Enemy From The Past (Unseen Enemy Book 4) (12 page)

Read Enemy From The Past (Unseen Enemy Book 4) Online

Authors: Marysol James

Tags: #Contemporary, #sex, #Romance, #Military, #Fiction

BOOK: Enemy From The Past (Unseen Enemy Book 4)
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“I don’t want to stop.” She lowered his boxers. “I want it all.”

He lowered his forehead to hers, gasping as she stroked him, up and down, around the head, back to the shaft. Her touch was sweet and sexy, and it took everything he had to not come within seconds. Jim pulled back a bit.

“Let me see you, baby. Let me touch you.”

Kat nodded. Her breath caught as he pulled down her panties and knelt in front of her, those incredible eyes level with her pussy. His fingers touched her knees, moved up slowly. He touched the inside of her thighs, paused where they met at her pulsing, throbbing centre. He looked up at her again.

“Kat? Is this OK?”

“Yes.” She clutched his shoulders as his hands slid up another inch, another two. “Please… touch me.”

“You’re certainly
when you give direction,” he murmured. “Makes things much easier for me.”

Jim stroked her lower lips, and she arched in to his touch with a moan. He traced her slit slowly, feeling her heat and wetness rush out to meet his fingers. Never in his life had he known a woman so hungry, so starved for touch. Kat was soaked and primed from the smallest contact, and the musky scent of her arousal filled his senses.

“Can I?” he said. “With my mouth?”

“Oh,” she gasped as her pussy opened even more to his fingers. “Oh, God. Yes.”

Jim brushed his fingers over her again, and Kat twisted in pleasure, her back pushing in to the cool wall. He held her green eyes as he leaned forward, parting her lips, his tongue just skimming her wet heat. She stopped breathing, every nerve in her body tensed in anticipation.

Kiss me, Jim. Oh, God. Kiss me.

Her hands tightened in his hair, and he heard her silent plea. Jim closed his eyes and settled his whole mouth on her, his tongue moving on her clit, slow and gentle. He rolled the hard bud between his lips, teasing and loving it, then licked her full length, lapping at her sweet moisture, greedy and wanting more. He was down on his knees in front of her, worshipping her, cherishing her, and she knew it. She

His tongue moved inside her now, thrusting in and out, and Kat gave a cry of want, of need. Jim looked up at her.

“How do you want to come, baby?” His voice was guttural, his finger slipping inside her, stroking her slick channel. “Tell me what you want.”

“Inside me,” she panted. “I want you inside me.”

He got to his feet, cradled her face in his hands. “I’m going to make this good for you, Kat. I promise.”

“I know.” She kissed him, running her tongue along her lower lip. “I trust you.”

He rolled on the condom and then in one strong movement, he lifted her. Without a second of thought, she wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around her neck, her back pressed hard against the wall. Holding her gaze, Jim rubbed his cock against her entrance, his other hand under her ass, holding her steady.

“I’m coming in now,” he said. “Slow and easy… you tell me if it hurts, OK?”

She nodded. He slid inside, no more than an inch, and she froze. That stopped him, and he kissed her closed eyelids.

“Kat? You with me?”

Her eyes opened now, and he stared at the heat and desire shining out of them. “Yes. More… I want more.”

He grinned. “More I can do.”

Kat groaned as he moved deeper, stretching her in the most delicious way. He was so hot, so hard, and her insides burned and ached as he slid in further, closer. He kept pressing until he was all the way inside her quivering body, then he paused, giving her time to get used to the sensation of being so filled, so taken. He held her carefully, his large hands supporting her as she fought to calm her breathing.

Jim kissed her, loving being so close to her. Her whole body was shaking, and she was warm and soft under his hands. When she started to move on him, he groaned aloud. Kat rode him slowly, and he let her take the lead, knowing that she was still relaxing in to his body, his size. When she started to speed up, he pulled back and out, then thrust in to meet her downward stroke. Her eyes widened, and he did it again.


“I’ve got you, honey. Let me take control now… let me take you there.”

He started to plunge inside her, gently, then more roughly as her hips rose and fell in rhythm with his. Kat watched his face, loving how good it felt to love this strong, tender man with her body. She felt her muscles tensing and releasing on him, a wave of pleasure starting to swell, and she gave a low moan.

“I’m close… I’m so close.” Her pussy throbbed, and she gasped. “I’m almost there…”

“Oh, God.” His eyes squeezed shut as she started to tighten on him, and he struggled to hold off until she came. “Kat, you’re so beautiful. You feel so damn good.”

She pulled his face down to hers, kissed him. Then she drew back, not more than an inch, and whispered against his mouth, “Beth.”

Stunned, Jim leaned back to see her face. She was crying now, but these weren’t tears of pain or fear; they weren’t even tears of sadness. They were more like a baptism.

His fingers trembled as he gently touched her lips. “Beth.”

Hearing her name spoken in his husky voice, feeling it flutter across her cheek on his breath: Beth had never expected these things to happen. She smiled at him, and his heart almost split in two with love for her.

