Enticing Emma (2 page)

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Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enticing Emma
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“Hmm,” he agreed as he thrust his pelvis against her.

“Tucker,” she panted. “You have to stop.” She was physically and emotionally spent. She couldn’t take any more.

Tucker went from playful lover to totally alert in a heartbeat. “Are you all right?” His concern washed over her as he carefully withdrew. She shuddered at the separation, feeling empty without him.

She nodded, although she wasn’t really sure she would ever truly be okay again. Tucker had shown her a side of herself she’d never known existed. She felt vulnerable, not an emotion she particularly enjoyed.

Tucker wrapped his arms around her and simply held her. He was strong and steady. She buried her face against his chest and returned his embrace with a fierceness that surprised her before she forced herself to release him.

He leaned down and dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “I’ve got to get rid of this.” He gestured toward the condom. “I’ll be right back.” Hitching his pants up, he turned and walked away.

She watched as he disappeared down the short hallway. He’d never been in her apartment before, but he knew where to find the bathroom. Her home had the exact same layout as his.

He hadn’t even taken off his shoes and she was totally naked. That thought galvanized her to action. Her underwear was tangled with her slacks. She freed her panties and hauled them on, ignoring the sticky, wet sensation between her legs. She dragged on her slacks and zipped them before grabbing her blouse. She had it buttoned in record time. Her lacy bra was still lying on the floor. She picked it up and stuffed it in her pants pocket just as Tucker came back down the hall.

His eyebrows came together in a scowl when he saw she was dressed. Ignoring his frown, she picked up his shirt and handed it to him. He didn’t say a word as he yanked it over his head, not bothering to fasten the rest of the buttons.

“I think you should go.” The words came automatically to her lips. Part of her desperately wanted him to stay, wanted to explore this explosive sexual chemistry that ran between them.

It was for that very reason that she asked him to leave.

Tucker, more than any man she’d ever known, threatened her peace of mind. He’d rocked her world, destroying the carefully cultivated control she worked so hard to protect. He made her feel reckless, stirring up all kinds of intense emotions that were buried deep inside her. He could easily become very important in her life, and that would give him power over her. She couldn’t bear the thought of that happening. She couldn’t allow it.

She needed time to think and couldn’t do that with him standing beside her. Straightening her shoulders, Emma ignored the part of herself screaming she was making a huge mistake. She listened instead to the part that urged her toward the safe, sure path.

“What did you say?” Tucker was staring at her as if he couldn’t quite believe the words coming out of her mouth.

“I said, I think you should go.” She was getting annoyed now, but most of it was self-directed. This was only their third date, and she’d not only had sex with him, she’d encouraged him. Hell, she’d been as demanding, as out of control as he had. She had no one but herself to blame for the situation. “I don’t think we should see each other again.”

“You’ve got to be joking.” Tucker moved toward her, his hands outstretched to gather her into his strong embrace.

Emma flinched, afraid that if he touched her, she’d melt into his arms once again.

He stopped dead in his tracks. “You have to know I would never hurt you.” He slowly lowered his arms back down to his sides.

He said it with such sincerity that it brought unwanted tears to her eyes. He might not mean to hurt her, but Emma knew it was inevitable. She opened the door to her apartment. “You need to leave.”

Tucker’s fingers opened and closed reflexively as he stalked to the doorway. His gaze narrowed and he pinned her with his laser green eyes. “This isn’t over. I know you want me, but for some reason that scares you.”

Before she could contradict him or come up with some pithy comeback, he leaned down and planted a single hard kiss on her lips. She felt herself leaning toward him, but he was already pulling away.

“I’ll be waiting when you’re ready.” Tucker sauntered across the hall and let himself into his apartment.

Emma knew her mouth was hanging open. The audacity of the man was unbelievable. Of course, considering he’d just rocked her world and given her two orgasms, maybe he had the right to be confident.

