danger of kicking Isaac’s ankle. Then he shifted his weight so he was braced with one hand on the mattress.

Isaac finished putting on a condom, tossed the empty wrapper aside, and grabbed the lube. He opened it, but ignored Laurent’s proffered hand and just drizzled it down over his cock.

“You are way hotter than all those porn videos I watched.” Laurent reached out to slide his hand over Isaac’s cock and get it nice and lubed up.

“You are too.” Isaac gave him the wild grin that still drove Laurent crazy. “We got a side career if hockey doesn’t work out.”

Laurent didn’t want to even think about hockey at that moment, so he moved into the position he needed to be in so he could take Isaac’s cock. He reached back with his now lube-covered fingers and worked them in and out of his hole. He shivered. “It feels good when I do this by myself, but not as good as when you do it.”

Isaac made a strangled noise. “Put it in before I come all over you and we have to wait twenty minutes.”

“Twenty minutes?” Laurent shifted again, took Isaac’s cock in his hand, and positioned it as best he could.

“I’m not seventeen.” Isaac reached down and helped him guide it. He groaned when Laurent rubbed the slick head of his cock up and down over his hole without entering it. “Saint. Maybe I should call you Sinner

“Isaac, your cock isn’t going in my ass if you ever call me that.” Laurent finally pressed the tip against his hole. He knocked Isaac’s hands away. “No. I’ll do it. I want your hand on me. Like you said.”

Isaac must have been too gone with lust to snap back a rejoinder, because he just huffed and reached for the lube again. He put some in his hand, and then slid it, not on Laurent’s cock, but down to play with his balls. “Take it slow.”

Laurent gave a small nod and started to sink onto Isaac’s cock. It hurt, despite his being open and wet and wanting it so much. But he bit his lip, took a few deep breaths, and held still to adjust for the new sensation.

“God. You’re. Here,” Isaac panted, and he took Laurent’s cock in his hand with firm, steady strokes.

Laurent had to catch his balance for a second, but the pleasure from Isaac’s hand on his cock made him relax enough to take Isaac in all the way. Once Isaac was inside of him, Laurent blinked and looked at Isaac.

Who had his eyes closed.

Laurent scowled. “What the hell?”

“If I watched you take my cock that slowly, I was going to come before you got to ride anything.” Isaac opened his eyes. “We’re good now. Go.”

“Go, he says.” Laurent moved his hips experimentally and found it wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it didn’t hurt either. It helped when Isaac jacked him slowly and firmly. “Slow? Fast?”

“I don’t give a fuck. Just do it. Start slow. Why not.”

Laurent rolled his hips and then tried to move up and down on Isaac’s cock. That felt good, and he wanted to do it harder, but when he did, it made Isaac hiss in what was definitely not pleasure. It jostled him too much.

“That—ankle bounced, goddammit,” Isaac swore. His hand was tight on Laurent’s hip, and with the other, he stroked Laurent’s cock in time with his movements.

As caught up in pleasure as he was, Laurent laughed. They fell into a natural, competitive rhythm in everything from banter to hockey to sex. But he didn’t want to hurt Isaac. Ever. So he went back to rocking back and forth. He rolled his hips and found the perfect angle where Isaac’s cock hit him just right.

“You feel so good,” Isaac panted. “Sorry. This is just not going to last that long. I’ll make it up to you. A lot. Pretty much all the time. God. Go

Laurent managed a laugh and did so, and it would be a lie if he said he wasn’t pleased when Isaac lost it first. And part of it was because he was competitive, but mostly he liked to watch Isaac’s eyes close, his head fall back, and the expression of pure bliss on his face as he filled the condom. It didn’t take long for Isaac to stroke Laurent over the edge. He spurted warm on Isaac’s stomach and couldn’t seem to catch his breath. His vision whitened and his mouth was open on a wordless cry as he came.

He half collapsed on Isaac, still trying to keep from doing anything to hurt Isaac’s ankle but shaking so hard it was difficult to make his limbs cooperate. He put his face in Isaac’s neck, and his breath gradually slowed along with his heartbeat.

Isaac put his arms around Laurent and stroked his hands up and down his sweat-dampened back. Laurent could feel Isaac’s heart racing just as fast as his own. It took a long time for them to calm down enough to move, disengage their limbs, and clean up.

“Sorry about the stain on your sheets.” Isaac sat up in bed and cleaned his stomach with the warm towel Laurent had brought him.

“Which one?”

“The blue one on the pillowcase from my hair dye,” Isaac said dryly and looked up at him. “I’m not sorry about the other ones.”

“You’re not sorry about the blue one either,” said Laurent.

Isaac opened his mouth to argue, thought better of it, and then laughed. “Yeah. No. I’m not. You caught me.”

Laurent smiled. He had caught Isaac—somehow—and he was going to keep him.

Even if it meant buying a whole new set of sheets.

Chapter Eighteen



in the locker room, methodically pulling on his pieces of goalie equipment and going through his pregame ritual. Unlike a lot of other goaltenders, Laurent’s weren’t physical and never had been. They were all mental.

Liz had been teaching him about positive thinking and reframing negative self-talk. It had been difficult, because Laurent was hard on himself and under a lot of stress because he played a competitive position, in which critique of his performance was necessary. He’d been used to having his playing picked apart since he was a child, but his current coaches had a much different idea of how to do that than his father had—no extra laps, no corporeal discipline, no being forced to stand in front of a mirror and call himself worthless for an hour.

He told Liz about that particular punishment the week before. It was one of those times during their sessions where her mouth tightened and she took her glasses off and rubbed the side of her nose. Laurent had learned she did that when she found something particularly upsetting. She asked if he’d ever told Isaac about that, and he’d said no. Knowing Isaac, he’d want Laurent to stand in front of a mirror and call himself awesome for two hours. And Laurent was so not doing that.

Laurent sat on the bench to tie his skates, looking up as a shadow fell over him. It was Hux.

“Hey, Saint.”

That nickname. He loved it, and he wasn’t sure he could ever express to Isaac just how much. Of everything Isaac Drake had given him, a name he could be proud of was perhaps the thing that meant the most.

Well, there were a few other things that Isaac gave him that Laurent appreciated.

“Hey, Hux.”

“Why are you blushing? Are you thinking sexy thoughts about me?” Hux grinned, looking totally unperturbed, and struck a pose that must pass for
in Hux’s mind. It might explain why he was still single.

BOOK: Empty Net
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