She’s just given me everything.

Jim kissed her, then started to move again, more deliberately. She cried out as he made love to her hard, slow, deep. He took total control of her body, making sure she felt every inch of him. Her head fell back and rested against the wall, her fingers dug in to his thickly-muscled shoulders.

“Come for me, Beth,” he said, his voice dark. “Come hard, baby.”

At his words, the coiled tension deep inside her started to unravel. Her body was reaching, straining, fighting to release the taut, agonizing need. Her climax approached fast and huge, rising and growing with his every plunge, and she couldn’t do anything except feel Jim in her, all around her.

He felt her whole body trembling, right there on the brink of orgasm, and he drove in to Beth harder, pushing her mercilessly closer and closer to completion. She went over now, screaming and convulsing around him, and he let himself follow her over the edge of bliss. She heard his groans, felt his massive body shudder against hers as he started to come. And when Jim finally released deep inside her, he lost the ability to breathe: he felt dizzy from pleasure.

From her.

Dimly, Beth was aware that Jim had dropped his head to her shoulder, and his harsh breathing was hot against her throat. His one hand was braced on the wall, keeping him from collapsing to his knees, the other arm curved under her ass, holding her up. She stirred and started to unhook her legs from his waist so he could set her down and relax.

His fingers tightened on her hip and he held her in place. “Don’t move,” he whispered. “I’m not ready to let you go just yet.”

She smiled and cuddled in close again. “OK.”

They stayed like that for a few minutes, their heartbeats slowing down. Beth had never felt so safe in her life, so protected and encircled by love. She sighed deeply, wishing she could stay right where she was forever.

When he felt like he could walk without bringing them both crashing to the ground, Jim carefully moved away from the wall. Still deep inside her sweet body, he carried Beth to her bedroom, and he sat on the edge of the bed. She held him closer, and he ran his fingers through her hair before finally pulling out of her, hating to leave her heat.

“Tell me how you’re doing,” he said quietly.

“I’m – happy.” She smiled up at him. “You make me happy.”

Jim touched her cheek, marveling at her. “Beth… my God, it’s so good to meet you properly.”

She started to laugh from relief and joy, then all of a sudden, her laughter changed; to her surprise, it turned to sobs. She panicked, trying to stop her crying, but she just couldn’t. She was feeling so many things all at once, and she wasn’t able to hold them back any longer.

Jim held her tightly. “Shhhhh, baby. I’ve got you, you’re OK now.”

“I – I don’t
to cry,” she said, her voice breaking. “I don’t know what’s going on. I’m not upset…”

“I know. Just let it go… you need to let it all go, Beth.”

And there in Jim’s arms, she finally did.


Beth was curled up against Jim, her head on his chest. She was relaxed and drowsy, but she was fighting going to sleep: he felt too good to want to leave just yet. He stroked her back and she glanced up at him.

“You doing OK there, Beth Harper?” he asked.

“Better than OK. I’m great.”

Those golden eyes gazed at her, warm and soft. “You want me to stay tonight?”

“I want you to stay
night.” Beth ran her fingers over his powerful upper body. “And I don’t mean on the sofa-bed. You never have to stay out

“Thank Christ for that,” he said. “That thing damn near brought me to my knees in agony.” His eyes flared. “Unlike
, baby, who brought me to my knees for a different reason altogether.”

Her breath caught. He saw her response and slowly, he pulled her up to his mouth. Beth moaned softly as he kissed her, and Jim grinned against her lips.

“I thought you were sleepy,” he teased.

“I was.” She gasped as his hand traveled down the curve of her stomach and started to stroke between her legs. “But now I’m not.”



Beth finally crashed in to sleep two hours and three orgasms later. Jim held her close, watching her beautiful face and listening to her calm breathing, before surrendering himself.

She’s really going to stay here, with me. My God… I can keep her, safe and close.

Chapter Twelve


For Beth and Jim, May passed in a blur of hot pleasure and sweet moments. She didn’t know what she liked better: coffee with Jim in her living room every morning, or making love to him in her bed every night. Jim knew what
liked best, though: he loved waking up at dawn and holding her as she slept, knowing that she was safe and close.

Nobody is going to hurt this woman again. Not ever, not if I can help it.

When they told their friends about their relationship, the reaction was a combination of non-surprise and delight. The girls thought that Beth was one hell of a lucky woman – they knew, after all, just how great this group of guys was, in every sense of the word. On the first night that she met them for wine and a chat, they talked and laughed until two o’clock in the morning, exclaiming at how their lives had changed since the men had suddenly appeared in them, all tattooed muscles and ferocious stares.

The guys’ reactions were a bit more complicated. They had known Jim before what had happened in Afghanistan, and ever since he and Beth had gotten together, they’d quietly observed a change in him. Jim looked more peaceful, lighter and happier. He looked like he believed in good things in the world again; like maybe it was OK to forgive himself at last.