It was only when he shut the door behind him that she was able to shake herself out of her trance. “Of all the nerve,” she said, because she felt like she should say something. She slammed the door shut and glared at it, but it didn’t give her any satisfaction. Tucker’s words still rang in her head, mocking her.

Leaning her forehead against the door, she closed her eyes. What had she done?

Chapter Two


Tucker winced when the door to Emma’s apartment slammed shut. Damn, he’d finally thought he’d made some headway when she’d invited him into her apartment after their dinner date. Being booted out of her place hadn’t been in his plans.

He kicked off his shoes and headed to the bedroom to change.

He’d known it was a mistake to make love with Emma this soon, but he’d been unable to resist kissing her. And when she’d whispered
touch me
in that soft, sexy voice, he’d lost whatever common sense he possessed.

Sex with Emma was even better than he’d imagined, and he’d imagined plenty.

Running his fingers through his hair, he heaved a sigh. He knew he’d lost what little ground he’d gained in the last few weeks. She was so darn skittish around him and he wasn’t quite sure why. He’d done his best to keep his actions laid-back, mostly coming around so she could get used to him. His time and patience had been rewarded when she’d agreed to go out to dinner with him. This was their third date, but he had a sinking feeling it would be their last one for a while.

Tucker stripped off his shirt and flung it onto the bed. He was still pissed off at how quickly she’d kicked him out. He’d been looking forward to a long night in her bed—the first of many such nights. But in the time it had taken him to get rid of the condom and clean up in the washroom, she’d changed from a sleepy, sated woman to one who had all her defenses up.

She was afraid of him. Tucker tipped back his head, closed his eyes and took another deep calming breath. He hated seeing her close up right before his very eyes. The open, smiling woman had disappeared, replaced by one he couldn’t read. The hardest part was that he had no idea what she was afraid of.

He knew she wasn’t physically afraid of him. She’d never have made love to him if that were the case. And thank God for that. At least she knew he would never physically harm her.

But he sensed she was scared of what he made her feel. That, at least, gave him hope. It meant she felt something for him. And he hoped that something was deep and meaningful. Or maybe he was simply deluding himself, believing what he wanted to believe.

He’d wanted Emma from the moment he’d laid eyes on her. She might not be society’s idea of beautiful—her features were ordinary and her body had some serious curves—but something about her had struck a chord within him.

There was a calmness about her that appealed to him, a steadiness of character that shone through in everything she did. Her brown eyes were expressive, showing every emotion. And, when she smiled, it lit her entire face, making her glow. Emma was beautiful from the inside out and her beauty was the kind that only got better with age. His entire body had gone on alert at their first meeting and remained in a state of low-level arousal whenever he was around her.

But the attraction had altered, developing into something even deeper. The more he’d gotten to know Emma, the more he wanted her. And not just for sex. He wanted her in his life on a permanent basis.

It had been easy to find out more about her. Dropping her name in conversation here and there, he’d learned a lot. Everything he’d discovered deepened his admiration of her. She was honest, friendly, hardworking and people liked her. They’d both been on a fund-raising committee for the local library. He’d enjoyed working alongside her. She was smart, organized, and had a sense of humor that complemented his own.

They’d spent time together at local functions, but they’d always been around other people. Emma was a different person then, more open and friendly. It was only when they were alone together or when she sensed that he was trying to get closer to her that she became nervous and closed off.

He stripped out of his dress pants and socks and hauled on a pair of faded jeans, zipping them but not fastening the button. He didn’t bother with a shirt. He went to the kitchen and helped himself to a cold beer from the refrigerator. Opening the can, he took a swig, letting the cold, yeasty beverage slide down his throat. He could still taste Emma.

Swearing under his breath, Tucker wandered into the living room and slumped down on the comfortable leather sofa. He propped his feet up on the coffee table and briefly thought about turning on his big-screen television to catch the last of the ballgame.

He didn’t bother reaching for the remote. There was no point. He couldn’t enjoy the game. He was too distracted by what had happened between him and Emma. He needed to figure out his next move.

