Entangled Souls (14 page)

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Authors: Kimber Waits

BOOK: Entangled Souls
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Camden was quickly closing in on Armando’s property as the truck carrying the Rayne family crest sped past. He was shocked to see Halen sitting in the front seat between the twins. He could only imagine what might have happened at the compound. He knew Halen would never leave with the twins of her own free will. He had no choice but to turn around and follow them.
Maxx drove like a madman, anxious to put as much distance between himself and the Rayne family as possible. A single shot rang out, hitting the front tire, the impact sending the truck careening down the steep embankment.
The impact knocked the air from Halen’s lungs. She crawled on her hands and knees, making a mad dash for the protection of the forest. Mud surrounded the trees, causing her to lose her balance. She slipped, her body tumbling toward the rapidly moving water below. At that moment, Camden’s strong arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her to safety.
“Camden, thank goodness! Man, am I glad to see you.”
“Come on, my car is parked not too far up ahead. Let’s get the hell out of here.” He grabbed her hand, running towards the car.
“Where are the twins? Do you think they managed to get away?” she asked.
“I wouldn’t doubt it. Is Bijoux okay?”
“I honestly do not know. I hope so.”
A voice echoed through the shadows causing them to freeze as a large man stepped forward, blocking their path. “If anyone has been harmed at Blue Willow, it will be on your head. Let’s go. The two of you are coming with me.” When they arrived back at the compound Halen was relieved to see the house still in one piece. She prayed she would be able to straighten out this mess with Armando so they could put an end to this nightmare.
Lyric and Katherine spotted the group and stumbled outside to greet them. Armando rushed up the steps, wrapping his daughter in a protective embrace.
“Did they harm anyone, my dear?” he asked, kissing the top of her head.
Lyric’s voice trembled with weakness. “Mitchell…Daddy…Mitchell…he’s dead!” She pointed an accusing finger in Halen’s direction. “She killed my brother! I want something done. She deserves to be punished for murdering Mitchell!”
“Are you kidding?” Halen snapped. “Camden and I had absolutely nothing to do with what happened here and you know it, Lyric. So stop being a vindictive bitch and tell the truth for once in your life.”
Armando waited for his daughter to confirm Halen’s statement. Lyric stared at Halen, contempt written on her face. She saw this as the perfect opportunity to get Halen out of her life once and for all. She would make sure Halen suffered an excruciating death along with the twins. Besides, when Kieran found out that his precious Halen instigated the uprising, he would be more than happy to see her dead.
“She’s lying, Daddy! She led the Breeders. She started the uprising!”
“What? No! You lying little skank. I ought to beat the…”
Armando’s eyes roamed over Halen, his gaze causing her to inch closer to Camden. Slowly, he reached up and turned on the light, its neon glow illuminating the anger on his face.
Halen wrapped her arms around her waist and shuddered, knowing Armando would show her no mercy. The man was pissed and out for blood. Her blood.
He turned to face Camden. “I know you’re the brain child of this operation — you forced this group of idiots to kill my son.”
Camden jumped to his feet, shocked by the accusation. “I had nothing to do with the uprising or Mitchell’s death.”
Armando pointed a white boney finger at the bloody, beaten body of a boy, crumbled in a pain-filled heap in the far corner of the room. “Look at poor, pitiful Maxx — that imbecile did not pull this off on his own.”
Jumping to her feet, Halen rushed to Camden’s side. “He’s telling you the truth. He came to see Bijoux.”
Armando slapped the worn leather strap against his thigh, his rage growing stronger by the minute. “I should have left you with Percy. That is what I get for trying to beat Lucien at his own game. Tell me, how did you do it, girl? Did you tempt Maxx with that perfect little body of yours or perhaps you promised to run away with him?”
“Stop it, Armando!” The trio turned around in time to see Maxx dragging his beaten body across the dirt floor, fresh blood oozing from his open wounds. “Halen would never do such a thing.” His voice quivered as he struggled to breath. “I…I’m responsible for your son’s death.”
