Enhanced: Brides of the Kindred 12 (The Brides of the Kindred) (47 page)

BOOK: Enhanced: Brides of the Kindred 12 (The Brides of the Kindred)
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“All…all right,” Mei-Li whispered. The new
position made her feel even more vulnerable because it reminded her of the
first time he had tasted her. But he had promised not to hold her down and she
was on a normal bed, not a
, so she did her best to relax.

Six, meanwhile, was getting a better look
at her panties which clearly fascinated him. Mei-Li made a mental note to stock
up on sexy underwear.
, whispered a little
voice in her head. She tried to push it away.

“Why do you even bother to wear these?”
Six traced the edge of the lace which was like an inverted triangle with the
point leading down to the entrance of her pussy. She shivered at the light
touch of his long finger on such a sensitive area.

“What…what do you mean, why bother to wear
them?” she asked, her voice coming out slightly breathless.

“They barely cover anything at all. I can
see your outer pussy lips…your cleft…even the center of your pleasure if I look
hard enough.” The long finger stroked gently between her outer lips and teased
around the edges of the lace as he spoke.

Mei-Li gave a little gasp as the moving
fingertip slid lightly over her clit, which was indeed peaking out just above
the lace border.

“I wore them for you,” she admitted. “To
surprise you…to excite you. To make you

“In that you have succeeded.” He grabbed
her hips, his large hands nearly spanning her pelvis, and drew her closer. “I
cannot wait any longer. I must feel that lace against my lips—and under the
lace, your soft, hot cunt.”

Mei-Li moaned breathlessly as his hot
breath bathed her pussy. But Six didn’t dive right in—apparently he wanted to
savor this moment. Instead, he leaned forward, ever so slightly, and brushed
just his lips against the fragile lace of her panties.

She moaned again as he placed another kiss
right over her cleft and then rubbed his cheek against it like a cat marking
its territory. God, she could feel herself getting hot and excited—a sensation
that made her want to close her legs and press them together tightly. Instead,
she opened more for him, letting him in, making herself vulnerable as he had
asked her to.

Six responded by nipping lightly at the
lace edge of the panties. Mei-Li gave a little gasp as he pulled them down with
his teeth, baring her cleft and inner folds, already soaked with her juices.

“Gods, so wet,” he muttered hoarsely. “I
love how hot and wet your pussy gets for me when I taste you,
is certainly something I will miss.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him
he didn’t have to miss it. That he could have this and more forever if only he
would agree to stay and not take the serum. But she sensed this wasn’t the time
for bargaining. It was the time for doing—for

“Six,” she said softly. Then slowly, she
slid her fingers down the length of her own body and spread her slick petals
open for him, deliberately baring her inner pussy though the very act made her
heart feel like it was going to drum its way out of her chest. “Kiss me,” she
whispered. “Give me some sweet kisses to remember you by.”

He groaned low in his throat. “Even if I
wished to resist I could not. Gods, how I’ve longed to kiss you here again!”

Softly he planted a gentle kiss directly
over her throbbing clit. When he pulled back, his lips were shiny with her
juices. He licked them off and looked up at her, his steel gray eyes
half-lidded with lust.

“But kissing is not enough. I need

more,” Mei-Li urged him,
wondering how she had gotten so bold. “Have as much as you want.”

Six took her at her word. With a low
growl, he pulled her forward, cupping her ass in his big hands and positioning
her so that her open pussy was directly against his mouth. Then he flattened
his tongue out and licked her, a long, slow stroke from bottom to top that
bathed her clit in heat and sent tingles of electrical fire throughout her
entire body.

“Ahh!” Mei-Li threw back her head and
gasped as he pressed closer to taste her even more deeply. The last time he’d
had her in this position, she had been frozen in place, restrained by the
and unable to move. This time there was nothing stopping her from touching him
while he tasted her and she took full advantage by threading her fingers into
his thick, dark hair.

Six growled in approval and looked up, his
eyes blazing. “Yes,” he said, his voice hoarse with lust. “Touch me as I taste
Let me feel your sweet little hands in my hair.” Then he
wrapped his muscular arms around her thighs and split her even wider.

Mei-Li gasped at the feeling of intense

“God, Six…”

Her only answer was his mouth on her, his
seeking tongue lapping her in long, firm strokes that started at the entrance
of her channel and went all the way to the top of her cleft. It was as though
her pussy was an ice cream cone melting in the sun and he was determined to
lick it up before it melted.

Mei-Li moaned and tightened her grip in
his hair. Her hips moved helplessly, tilting her pelvis up to offer him even
more, to give even greater access.
God, so good…
She could feel the
pleasure growing within her, tightening like a wire in her lower belly,
threatening to snap at any minute.

Then Six ovaled his lips around the
tingling bud of her clit and sucked it gently into his mouth. Pulling her hips
up to support her completely, he began lashing the tender little bundle of
nerves mercilessly with the tip of his tongue.

Abruptly, the wire snapped and she was
flooded with pleasure, the whipcrack orgasm flashing through her like a bolt of

“Six!” she wailed, her back arching
involuntarily. Somehow her fingers slid out of his hair and found his broad
shoulders instead. As the pleasure peaked inside her, she gripped him hard, her
nails digging into his flesh as she moaned his name.
Oh, God—too much…too
She didn’t know if she could stand it and yet she never wanted it to

Six continued lapping her eagerly until
the overwhelming pleasure finally lessened a little. Then, when Mei-Li winced
away from his tongue lashing, he changed his stroke, licking gently, almost tenderly
as he cleaned away her juices.

