Enchanted (26 page)

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Authors: Judith Leger

BOOK: Enchanted
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He chuckled. The deep sound rumbled in his chest. He glanced at her, and then whispered. “No. I will stay here.”


“Your father was very upset because of my part in your kidnapping. I will not return to resume my prison sentence. I’ve thought long and hard the last few days. It is best I stay here. Best that I fade away and am no more.” He swallowed another cupful of the wine.

“What do you mean, ‘fade away’? Shay, I don’t know what scares me most. All the strange things happening or not having you with me–helping me.” She didn’t understand. He sounded as if he would die.

“Help you?” He laughed then replied, exasperation in his words, “You don’t need my type of help. I thought I was helping you twenty-four years ago. I was wrong.”

His deep amethyst gaze rose and met hers. “From the first moment my eyes touched upon you, my heart left me and you held it in your tiny hand. Your aura extended so far, that when I stepped within its light, I felt as though my life became renewed. Helping you return home will give me a small measure of absolution. Just don’t ask that I go with you. I cannot. I will not. Not even for you.”

Caitlyn faced the open doors, biting her bottom lip. Didn’t he realize how he hurt her? If he cared, he’d want to go with her.

He swore viciously. She jerked. The sound of him swinging his legs over the desk’s edge and standing came to her. She shifted away, moving closer to the door.

The gentle touch of his hands on her shoulders sent shivers through her. He rested his cheek against her hair at the back of her head and whispered. “I’ve done it again. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Caitlyn.”

“Don’t be sorry. You don’t have anything to be sorry for.” She turned to face him.

The look of total defeat on his face stole her breath. A lump formed in the base of her throat. She raised her hands, cupping his cheeks. “Oh, Shay.”

His strong arms enfolded her. She rested her head on his shoulder and nuzzled his neck. The warmth from his body seeped through their clothes to her flesh. When his arms tightened, she leaned her head back and stared into beautiful eyes that shone like twin bruises in his face. Full of hurt, full of grief.

“Shay.” She reached up and pulled his mouth to her, rising to meet him half way. The wonderful flavor of cinnamon mixed with berries filled her senses as she dipped her tongue past his lips.

He moaned.

With a sweep of his tongue, he explored her mouth, and then applied suction. Caitlyn’s knees gave out. Throbbing heat budded at the base of her belly. He held her close, kneeling on the carpeted floor. Spreading his legs, he caught her hips to him, holding her tight in the vee.

This was Shay, the real Shay, not a dream one. He kissed her, touched her. She wanted more.

Pulling away, they stared into each other’s eyes. He raised a hand and motioned toward the open doors. They closed on their own, giving them some privacy from anyone looking in. She smiled. Arms crossed in front, she dragged the sweater over her head. Her hair swung free and settled over her shoulders, falling down her back. Silence reigned for several seconds. Her flesh heated.

Soft as a kitten’s fur, he brushed his fingertips along the valley between her breasts where the lacy bra hooked. A swift movement, and the lingerie fell open. She shrugged her shoulders, sending the garment to the floor.

The slight widening of his eyes and flaring of his nostrils revealed he liked what he saw. His throat worked as he swallowed. Trembling, she waited, willing him to touch her.

He whispered her name. His lean fingers wandered over the curve of her breast and came to rest on the side, cupping their weight in the center of his hand. He dipped his head. She felt a puff of breath a moment before he captured her nipple between his lips. The muscles in her neck refused to respond, and her head lolled. Squeezing her eyes shut, she reveled in the sweet pull of his mouth.

His thick hair, threaded with braids, flowed through her fingers. She held him to her, never wanting him to leave. When he shifted, trailing soft kisses over her chest, she released a quiet cry.

Caught up in his touch, she barely registered when he drew her to the carpet. Laying her on her back, he leaned over her breasts, working his magic on her sensitive flesh.

Skin. She needed to touch. Explore his body. Wanted to feel the movement of his muscles and bones against hers. Wanted to simply feel. Breathing deeply, she ran her palms down his neck, glided over his shoulders and pulled his shirt down.

