Enchanted Lover (34 page)

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Authors: Connie C. Scharon

BOOK: Enchanted Lover
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Twenty men were gathered by a blazing bonfire. They
all wore black robes with hoods and their faces were covered. A single man in a
red robe came out of a nearby path. The noise from the twenty died away when he
entered the throng.

“Laird Jared has had a minor victory,” the figure
said. The voice seemed familiar, but the mask distorted it. “Now we shall call
forth the forces of darkness to help us in his final defeat. Satan, we do this
for you. Grant us the power to overcome our enemy and rule on earth as you rule
in the kingdom beyond.”

Asilinn felt like icy hands grabbed her heart. She
looked at Jared in horror but he put his finger to her lips and bade her be

Six men came forth carrying a draped coffin. Their
master ripped off its covering and ordered it set down. “Before you is the body
of our departed sister, Glenna. She dwelt with us in life and now has taken her
seat as the devil's handmaiden.”

The man moved over and opened the coffin revealing
the naked body of the deceased woman. The corpse wore decorations of blood. A
fiendish mask covered her face. Asilinn gasped and Jared clamped his hand over
her mouth.

“Now you will show your allegiance to our master by
consorting with the dead,” the leader continued. “Observe her come back to life
beneath me.”

The woman was lifted from the coffin and placed on a
stone slab by the fire. “This is your altar, Satan! We are your children,” the
man cried. “Show us your power as we show you our faith!” The man raised his
red robe revealing his engorged member. “With this shaft, I shall raise Glenna
to life. She shall pleasure us all before she sinks again to the underworld,”
he declared. Some of the men gathered milled around nervously.

Their leader tied his red robe back out of the way
and lay upon the girl, running his hands over her until she wriggled and
moaned. He plunged into her and rode her to his climax. The men around him
circled the stone altar chanting. “All hail Satan!” they cried.

Jared grabbed Asilinn's hand and led her back to the
horses, throwing her up on Faileas. “Hurry,” he urged. They quietly made their
way out of the woods then took off at a dead run for the castle.

When they reached the safety of Dunbocan, they rode
directly to the stable. Asilinn jumped off Faileas and threw herself into
Jared's waiting arms sobbing. “It is witchcraft,” she cried. “They use the
power of evil against us.” Jared hugged her to his chest until she regained
some control.

Fergus came in. “Milord, is everything all right?”

“Fergus, has Glenna been buried yet?” Jared asked.

“No, Milord, her body lies in the small room off the

“Please see to the horses.”

“Aye, Milord.”

Jared took Asilinn's hand. “I would see her for
myself. Will you come?” Asilinn nodded in the affirmative trying to stop
trembling. They walked hand in hand into the armory and opened the door to the
small chamber. The body was covered with sheeting. Jared moved over and lifted
it while Asilinn watched from the doorway. Glenna's corpse lay cold and rigid
on the cot.

“Just as I suspected,” Jared mused. “He uses fear to
control them.”

“But how?” Asilinn asked.

“Obviously he planned the ceremony to bring the
doubters back in line after their recent debacle.”

“I am afraid,” Asilinn whispered.

Jared moved over to put his arms securely around her.
“I'll protect you,” he promised, hugging her to his chest.



Chapter Twenty-Four



The next morning Asilinn and Jared woke to sounds of
chaos below. Jared dressed and hurried to the great hall. The sight that
greeted him froze his heart. Soldiers from Edinburgh filled his hall and Osred
was in the head chair. The room grew silent when Jared entered.

“What is going on here,” Jared said. He pointed to
Osred. “Why is this man not in chains for imprisoning my wife?”

The lieutenant in charge stood up and faced Jared.
“We've come to take your wife to trial in Edinburgh for the crime of
witchcraft. King Robert bade me inform you the church is insisting they must
look into the allegations against her.”

“No,” Jared thundered. “Asilinn is not a witch!”

Two soldiers moved to restrain Jared when he rushed
forward to attack the lieutenant.

“The bishop in Edinburgh has informed Robert the
charges are as follows: consorting with the devil to raise the dead,
specifically one child named Toby, practice of the black arts in use of spells
and potions to enchant Laird Jared MacLean of Dunbocan, use of magical visions
and dreams to control the actions of those around her.” The lieutenant paused
and looked at Jared. “By special order of Robert the Bruce, Laird Jared MacLean
shall not be held responsible for any of his wife's crimes, but will be
confined at Dunbocan Castle until her trial is completed.”

