Enchanted Lover (10 page)

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Authors: Connie C. Scharon

BOOK: Enchanted Lover
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“And does it hurt this time fair Asilinn?”

“No Milord, you know full well it does not.” As if to
demonstrate his complete power over her, he thrust in and out several more
times each time eliciting an involuntary moan from her.

Suddenly he grew more purposeful. He was taking her
the way a stallion takes a mare, hard and hot, and from the rear—dominating
her—controlling her. She felt the hot spurt of his seed deep within her. Her
body contracted hard around him. A firestorm of feeling burst inside her.

Spent Jared eased himself out of her and turned her
to face him. “You are my wife. It is your duty to submit to me whenever I
desire you. Do you understand your obligation sweetling?”

“Aye,” she snapped. “You have demonstrated it well. I
will not forget and thus you will not have to remind me like you have done this

Jared felt something near anger when he looked at
her. Her innocence was an aphrodisiac to him. He couldn’t control his desire
for her. It infuriated him. He had never expected such a passionate response
from this young innocent. Once he saw how beautiful she was, he had never
expected her still to be a virgin.

“Wash yourself off and I’ll take you to begin your
duties as mistress of Dunbocan,” he said gruffly. She turned her back to him
and he saw her desperately trying to wash away his seed. He smiled to himself.
The more times she washed it away, the more times he would need to plant it.

A short time later, they were again in their chamber.
Jared left the room for a while to let her dress. As much as he would have
enjoyed watching, he needed to get his mind on something else. When he
returned, he found Asilinn waiting fully dressed. She wore a plain,
rose-colored shift and a deeper rose surcoat. Her hair was woven into a single
braid which fell down her back.

“And what will you do with me now, Milord? Parade me
around like some crude trophy?” She stood before him glaring at him.

Jared noted his use of her didn’t seem to curb her
sharp tongue or her defiant manner; for some reason he didn’t fault her for
that. Giving her a cold appraisal, he took her arm. “As mistress of Dunbocan
you have work to do. I’ll not have a wife who lies around all day.”

Asilinn bristled. “I’m not some well-kept whore who
lies abed awaiting your return! Give me some errands that I may forget the
dismal situation in which I find myself.”


“Aye, so, it is dismal to be separated from my
clansmen, my father, my brother, and made to play whore wife to the Dragon Lord
of Dunbocan. And if you think I feel otherwise, you are mistaken.”

Jared pulled around to face him. “You are many things
Asilinn, but a whore is not one of them. I suggest you recall the vows you took
in the chapel. I have given you all I would have given a wife of my own
choosing and I will continue to give you nothing less. But I warn you, dinna
cross me or I will punish you with same conviction.”

Asilinn’s mouth was so dry she didn’t think she could
form spit. A wife of his choosing, well, she was not that, was she? To him she
was just a political tool and still he made her body crave his. She drew
herself up as tall as she could, but her head was barely the height of his
chin. “I'm ready to work."

He gave her a grim smile. “We’ll eat first.”

The kitchen maid had left a platter of food while he
was gone. Asilinn eyed it hungrily, but she refused to sit down and eat with
him as if nothing had transpired in the bath. “I have no stomach for food this
morning, Milord. I believe my lesson in submission has taken my appetite.”

Jared glared at her. “You will eat or we will have
another lesson in submission.”

Asilinn didn’t know what else to do so she obeyed
nibbling her food grudgingly under his dark perusal. She had yielded all to him
and he stood over her watching her as if he would like to punish her somehow.
Well she had news for him; she had been punished enough by the bruising effect
of his body thrusting into hers. But she was cut even more deeply by the fact
he had made her want to be taken—he made her want him inside her. Unable to
look at him, she cast her eyes down. After a few bites, she stopped eating and
glanced up at him.

“I canna eat anything else, Milord.”

“Nonsense, Asilinn. If my seed has already taken
root, you may be eating for two.” He grinned at her stricken expression and
thrust a slice of meat and a slab of coarse ground bread in front of her.
“Finish this and you are done.”

