Enter Helen (53 page)

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Authors: Brooke Hauser

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Hartogs, Renatus, 356–58

Harvard Lampoon
, 336–37

Having It All
(Brown), 166, 206, 367, 372–73

Hawk, Howard, 6

Hawk, Slim, 6

Hayworth, Rita, 210

Hearst, Joanne, 281

Hearst, William Randolph:

, 129–30, 138, 208

David's work for, 27, 28, 29

empire of, 137

, 129–30

Hearst Communications, Inc., 376, 384–85

Hearst Corporation, 137, 207, 248, 298, 356

Hearst Foundation, 365

Hearst Magazines, 121, 136, 139, 201, 211, 214–15, 231, 280–82, 304, 340, 388

Hearst Tower, 136–37, 377

Hedley, Pamela, 29

Hefner, Hugh, 89, 114, 128, 201–3, 339

(proposed musical), 1–3, 195

Heller, Joseph, 121

Hemingway, Ernest, 27

Hentoff, Nat, 245

Hepburn, Audrey, 16, 264

Hepburn, Katharine, 386

Hershey, Lenore, 306

Hesse, Paul, 195–96

Hewitt, Heather, 270

Hill, George Roy, 349

Hillis, Marjorie,
Live Alone and Like It
, 34

hippies, 252–54, 257

Hitler, Adolf, 26

Hoffert, Emily, 99–100, 107

Hoffman, Betty Hannah, 140, 142, 145

Hoffman, Dustin, 341

Holker, Hal, 188

Hopper, Hedda, 57

hormone therapy, 148–50, 207, 208

Houston Chronicle
, 53

Howard, Jane, 248

Howell, Marion “Mario” Ingersoll, 92

How to Make It in a Man's World
(Pogrebin), 306–7

How to Marry a Millionaire
(film), 5, 55

How to Marry a Millionaire
(Lilly), 146

How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
(Broadway musical), 59

Huerta, Dolores, 264

Hustedt [Crook], Barbara “Bobbie,” 213–14, 242, 248, 261, 291, 297, 357

I'm Wild Again
(Brown), 185, 194, 381, 387

In Our Time
(Brownmiller), 301

International Magazine Building, 137

Jaffe, Rona:

The Best of Everything
, 43, 77, 82, 219

contributing editor, 219

Mr. Right Is Dead
, 219

James, Henry, 234

(film), 359–60, 388

Jax, 146, 162

Jefferson Airplane, 252

Jessup, Elizabeth, 179–82, 187, 190–94

Johnson, Lyndon B., 111, 233

Jong, Erica, 363–64, 381

Fear of Flying
, 364

Joplin, Janis, 257

Josephine (dog), 103–4

Joslin, Rev. Roger, 388–89

Joyce, James,
, 56

Junior Catholic Woman's Club, 52

J. Walter Thompson agency, 25

Kafka, Franz, 322

Kali (Hindu goddess), 336

Kasper, Mary, 253

Katharine Gibbs Secretarial School, 314

Keller, Helen, 47

Kellogg, Mary Alice, 345

Kelly, Charlotte, 123

Kelly, Gene, 138

Kennedy, Caroline, 35

Kennedy, Florynce “Flo,” 284, 313

Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier [Onassis], 97, 105–6, 293

