Entangled (14 page)

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Authors: Annie Brewer

BOOK: Entangled
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Me: I’m busy, gotta go.

Spencer: Well, I’m drunk and felt like being an ass. Have fun. Get laid. Fucking live…not as a monk. Haha

I snicker at that last comment, wishing he’d let me do what I want without making me feel wrong. I don’t bother answering him and shove the phone in my pocket. The song is about to be over and I need to leave.

“Hey Dere, I’m taking off. Make sure she gets home safely.”

“Okay, take it easy man.” I reach the door and peer behind me once more before exiting the bar.

Chapter 19



“Oh my god Maddy, I’m so drunk.” Andi stumbles off the stage once our song ends, taking me down with her. I help her up and lead her to the bar.

“Okay, it’s time to go.” I tell Derrick. I’m drunk, but nowhere near as bad as Andi. I could walk a straight line, albeit, a little crookedly but still. Derrick leads us outside to Andi’s car. I’m definitely in no shape to drive, I’ve past the limit.

I’m luckily not scheduled until noon, which will give me time to sleep off the hangover, I’ll probably have.

When we get home, Derrick and I help Andi into her bed. I undress her while Derrick gets her water. “I love you Maddy. You’re such a great friend.” I lean my face away from hers. I wrinkle my nose, from her breath on my face. “Okay sweetie, you should brush your teeth.” She laughs in my face as I replace her clothes with pajamas.

“Here.” Derrick hands me a glass of water and Advil to give her for the headache she’ll be getting later. “Open up, Andi.” She takes the medicine and water. We put her down in her bed…and she’s out like a light.

“Maddy.” I turn and see Landon stumble inside the apartment. I roll my eyes, irritated.

“I’m really tired Landon, please leave.”

“We need to talk.” He shuts the door to my room before I can say anything. I open my drawer and withdraw a pair of matching pajamas. “Not tonight.” I say with finality, but it doesn’t do shit to stop him from trying. Of course being drunk doesn’t help his ability to listen. “What was he doing there tonight?” And I know with certainty who he’s referring to. I turn around to face him but grip the dresser after the dizziness takes over and I almost stumble. I straighten and grit my teeth.

“Last time I checked it was a god damn bar Landon. Which means anyone is free to come and go as they please. So don’t start interrogating me.” I leave out the part where I invited him but then again, he declined so how was I to know he’d change his mind? I place my hands on my hips, clearly peeved and wishing he’d take the hint that I need to change my clothes and I’m not about to change in front of him. When he doesn’t, I close my eyes and pinch the corner of my eyes.

“I’m sorry Maddy. I shouldn’t give you shit about this. I don’t like him and I don’t know why. But we’re not together, not really.” Not at all, I stop myself from voicing. “I know I can’t stop you from seeing someone. Do you like him?” He lies on the bed and I realize I’m not going to be able to change unless I do it here…

“Please turn the light off.” He reaches over and pulls the switch on the lamp. I quickly strip my clothes off and replace with my pajamas. I lean against the dresser, fully intent on
telling him the truth. “I don’t know what’s going on, but right now I enjoy being Noah’s friend. He has none, he just moved here and he needs someone to talk to. You may not like it and I’m sorry, but I’m not going to stop being his friend because you feel threatened by him. And past aside, he’s a good guy.” He doesn’t speak for a long time; I almost fall asleep standing up.

“Maddy, come lie down.”

“Go home Landon.” I move to stand beside my bed and wait for him to leave so I can lie down. I’m so tired.

“Come on, I won’t bother you. I’ll stay on this side, I promise. I’m too tired to get up.” I relent and climb under the covers and fall fast asleep.



I wake with a slight headache and an empty stomach. Landon left early, before I even got up, surprisingly. I made a pot of coffee and take a cup to Andi’s room. Her hangover is worse than all of ours. I knew it would be. “Here.” I hand her the steaming cup and an advil.

“Thanks.” She takes it graciously, bringing it to her lips. I smile. “I’m so sorry I got so drunk. God, I feel like such shit.”

