Enchanted Dreams (36 page)

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Authors: Nancy Madore

Tags: #American Light Romantic Fiction, #Erotica - General, #Fiction - Adult, #Fantasy - Short Stories, #Romance: Modern, #Fantasy fiction, #Fiction - Fantasy, #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotic fiction, #Erotica - Short Stories, #Erotica, #Romance - Short Stories, #Short Stories

BOOK: Enchanted Dreams
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"Not bad, Cass!" was Craig's remark when she emerged from the bathroom a short while after, wearing the exquisite gown. His expression and tone of voice told her that her appearance was a lot better than just "not bad."

With the happy assurance and glow of new lust, Cassie approached Craig. She even succumbed to the whim of slowly twirling herself before him. Craig let out a low whistle of appreciation. He, meanwhile, had changed into soft, cotton pajama bottoms that accentuated his toned hips and thighs. Aside from these, they both were wearing enormous smiles. Craig's eyes kept moving over Cassie, drinking in the sight of her in the negligee he had picked out for her.

Craig closed the distance between them and took her face in his hands, but he stopped just inches from her lips to gaze down into her face. Trembling with desire, Cassie brought her arms up around his neck and pulled him down the rest of the way. Suddenly Craig let loose and ravished her mouth in an all-consuming kiss, holding her so close that Cassie gasped.

The kiss was smooth and passionate, as if it had been rehearsed, and Georgia watched breathlessly as Craig's hands moved down to the small of Cassie's back, where they lingered with enough pressure to cause it to arch slightly. The two seemed to fit perfectly together. There was none of that awkwardness or discomfort that often accompanies first intimacies, yet their excitement was apparent. Cassie was the most confident and at ease that Georgia had ever seen her.

When the kiss finally ended, both were left breathless. Craig pulled back just slightly, peering down at Cassie with his kind smile as he brought his hands back up to either side of her face. But the smile gave way to a more serious, determined look. Suddenly he began moving his hands very leisurely over her, using his thumbs to kind of massage his way down along her face and throat and breasts. It was easy to see the effect his touch was having on Cassie. Her entire body responded as a shiver of pleasure coursed through her. Even her toes curled upward as she seemed to fall back on the flats of her feet. Craig kept teasing her breasts over the thin, silky negligee, apparently pleased with the effect it was having on her. He caressed and squeezed them until her eyes closed and her head rolled back in ecstasy.

"Here," he said, pulling the sides of the negligee up. "As beautiful as this looks on you, I want to feel your skin."

Cassie lifted her arms to allow him to remove the nightgown. With her fully bared before him, Craig seemed stunned. "My God," he whispered.

He resumed his love play of her breasts again, this time on her bare skin, groaning low in his throat as he captured the feel of her for the very first time. Then he moved his hands over her abdomen and down around her hips in an effort, it seemed, to feel every inch of her. Cassie arched her back and went on tiptoe in response. She gasped when his fingers reached between her legs and mingled in the rich moistness that was clearly crying out for his attention. This evidence of her desire seemed to push Craig over the edge because he suddenly picked her up and, in a fluid movement that gave evidence of his lean strength, he settled her onto his bed in a sitting position with her legs apart. Then he slid between her legs and kneeled before her. Cassie rested back on her arms and allowed him full access to her body. He dipped his head and gently captured one taut nipple between his lips, running his tongue all around it and then pulling it into his mouth. Georgia watched his mouth working over Cassie's breast, and she could almost feel the delicious sensations of having her own breasts handled in such a manner. He took turns suckling each nipple, back and forth, until he had Cassie crying out with pleasure. Encouraged by her reaction, he extended his kisses lower, covering her stomach and then even lower still, until suddenly his face was buried between her legs. Cassie squirmed and writhed beneath him as he worked his tongue in and out of her, and then up and around. He kept pleasing her with his tongue untiringly, never once letting up until Cassie's body went suddenly rigid and afterward fell back limp.

Craig rose up then and pulled off his pajama bottoms, finally releasing his turgid erection in all of its glory. It stood high and inflamed and proud. Cassie reached out for it as he approached her, stroking it lovingly in anticipation.