Armando entered the darkened bedroom as the doctor finished his assessment of Bijoux. As the two men discussed her condition, Whitney took the opportunity to slip out of the room. Her heart sank at the sight of Armando’s goons standing guard over the breeding house. She said a silent prayer, hoping she could find a way to convince them to let her have a few moments alone with Halen. After much pleading and the promise of a hot meal, one of the young men opened the massive mahogany door, allowing her to slip inside. Rushing to Halen’s side she squeezed her hand before planting a kiss on Camden’s cheek.
Camden’s voice was raspy from thirst. “How is Bijoux?”
Whitney lowered her head, her body racked by sobs.
Dammit, Camden fumed. He loved his sister to death, but this was not the time for hysteria. Bijoux’s life was on the line. This time when he spoke his voice was firm and authoritative. “I asked you a question and I want an answer. Is she all right?”
“She…she’s having a reaction to the serum.”
Camden groaned, running his fingers across the back of his neck. “What else did the doctor say?”
“Armando…he upped her dose…he wanted to…use her. There was a problem. She had an adverse reaction to the serum. There’s a good chance she won’t…”
“You mean, she could…die?”
Whitney nodded, unable to speak.
“Whit, you cannot let Bijoux know about Armando’s plans for me.”
“You cannot expect me to keep the girl in the dark about something this serious.”
“Promise me you will not tell her what’s going on. She doesn’t need the added stress of worrying about me.”
The guard walked into the room, motioning towards the door with his rifle. “Let’s go, Whit. You need to leave before Mr. Rayne finds you out here.”
Camden flashed her an encouraging smile. “Listen to the man. If Armando finds you out here, you’ll both be punished.”
A heavy silence fell over the group as they watched Maxx struggle to gain his footing. Halen rushed to his side, looping his arm around her neck. He forced a weak smile, his eyes filled with a mixture of shame and remorse. “I got you guys into this mess and I’m going to get you out.”
Camden shook his head. “There’s nothing you can do, dude.”
“I wish Kieran was here,” Halen said.
“Yeah? Well, keep on wishing.”
Armando walked into his office and collapsed in the soft leather chair. His thoughts turned to Mitchell and his eyes filled with tears. He could hardly believe that his only son was dead! He was so young — destined for greatness within the Hive. He had convinced himself that Halen had led the uprising. He couldn’t imagine Maxx having the brains to pull off something so elaborate on his own.
A light tapping on the door pulled him out of his thoughts. “Enter.”
Katherine Bourdon entered the room, nervously sitting down on the sofa across from him.
“Is there something I can do for you, Katherine? How is Lyric holding up?”
“Fine, considering.” Katherine’s hands trembled as she absentmindedly tucked a stray hair behind her ear.
Armando sighed. “I cannot put into words how sorry I am about everything that has happened. I never dreamed your life would be in danger.”
“You do not owe me an apology. I want you to know how sorry I am…about Mitchell.” Her reference to his son brought fresh tears to his eyes.
“I’m thankful that you and Lyric were not harmed.”
Katherine squirmed uneasily. “That is what I want to discuss. Lyric will probably be furious with me — it is time you knew the truth.”
“Please elaborate.”
“First of all, I want it understood that I have no use for that Halen girl whatsoever. That slip of a girl wrapped Kieran around her little finger. The foolish boy needs to wake up and realize Lyric is the obvious choice to lead by his side. Nothing would make me happier than to have Halen out of my family’s life once and for all. It pains me to say this, Armando — if not for Halen’s interference, your daughter and I would be dead right now.”
Armando stared at her, shocked by her confession.
“What are you trying to say, Elizabeth?”
“Halen did not leave with Maxx because she wanted to be with him…she did it so Maxx would spare our lives.”
“Why are you trying to help the girl?”
“The tramp did save my life. I suppose I owe her that much.”
“I will consider your admission.”
“Why are you so determined to punish the girl, Armando? What in the world did she do to you?”
“It is personal, Katherine.”
“As you wish. My conscience is clean.”