“God,” she whispered, finally relaxing
under the gentle tongue bath. “Six, that was…amazing. It was…” The words died
in her mouth as she looked down and realized what she had done. Long, red
scratches marred the tan skin of his shoulders and several of them were
bleeding. “Oh, no,” she gasped, getting up on her elbows. “Look what I did to
you—Oh, Six, I’m so sorry!”

Six raised his head and looked at one
red-marked shoulder with its trickle of crimson.

“I am not,” he said quietly. “I am glad
you marked me.”

“What? Why?” She struggled to sit up more
and he reluctantly released her thighs, allowing her to get completely free.
Mei-Li ran to the small bathroom and got a wet washcloth. When she returned,
Six was sitting on the edge of the bed, his shoulders slumped, looking down at
his hands.

“It is all right,” he said when she got up
on her knees, the better to reach him, and began dabbing the wounds she’d made.
“The pain is nothing compared to…”

“Compared to what?” she asked softly.

He just shook his head. “It’s nothing.”

“Well, why did you say you were glad I
marked you?” she demanded. Personally, she was horrified she’d done such a
thing. She had never had a problem like this with any other lover. Then again,
she’d never felt for anyone like she felt for Six. And no other man had ever
given her such intense orgasms. He sent her literally out of her mind with

Six looked up at her at last.

“I am glad you marked me because I will have
no more emotions after I take the serum. In time the memories may fade as
well,” he said in a low voice. “But a physical scar will last. It will remind
me of you even when I am far away and I feel nothing.”

“Oh, Six…” Mei-Li felt like her heart
might burst.

“Well…” He sighed and stood up. “I suppose
the memory is over and the time has come to go.”

“No! Not yet!” Mei-Li couldn’t help the
words that burst from her lips.

He looked down at her with one eyebrow

“You asked for a good last memory. From
the way you gasped and cried my name I thought I had given you one. Is there
more that you want?”

“More—yes, more,” she said hastily.
“Here…sit down again.”

“What else?” he asked when they were
seated side by side on the bed once more.

“Make love with me.” Mei-Li had never
asked for sex so shamelessly in her life. She had always just hinted around or
let the man she was with be the aggressor. But she couldn’t help herself—she
couldn’t just watch Six leave. She couldn’t bear to let him go. “Please,” she whispered.
“Please don’t go yet. Make love with me first.”

“I am not sure that is a good idea,” Six
rumbled. But the hunger was back in his eyes and she could plainly see he was
still hard.

“Yes, it is.” Recklessly, she threw her
arms around his neck and kissed him. The taste of her own juices on his lips
sent a rush of heat through her, making her emotional plea into a physical one.
“I want you inside me,” she murmured, looking him in the eyes and putting all
the intensity she could into her gaze. “More than that, I
inside me, Six. At least once.”

He groaned and kissed her back hungrily.
Then he pulled away.

“I should not. Having such intimacy with
you will make it too difficult to leave.”

That was what Mei-Li was hoping but she
didn’t want to say it out loud.

“If you don’t want to make love then just
let me feel you against me,” she said. Reaching between his thighs, she grasped
the hot, hard, silky shaft and stroked him from root to tip. “Just once…”

Her gentle stroking drew a low groan from

“Gods,” he muttered. “I cannot deny that I
want to feel you against me. It may be a weakness to give in but I can’t help

“Then don’t try.” Mei-Li was already
urging him to the head of the bed. Six allowed himself to be arranged so that
he was sitting in the center with his back against the carved wooden headboard.

She straddled his lean hips but stayed up
on her knees for the moment. She could feel the thick, throbbing shaft of his
cock brushing against her ass but she wanted to take this slowly. If she rushed
it, he might get up and leave at once.
This is my last chance,
My last chance to show him it’s worth it to stay. I have to get it

His hands moved
restlessly up and down her sides. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered hoarsely.
“So perfect. Even in my emotionless state I will miss you—I know I will.”

“I’ll miss you, too,” she said aloud, not
giving in to the urge to try and argue him out of his plans. “That’s why I want
to do this—to feel you against me. I want that memory to keep when you’re…when
you’re gone.” She almost choked on the words but she forced them out anyway.

He cupped her face
in his hands and pulled her down to him. Fitting his mouth to hers, he kissed
her with a tender intensity that nearly took her breath away. “I want you
he whispered when he pulled back.

“I want you, too.” And it was true. Even
though part of her wanted to cry at the thought of him leaving, she could still
feel the hunger inside herself—the need to take him, to feel him fill her at
least once before he left. But she would have to take things slowly.

“Take me in your hand,” Six directed
hoarsely. “Do what you want to do—rub me against you. Slide my shaft against
your sweet, wet pussy.”

Mei-Li bit her lip as his hot words
started a fire in her. Despite the fact that he had licked her clean earlier,
she could feel her pussy getting wet and hot all over again.

“All right,” she whispered. Carefully, she
rubbed the broad head of his cock over her open folds, moaning softly as it
slipped over her tender clit. God, he felt so good against her—so
he feel it too?

that feels good.” Six was watching avidly, a hungry
expression on his face. “Make me wet with your honey,
. I want you
to coat my shaft with it.”

“You know, if you put it inside me I
could, uh, coat you completely.” Mei-Li felt like her heart was pounding so
hard it was going to burst but she tried to keep her voice causal. “If you want
to, I mean.”

Six frowned. “I do not think that is a
good idea. I want to but…”

“What about just the head, then?” She
demonstrated by fitting the broad, plum-shaped head to her entrance and
pressing down so just the tip was almost inside her. She couldn’t help the
little moan that escaped her lips as she felt him poised and ready to breach
her entrance. Surely Six wouldn’t be able to resist…would he?

BOOK: Enhanced: Brides of the Kindred 12 (The Brides of the Kindred)
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