Enright Family Collection (139 page)

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Authors: Mariah Stewart

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Enright Family Collection
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“I guess Pumpkin Hill agrees with me,” Georgia blushed and started to prepare tea.

Something certainly does,
Delia’s eyes narrowed,
but I’m not certain it isn’t more than just the country air ...

“So, when will you be putting up your sign?”

“My sign?” Georgia frowned.

“‘Ballet in the Barn, at Pumpkin Hill,’” Delia reminded her.

“Oh,” Georgia bit her bottom lip, “well, that may not happen here.”

“What do you mean, sweetie?” Mother studied daughter’s face. “I thought we just established that the demand is there, you’re enjoying teaching ...”

“Matt will be moving back to Pumpkin Hill soon. He’ll be opening a veterinary clinic in the barn. Isn’t it wonderful?” Georgia placed steaming cups of amber tea in front of her mother and Gordon. “It’s what he’s always dreamed of, and now the opportunity is there ...”

“But I thought ...”

“... Georgia is welcome to stay at Pumpkin Hill as long as she likes,” Matt interrupted her.

“I can stay here at the house, Mom, and rent a place in town, maybe, for studio space. I haven’t had time to give it much thought yet. But I did get my portable barres this week,” she sat down next to her mother. “I can take them wherever I go.”

“That was a wise idea.” Delia sipped at her tea, trying to digest this late-breaking news.

“Gordon, how’s your salvage operation going? Any luck with the
True Wind?”
Matt asked to change the subject. He had a few ideas of his own that had only just then begun to formulate. He tucked them away for future scrutiny.

“We’re right on schedule. I was one man short, but Delia came up with someone who is working out quite well.” Gordon told them.

“Mom, who do you know in the salvage business?” Georgia asked curiously.

“Well, not exactly salvage, but ships and diving and that sort of thing.” Delia set her cup down on the saucer. “Do you remember Tucker Moreland? Captain Pete’s son?”

“Sure. He drove the boat out to Devlin’s Light when Nicky and India got married.” Georgia nodded. “As I recall, he spent most of the way out and most of the way back staring at Laura ...”

Ignoring that comment for the time being for reasons of her own, Delia continued.

“Well, Tucker was a Navy SEAL. When he retired last year, he returned to Devlin’s Light to give his father a hand with his charter business and consider his options.”

“How do you know all this?” Georgia asked.

“August Devlin. She and Captain Pete are ...” Delia chose her words carefully, “... old friends.”

“I thought there was something between them” Georgia nodded, looking pleased. To Matt, she said, “You met India’s Aunt August at Ally’s birthday party.”

“I remember her very well. Lovely lady. Friendly. Charming. Tested my memory.”

“In what way?” Georgia looked amused.

“She quoted something in Latin and I had to scramble to translate it.” He grinned.

“Ah, yes,” Delia laughed. “August sometimes forgets that everyone was not one of her high school Latin students, though it seems that just about everyone in Devlin’s Light was, at one time or another.”

“What was the phrase?” Gordon asked.

“Oh. It was a quote from Virgil.” Matt flipped over the French toast in the pan on the stove.
“‘Vera incessu patui dea.’”

“You’ll have to translate for me,” Georgia shrugged. “I never took Latin.”

He turned loving eyes to her and said softly,
“‘By her walk, the true goddess was revealed.’”

“Oh.” It was the look that passed between them, more than the words, that caused Georgia to blush again.

Delia’s left eyebrow rose almost imperceptibly.

Georgia cleared her throat and continued. “Anyway, India told me that August and Pete were sweethearts a million years ago when they were in high school.”

“Careful, sweetie. August is only about ten years
older than I am.” Delia tapped a manicured finger on her daughter’s arm.

“Sorry,” Georgia laughed. “Anyway, August went away to college to become a Latin teacher and Pete stayed in Devlin’s Light and became a sea captain and ran charters and when she didn’t come home he married someone else. He and his wife had several sons—Tucker’s the oldest—and a few years ago, his wife died. He and August have sort of, um, resumed their friendship.”

“When Gordon mentioned needing someone with expert diving skills, I thought immediately of Tucker,” Delia told them.

“We drove up to Devlin’s Light a few weeks ago,” Gordon continued, “and I met with Tucker and discussed the project I’m working on. He’s exactly the man I was looking for. I made him an offer and he accepted.”