It was early June when Jim finally opened up to Beth completely, and laid his whole truth down at her feet. He’d debated not saying anything, but he knew that Tahir was between them, whether she knew it or not. Besides, she’d given him everything, trusted him with every single dark, horrible thing from her past, trusted him with her real name. He didn’t feel good about holding back on her.

You told her that she needed to let it all go, and she does exactly that, every single day. Now it’s your turn, man.

They had just finished making love, and Jim had gently washed her pussy with a warm, damp cloth. She was teary at his tender gesture and he was holding her in his arms, offering her comfort and strength. Beth took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I don’t know why I cry sometimes… nothing’s wrong, I swear.”

“I know,” Jim said. “You’re releasing, Beth, still letting some things go.”

“Yeah, I guess.” She thought about that for a few seconds. “You think I’ll be doing that forever? Letting go of things from the past?”

“I’m the wrong person to ask.”

Beth raised her head from his chest. “Why?”

Jim sighed. “Because of the two of us, I know the least about letting go of hard stuff.”

She propped herself up on one arm. “What do you mean? What haven’t you let go of?”

“Tahir.” His voice was strained.

“What’s Tahir?” Beth said.

“Tahir isn’t a ‘what’, baby. Tahir is a ‘who’.” He paused. “
a ‘who’.”

She saw the look of pain on his handsome face and she bit her lip. “Who was Tahir?”

“A kid who died because I trusted the wrong person.”

“Who did you trust that you shouldn’t have?”

“Tahir’s mother. Military intelligence.” He was quiet for a few seconds. “Myself.”

“What?” she said softly. “What happened, babe?”

“I – I didn’t listen to him. To Tahir. He was just a kid, just five years old. And what the hell do five-years-old ankle-biters know?” He gave a laugh so bitter, it made her stomach clench. “More than I do, in some cases.”

Beth waited, just looking at him quietly.

“We’d heard from one of our informants that women in this one part of the city were organizing a kind of Black Widow movement. You know what that is?”

“If it’s anything like the Chechnyan Black Widows, sure. Women who have lost their husbands to war are being recruited to take out the adversaries. Same thing?”

“Exactly the same.” Jim sighed. “Female suicide bombers working for the Taliban are no new thing – just ask Chris about that – but the women involving their kids? Nobody saw that coming.”

“Their kids?”


“Wait.” Beth stared at him. “You mean Tahir’s mother was a bomber?”

“Oh, yeah… a hardcore, angry, dedicated one. And he told me about it.”

“He did?”

“Uh-huh. Walked right up to me in the street while I was on patrol, told me in semi-decent English.”

“What did you do?”

“His mother ran out after him, and when I questioned her, she was totally amused and relaxed. She just laughed and told me that Tahir had one hell of an active imagination. Kids, you know.”


“I mean, I checked in to her, but nothing came up. At the time, intelligence didn’t know that her husband had been killed by an American drone strike, so we had no motivations for Fazela to hate us. In fact, everyone I talked to about her said that she was a great woman, a great Mom. She did some translation work for us sometimes, and was helpful in some difficult conversations. She seemed so… so normal.”

“I can see that.”

“So I ignored the kid, even when he told me again. And again. He kept insisting that Fazela was going to do something bad, and he wanted me to stop her.”

“Why didn’t you believe him?”

“Because I trusted his mother, who as it turns out was an Oscar-worthy fucking actress. I trusted the military intelligence about her being on our side. I trusted myself to know better than a messed-up kid being raised in a war zone.”

Beth nodded. “But he was right?”

“He was right,” Jim said heavily. “Fazela strapped on a suicide vest under her burqa, took Tahir by the hand, and detonated it right in front of the main gate to the American Embassy. Took out three Marines, two staff members – and Tahir.”

Beth was frozen with horror. “Jim… my God.”

“My fault,” he said, his voice huskier than usual. “All my fault. I had a kid standing right there in front of me, begging me to hear him, to help him. And I just – just ignored him. I was so fucking
and because of me, people died… including an innocent five-year-old who counted on me to keep him safe. He trusted me, and he shouldn’t have.” He swallowed. “Ever since then, I haven’t trusted anyone besides the guys, and I think that
should fucking trust me to protect them. Or to do anything that involves me making a decision, really.” He gazed at her. “How do you trust me, Beth? Why do you? I just – I don’t understand it sometimes.”

Beth reached for Jim now, not sure if he’d let her hold him. To her surprise, he did: he rolled over in to her embrace, his face hidden in her shoulder. She felt dampness against her skin, and she knew he was crying. He didn’t let her see his eyes, but he knew she knew that he was broken and vulnerable.

She stroked his hair. “I trust you, babe, completely and totally, because you make me feel safe. You always have, right from the beginning, and you did it when nobody else could.” She kissed his forehead. “All you’ve ever wanted to do was help me – and that’s all you’ve ever done, even when I fought you. You never stopped being there for me.”

He closed his eyes and let himself be comforted like a child. Beth’s sweetness surrounded him, made him feel enclosed in a soft, gentle place. She didn’t say anything more, but he didn’t need her to. Her touch was enough; her faith was everything.

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