“Yeah, we were both pretty trashed, although mine wasn’t as bad.”

“What time is it?”

“It’s 10:00.” I have to get ready for work. I’d rather be sleeping.

I take a shower and let the hot water beat down on my skin as I lather the soapy, wet loofa over my body. Once I finish rinsing my hair and body of any soap lingering, I get out and towel dry my body, blow dry my hair, brush my teeth and get dressed. I make a quick breakfast and leave enough for Andi.

I grab a glass of orange juice and fix my plate of pancakes and bacon. Andi joins me at the table, her hair a disheveled scene. I try not to laugh. “How are you feeling?”

“I feel a little better. But the room needs to stop spinning.”

“You should go back to sleep for a few more hours.” She waves her hand and fixes her plate. “Thank you for making breakfast.”

“Of course. The perfect hangovers cure…bacon.” She wiggles her eye brows once in agreement while she sips her coffee. Coffee’s another cure, for all things.

“So how pissed was Landon about Noah being at the bar?”

“It doesn’t matter, I told him last night that I was going to be his friend whether he liked it or not. He didn’t argue. Maybe he’s coming around to finally accepting he and I will never be anything more than friends. But then again, I should’ve been more firm with him instead of
letting him hang around so long. He has needs and I know that, but I won’t give it to him. Someone else should. We’re not in high school anymore.”

“Thank god for that. Although high school was easier. The real world sucks.” I couldn’t agree more. Actually, I’m on the fence with that one. In high school my life was always rocky. I was good in school but I had to preoccupy my mind most of the time to keep from slipping into a depression. I wasn’t always a good person, but thanks to Andi and Linda, they really helped me through all my emotional and mental issues. I took pills but only for a year, I refused to talk to a therapist though. No matter how many times Andi would bring it up, I ignored it.

I get ready for work and make my bed. “Have a good day at work, love.” Andi kisses me on the cheek and pads off to her room.

“Bye. Have a good day, and feel better.” I get in my car and back out of the driveway and onto the road. I turn the radio on and laugh out loud when “Back to Life” comes on. Story of my life.

“Hey Maddy, you’re chipper today.” I hear a co-worker take notice. I work into the clinic in a better mood than last week. I can’t say why, my body just acts jittery. I smile in return.



At lunch, I take my break in our breakroom. We have coffee and snack machines which I usually buy chips or a protein bar. There’s a knock on the door, followed by Jill, a part-time employee. She sticks her head in and says, “Hey you have a visitor.”

“Me?” I answer for her and get up, being that I’m the only one in the room, so of course she’s talking to me. I follow her to the lobby and stop short when I see who it is. “Noah?”

“Hey, I figured this was where you worked since it’s the only clinic in town. I’m not stalking you or anything.” I put my hand up to silence him and laugh. “It’s fine. I’d be worried if you couldn’t find my work.” I smile.

“Listen, I’m sorry for leaving the bar so suddenly and not telling you goodbye. Um,” He looks around for a minute and then back at me, “I’ve gotta pick up my best friend from the airport tomorrow. Would you like to accompany me?

“Oh, I’d love to but I have to work.” He looks disappointed but quickly masks it with a smile. “But I’ll stop by tomorrow night to meet him.” That makes him smile, and we stand there awkwardly for a few minutes.

“Okay, awesome. I’ll let you know when we get in.” He makes his way to the door and looks back at me, “You sang really great Maddy.” He turns and leaves me staring after him, feeling all warm and tingly from his compliment. But more than that, it was the intensity in his eyes and the softness of his voice, low and sexy. Crap! Crap! Crap!

Chapter 20



“Yeah, I’ll be there. Have a safe flight.” I hang up the phone with Spencer, take a shower and get dressed. Ever since I got this apartment, I’ve felt like a new man. It’s the beginning of my new life, my own.

When I thought Maddy was avoiding me, I tried to find ways to keep my mind busy and not demand why she’s the one who suggested we be friends and then blow me off. It was driving me crazy and I didn’t know why. But when she came over and initiated a painting party, I didn’t want to turn her down. And as lame as a painting party would sound, it was anything but. Now my living room feels warm, maybe a little dark with the color but for me, for a guy, it works. And I love it. And I have to admit, I had fun.