In spite of how he had prepared Cassie's body for him, Craig still had to work his way into her, purposefully doing so at a calculated and leisurely pace. He clutched the back of her head firmly and held his face within inches of hers, letting his lips hover just above hers, so that every now and then he could lightly brush them over hers for a soft kiss. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, and both of them sighed in unison when he was fully inside her.

Like a well-oiled machine, the two moved together, grinding out their pleasure in a single, uniform motion. Every now and again, Craig would slow momentarily, apparently reining in his excitement so that he could better please Cassie. She clung to him, moaning lightly as he made love to her. Craig allowed his hands to roam all over her body and, when he saw that she loved being touched like that, he increased his efforts, using his lips, as well, and kissing and stroking her breasts and shoulders and face.

As they both grew more excited, Craig's thrusts came harder and deeper, and it was clear from the tension in his powerfully muscled buttocks that he was not holding anything back. Cassie accepted all of this eagerly, lifting her legs even higher to open herself to him. This sent Craig over the edge, and he suddenly lost all of his former tenderness and became almost violent as he drove himself into her. Cassie took the last little bit of his control when she cried out with her orgasm. Then Craig threw himself into her one last time and bucked his hips several times in climax.

They remained joined, with Craig just off to one side for a long time after. Still watching, Georgia thought they had fallen asleep. But after a while Craig spoke.

"You're everything I've ever wanted in a woman," he told her.

"I hope I can always be that," she said.

He let his fingers roam through her hair, playing with it absently. And then they did fall asleep.

Georgia hit Fast-Forward until she saw Craig stir.

"Cassie," Craig whispered, kissing her lips and her ears and everything in between. "Cassie."

"Mmm, Craig?" Cassie woke with a start. "What time is it?"

"Time for the second shift. If you still want to. It's up to you. I hated to wake you but you said that was what you wanted."

"Oh." She looked sad for a minute, but then she sat up, waking. "I did say that I would," she said apologetically.

"No, don't you feel bad," he scolded. "Your choice, remember? I was only asking because I wanted to make sure it was what you still wanted. We'll understand, whatever you do." He kissed her lips several more times. "I'm going to miss you," he added.

Cassie got up and stretched. "Are you sure you're all right with this?"

"This is what we agreed upon and this is what we'll do. Are you all right?"

"Yes, I think I am. Or I will be. I just have to get used to it."

Cassie grabbed her overnight bag and slipped into the bathroom to clean up. When she came out, she was wearing a thick robe. She approached Craig. He reached out for her and held her close to him for a long moment. Then he kissed her.

"Good night, Cass," he said.

"Good night, Craig. Sweet dreams."

Georgia watched Cassie leave Craig's bedroom with admiration. She was actually going to do it! The house was quiet, as everyone had retired. Cassie made her way quietly into Steve's room and closed the door behind her.

He was sitting on his bed watching television. When he saw Cassie, he jumped up and turned it off. He approached her tentatively.

"Hey there." He smiled. "I didn't know if you'd come."

"I told you I would," she reminded him.

"Yeah, but you could've wigged out at the last minute."

Cassie laughed. "No, I couldn't," she said more seriously.

"Come on in," he said, motioning her toward the bed. "Get comfortable." She sat on the bed.

"I know it's probably hard to just switch gears all of a sudden, so why don't you just sit back and let me help you relax?"

"How are you going to do that?" Cassie asked him with curiosity. But she sat back on the bed as he instructed and rested her head against the headboard.

"You'll see," he told her, opening a drawer in his nightstand and fishing around inside. "Ah," he said. "Here it is!" He squirted something into his hand. "Now prepare to be impressed."

"I have a feeling I'm going to have to always be prepared for that around here," she said. "You boys are full of…oh…ahhh…uhn." She threw her head back in ecstasy. "God, that feels so good!"

Steve was rubbing her feet, vigorously and energetically. He enclosed one of them completely in his large hands, kneading and pummeling it with his strong fingers. Cassie was so overcome by the sensations, she couldn't speak. Eventually he moved upward to massage her ankle, and then her calf, and so forth, thoroughly and vigorously moving his way up her leg until he reached the very top of her thigh. Her robe had fallen open, exposing her nakedness to him. Cassie did not close it back up.