She stood to walk out of the room, but Armando stopped her. “Why did Lyric lie to me?”
Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders. “She wants to marry Kieran. She knows it will not happen as long as Halen is in the picture.”
“That is no excuse for dishonestly. Lyric is not exempt. We all must live by a code of honor.”
“Do not be too hard on your daughter. She is only following her heart.” Katherine lowered her head, unable to be witness to the disappointment in Armando’s eyes.
“Kieran will be furious when he learns of Camden’s fate.”
“I warned the boy not to return. It is no longer in my hands.”
The Breeders were summoned to watch Maxx’s execution. Armando insisted they see first hand what would happen to anyone stupid enough to participate in any future uprising. The sound of the cutting ceremony carried across the compound and into Bijoux’s bedroom. Whitney placed her hands over her ears in an attempt to muffle the sound of Maxx’s pain-filled screams.
Bijoux struggled to speak. “Who…are they…punishing?”
“Maxx? Why?”
Whitney broke down, tears flowing in twin rivers down her cheeks. “Maxx and his brother led an uprising. Jaxx was killed. Armando is putting Maxx through the Letting Ceremony as punishment.”
“Poor Maxx. Perhaps I can stop them from killing him.”
Whitney forced a weak smile and squeezed her hand. “There is nothing anyone can do. Maxx was determined to get away from the compound and it went terribly wrong.”
“Where’s Halen? Why isn’t she here?”
Heavy sobs wracked Whitney’s body. “Their fate is sealed.”
“When?” Bijoux whispered.
“As soon as Maxx is declared dead.”
“That’s it. I need to get out of this room.” Bijoux forced herself to sit up, swinging her legs over the side of the narrow bed. “I have to help my friends.”
Halen shuddered and Camden wrapped a protective arm around her shoulder. The blinding sunlight caused her to blink repeatedly to adjust her vision. An eerie silence spread across the compound as the workers gathered around Maxx’s limp body. Everyone, including the children, knew they were witnessing their own fate.
Halen flashed Camden a weak smile. “Last night, I prayed Kieran would come and save us from Armando’s madness.”
“Be glad that he isn’t here. He’d only get himself killed.”
Armando stopped in front of Halen, his thoughts running wild. On the verge of going mad, he shoved her away from Camden’s side. “Katherine told me you saved my daughter’s life. I will delay your punishment until Kieran returns. He can decide how to handle your betrayal with Maxx.”
Halen stared at him, not quite sure what was happening. Unconsciously, she buried her hands in her pockets.
“Put the boy on the rack!” Armando called out, never taking his gaze away from Halen’s face.
Bijoux’s cries pierced the quiet as the guards placed Camden’s wrists over the blood-encrusted urns. “Mr. Rayne! Stop this madness!”
Armando turned to see Bijoux struggling to make her way through the crowd of terrified onlookers.
“Bijoux, you are not prepared to be among the others.”
She fell to her knees and grabbed his hands in her own. “Don’t kill my friends. I am begging you.”
His mouth curved into a smile as he gently stroked her matted hair.
“Halen is spared.”
She stared into his red-rimmed eyes. “And Camden?”
“I am sorry.” Armando called out to the guards. “Take her back to the house. She is not yet ready to join us.”
Gathering every ounce of strength she could muster, Bijoux shoved the guard to the ground, meeting Armando’s gaze. Pride and self-esteem overwhelmed her. She refused to grovel at his feet for one more minute. “Why can’t you be a real man? Tell these hideous creatures you created why you really want to see Camden dead. Tell them how your superior blood flows through his vein. You can’t stand the thought of Camden being your son!”
Camden stared at Armando, disgust written across his face. Learning that he carried this man’s blood made him sick to his stomach. Hell, he would rather be fathered by the devil himself.
Armando stared at the doctor. “Is she going to die?”
“I honestly do not know what her fate holds.” The man placed a hand on Armando’s shoulder. He had never seen a man so distraught over an employee. But Bijoux was young and beautiful, and he assumed that had something to do with Armando’s reaction to the young woman’s condition. “All we can do is wait,” he said, removing his hand and walking out of the room.