“Take it off. I want to see you, touch you,” she murmured.

In that moment, she realized she’d never seen him bare-chested. Curious, she ran her palms over the sleekness of his back as he removed the shirt. Once the cloth barrier had disappeared, she slid her hands to the front.

Her breath caught in the back of her throat as she gazed upon the broad expanse of his chest. Beautiful, tanned muscles tightened under her inspection. Yearning flared in her core. Passion’s sharp barbs pierced her belly to flow from her in a flood of longing.

Her fingers fumbled with the button and zipper that prevented her from viewing all of his body. Together, they stripped, clothes thrown, forgotten in their need.

Bare skin brushed against bare skin. Caitlyn gasped at the heated touch. She pulled him closer, needing to feel him over her, inside her. Panting, she whispered, “Now, love, I need you.”

He nuzzled her neck, murmuring her name. He captured her lips as he rose above her, shifting between her legs. She lifted her hips, wanting him. Now. This instant. A gentle nudge and he slid, hard and deep, into her.

She cried out in joy. Pleasure rippled through every nerve ending, sending messages from the bottom of her soles to the top of her head. Unable to stop, she wrapped her legs around his, pulling him closer.

Slowly, he withdrew, only to enter her once more. Each movement propelled her nearer and nearer to the edge. Fighting to catch her breath, she rolled her head back and forth, holding his hands, moaning. His name echoed in her mind.

Her orgasm ripped through her, erupting her world with a flash of brilliant colors, draining her then refilling it. Her inner muscles clenched around him, pulling him tighter, further into her. Heated spasms raced through her legs and lower belly.

Groaning, gasping for breath, Shay braced his hands on the floor and straightened his arms, his back curled, his face pointed toward the ceiling. Deep inside her, he jerked once, then twice. Dazed, Caitlyn watched the look of satisfaction and pleasure cross his features as his completion pulsed within her.

Several moments passed, each frozen in the fierce reaction to the other. She lifted a hand and laid it flat over his heart. Sweat dampened her palm. He lowered his head and stared at the hand. She smiled. His muscles contracted under her touch.

When he met her gaze, he smiled and rolled to one side, keeping them joined. Exhausted and fulfilled, she closed her eyes as she settled her head on his shoulder. He held her tight against him. She smiled once more before sleep pulled her down into peaceful darkness.



Chapter 29


Shay’s eyes snapped open. Lightning struck nearby. The crash and electrical sizzle echoed in the library, followed by a thunderous boom. He raised his head and stared out the open door. Clouds raced across the moonlit sky. Their shadows snaked over the garden like vile creatures intent on wickedness. Light flared through the clouds. Thunder cracked. A chill flittered up his spine.

He squeezed his eyes shut and concentrated. He didn’t sense Rhys anywhere in the castle. The strength of the king’s aura remained absent outside the house too. Where was he? He’d picked a fine time to disappear. Damn him.

All the guards Rhys left were in their proper positions, but Shay knew it wasn’t enough. The power he discerned building outside surprised him. The witch approached. Her arrival was imminent.

He eased from Caitlyn’s side, staring down into her peaceful features. There wasn’t any time left. She’d never know how much she meant to him. Not now.

He jerked his jeans on. Two strides, and he swung open the double doors, scanning the gardens. A matter of time. It would be better to draw Gwyneth away. He glanced back at where Caitlyn slept, he had to stay with her.

Frustrated, he concentrated on music. As the beat built in his mind, he opened his mouth and the verses of an ancient battle song came out as an incantation. The winds whipped back around. Two bolts flashed diagonally on the horizon.

His hair floated about his head from the electricity in the air. He fisted his hands and continued to sing. The ground rumbled and boulders erupted from the dirt on the far side of the castle, splitting the earth of the lawns.

Behind him, the soft sound of Caitlyn whispering his name broke his focus. No. He couldn’t stop now. The power he sensed rushed forward. He opened his eyes and raised his hands, waiting until the witch revealed her location.