She’d avoid him now. He knew that as sure as he knew that the sun would rise tomorrow morning. It would take time and effort to get back to the place they’d been in their budding relationship. But Tucker was in this for the long haul. He’d never met a woman who suited him so well.

It was for that very reason he’d moved into her apartment building. His old lease had been up, and when he’d discovered the apartment across from her was available, he’d jumped at the chance. He’d never tell her that. It made him sound like some kind of stalker, which he wasn’t. But he was smart enough to know that everyday contact was the only way to win Emma. She had to get used to him being around in order to lose her irrational fear of him.

He’d actually been getting ready to buy a house, but he’d put that plan on hold for a few months. Right now, getting close to Emma was priority. If everything worked out the way he wanted, they’d eventually be looking for a house together.

Taking another sip of his beer, he enjoyed the cold liquid as it slid down his throat. Holding the can between his hands, he tilted his head back and closed his eyes. Tonight had been absolutely amazing. The sex had been incredible, but the emotional connection he’d felt with her had made it even more special. She’d been so open and giving. Now that he’d had a taste of how it could be between them, he wanted it even more.

Failure wasn’t an outcome he was willing to entertain. Tucker had always been a focused and determined kinda guy, even when he was a kid. He’d always known his own mind and had planned and worked for what he’d wanted. He was thirty-two and had a good life, one he enjoyed. He had plenty of friends, his own electrical contracting business, and was financially secure enough to purchase his own home.

He also knew he wanted a chance at a life with Emma more than he’d ever wanted anything in his life.

He’d just have to be patient for a while longer. She’d never have given herself to him so completely tonight if her feelings weren’t involved. He knew she rarely dated and never seriously, so for her to have sex with him was a huge deal for her. And that suited him just fine.

His cock stirred as memories from earlier flickered through his mind. She’d looked breathtaking when she’d finally come. The expression of surprise and delight on her face would haunt him for many nights to come. No, she certainly hadn’t held anything back when they’d made love. He was starting to sweat just thinking about it.

Heaving a sigh of regret that he was here alone instead of having more amazing sex with Emma, Tucker swung his feet back to the floor and stood. He detoured to the kitchen long enough to pour the remainder of his beer down the sink and toss the can in the recycle bin before heading to the bathroom. Right now, he needed a cold shower or he’d never sleep tonight.

Not that he really expected to get any.

He had to view Emma’s reaction to their lovemaking as a small setback. There was no way he was giving up on his and Emma’s burgeoning relationship. In fact, he was just beginning.


• • •


After a sleepless night spent tossing and turning while she replayed their lovemaking over and over, Emma finally gave up pretending she was going to get any rest. She dragged herself into the kitchen and set a pot of coffee brewing before heading to the bathroom.

Showered and dressed a short time later, she poured her first cup of coffee of the day. Usually she enjoyed her solitude, but this morning the silence of her apartment seemed almost oppressive, as if accentuating her isolation.

She gathered her purse and a light sweater but stopped five feet from the front door. She could practically feel the solidness of the heavy panel at her back and Tucker’s mouth on hers as he kissed her. She absently touched her lips and her breathing became more rapid. They’d had hot sex against that door. She couldn’t say they’d made love, as they didn’t have that kind of relationship.

What kind of relationship did they have? She wasn’t sure. Probably none at all after she’d kicked him out last night. But she couldn’t have done anything differently.

She crept closer to the door and rested her ear against it, listening intently for any sound that might indicate Tucker was getting ready to head out to work. The last thing she wanted to do was leave the same time he did. Living across the hall from him was going to make things awkward.

Feeling foolish, she finally opened the door, slipped out and locked it. She skulked down the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator, which was known to be ridiculously slow at times. She couldn’t risk bumping into him while she was waiting.

Emma finally breathed a sigh of relief when she pushed her way out the main door and hurried down the steps and away from the building. But she kept looking over her shoulder as she walked the short distance to work, half expecting to find Tucker following her.

Which was ridiculous. Tucker wasn’t the type of guy to stalk a woman. They’d dated, they’d had sex, end of story.