Kennedy, John F., 34–35, 47, 97, 106, 111, 147–48

Kennedy, Robert F., 271

Kenyon & Eckhardt, 9, 17, 30–31, 41, 72

Khan, Prince Aly, 210

KHJ Los Angeles, 198, 378

Kids Say the Darndest Things!
(Linkletter), 18

King, Billie Jean, 335

King, Harry, 375

King, Larry, 121

King, Rev. Martin Luther Jr., 98, 107, 271

Kinsey Report, 108

Kirsch, Robert, 46, 53

Kissinger, Henry A., 351, 366

Kissinger, Nancy Maginnes, 351

Klemesrud, Judy, 275–76

, 270

Koedt, Anne “The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm,” 278

Komisar, Lucy, 310

Koop, C. Everett, 377

Koppel, Ted, 377

Kroll, Lucy, 118

Kupcinet, Irv “Kup,” 46

La Barre, Harriet, 215

departure of, 280

as fashion editor, 146, 150, 151, 222

as travel editor, 243, 272

Ladies' Home Journal
, 32, 126, 133, 304–6, 307, 312, 325, 361, 362

Lady Chatterly's Lover
(Lawrence), 20

Lale, Newton, 169

Landey, Martin H., 375

Lange, Hope, 44

Lange, Jim, 219

Langella, Frank, 341

La Sala, Anthony C., 151, 217

Late Show
(Brown), 381

Lauder, Estée, 373

Lawrence, D. H.,
Lady Chatterley's Lover
, 20

Lawson, Donna [Wolff], 257

Leary, Timothy, 253, 283

LeClair, Linda, 275–77, 278

Lee, Gypsy Rose, 39

Lee, Pinky, 180

LeGacy, Liberty, 63, 76

Lehman, Ernest, 14, 15, 26

Leigh, Vivien, 375

Lennon, John, 253, 283, 325

A Spaniard in the Works
, 218

Les Girls
(film), 138

Let Me Entertain You
(D. Brown), 11, 28, 56, 142, 317, 318, 359

Levine, Suzanne, 351

, 5, 27, 127–28

, 147, 211, 230, 231, 234, 277

Life So Far
(Friedan), 89, 91, 309

(film), 163, 164

Lilly, Doris,
How to Marry a Millionaire
, 146

Lincoln, Abraham, 98

Lindley, Helen, 19

Lindsay, John V., 310, 313

Linkletter, Art:

Kids Say the Darndest Things!,

The Secret World of Kids
, 18

Linotype machines, 75

Little Rock, Arkansas, 179–82, 183, 185–86

Little Rock public library, 40

Live Alone and Like It
(Hillis), 34

Loeb & Loeb, 6

Lombard, Carole, 132, 176

Long John Nebel
(radio), 117

, 32, 211, 316, 327

Los Angeles, for the young, 105

Los Angeles Herald-Examiner
, 57

Los Angeles Times
, 48, 51, 53

Los Angeles Times Syndicate, 72

Lovely Me
(Seaman), 104

Lowman, Charles LeRoy, 186

Luce, Henry, 211

Lundberg, Ferdinand, 92

“M” (Helen's lover), 7–8

Maas, Jane, 101

Macfadden-Bartell, 128

MacLaine, Shirley, 217

, 126, 224, 260

Madonna, 386

Maharaj Ji, Guru, 337–38

Mailer, Norman, 242

Mamoulian, Rouben, 58

Mankiewicz, Joseph, 58

Mansfield, Irving, 234

Manton, Ruth, 130–31

March on Washington (1963), 98, 100

Marie Claire
, 379

Martin, Dean, 55

Marx, Groucho,
Groucho and Me
, 18

Marx, Harpo, 37, 256

Marx, Karl,
Das Kapital
, 20

Matthews, Freed, 181–82

Max Factor products, 30, 40–42, 123

Mayes, Herbert R., 27, 28, 47, 135, 215

MCA/Universal, 349

McCabe, David, 260

, 92, 93, 281, 316, 325, 326, 327

McCarthy, Mary, 77

McGovern, George, 265, 355

McQueen, Steve, 239

McSorley's Old Ale House, New York, 310

McWhirter, William A., 277

Meade, Walter/Walker, 155–58

as articles editor, 155, 156

at BBDO, 155–56

and Bill Guy, 155

, 155, 156, 209, 246, 360

as managing editor, 360

memories of Helen, 143, 156–58, 195, 207, 209, 213, 246, 274, 313, 320, 322, 348, 380