Vapors appeared in a line of shadows. Low laughter reached him. Underneath the sounds of nature and the arrival of the witch, the rustling of clothes came from behind him. In a flash of lightning, the vapor shot toward him. Not budging, he took the full force of the magical impact. Feet planted, he skidded back on the carpet.

“Shay, what’s going on?”

He cut a glance to Caitlyn, where she stood next to the desk. Worry lined her face. With part of Gwyneth’s spells removed, Caitlyn must have realized the magnitude of the danger drawing nearer. He wouldn’t chance losing her. He’d never dreamed the witch’s power had increased so much. A deadly miscalculation on his part. One he would never forgive if anything happened to Caitlyn.

“Come, we must leave now.” He held out his hand.

She swallowed, and then ran to him, trust shining in her gaze. The feel of her fragile hand in his gave him little comfort. He caught her gaze and held it.

“At the next surge of power, we will run. Do not lag behind. Stay with me. If we get separated, go to the meadow. In the center is a faery circle. Step inside and say your name and Tylwyth Teg. The entrance will open. No matter what happens, do not stop. Your life depends on it.”

He felt her fear beating in the rapid pulse in her wrist, but underneath, he sensed the rise of royal steel carried in her blood from her ancestors. She nodded and tightened her hold on his hand.

Laughter filtered through the doorway. A woman called his name. Gwyneth. He recognized the voice. “Come and play with me, Shay. Come. Bring the little princess with you. Think of the fun I will have as I watch the two of you die.”

Caitlyn trembled. Waves of fear traveled up his arm from where she gripped his hand. In turn, anger rose inside him. So the witch wanted to play? Then, so be it.

The winds increased. He kept a watch over the shadows as his skin tingled with the magical charges floating in the air. He figured out the precise moment Gwyneth’s power surged to release another volley of magic. Braced sideways, shoulder down, he took the brunt of the attack on his left. Twisting, he shoved the physical force away. Books and shelves shattered under the force.

Shay dove forward, through the door, Caitlyn following at his heels. He rushed toward vapors mixed with shadows, releasing a singular deafening note, sending a powerful thrust of magic to break through. The vapors dispersed in a blinding light.

A scream echoed in the darkness. He grinned. Good, he’d managed to strike her.

He plunged past the spot and continued speeding toward the woods. Uneasy at entering the trees with the scattering of underbrush, he refused to detour. Nature offered the witch many projectiles to stop them.

Leaping fallen trees, tearing through brambles, he ran, while doing what he could to protect Caitlyn from the worst of the abuse. They were half way to the meadow when he sensed Gwyneth bearing down on them. Growls and howls rippled through the forest. Dammit, the wolves were close. Trees moaned under the onslaught of the storm. A movement to his right brought his gaze around.

Several of Rhys’s warriors raced a little behind them. Shay grinned. In turn, the lead warrior winked. Relieved he and Caitlyn would not fight alone, he increased his speed. Somehow, possibly because of the innate ability to run she’d inherited from her parents, she managed to keep up with him.

Lightning struck a tree to the left. Popping and sizzling, the burned splintered wood screamed in its dying throes as it tilted and started to fall. Almost upon the tree, he shouted to her, “Jump!”

Springing atop the tree before it impacted against the ground, they bounded off to the other side. Dark shadows leapt from the left, and the warriors intercepted them, enabling Shay to continue. The sounds of the Tylwyth Teg soldiers battling the wolves reached him above the noise of the storm.

A small measure of relief washed over him when he caught the sight of the meadow through the trees just ahead. Twenty paces and they would make it out of the darker forest and into the open. There, he could track the witch’s location and deflect any attack aimed at them.

That’s all he needed to do until Caitlyn returned to the Sidhe. He had confidence she’d figure out the riddle with Rhys and Myrielle’s help. Once she entered, he’d kill the witch. She wouldn’t escape him. Not this time. If he failed, Caitlyn would never be safe, even having solved the riddle.

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