She was hungry and it tasted good, but the blackguard
beast that stood over her and watched her eat made her temper flare. She ate
half and shoved the rest away. “Unless you wish to force it down my throat, I
am finished.”

Jared had to get away from her for a while. The wench
was driving him wild with desire—near everything she did aroused him, even
watching her eat. “Very well,” he relented, “time for you to get to work.”

He took her arm and led her down from the tower into
the more bustling world of the rest of the castle. Everyone they passed offered
a warm greeting to Jared and nodded politely in her direction.

Jared called a young boy over and sent him to fetch
two of the servants, then led her to the main hall. A short while later, two
women appeared looking ill at ease. The young one had pale skin and a fair face.
The older woman was stooped and weathered by years of toil.

“I am assigning you two the special task of seeing my
lady's orders are carried out. Lady Asilinn is not a captive here. She is my
wife and you will afford her every courtesy. Asilinn, this is Flanna," he
said, introducing her to the red-haired beauty. “Flanna runs my kitchens with
great skill. Her husband Fergus is in charge of my stables. They have one son,
a little carrot-top named Toby. No doubt you shall see him wandering about from
time to time." As if on cue, Toby ran from the neighboring hallway to hug
his mother's legs.

“Toby," she scolded. “I cannot play now."

Toby looked at Asilinn with wonder. "Are you one
of the fairy people?" he asked.

Asilinn squatted down to his level and looked him in
the eye. “I'm afraid not Toby."

“You look like a fairy princess," Toby insisted.

Jared laughed and Toby's mother shot her son a
warning glance. The small boy gave a short bow, grinned, and ran off the way he
had come.

Asilinn straightened. “He's a fine lad," she
told Flanna. Flanna beamed and thanked her sinking to a low curtsey.

Jared turned to the stern-faced, square-jawed woman
who had been eyeing Asilinn curiously. "Ivy is in charge of everything
else. She's been with the household since I was a boy."

“Lady Asilinn," the woman said politely. Asilinn

The two were as different as night and day, or so
Asilinn saw them. Flanna seemed eager to please, but Ivy wore a mask of cool
disdain. Asilinn was sure Ivy remained courteous only because Jared was

“Flanna, you may return to your duties. Ivy, you will
accompany Lady Asilinn through the castle. We have need of some other
furnishings for our room and I would have Asilinn choose the pieces she

“Milord, is your old chamber no longer to your
liking? It would be less fuss," Ivy suggested.

Jared's eyebrows shot up when he looked at the
elderly servant. “The tower room suits my needs," he said firmly.

Ivy dropped her head. "Very well, Milord."

Morven rushed in just as Asilinn was about to embark
on her tour. "Laird, I would speak to you in private." Abandoning
Asilinn to the frown-faced housekeeper Jared nodded and excused himself.

Jared found a messenger waiting outside the main
door. From his colors, it was obvious he was one of Laird Innes' men. Jared's
men stood in a group around the man.

"What word do you bring?"

The man stiffened. He seemed hesitant to deliver his
message in front of such a large group. "Laird Innes directs me to tell
you to release his daughter at once or face death and dismemberment."

There was a snicker among Jared's men but he silenced
it with one glance. "Please inform your master I have taken Lady Asilinn
for my wife. I invite him and his son, Ian, to meet with me this evening to
discuss an alliance."

The man's shocked expression told all. Laird Innes
had not foreseen this; he had expected some other response.

"Dinna stand there gaping," Jared
admonished. "Go and tell your laird he has a son-in-law."

The messenger recovered his wits, got back on his
horse, and retreated from the MacLean stronghold. Jared smiled and walked off
to see to the arrangements for the evening.



Chapter Seven



It was late afternoon before Jared found time to seek
out his wife. He climbed the tower stairs wondering how she had made out with
Ivy. All day Asilinn had crept into his mind. He fought the urge to check on
her earlier knowing he must concentrate on the upcoming confrontation. Still
she had invaded his thoughts a hundred times. He must be cursed when it came to

Reaching the portal he threw open the door and walked
in. Jared was slack-jawed by the transformation. What had been a Spartan
chamber was now a comfortable retreat. Asilinn had chosen several pieces from
his former quarters to adorn their chamber. His desk and chair took up one
alcove. Near the fire, there were two comfortable chairs and a table. He found
it interesting she had not chosen the most elaborate pieces but rather the
older more welcoming furniture that had proved itself by functionality.