And then I find out that she sings, not only sings, but sings well. I was amazed. It’s like all these pieces are falling into place and I realize she reminds me of Lex. Everything this girl does remind me more of the girl I lost years ago. It has to be why I’m getting so attached to her. I’m adamant about building a friendship with her, but I’d be lying if I said I couldn’t see it turning into more. Just right now, I want her friendship and trust. The problem is, I have too many emotional scars, I’m not sure I should let her in…I can’t let her see them. I can’t.

It was nice to do something normal and fun. Painting with her, I never did that with Lex. But with Maddy, it was awesome, watching her let loose and dance while moving the brush was entertaining. She wasn’t tall enough to reach the entire wall, but she didn’t fuss about it and just found her a chair and climbed up. It was obvious she’s had experience with painting. I loved the color we picked-together and how it contrasted to the rest of the room.

But enough about her, I could go on all day, listing the qualities I like in her. Now if you asked me to do that with the other girls, for instance, Kasey, I’d only be able to list one or two. She’s hot and always smelled good. Oh wait and she has a pretty smile. But that’s it. She might have more but I never cared to learn more about her unless it was discovering what color her panties were that night before I stripped them off and discarded them on my bedroom floor. I had my chance to discern her great qualities but I didn’t take it. I didn’t want it then and I don’t want it now.

The problem is, I’m worried Spencer will say something in front of her to think there could be more. I can’t lead her on. I don’t know what would or could happen, I just want whatever happens to happen on its own, forcing. Dammit, I can’t. Why am I torturing myself?

After my shower, I straighten my apartment up a bit and then laugh at myself, wondering why I bother. It’s Spencer. He saw my old apartment, and he’s far from being a neat freak himself. I do like this place much better than the one my father paid for. It was bought with my own money, not his. I don’t need him throwing it back in my face. Thinking of him puts me in a bad mood so I get him out of my mind.

I check the time and realize I’ve got some to kill but decide to leave early anyway. I can sit in my car and listen to the music or something. I grab my keys, ready to roll and then there’s a knock on the door. I pause, wondering if perhaps, Spencer’s plane arrived early and he took a cab here to surprise me. But he doesn’t know where I live, does he? I shake my head and when I answer the door, I’m surprised to see Maddy standing there, but it’s a pleasant surprise. I smile.

“Hey.” She smiles too, with her arms behind her back.

“Hey, I was just about to leave. What are you doing here?” Not that I’m complaining.

“Oh, I just thought you could use the company afterall. I managed to get my shift covered. My boss is pretty lenient with me.”

“That’s a nice boss. I’d love the company.” I lock up and lead her to the jeep.

The drive is thirty minutes with traffic.

“How long will he be here?” Maddy asks cutting through the silence.

“I think a few days.” I look off, in thought. “I actually don’t remember.”

I pull up to the airport and check the time. Still early. I park the car and lean back against the seat I bounce my right leg up and down and tap my thumbs on the steering wheel. I act like a caffeine addict on pills. Maddy’s also anxiously fidgety.

“We’re early. Do you want to stay in here or go inside and wait?” I need air.

“Oh yeah, we can go in.” We get out of the car and walk through the doors. I look at the screens and find his flight information. It’s still on time.

“Hey do you want a snack?” Maddy calls from the vending machine. I turn around and walk towards her. All the junk food makes my stomach moan with hunger. I realize I haven’t eaten much all day. And let’s be honest, I’m not one to turn down junk food.

“Hmm, they’re all begging to be eaten. How does one choose?” Maddy laughs and chooses her selections. I decide on Doritos and a Twix. We eat and drink our sodas, I lose track of time and then hear…

“Holy shit, I’m here. I made it. And that was one boring ass plane ride.” Spencer says it loudly, drawing attention to him but he seems not to notice. Maddy looks from Spencer to me, knowing he has to be my company. She grins. “Well, fuck what a boring ass ride.” He repeats.

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