Enticing Eve: Scandalous Secrets, Book 2 (33 page)

BOOK: Enticing Eve: Scandalous Secrets, Book 2
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Because of his exceptional wife, Colin’s previous concerns were now all but forgotten. She would fight for him just as he would for her.

What more could he ask for?

Colin stood, grabbing the free blanket before offering his hand to Eve. Together they toured the lawns, past a barrier of stones stacked about three feet high and onto a footpath.

“Where are you leading me?” Eve asked, her tone coy.

“Down the path to ruin,” Colin quipped, helping his wife down several steps and into a cavernous woody area surrounded by large pines and a thicket consisting of at least a dozen bushes of varying varieties.

She inhaled the heady scent of pines, gazing at the bright blue sky, wispy white clouds and tall pine peaks in awe. “Colin, this is breathtaking.”

“Just wait,” he said with a smile as he placed the blanket on ground covered with pine needles. He helped Eve sit before joining her on the blanket. “Lay back and look up.”

Eve complied, and her voice caught in her throat. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.”

The tall pines stretched as high as the eye could see, all but reaching the sky as beams of sunlight cascaded through their lush green limbs.

“Listen,” he said. The sound of a soft breeze rustled through the leaves while birds chirped in harmony and the sound of a babbling nearby brook filled the air, the rushing current splashing against rocks as it flowed downstream.

Eve closed her eyes, “Sounds like paradise.”

“I thought you would like it.” Colin picked up a pine needle from the ground beside him and twirled it between his fingers. “I frequented this spot when my family resided here.”

“It puts life in perspective, doesn’t it?” Eve stared again at the view above. “We’re so small and insignificant in comparison to nature. How old do you think these trees are? They’ve survived so much and are still standing, still thriving.”

A life lesson from Eve MacAlistair … Colin knew his wife’s statement was meant for him.

“Very smooth, Wife,” he grinned.

Rolling onto her side, Eve propped her head on her arm. “I try.”

Colin had two choices – begin to open up to his wife or not. She already knew he fought in India and seemed to love him more for it.

Perhaps it was time for a little more honesty.

“Logan wants our experiences to remain in the past, and so do I,” Colin rolled on his side, meeting her empathetic gaze. “You deserve more.”

She remained silent as he continued. “There was a great deal of bloodshed, death, and corruption –allegiances swapped to the point that we didn’t know whom to trust anymore.”

“You and Logan?” Eve asked, her tone gentle and reassuring.

“Our regiment was in a rather bloody fight. Logan wasn’t hurt, but many in our regiment died. Our general was badly wounded. I attempted to get him to safety and was shot. I don’t know how Logan managed it as I was in and out of consciousness, but somehow he whisked us both to safety before the enemy could finish the job.”

Colin paused. These events forever changed him. “We were sheltered by a wealthy family. They hid us and tended to our wounds at great peril to themselves.”

“This family healed you?”

Nodding, he continued. “I healed though our general didn’t fare as well. He died but only after he wrote a will leaving his wealth to Logan and me – he had no heirs and felt as if he owed us for our endeavors to save him. It was quite a large sum.”

“What happened to the family?” Eve asked.

“They were discovered aiding the enemy,” Colin squeezed his eyes shut. “An armed soldier found them.”

Eve gasped. “What happened next?”

Avoiding eye contact, Colin studied the russet colored tartan blanket beneath them. “I shot him in the back.”


“I know. Killing on the battlefield is one thing but shooting someone in the back is unforgivable.”

Eve clasped his hand. “What would he have done to this family, to Logan, or to you?”

“Killed us or more likely captured us, torturing us for information before murdering us,” his voice quivered.

“How many people were in this family?” Eve asked.

“Five,” he still refused to meet her gaze.

“One life for that of seven,” Eve spoke methodically, as if it were a math equation. “You did the only thing you could under the circumstances.”

“I shot someone in the back, Eve—”

“To save the lives of seven people, including your own,” Eve squeezed his hand. “You did what you must.”

Colin studied his wife at last. Instead of censure, her expression was one of concern and … could it be pride?

“The General released both me and Logan from our posts before he died.
We …”
he paused again, gauging her reaction.

“Allow me to venture a guess. You smuggled the family out of danger breaking quite a few rules along the way.”

Tipping his head to the side, Colin asked with open admiration, “How did you know?”

Eve smiled at him. “You rescued a dog – who we must name, by the way. But I digress. Anyone who would rescue a dog and be haunted by killing someone in an attempt to rescue an innocent family would not leave them behind. Why didn’t Logan want you to tell me? Assuming that was part of your earlier argument.”

“We could be in trouble if anyone discovers the truth,” Colin exhaled.

One fact was revealed, and he felt lighter for it. All this time withholding it and yet here it was, out in the open along with the pines and birds and babbling brook. Life moved forward with the release of his secret.

“So that is how you amassed your wealth?” she asked.

Colin nodded. “Some of it, yes.”

“The rest?”

“Is for another time.” He studied her reaction, noting that Eve showed no signs of frustration.

“Thank you for confiding in me,” she placed her hand against his cheek.

Leaning closer to her, Colin confessed. “I am learning that I have no other choice since I am utterly besotted with you. I have also grown soft where you are concerned. I thought myself ruthless until you re-entered my life, haunted by what I’ve done, always on edge.”

“How do you feel now?” Eve suspected the answer long before she asked.