“What is this blasphemy?” Osred shouted. “Laird Jared
is in league with the devil and his enchantress wife. I demand the forfeiture
of all his lands for his crimes!”

The lieutenant stared at Osred. “It is the decision
of the rightful king of Scotland, Sir Robert the Bruce, Jared MacLean is not
accountable. Would you question that?”

“Sir Robert does not understand the situation. I must
insist you arrest Laird Jared,” Osred ranted.

Jared glanced across at Liam. Liam nodded
understanding the unspoken plea and slipped quietly out of the room.

“It is the order of Sir Robert that Laird MacLean is
to be held at Dunbocan pending the outcome of the church’s investigation of his
wife. Until such time, the eldest member of the high council is to assume
control.” Jared saw Morven's face grow red with rage.

“I am second in command!” Morven shouted.

“And as such your loyalty to your laird may undermine
your duty,” the lieutenant replied. “Garrick shall be in charge, and you,
Morven, will ride with us to Edinburgh to assure Laird Jared his wife is
treated fairly.”

Jared prayed Liam was successful in hiding Asilinn
before the troops were sent to collect her. He had promised only yesterday to
protect her and now he stood powerless against the forces of evil striving to
destroy them.


Liam took the stairs two at a time, rapped lightly on
the chamber door, and entered unbidden. “Lady Asilinn, wake up.” He shook her.
“Asilinn, come on.”

Asilinn opened her eyes. “What is it?” she asked in a
frightened whisper.

“Osred has brought troops to take you to Edinburgh to stand in front of the bishops. They accuse you of witchcraft. Dress quickly.
I've come to sneak you out of the castle.”

Asilinn stared at him in disbelief. An inquisition by
the church in such matters was usually a death sentence. “Where is Jared? Why
did he not come?”

“This is not the time to question my loyalty,” Liam
warned. “Jared is being held by the soldiers until you have been tried at Edinburgh. He is powerless to help you now.”

“Kindly avert your eyes,” she said briskly. When he
looked away, she rose from the bed and dressed hurriedly.

There was another rap on the door. Asilinn looked at
Liam in terror and Wynne's voice floated through the door. “Lady Asilinn, open
the door.”

Asilinn flew to the door despite Liam's nod to the
contrary. “She could be a traitor.” Ignoring him, she flung the door open.

“Lady Asilinn, you must hurry and escape. Soldiers
are here to arrest you,” Wynne sobbed. “Go to Cock Bridge and hide in my old
house. No one will look for you there.” Wynne glanced at Liam. “Be he with us
or against us?”

“He is loyal to Laird Jared,” Asilinn responded with
conviction. “He came to help me escape but how can I go without Jared?”

“There is no choice. The laird can fend well for
himself,” Wynne assured her. “His only concern will be for your safety and the
safety of the child you carry. You must away. There is no time to lose.”

“Both of you go down and act as if nothing is amiss,”
Asilinn ordered. “Liam, I'll meet you in the stable. Have the horses ready.”

“But, Milady, wouldn't you be safer in my company?”
he asked.

“No, I'll take the secret passage out and meet you.
This way I can bolt the door from within and keep the soldiers occupied for
awhile.” She turned to Wynne. “Tell Jared where we have gone. I know he'll come
if he can.”

Wynne gave her a tearful hug. “Go with God,” Wynne
murmured as she fled the room.

Liam grabbed Asilinn's arm. “Let me go with you through
the passage.”

“You must go below and make your presence conspicuous
before you sneak away. That way, if I am caught, you may be able to avoid blame
in my escape. Please go. There is not much time.”

He was reluctant, but she pushed him toward the door.
Obliging, he kissed her forehead lightly and left the room. Asilinn slid the
bolt into place and heard Liam start down the steps.


“Take Laird Jared and have him locked up so he is not
influenced by the witch when she leaves,” the lieutenant ordered.

“No!” Jared shouted. “You must let me speak with

“Lock him in one of the upper rooms.”