Usually the gallery soothed her. She loved her work, loved being around artists and art and the people who wanted to purchase it. She was proud of the business she’d built.

But as the day went on, she remained nervous and out of sorts. She jumped every time someone walked into the place, certain it would be Tucker demanding an explanation for her behavior from last night. She’d run from hot to cold within minutes. He had a right to be upset with her.

And she had no explanation to give him, at least not one he’d understand. She didn’t fully understand it herself. Sex with Tucker had been unlike anything she’d ever experienced.

Physically, she hadn’t known it was possible for her to have an orgasm that intense, and certainly not several within such a short span of time. Her nipples puckered against the thin silk sheath she wore under her summer cotton sweater. She had to bite her lip to keep from moaning aloud. Her panties were already damp.

Totally distracted, Emma finally admitted defeat, left her assistant in charge and retreated to her office. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with customers today. Her concentration was shot. She was aroused and edgy and couldn’t stop thinking about last night or about Tucker.

The man was almost too good to be true.

Tucker always seemed to be prepared for anything. When Mrs. Jacobs on the first floor had problems with her sink, Tucker easily fixed it. Have a flat tire? No problem, Tucker can change it for you so you can get to the garage. It had gotten to the point that, if the superintendent of the building wasn’t around, everyone automatically looked for Tucker to take care of any problem they had. And the thing that surprised her most was he didn’t seem to mind. He usually handled all their minor household emergencies and did it with a smile on his face. The man exuded charm and appeal.

She knew it was perverse, but that was part of the reason she didn’t trust him. He was too handsome and charming for her peace of mind. There was a small voice in the back of her head whispering that anyone who seemed too good to be true probably was. That had certainly been her experience.

Emma spent the morning doing paperwork, losing herself in the routine of it. By lunchtime, she was feeling more like herself. She even managed to spend a couple of hours in the afternoon working the gallery.

By the time she flipped the
sign on the door at the end of the workday, she was feeling better about things, convinced she’d blown the whole situation out of proportion, making it more than it was.

She locked up the building and tucked her keys in her purse. A sense of satisfaction filled her. It still gave her a thrill to stand outside her business and stare in the window.

There were plenty of people on the streets and sidewalks, but foot traffic was getting sparse as businesses shut down for the day. Emma hitched her purse over her shoulder and headed home.

If Tucker were going to confront her about last night, she reasoned, he would have done so before now. In fact, he probably wasn’t thinking about it at all. They’d dated, had sex, and now it was over. Her stride lengthened as she walked and thought.

The more she thought about it the more she was convinced that she was right. There was no way he’d have spent the entire day agonizing over what had happened last night. Most men only wanted sex. Now that he’d had it, Tucker would probably just move on to some other woman.

The thought of another woman being the recipient of Tucker’s attention made her stomach clench, but she ignored it. Whatever he did was no concern of hers. Not anymore.

She was being silly, working herself up over nothing. Still, her heart started to pound the closer she got to her building. Luck was not on her side. Tucker was standing on the front lawn of the building with Mrs. Jacobs. The older woman was gesturing to something on the ground and Tucker was hanging on her every word and giving the occasional nod. There was no way for her to avoid him.

Not that it mattered. They were finished. Done. Over.

Emma knew she was lying to herself. No amount of reasoning could stop her physical and emotional reaction to Tucker. She still wanted him. Her composure threatened to fracture.

Swallowing hard, she willed her feet to keep moving forward. Just the sight of him made her break out into a sweat. After last evening, she knew what he looked and felt like beneath his jeans and T-shirt. Her hands were clammy and her legs unsteady as she put one foot in front of the other and headed up the walkway.

Deep in the pit of her stomach was the nagging doubt that she’d given up on something very special before it had even had a chance to begin. Her head continued to remind her about the unreliability of handsome men and that she was better off without Tucker. She didn’t need any man. But no amount of logic or common sense could stop the ache in her chest.

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