He didn't see Asilinn at first. She was behind the
bed curtain struggling to adjust the position of the bed more to her liking.
Jared quickly moved the bed to its intended destination. Startled Asilinn
looked up and watched him survey the room.

“I’m impressed. You have made our chamber a
comfortable haven.”

“I think of my own comfort not yours,” she said

“Aye, so, whatever was I thinking?” He turned his
back to her so she would not see his grin.

The clang of metal interrupted them. Jared looked up
to see Flanna and Ivy bringing in an armload of supplies. He studied their
wares. “A kettle?"

"Aye, Milord, I thought it might be nice to be
able to fix hot water here since we are far from the kitchen. Flanna will have
a fresh pail sent up daily."

Flanna set down a basket of dried herbs. “This is
what I had of the things you asked for, Milady.”

Walking over to inspect the bundle, Asilinn smiled.
“Thank you, Flanna; it is nearly all I had hoped for. I must take a closer look
at the stores, mayhaps tomorrow.”

Asilinn probably intended to brew some concoction to
poison him Jared thought morosely. “It reminds me of visiting Lord Ravenhurst
in London. His wife saw each guest had a kettle in their chamber," he

“You've been to London?" Asilinn’s astonishment
showed on her face.

“Aye, I've been a lot of places."

“I have never traveled beyond the Highlands."

“Before my father died he sent me to the courts of England and France. He wanted me to have a bigger picture of the world than the one
presented by living one's whole life in one spot. I suspect he also was trying
to keep me from dying in the bitter battle between our people but when he died
I was forced to take up his fight."

“What a shame you did not stay. I may have been saved
the shame of becoming your captive whore.”

The two servants stared at her in disbelief. Jared
grabbed her arm and jerked her toward him. “You are my wife. I assure you a
whore is very different.”

Asilinn straightened and pulled away from him. “Your
pardon, Milord, I must be addle-brained to draw such a conclusion about my
circumstance.” She painted a demure smile across her face. “You must tell me
about your travels.”

She probably planned to escape to a country where the
king would not force her to uphold her marriage vows. “Mayhaps some other day.”
Jared turned his attention a different direction.

“Ivy, why was my wife trying to move this heavy bed
by herself? Did I not tell you to be certain Lady Asilinn had all the help she

“Aye, Milord, but…."

Asilinn broke in. “It wasna Ivy's fault, Milord. I
decided I wanted to move it after I sent my helpers away."

“You should have called them back. It is too heavy a
job for a woman."

“Aye, Milord."

Jared addressed the servants. “Return to your duties.
And, Flanna, find us something special for the evening repast. I am expecting

“Aye, Milord." Flanna and Ivy left the room.

“Who is coming?"

“Your father and brother are to be our guests this

Asilinn's eyes sprung open in surprise. “They are
coming into the castle?"

“Your father sent me an ultimatum. I returned an
invitation. I'm sure he'll come. I told him of our marriage and invited him and
your brother."

Asilinn took a deep breath. “What am I to do?"

Jared's face hardened. “Your choice was made when you
spoke your wedding vows Asilinn. You are my wife. Naught will change that.
Dinna think you can leave with them."

“It is a lot to ask if your peace is

“I dinna ask, I just state fact." He pulled her
into his arms. She tried to push him away, but he found her mouth and kissed

Jared released her reluctantly, fighting his own
battle over whether or not to press the point. Deep down he knew he could prove
his claim on her body if he gave it his full effort. But he should not be
swayed by his lust for her in his negotiations, he let her go. Asilinn wiped
her mouth with the back of her hand as if his lips had soiled hers.

Fighting down his irritation, he took a few steps
away from her. “I will talk to your father and brother alone first. Then I'll
have Wynne fetch you."

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