Cassie's leg, by this time, was trembling from the effects of Steve's hands, and her breathing had quickened. Georgia watched keenly to see what he would do next. His hands were still working over the flesh of her thigh, moving round and round in a circular motion. Very cautiously and inconspicuously, almost as if it were accidental, Steve let his pinky finger periodically brush up against Cassie's clitoris. He did it lightly at first, and quite casually. Meanwhile he kept massaging her upper thigh, and just every now and then, his finger would reach out and caress her. Each time he did it, Cassie's body would jolt the tiniest bit in response, and she would let out a little gasp. But just as she was beginning to really enjoy his little game, Steve suddenly started working his way back down her leg in the other direction. His lips twitched when she sighed in disappointment.

Once he made it all the way back down to her foot, Steve switched to the other foot, taking his time and massaging her thoroughly as he inched his way up her other leg in the same manner he had the first. When at last he reached the top of her thigh, he once again went through the pretence of accidentally brushing up against her, this time with his other pinky finger. Cassie giggled.

"What?" said Steve. "Oh, pardon me!"

They were both smiling now. But when he brushed against her again, she boldly caught hold of his hand, and pressed it between her open legs.

The smile left Steve's face. They looked at each other a moment.

"I take it the massage worked," he murmured in an undertone.

Cassie laughed in spite of herself, but she looked as if she would throttle him if he told another joke.

"All right!" Steve announced decisively. "The goddess has spoken." And with that, he took her head in his other hand (he kept his first hand right where it was) and crushed her lips in a hungry kiss. Cassie arched her body up toward his invitingly, as if she could never get enough.

Suddenly it was as if a dam had burst, making their passion escalate out of control. Steve finally set aside his reserve of always trying to amuse, and for the moment let his own desires take over. He buried his fingers in Cassie's hair as they kissed, one moment simply luxuriating in its lush softness and the next grasping it and using it to jerk her head back so that he would have better access to her lips and throat. With his other hand, he alternately squeezed and massaged the throbbing mound between her legs. They rolled about the bed heatedly, and in the tumult of their embrace Steve somehow ended up beneath her. When the kiss ended, Cassie was sitting on top of him. Her robe had fallen open but, suddenly shy, she began to close it. Steve stopped her.

"Please," he implored her, as if it were his last dying request. "Don't deny me."

With a smile, Cassie pulled the robe back and let it fall off her shoulders.

"Heaven help me," Steve murmured, drinking in the sight of her. She was sitting on top of him without anything on. "Oh, shit," he suddenly groaned. "Heaven only helps those who help themselves, and here I've left all my clothes on. No! For God's sake, don't move! Not one inch! I can do this." Steve struggled to remove his clothing with Cassie sitting naked on top of him. "No, don't help me!" he'd cry when she'd try to move a little out of his way to assist him. "I've got it." Even Georgia was laughing hysterically with how much trouble he was having, but he would not allow Cassie to budge an inch in any direction as he stripped off every single piece of his clothing, including his shoes.

"You are an extremely talented and agile man," Cassie remarked when he was finished.

"That's why I did it," he said, grinning. "I wanted you to see how agile I was."

"Oh!" said Cassie, pretending to be disappointed. "And here I was thinking of staying right here where I'm sitting. But if you'd rather show me some more of those stunts you can do…maybe a few acrobatics…"

Steve laughed. But then he grew suddenly serious.

"I'm sorry, but I can't just sit here looking at you any longer," he said. And he was, quite obviously, painfully aroused. He touched her then, tentatively at first, but then more aggressively as his hands moved up and down over her body, lingering on her breasts. "Just look at you," he murmured.

In response, Cassie lifted her hips just enough to allow his erection to pop into position beneath her, then she lowered herself slowly over the top of it. They both moaned as she descended. His headboard was right in front of her, so she reached out and grasped hold of it, positioning her breasts so that they were stretched out right above his head. He continued caressing them gently. She began to move her hips up and down on him, slowly, leisurely, rocking her hips as she went. Steve watched her as if mesmerized, as if he still couldn't believe she was really there. All the while his fingers kept moving over her breasts, lightly and lovingly. Georgia watched them, mildly surprised. There was no discomfort or urgency. And they never once looked away from each other or changed positions. Cassie just kept moving up and down, up and down, in a nice, leisurely manner, rocking her hips as she went, moving forward as she went up and jutting backward when she went down. And Craig just kept caressing her breasts. Their eyes remained locked.

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