Reader's Digest
, 241

Meehan, Thomas, 220, 221

Melcher, Terry, 44


misogyny of, 94–95

as oppressors, 302, 304

society controlled by, 311

and women,

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), 13

Miami Undercover
(TV), 121

Mike Wallace Show
(TV), 68

Miller, Arthur, 56

Miller, John R., 280–82, 340, 341

Millett, Kate, 284, 313

Sexual Politics
, 306, 307, 311–12

Miracle Worker
(drama), 47

(film), 55

Miss America Pageant, 283–87

Miss Black America pageant, 285

Mr. Right Is Dead
(Jaffe), 219

Mitchell, Laurence, 379, 384

Modern Screen
, 152

Modern Women: The Lost Sex
(Farnham and Lundberg), 92

MOM (Men Our Masters), 316

Monroe, Marilyn, 13, 47, 55–56, 67, 201

Montero, Anne Mather, 92

Moreau, Jeanne, 164

Morgan, Robin, 283–84

Movie Mirror
, 183


audience of, 353

and Carbine, 316, 324, 326–29, 362, 364

, 325, 328–29, 351–56, 364–65

editorial content of, 326, 328, 335–36, 353–54, 355

and Felker, 334, 336

financial backing for, 333–34

and Letty, 324, 325, 327, 361

New York
, 327, 334–36

startup of, 324–29, 330, 333–36

and Steinem, 324–25, 327, 334, 336, 353, 355, 365

success of, 336

Ms. (title), 327

Ms. Foundation for Women, 365

Munro, Gordon, 265–68

Murrow, Edward R., 133

Myles, Patricia, 385

Myra Breckenridge
(film), 318

“Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm, The” (Koedt), 278

Namath, Joe, 341

National Abortion Rights Action League, 355

National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), 112

National Geographic
, 344

National Organization for Women (NOW), 305, 309–10, 313–14

National Women's Political Caucus, 324–25

National Women's Strike Coalition, 310–11

Natural Blonde
(Smith), 153

Neale, Mrs., 13, 17

Neel, Alice, 311

Nessim, Barbara, 263

Neubardt, Selig, 312

New American Library, 74, 128

Newman, Paul, 304, 341, 349

, 135, 144, 302–4, 328

New York

and Helen, 150, 227, 317, 348

, 327, 334–36

and Steinem, 265, 301, 334

World Journal Tribune
, 254

New York City:

Barbizon Hotel for Women in, 220

Biltmore Hotel in, 314

Browns' move to, 74, 75–81

career girls murdered in, 99–103

Fashion Week in, 387

feminist marches in, 313–16 “Girl Ghetto” in, 220

Helen's fascination with, 104–5

Helen's notes about, 82–86

McSorley's Old Ale House in, 310

newspaper strike in, 75–76

Schrafft's in, 77

“21” Club in, 226–28, 293

World's Fair (1964), 109–11

New York Herald Tribune
, 113, 161, 224

New York Journal-American
, 53

New York Post
, 255, 289

New York Public Library, 316

New York Radical Feminists, 305

New York Radical Women, 278, 283, 305

New York Review of Books
, 76

New York State, abortion law in, 333

New York Times
, 47, 48, 50, 54, 252, 264, 275, 352

Nichols, Mike, 165

“Nicky” (faux call girl), 269–71

(ABC TV), 377

Nin, Anaïs, 335

Nixon, Pat, 326

Nixon, Richard M., 97, 299

Six Crises
, 48

North by Northwest
(film), 14

Norton, Eleanor Holmes, 303, 314

Now Generation, 255

Nyman, Kecia, 225–26

Oates, Joyce Carol, 240

O'Brien, Edna,
August Is a Wicked Month
, 218

Ochs, Marie Catherine, 89

O'Connell, John “Jack,” 129

Odlum, Floyd B., 26

Ogilvy & Mather, 101

O'Hara, Kelli, 385

One Million Years B.C.
(film), 258

Ono, Yoko, 278, 325

O'Reilly, Jane, 335–36

Orentreich, Norman, 159

Orr, Mary, “The Wisdom of Eve,” 27

Ortho-Novum, 19–20

Orwell, George, 114

Osage, Arkansas, 169, 183, 194, 383

Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions
(Steinem), 302

Outrageous Opinions
(TV), 235, 242

Packwood, Bob, 378

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