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Authors: Rachel Higginson

Endless Magic (42 page)

BOOK: Endless Magic
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When he walked around to the other side of the car, I thought for a few short seconds about opening the door and making a run for it. But I remembered his words and his promise to talk to his father so I stayed still, only moving to buckle my seatbelt. There were too many prisoners for me to step out of line now, no matter what the cost to me.

He started the car and whipped it around, speeding out of the garage and through the narrow streets of the Citadel. I closed my eyes and held my breath. His driving didn’t scare me half as much as his destination.

The hunting lodge? What did he plan to do to me? What price would I have to pay for my reckless words this time?

Chapter Thirty-One


“What are you going to do with me?” I demanded after an hour of driving through the winding mountains in silence. When we first left the castle, Kiran flew around the hairpin turns and sped through the darkness like a bat out of hell for over an hour. My fingers ached from gripping the soft leather seat and a tension headache brewed at the base of my neck, but after a while he slowed down and simultaneously seemed to calm down. But as he grew more comfortable next to me, the panic growing like wildfire began to burn at my throat and claw at my sanity.

Kiran flinched at my words with that expression, the one I couldn’t define, the one that started to tug at my heart every time he made it. I expected anger, I expected rage, but that expression…. That expression made
feel guilty.

“I didn’t realize it….
were still this bad,” he explained through a carefully controlled voice. “I thought, lately, we were making progress.” He stared straight ahead, one hand gripping the steering wheel tightly, the other thrusting the gear shift accordingly. “And because of my perception of our relationship, I might have been pushing you to trust me sooner than you were ready, and for that I apologize,” he finished cavalierly.

“You’re apologizing to me?” I questioned, confused.
“I’m explaining my behavior,” Kiran answered. “I lost my temper and you did not deserve to be dragged from the castle.”
“Thank you,” I huffed, feeling gratified.

“Oh, I take it back,” Kiran laughed in a strained, frustrated voice throwing me a scornful glance that made me shrink in my seat. “I take it back! You are spoiled, and stubborn and irrationally defiant. And I cannot believe I ever fell in love with you!”

My mouth dropped open from his accusations. “How can you say those things?” I shrieked, feeling the harsh sting to my pride. “I am anything but selfish.”

“What you need is discipline,” Kiran continued, and I wanted to smack the smug tone right out of him.

“Don’t even start with me! I live in the throes of oppression! My entire existence is scrutinized to the very letter! Discipline? Don’t make me laugh!” I spat, with all the righteous indignation I could collect.

“I wouldn’t dream of making you laugh,” Kiran retorted quickly. “I wouldn’t dream of reminding you there is more to life than your incessant suffering, or constant wallowing! How dare I even attempt to show you the good left in life…. Or the hope that you might have at a happy future! God forbid, that you, for even one second, don’t have to carry the entire bloody burden of your people by yourself!”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I demanded, folding my arms across my chest. Kiran turned off the highway and onto an unlit gravel road. I forgot our conversation, and I disregarded my anger, replacing it with gnawing fear. “Where are you going? Is this the road to your hunting lodge?”

“Eden, why are you so afraid of my hunting lodge?” Kiran asked casually. “It’s at least a getaway from the prison you detest so greatly. Although I distinctly remember you telling your parents just yesterday that you didn’t have it at all bad at the Citadel. In fact, I think your exact words were that we treated you like a princess and I-“

“Kiran, please, just tell me if this is your hunting lodge, I need to know,” I whined, shutting my eyes tightly and dropping my head into my hands.

“Eden, no!” He sighed exasperated. “Would you please just look up?”

I shook my head, too afraid that I would like the house he planned to keep me locked up in for the next couple days. I cowered, too frightened to acknowledge this moment was real, that he actually brought me here, that he actually planned to go through with his…. discipline.

He parked the car and shut off the engine. We sat in silence for a few minutes, my head in my hands. His knuckles brushed my fingers in a gentle urging to pull them from my face. He tugged at my hand sweetly, encouraging me to take a look.

“I know that you think the worst of me,” he whispered hoarsely, “but I really do not want to hurt you.”