“He’s commuting from Devlin’s Light every day?” Georgia asked as Matt placed a plate of French toast—the top slices slightly darker than the rest—on the table. She hadn’t missed Gordon’s

“Oh, no,” Delia shook her head, “he’s staying at the inn.”

“Really?” Georgia grinned. “Well, isn’t that convenient.”

“What’s that mean?” Matt stood in front of the cupboard taking plates down. “Are you sure you won’t join us, Delia? Gordon?”

“Thank you, no.” Delia smiled, knowing exactly what Georgia was thinking about Tucker’s stay at the inn. The very same idea had occurred to her.

Georgia took the teacups and placed them in the
sink. Then, on second thought, she moved them to the back of the counter, off by themselves, careful to note which cup had been whose. The teacups, with the remnants of tea and shards of tea leaves in their bottoms, sat on the counter like gifts she couldn’t yet open.

‘What’s convenient about this diver staying at the inn?” Matt repeated as he sat down at the table and helped himself to French toast.

“Tucker seemed very fond of Laura.” Georgia said evenly. “And he seemed like a really nice guy.”

“He’s a great guy,” Gordon nodded his head. “Terrific.”

“Laura has met a lot of nice guys. A lot of terrific guys.” Matt noted. “She wouldn’t give any of them the time of day.”

“Perhaps they gave up too easily,” Delia stirred her coffee slowly. “Somehow Tucker strikes me as the type of man who might not.”

Maybe I need to make a trip to Bishop’s Cove and check this situation out,
Matt thought as he took another bite.
Maybe I should see firsthand just what this Tucker Moreland’s all about...

Later, as Delia and Gordon prepared to leave, Georgia walked arm in arm with her mother to the car. “Mom, why didn’t you tell me about Laura’s husband.”

“I thought if she wanted you to know, that she should tell you. I take it that Matt ...”

“I think he was so surprised that I didn’t know, that it sort of blurted out. Mom, if this man had deceived you as totally as he deceived her, wouldn’t you divorce him?”

is the very least I would do to him,” Delia said dryly.

“Why do you suppose Laura won’t file for divorce?”

Delia worried her bottom lip with her top teeth for a long minute. “There’s something I can’t put my finger on, Georgia. I believe that at one time she had filed, then let it drop. I’ve asked her and she makes vague comments.” She paused, then asked, “My gut feeling?”

Georgia nodded.

“I think she’s scared somehow.” Delia seemed to choose her words carefully.

“Scared?” Georgia asked. “Scared of what?”

“I think she’s scared of him. Of Gary.”

“But he’s in jail, and his request for parole was turned down.”

“For the time being ...” Delia said thoughtfully.

“Is there any way of finding out when he’s eligible?”

“In two years he can apply again.”

“You have already checked?”

“Of course.”

“What else?”

“What do you mean, what else?”

“What else have you found out about him?” Georgia watched her mother’s face for a sign that there was more. She was pretty sure there would be.

“It seems Reverend Harmon has quite an active little ministry there in prison. He has many devoted followers. A regular little network from one prison to another.”

“That’s what Matt said ... oh, I see. Your private investigator ...?”

“Jeremy Noble is the best in the business,” Delia assured her. “He’s been keeping an eye on Reverend Harmon and his little band of merry men. As luck would have it, the warden in the prison where Harmon is incarcerated happens to be an acquaintance of Jeremy’s, and he seems to feel that Harmon has almost a Svengali-type hold over some of his fellow inmates. A frightening thought.” Delia appeared to shiver.

“Do you really think that Laura might be interested in Tucker Moreland?”

“I think she’s more interested than she wants to be. But first, we have to get her to agree to dissolve that sham of a marriage. She’d never pursue another relationship while she is still married. Even if it is only a legality. We’ll just have to work on her. Tucker isn’t the type of man who happens along every day.”

“Mom, you’re not playing matchmaker ...” Georgia cautioned.

“Of course I am, sweetie,” Delia put her arms around her daughter and hugged her. “And if you hadn’t done so well on your own, I’d be actively matchmaking on your behalf, too. Matthew really is a fine young man. I’m not certain I could have done better myself.”

“Matt is wonderful, Mom,” Georgia said simply.