“Upper rooms,” Osred cried indignantly. “The man has
been sleeping with a powerful sorceress. She is the embodiment of evil! You
must lock him in the dungeon.”

Garrick scowled at Osred's suggestion. “In view of
the fact this shall turn out to be a groundless accusation, the upper room
should suffice.”

“Look! She has won them all over with her spell of
enchantment,” Osred argued. “As soon as you leave with her, he will escape!
They will help him.”

“All right, the dungeon it is,” the lieutenant
agreed. “Take him away.”

Skye flew to Jared's side smothering him with her
stranglehold around his neck. She was crying but found the presence to whisper
in his ear. “Tell me what to do.”

“Send Ross to Cairngorm Castle with a letter
explaining what has transpired,” Jared directed in a hushed voice only she
could hear. “Tell Laird Innes to come immediately with as many men as he can

One of the guards pried Skye away. While Jared was
dragged toward the dungeon, she gave him an affirming nod.


Asilinn pushed open the secret door trembling with
trepidation. Securing it behind her, she made her way quietly down the stairs.
She paused at the entrance to the passage where she had fallen prey to Osred
and Glenna. She could hear several men coming down the hall. Paralyzed with
fear, she peeped out the hole into the passage.

Her heart stopped at the sight she beheld. Jared was
being led away in chains toward the dungeon. She longed to cry out to him and
rush to his side, but it could not be. Tears streamed down her cheeks when he
disappeared into the darkness of the long passage.

Composing herself, she opened the door and made her
way up the hall. She pushed the torch bracket and the door sprung open. Rushing
through the portal, she closed it behind her.

Carefully she snuck into the stable. Liam hadn't
arrived yet. Asilinn didn't know how long she should wait for him to appear. A
terrible thought crossed her mind. If she was mistaken about him, he could be
the one to deliver her into the hands of the soldiers. She grimaced at the
thought and hid in a pile of straw in the corner.


The soldiers followed Wynne up the stairs and pounded
on the door to the tower room. When there was no answer, the lieutenant turned
to her. “Call for your mistress.”

“Lady Asilinn,” she cried.

The soldier in the front tried the door. It didn't
move. “Is there a bolt on the inside?” he asked.

Wynne nodded, suppressing a smile. “The door is three
inches of solid oak and the bolt is heavy metal from the blacksmith. I fear it
will take a while to break it down.”

The lieutenant muttered a curse. “Get me a battering
ram!” he ordered.


Liam made his way through the gathered crowds anxious
to hear word of their laird. He clung to the edges of the group trying to fade
into the background. He rounded a corner and slipped back an alleyway toward
the stable. A tall figure stepped out to block his path. He jumped.

“You startled me,” he said.

“Are you going to help Lady Asilinn escape?”

“Aye, she waits in the stable,” Liam confided.

“What can I do to help?” Morven asked.

“I dinna know, some sort of distraction perhaps,”
Liam suggested.

Morven smiled. “Come this way, it is quicker,” he
said, pushing Liam in front of him.

Liam started to turn and say something, but his
thoughts were cut short when Morven dealt him a heavy blow to the head and he
crumpled in a heap.


Asilinn knew she had been waiting too long. Liam
should have been here. She was about to climb out of her dusty hiding place
when she heard footsteps enter the barn. Peering through the straw, her heart
sank. Six soldiers stood in the archway.

“Well, he said search the barn,” one said. “I suppose
it is better than carrying that damn battering ram up the steps.”

They all laughed. “I think this time we got the easy
duty,” another man said.

They moved apart looking around. Just then, a wisp of
straw tickled Asilinn's nose and she let loose with an uncontrollable sneeze.
The men rushed to the pile of straw and jerked her out, dusting her off with
groping hands.

“God, she's a beauty,” the shortest one exclaimed.
“Mayhaps we should try her out before we take her in,” he suggested.

“I am Lady Asilinn Innes MacLean,” Asilinn spat
defiantly. “And you will keep your hands to yourself!”

“You are in no position to make demands,” one man
said with a sneer. He grabbed her wrists and pulled her close.

“Fool,” their leader chided. “She is a witch. The
devil gives her the beauty to enchant us. Come on,” he said. He jerked Asilinn
along with him while headed back to the keep. “My lieutenant will be spared the
trouble of knocking down the tower door after all.”

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