Enemy Spy (13 page)

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Authors: Wendelin van Draanen

Tags: #Ages 7 & Up

BOOK: Enemy Spy
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And they told me what they were up to, and why!

I felt like I was helping shred on bad guys all over the world!

Way back when
one knew my secret identity, Mr. Green told our class that the beauty of Shredderman was that he could be
one. He could be the person next to you, the person across the room from you, the person at your bus stop… anyone.

And now I know that what he said is true. Shredderman used to be me, but now it's kids I've

never met, all over the globe! And who knows? Maybe things will come full circle and the next Shredderman will appear at my school.

Or yours!

As long as there are kids who are willing to fight for truth and justice, it'll never be curtains for Shredderman.

So boot up your computer!

Strap on the mask!

Inside all of us, Shredderman lives!

Published by Yearling, an imprint of Random House Children's Books
a division of Random House, Inc., New York

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Text copyright © 2005 by Wendelin Van Draanen Parsons
Illustrations copyright © 2005 by Brian Biggs

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eISBN: 978-0-307-55966-1


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