“You bring me comfort,” Colin admitted, his wide grin deepening the chiseled cleft in his chin.

Eve pulled him closer to her and pressed her lips against his, probing for entrance with her tongue. Her husband had taught her quite a lot since their wedding night.

She released his lips and kissed a path over his jaw to his neck then nipped his earlobe with her teeth. “How private is this lovely little spot?” she asked in a seductive whisper.

Colin rolled onto his back, lifting his wife on top of him. “Rest assured we are well out of view of the main house. None of the servants will venture out here, as most have no idea this place exists. No one can see us.”

“Good,” Eve’s smile widened as she straddled him, her fingers trailing over his vest and up to his neck where she began to untie his cravat. “You are far overdressed.”

Her dexterous fingers explored his neck and then worked to unbutton his shirtfront. She began to push the fabric off of his shoulders when her hands stilled, her breath catching in her throat.

“You take my breath away,” Her fingers traced the contours of his chest and chiseled torso.

“How daring you have become, Mrs. MacAlistair,” he teased.

“I’m your wife now, darling. That all but infers that I must be somewhat daring,” her reply was laced with a touch of mischief.

Colin tugged her closer, devouring his wife with passionate kisses as his fingers inched their way under her cape. Onward they explored until reaching the bare flesh above her bodice. He gently teased the soft flesh beneath her lightly lined wool neckline with his fingertips.

Shifting her weight, Eve perched herself atop his erection as his hands cupped her bosom. There was just enough give from her garment that he was able to maneuver the tips of her milky breasts from the confines of her corset and gown. As they pooled over her bodice, he encircled them with his thumbs, her breasts swelling in response to his touch.

His wife was exquisite.

Even shaded by tall pines, a few rays of sunlight managed to illuminate their private spot, causing Eve’s blonde tresses to glow like spun gold.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered, his voice rich with emotion. His wife was a vision, true enough, but she also possessed a heart of pure gold.

That, in his opinion, was her most attractive feature by far.

So caught up in his wife was he, that Colin failed
his trousers. She then took his hands in hers and placed them under her skirts. He deftly explored the folds until his dexterous fingers reached the warm flesh of her thighs.

Eve released a ragged sigh as he teased her womanhood, his length hardening as he noted that she was moist and ready for him. He continued to tease her feminine heart until his wife moaned. Colin then adjusted his trousers before easing Eve onto his shaft with care.

Splaying her palms upon his chest, she leaned into him. Here, in the privacy of their little glen under the tall pines and heavens above, Eve felt the significance of this most intimate act. She belonged to Colin in every way. Two souls united under God.

When she sighed, the leaves gently rustled in the breeze. It was as if nature was sighing with her.

She had never felt such pleasure or been in such control. Colin had handed her control, she noted as she undulated atop of him. Uncertain quite what to do, she let pure instinct take over, moving her hips as she shifted her weight.

The sensation was pure ecstasy.

Colin returned his attention to her breasts as his warm mouth devoured one, then the other in slow, seductive flicks of his tongue. A cool breeze tickled her nipples, heightening her overwhelming desire for him.

He was patient, allowing her to ride him all the while his length deepened, and his breathing grew labored. Eve could tell this slow pace was torture for him.

Leaning forward, she nipped his earlobe then whispered, “Make love to me.”

Her husband needed no further encouragement.

Placing his hand on the small of her back, he rolled her onto the ground beneath them, their bodies still intimately joined. He then rested his weight on his elbows and began to thrust, entwining his fingers in her silken locks.

Colin had allowed her time to explore him, but the time for slow was long past. His gaze held his wife’s with every thrust. Between her honeyed hair fanning her face, her moss-colored eyes and cape the rich color of bark, she resembled an enticing wood nymph. In fact, she blended in so perfectly with the rustic scenery it almost seemed like a dream. Until together, they reached their climax, two becoming one as Eve called out his name. Then Colin knew it was real.

This life, this extraordinary woman, was his.

Once their spasms had subsided, Colin rolled onto his back, cradling his wife as she placed her head in the crook of his neck. He adjusted her cape, so it sheathed them then lightly stroked one of her bare breasts.

Sated and breathless they lay under the tall pines. Colin kissed her hair. “You smell deliciously like pine.”

Eve ran her fingers through her hair, gasping at the knots. “There’s sap in my hair. How will I ever explain this to Eloise?”

“My love, you owe her no explanation. Besides,” he nuzzled against her neck, “she wouldn’t think of mentioning it. It is only proper.”

“Proper?” Eve mused.

Colin nodded. “We are husband and wife now. This is what we do.”

“Lie half naked in the woods?” Eve remained unconvinced.

His chest shook with a hearty chuckle. “No one cares where the deed is done as long as we perform our duty in producing an heir.”

“Ah,” she leaned on her elbow then ran her hand up his trouser clad leg. “This is one duty I am going to enjoy very much.”

Colin moaned as she reached his manhood. “Be careful, Wife, you may start something you may not be able to finish.”

Eve rolled on top of him. “I want to finish this time. She touched his shaft once again. “If …”

Her voice trailed off, and a pink hue swept over her high cheekbones.

“Don’t get shy now,” Colin teased.

“I want to finish what we started before,” Eve admitted her tone tentative, “If I can.”

“Oh, you most certainly can,” Colin raised his wife over his shaft once more. This time he coached her until together they climaxed.

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