Finally alone with his thoughts, Armando tried to imagine what his life would be like without his family. His father had raised him to follow in his footsteps and he had never strayed far from his father’s goals. He learned from at an early age that the Breeders were an inferior race of beings. Feeders, such as himself, were above reproach and were to be treated with respect.
The bedroom door swung open and Halen tiptoed inside. “Kieran needs to talk to you. He’s waiting in your office.”
Rising, Armando slowly stepped across the room. Haggard, it took all of his effort to put one foot in front of the other. “Stay here until I return.”
Halen didn’t bother to reply — she had no intention of leaving Bijoux alone.
Entering his office, Armando slumped down into his chair, facing Kieran’s heated gaze.
Kieran placed his arms across the desk, staring back at Armando. “You unfeeling piece of crap.”
“That is quite an amusing statement, Kieran. How can you describe me as unfeeling? Was it not one of your filthy Breeders that killed my son?”
“Camden doesn’t belong to me, and he had nothing to do with the uprising.”
“For the life of me I cannot understand how you can be this loyal to a former Breeder — he is one of them, Kieran. The boy has the mark to prove it.”
“Oh, I dunno. Perhaps it’s because he’s saved my life more times than I care to count. Our friendship is a two-way street — we will always be there for each other.”
Armando leaned back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. “Very well, Kieran. I suppose you have a way to prove that Camden had nothing to do with the uprising.”
“As a matter of fact, I do.”
Armando appeared surprised by his statement..
Kieran took that as his cue to continue. “Camden wasn’t involved, Armando, and neither was Halen. Trust me. I would never lie about something this serious.”
“What you say may or may not be true, but it doesn’t change anything. Camden called Mitchell a thief — after I warned him to stay away from Blue Willow and my family.”
I mean no disrespect, but he called your son a thief because that’s exactly what he was.”
“Granted, Mitchell had his share of issues, both good and bad, but stealing did not happen to be one of them. Why would he choose to do such a thing when I provide my children with everything they could ever want or need?”
Kieran shook his head. “I can’t answer that question. Would you object to us searching Mitchell’s room?”
“For what purpose? What are you expecting to find?”
“Camden’s life savings.”
Armando, believing in his son’s innocence, agreed without hesitation. Hours later he returned to his office, followed by Kieran. “I believed my son incapable of doing such a thing.” Armando removed the stack of bills from his pocket and held it out to Kieran.
“No way, you keep it.” Armando ran his boney finger over the cash. “Why in the world are you giving me this money?”
“I’m not. Camden is. He planned to use that money to buy Bijoux’s way out of here.”
“I see. That is something we can discuss when I return. I will be gone just long enough to file a complaint with the court.”
“Against whom, Armando? After everything that’s happened to your family — why can’t you let this go?”
“You and that lying bitch. Camden might be innocent, but I have proof that Halen was involved in the Breeders turning against us. I cannot and will not let her behavior go unpunished.”
“I’m telling you, Armando…if you knew Halen’s true heritage you’d tear that paperwork into a million pieces and then bury them. You would get down on your knees and beg that girl for forgiveness.”
Armando was dumbfounded. When did Kieran discover Halen’s true legacy. “Hell will freeze over, melt, and freeze over again before I get down on my knees before a lowly Breeder.”
A sudden knock on the door caused his irritability to grow. “Come in!” he shouted. The young boy took one hesitant step inside of the room. “There’s a Mr. Forester here to see you, sir.”
Armando paled. “Forester? I thought…never mind what I thought.”
“He said his name is Alexander.”
Armando rubbed his chin. “Interesting. Show him in.”
Alexander followed close behind the boy. As he moved across the carpeted floor, Armando stepped from behind the desk. Retracting his claw-like fingernails, he offered his hand.
Alexander accepted his handshake with a smile. “Please, allow me to introduce myself. I am Alana Forester’s brother.”
Armando turned his back to the man. “And what brings you to Blue Willow, Mr. Forester?”