“Good. Let’s hope he stays wonderful so that I don’t have to track him to the ends of the earth.” Delia turned toward the car, an arm around Georgia’s shoulder.

“Mother ...”

“Georgia, you are my baby.” Delia kissed her lightly on the cheek. “My last child. I want only happiness for you. I love you very much, my precious girl.”

“I love you, too, Mom.” Georgia whispered. “And I want you to be happy, too.”

“Oh, but darling, I am happy.” Her eyes followed Gordon as he walked around to the driver’s side of the car. “I am very happy. I have everything a woman could ever ask for. Absolutely everything. I am blessed beyond measure, Georgia.”

“And you deserve every last bit of it,” Georgia hugged her mother.

Delia turned to get into the car as Georgia went to say good-bye to Gordon. Turning back to Matt, she touched his arm. Her eyes bore the slightest glisten, like the last trace of dew on a summer morning.

“I see you’ve taken my request to get to know my family to heart,” she said softly.

“Directly to heart,” he replied.

“Don’t let her be caught in ... in whatever other concerns you might have, about me, about the situation,” she pleaded.

“This is between Georgia and me,” he told her.

“Matthew, in my family, when one is wounded, we all bleed.” Delia whispered. “Take care with my precious girl.”

“Always.” The simple word was his most solemn promise. “Always.”

chapter nineteen

Thank you so much for solving my little water problem,” Georgia toyed with the collar of Matt’s shirt and bit the inside of her lip to keep from smiling.

“Hey, it was nothing,” he leaned back against the truck and took her with him. “My pleasure. I think maybe I should stop back on Friday night to make sure it’s still working. A system that sophisticated is real high maintenance.”

“I thought it might be, seeing how it’s so high tech and all.” She grinned and pulled his face to hers.

“Hey, you never know when one of those hoses might spring a leak.” He kissed her solidly. “And besides, I really do need to measure off that barn space.”

“Then I’ll look for you on Friday night.”

“Dinner will be on me.” He opened the door to the truck and Artie jumped in.

“No cheating with take-out,” she warned him.

“I hate take-out.”

“Me too.” She laughed. “My sister, on the other hand, couldn’t exist without it. She has a different take-out menu for every night of the week.”

“Well, I’ll make something. I’ll come up with something good.” Matt paused, then asked tentatively, “How do you feel about Sherlock Holmes?”

She recalled the memorabilia in his apartment.

“Elementary, my dear Matthew,” she grinned. “He’s the quintessential detective.”

“I’ll bring videos.” He gathered her into his arms for one last kiss, one that lingered, one that he hoped would carry him through till Friday, though he knew he’d barely be out of the drive before he’d wish he could kiss her again.

“Um, dinner and detectives,” she said as she backed away from the truck door as he closed it behind him. “Sounds like a great night.”

“A great weekend,” he promised as he started the engine and turned the truck around, slowing to wave before heading on down the drive.

Georgia stood for a long time with her arms folded tightly across her chest, staring at the end of the drive. Finally, she turned and walked back to the house, Spam at her heels.

“He’ll be back in five days, Spammy,” she sat on the bottom step and spoke aloud to the pig. “Five days.”

The pig sat at her feet, looking up.

“You don’t mind Artie so much anymore, do you?” She scratched the back of the pig’s head. “Which is a good thing, since he’ll be living here too.”

Georgia absently toyed with the pig’s ears, thinking
about all the news Matt had shared with her over the weekend. He’d be moving here soon, maybe as early as next month.

It was a good news-bad news kind of weekend. “That would be a good thing,” she said aloud, grinning at the prospect of seeing him every day.

He’d be taking the barn space.

“Not as good, but I can probably find space for the studio in town. Not my first choice, but all things considered, like the fact that it is his barn, not so bad. I’ll work it out.”

Then there was the matter of Laura’s husband.

“Not good. Not good at all.” She shook her head, wondering how she could help her sister when Laura wouldn’t confide in her, and oddly, didn’t seem anxious to resolve her predicament.

“But then there’s Tucker ... and Spammy! Looks like Mom has a gentleman friend!” She giggled and the pig rolled over on her back. “What a perfect thing. Mom and Gordon Chandler! I’m going to call Laura ...”

Georgia went back into the kitchen and dialed the inn. She left a message for Laura with Jody, who was, at that moment, preparing dinner for seventeen guests.

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