At the softening of his tone, I swallowed bravely and looked up. Kiran parked in front of a two story stucco house. The darkness of the mountain night prevented me from making out any detail of the house except where the large picture windows, spaced out on both floors, lit up the siding and sent long shadows of light across the driveway.

The house, filled with people, had activity bustling about from every window. I sat stunned, the excitement growing inside of me as I started to recognize the people moving around inside. Silas. Ebanks. Angelica. Oscar. Avalon. Jericho….

“You brought me to the safe house?” I whispered, hardly able to reconcile what I thought was going to happen tonight and what actually happened. When I swallowed the fear, I could feel Avalon’s magic just inside the house.

“I think I underestimated how draining the castle can be on you. You are so strong, Eden, so…. invincible at times. And with the kidnapping, even seeing your parents…. anyone in your situation would have broken by now,” he turned to me, his turquoise eyes finding mine in the darkness. “This is for you. I want you to heal. I want you to breathe again. But you can’t stay here, we will have to go back in a few days,” Kiran finished apologetically.

I looked at him, ready to throw my arms around his neck, but I restrained myself. “Thank you,” I whispered, hot tears pushing against my eyelids, “I know we have to go back…. I want to go back for the sake of…. Thank you.”

His eyes bore into mine, asking me a silent question that made my heart flutter and my stomach clench in distress. I held my breath and shook my head, dispelling the silly tears and the nagging feeling of disappointment that caught in my throat. This was what I needed. I needed to see Avalon and Jericho and get away from the castle. Get away from Kiran.

“So will you be back to pick me up in a few days?” I asked. I unbuckled my seatbelt and reached for the door handle.

“I am staying with you,” Kiran replied carefully. He unbuckled his seatbelt too and stepped out of the car.

“Why? Won’t you be bored?” I pressed, hoping he would take a hint. I scrambled from the low passenger’s seat of the sports car and followed him to the front door.

“Uh, no,” he laughed, only I didn’t catch the joke.

“How do you know where the safe house is anyway?” I demanded as we reached the door.

Kiran pressed his palm against a gold doorknocker and I watched the protective magic flare under his hand, turn a deep shade of gray and then heard the lock click open. He opened the door for me, letting me pass by him. We stood in an empty entryway. I slipped off my silver gladiator sandals on the red tiled floor and then turned to face Kiran again. The pull of finding my brother and Jericho tugged at my heart, but the need to put the pieces of a puzzle together tugged harder.

“And how did your magic work in the door?” I crossed my arms defiantly, requiring an answer.

Heavy footsteps on the stairs overhead alerted us that they knew we were here. Kiran stepped into me, placing a tender hand against my waist. He leaned his lips to my ear and whispered coarsely, “Shouldn’t you be off to find Jericho by now?”

I shivered from his hot breath against my skin and then closed my eyes to shut him out. I moved around him before opening my eyes and when I did Jericho stood in front of me, watching me with heartbroken eyes and a flushed face. I knew Avalon stood behind him, and others that wanted to greet me, but my heart soared at Jericho’s handsome face in front of mine. His hair had grown out again, not long like when I first met him, more like when Talbott brought him to me in Peru. His dark locks lay across his forehead haphazardly, and his hazel eyes darkened with a restrained danger when they flickered from me to Kiran. A five o’clock shadow roughened his face, obscuring his endearing dimple.

I could feel his frustration, his anxiety at how he came upon Kiran and me. I knew there would be explaining to do later, excuses to be made. But not now, not when the joy of seeing him and of being able to touch him, burst in my heart. I threw my arms around his neck, pressing my body against him and releasing my magic to find his. There was only a moment of hesitation with my magic when I had to redirect it from finding Kiran’s to mingling with Jericho’s, but I prayed nobody but me noticed. Nobody except Kiran, whose magic for the briefest moment leapt into suffocating happiness at the prospect of reuniting willingly with mine.

I buried my face in Jericho’s neck, inhaling him, letting myself become consumed with him and then I closed my eyes against the rest of the world, against everything we were up against and breathed him and only him. His arms went around my waist, holding me to him, protecting me from everything else, reminding me of everything that should be in this world and wasn’t.