“I’m searching for my niece. Perhaps you know of her…Halen Forester?”
Armando’s voice was filled with disapproval. “Your niece? Are you referring to that insolent little Breeder girl?”
“No, Mr. Rayne, I am not.” Alexander shuddered. He despised the term and all that it implied.
“I am referring to the daughter of Xavier Bourdon and Alana Forester. Halen is the true leader — but you knew that, didn’t you? That young girl is the one who will bring about your demise.”
Armando paled. The glass fell from his hands, sending shards of glass dancing across the room, the spilled liquid spreading into a puddle around his feet.
Kieran knocked softly on the bedroom door before entering. “How’s she doing?”
Rising from the chair, Halen wiped a stray tear from her cheek. “I think she’s getting worse. I’m really worried.”
“Can you leave her for a few minutes. There’s someone here that wants to see you.”
“To see me?”
Kieran smiled. “Yes, and I think you’ll be thrilled to see him.”
Avoiding her question, he took her by the hand. “He’s waiting for you in Armando’s office.”
He attempted to lead her to the door, but she held back. “I don’t want to leave Bijoux alone.”
“Armando is waiting in the hall. He’ll hang out here until her get back.”
She didn’t want anything to do with Armando, but he insisted on blocking her path when she tried to step out of the room.
“Halen,” he said hesitantly.
Sensing her confusion, Kieran stepped between them. “Anything you need to say can wait.”
Riveted to the spot, Armando watched them walk away. He had treated Halen like a common Breeder. He knew it was a mistake from the beginning, but his hatred for Lucien was so great that he could not stop himself. His shoulders sagged under the weight of his own guilt. He opened the bedroom door and moved closer to the side of the bed. He slumped down into the chair, gazing sadly at Bijoux. She appeared restless, her breathing ragged and shallow. Armando groaned. His only son was dead, and because of his carelessness, Bijoux teetered on death’s doorstep. His world seemed to be crumbling at his feet.
Alexander’s resemblance to her mother was startling and for a moment Halen was taken aback. “You must be my Uncle Alexander!”
“How did you know?”
“You…look so much…like my mom.”
Alexander took a moment to study his niece. Despite her tacky and worn clothing, she appeared amazing beautiful. Her face glowed with health and her green eyes sparkled with strength and pride. He held his arms out to her. “Do you have a hug for your long lost uncle?”
She responded immediately and his heart overflowed with love for his dead sister’s child. He led Halen to the sofa, urging her to sit down as he proceeded to tell her about the documents he received from her mother before she died and his visit with her sister.
“I have to get home! I have to stop Maven before she does something stupid…even for her.”
“I need to let Camden know what’s happening,” Kieran said.
Halen smiled. “I’ll go with you, but first I need to speak with Mr. Rayne for a minute.”
Armando waited for her to approach him before saying uneasily, “Halen, my dear, is there anything that I can do to make this thing right? I want to make amends…if at all possible.”
Kieran stepped forward. “You can destroy all paperwork containing Halen’s name.”
“Of course,” Armando agreed without a moment’s hesitation. Unlocking the desk drawer, he removed the papers and handed them over to Kieran. “Here…rip them to shreds.”
Kieran accepted the papers and tore them into tiny pieces before pitching them into the fireplace. Armando’s weary eyes roamed over the duo. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“Yes!” Halen said.
“Name it and it shall be done.”
“Set Bijoux free.”
Armando inhaled deeply. “Ms. Forester, I would do anything within reason, but I will not release Bijoux. On this I must stand firm.”
Halen sprang to her feet. “You unfeeling, soul-stealing monster!”
Armando stood, his gaze locked with Halen’s. “I have lost my son. Someday, Lyric will marry and make a home and new Hive of her own. Bijoux is my last chance to create something magical…powerful…for our kind. Bijoux stays with me.”
“Damn you to hell!” Halen’s green eyes shot daggers at her rival. “Give Bijoux her freedom. Let her make her own decisions.”
“The choice has been made!”

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