I didn’t lift my head to kiss him; I couldn’t, not in front of all these people…. Not when the charade I played with Kiran on a daily basis felt sadistically close to cheating. Not when Kiran stood only a few feet away watching us. I pushed myself impossibly closer to Jericho, and pushed Kiran out of my head all together.

Avalon cleared his throat from behind Jericho, but it was Jericho that let go first. I looked up into those hazel eyes before I left his arms, promising that I loved him, offering my heart to him silently, and giving him reassurance that I remained his. He didn’t return my intensity, he didn’t promise me the same things, but he did look lovingly back, his expression softened and his lips turned upward into a confident smile.

Confident-ish smile.

“Like we don’t talk every day!” I grumbled, letting Avalon pull me into an affectionate hug.

“Yeah, only when we talk it’s all, how do I get out of this basement dungeon, Avalon? And what’s the best way to attack the Citadel?” he mocked me in his best impression of my voice. I had to laugh at the high pitched squealing meant to sound like me.

“Avalon!” I gasped, pushing away from him and punching him in the arm before I gave Kiran a sidelong glance at the reference to attacking the castle.

“Oh, good grief,” Avalon rolled his eyes, but I could feel that he didn’t mean the sarcastic gesture for me.

I moved from Avalon to Silas and then Gabriel, both of whom I could feel wanting to say something deep and prophetic, but I didn’t stay long enough to hear it. There would be time for ominous warnings and vague life lessons later; right now I just wanted to relish in the happiness of being surrounded by people I loved and nothing else.

Rosalind and Lilly’s father Allister, who I had never met before, greeted me. Allister was a very good looking man with a thick red scruff of a beard and wavy vibrant red hair. Pale and freckled, his indigo eyes sparkled and his face danced with expression. I wanted to ask the details of how he escaped prison, but now was not the time. Not in front of Kiran.

I took Jericho’s hand after I greeted everyone and he led me upstairs to a kitchen and eating area. Angelica stood from an oak, roughly made table as soon as I entered the room and rushed to me. She wrapped her frail arms around my shoulders and held me close to her. I nearly wept at our reunion. I hadn’t seen her in so long, I hadn’t looked into her brilliant violet eyes and let her make me feel small and childlike in way too long. When she finally let me go, tears dampened her cheeks and she didn’t release my hand, but patted it motherly, and led me to the table where a small boy of maybe eight, sat eating a cabbage roll stuffed with ground meat.

I sat down next to him and smiled kindly. His big gray eyes grew large and the cabbage roll stopped halfway to his mouth. Jericho joined me at the table while Angelica fixed a plate of food and set it down in front of me before I could object.

“What’s your name?” I asked the boy who still stared, mouth hanging half open.

“Eden, this is Tristan,” Jericho explained, introducing me to the little boy who nodded in reply, cabbage roll suspended in midair. “Tristan joined us a month ago, he’s been adopted by all of us,” Jericho explained and I understood that the child was an orphan. My heart broke for him and his unexplained circumstances. I would have to ask Jericho later.

“And is everyone nice to you?” I asked Tristan, hoping to draw him into conversation. He nodded enthusiastically, a smile spreading across his face. “Even Avalon?” I gasped pretending disbelief when Avalon walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table with us.

Tristan laughed out loud at that and Avalon stuck his tongue out at the little boy playfully. Kiran followed Avalon to the table and Angelica quickly brought over a plate of food for him too. He smiled up at her and thanked her and she patted him affectionately on the head.

Their exchange bothered me, Kiran’s whole presence bothered me, and it was more than how everyone treated him like he was their friend; it was his familiarity with the house, with everyone, with…. The Resistance. But nothing compared to the fear that swept over me when Tristan saw Kiran for the first time. His overly large gray eyes lit up and a true smile spread across his small face. He stood up from his food immediately and went to greet Kiran.

Kiran exchanged a secret handshake with the young boy before messing up his floppy dark brown hair and sending him back to his seat encouraging him to finish the meal Angelica made for him. Tristan obeyed, but had a very hard time keeping his hero-worshipping eyes off Kiran.

BOOK: Endless Magic
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